• The Daily Growl
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      Posted by on March 22, 2012

      Ding Ding Ding! Arrroooga Arrrooooga! That's the sound of the totaliser lights going off. Moe over at Yukea says that HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Kids in Need Backpacks have been sold so far. That's MILLIONS of Rox going straight to our totaliser and helping it climb. Remember what Mr. Moshi said - If we buy enough backpacks to reach our goal, he will donate even MORE backpacks to Kids in Need from the Moshi Foundation. Look
      . We're getting close!

      Haha the totaliser's hair is spiking up. That rules! He must be really excited about this project. I wonder if the totaliser has a name. Comment on THIS blog and tell me what YOU think his name is, and a few of you will get some Random Rox. We're almost to our goal… Let's keep up the awesome work!

      P.S. Check out
      62jimmie's room. That's a LOT of backpacks (2,012 to be precise)! Go 62jimmie! name9904 is right behind that with 1,284 backpacks and just behind that is romalda with 1,234. Keep up the good work everybody!

      Keep your eyes at hand...

      Roary Scrawl

      Posted by on March 21, 2012

      Ruby Scribblez here with Ruby's Review.

      Wow! It's been such an exciting start to the week. I got my nails done, brushed both of my teeth and I had just sat down to watch my eye TV when I spotted this AMAZING advert for Bobble Bots! Take a look.

      Bobble Bots are mini Moshling robots with customizable playsets. These amazing little Bots can open the doors to Monstro City shops and navigate their way 'round streets, mingling with their pals! There are 24 Moshling Bobble Bots and numerous Monstro City playsets to put together. Inside each package is a set of super-secret codes that you can use in the game. The best news is that Bobble Bots playsets are in stores near YOU!

      Bobble Bots are now available in the US at Toys R Us and Target stores, and will be in Walmart stores in mid-April. In Canada they are available now only in Walmart stores. If you're in the UK you can find Bobble Bots at Smyths, Toys R Us, The Entertainer and John Lewis. Wow! Click here to check out the entire range of Bobble Bots.

      Which Bobble Bot is your favourite? Leave a comment on this blog and a few of you will get some Random Rox! Yesterday's Random Rox recipients are pixie1988, saber206, and evenstar2004.

      Keep on Roxin'...

      Ruby Scribblez

      Posted by on March 20, 2012

      Attention London Moshi fans! To celebrate the release of the
      Moshi Monsters: Music Rox! album on Monday 2nd April, Zack Binspin & Mr Moshi will be at the HMV store on Oxford Street. Zack will give an exclusive performance of his hit single "Moptop Tweenybop (My Hair's Too Long)" at 10am before jetting off to get on with his gooperstar schedule. If you're one of the first 300 to show up, you'll get a wristband that guarantees a Meet & Greet with Mr Moshi, and the first 50 will get a goody bag so make sure you get there early! The signing event ends at 12 noon.

      The media have been alerted and will be there to cover Zack Binspin's world premiere. Be sure to wear something Moshi-rific in case you're caught on camera. Hey, what do YOU think Zack Binspin looks like in person? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will get some Random Rox. Friday's Random Rox recipients are sweetpea2912, watsupm8y, and dinosaur999888. Saturday's Random Rox recipients are purry5, megapuff9, and 2candycorn2. Sunday's Random Rox recipients are ellie19679, jasminemoshi1, and camywamy2003. Monday's Random Rox recipients are popcorn8699, mangocherrymelon, and laura13701.

      Don't forget, you can pre-order the album online in the UK! Let's try to get the album to number one!

      If you pre-order from any of the above places (UK only), you'll be able to get your paws on a limited edition album which includes an exclusive item for your monster's room, a Virtual Gold Disc to hang on your monster's wall, and 1,000 Rox. Goopendous!

      Pre-order from iTunes, and you'll get the Zack Binspin video for FREE.

      Keep your eyes at hand...

      Roary Scrawl

      Posted by on March 19, 2012

      It's Growly Grub Day! That means it's time to FEAST. In honour of Growly Grub Day and Elmore the Great, Snozzle Wobbleson has just announced an all new Gross-ery item - Glump Cakes! Put the puzzle together below to get your paws on one of the most RARE Glump Cakes, the curry one.

