
123musicnow-logo community Are you a music lover, a musician, an artist? This is the place to be. Express yourself! Inspire others and find lots of musical and artistic inspiration in return. Together we create an awesome network !

Sign up here or use your Facebook, Google, Yahoo or WordPress account instead.
Once a member, enhance your profile, upload your own photo, and start connecting. Find people with the same musical and artistic interests. Start or join a Fangroup.

While on the network we invite you to listen to 123 Music Now Radio and watch & rate videos in the Video Lounge. Above all wish you a great time on the 123 Music Now Network ! :)

Fanbook and groups

On the 123 Music Now Network you can create Groups and connect them to a FANBOOK. This is a blog published in a stunning book layout.
Start a Group and Fanbook about yourself, e.g. if you are a singer, band or artist. Or begin a group and Fanbook about a singer, band or artist you like. Here you find some examples of groups and Fanbooks.

How to create a Fanbook

Creating groups is easy! Click on the create button and follow the steps as indicated. To create a Fanbook, enable the blog function. Decide if you like group members to be able to make posts. When you are ready. Go to the tool bar at the top of the page, click my sites and go to the dashboard. From here you can start to create posts and pages and edit the look of your book!

MIND you may not use groups and blogs, or the activity stream for commercial purposes! Commercial activity is limited to 123 Music Now and advertismement partners. You can create your own ads on this site in a few clicks and promote your business that way.

123 Music Now Radio

123 music now radio123 Music Now Radio presents a delicious mix of musical styles:
Rock – Pop – Alternative – Soul – R&B – Hiphop – Reggae – World Beats.

Your song on the radio

Upcoming artist looking for exposure? Your song on the radio? Why not leave it in our dropbox and you might hear yourself on our online radio station. 123 Music Now Radio homepage

Video Lounge

Sit down, chill and watch videos in the Video Lounge: Live performances, new artists, interviews, and much more.

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