      Starting today you can find Cucumber, Curry, Cabbage, Mint, Sweetcorn, and Saffron Glump Cakes at the Gross-ery Store. But some are more rare than others. The rarest ones are Curry and Saffron and they also pack a healthy boost. If you don't see the Glump Cake you're after right away, keep checking back. Glump Cakes aren't just for Glumps anymore!

      And now the Growly Grub Day creations that will be made into actual Gross-ery items - Aidybop with Chocolate Shrimp Cookies and Gogoscrazybones6 with PURPLE (It's purple!).

      Aidybop and Gogoscrazybones6 have both gotten some Rox for their great ideas. Enjoy! Hey, how much do you think these two new items should cost when they come out? Comment on THIS blog with your suggestions and a few of you will get some Random Rox. Note: It will be several weeks before these items become available in the shop.

      Keep your eyes at hand... and on Moshi Tv. There are lots of great new videos to check out!

      Roary Scrawl

      Posted by on March 18, 2012

      Hello, Simon Growl here to tell you about another singing sensation: Sweet Tooth. You’re probably wondering how this twisted candy criminal ended up on the soon-to-be-released Music Rox album?

      Well as you know, I’m not a big fan of C.L.O.N.C. (honest!) but Sweet Tooth sent me (of all people!) a demo of the foot-poundingly glamtastic Sweet Tooth Stomp. Goody gum drops!

      I know a smash hit when I hear one (even though it was covered in treacly goo) but I was too scared to invite this sugary villain to my studio. Judging by the spine-chilling echo on the vocals I’d say the final version was recorded in the Candy Cane Caves. Sweet!

      Want to get your paws on the album? You can pre-order the album online in the UK! Let's try to get the album to number one!

      If you pre-order from any of the above places (UK only), you'll be able to get your paws on a limited edition album which includes an exclusive item for your monster's room, a Virtual Gold Disc to hang on your monster's wall, and 1,000 Rox. Goopendous!

      Pre-order from iTunes, and you'll get the Zack Binspin video for FREE.

      If you could record a song in the echoey Candy Cane Caves, which song would it be? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will get some Random Rox. Yesterday's Random Rox recipients are startrack, casper14, and catchaser.

      Keep your headphones close and your hair under control,

      Simon Growl

      Posted by on March 17, 2012

      Hold onto your Shamrocks Lassies & Laddies, 'cause St. Patrick's Day is here! Let's write Moshi limericks to celebrate.

      A limerick is a five-lined poem. The last word in the first two lines rhymes with the last word in the last line and the third and fourth lines' last words rhyme with each other. AABBA is the form. Hey, that's my favourite band!

      Here's a limerick I wrote about a friend of mine:

      There once was a Luvli from Monstro City
      Who liked to sing lots of ditties
      One day she got hoarse
      From Toad Soda of course
      Now her voice is not so pretty

      Here's a form you can use to help:

      I once met a _______ from ______
      Every day s/he ________________
      But whenever s/he _____
      The ________________
      That strange _______ from _______.

      Here's how to participate:

      1) Compose your original Moshi-rific limerick
      2) Type it as a COMMENT on THIS blog
      3) Sit back and relax and read them as they come in!

      A few limerick-writers will receive a BLARNEY STONE sized Rox prize. Note: Thousands of limericks will be submitted but only a few will get a Rox prize.

      Keep your eyes at hand...

      Roary Scrawl

      Posted by on March 16, 2012

      I've had eggs on the brain lately, and not just because Tyra Fangs threw an egg at my head this morning. Easter is right around the corner, there are limited edition Moshi Mystery Eggs available at Tesco stores in the UK, and the Big Moshi Egg Hunt is happening in London. Anyway, all this egg stuff gave me an idea… Let's make some Moshi eggs!

      Spookygirl painted those. Aren't they egg-celent? Now it's YOUR turn. Ask your parents' permission, and if they say it's ok, paint a hard-boiled egg or simply draw, paint, or collage an egg design on paper. Snap a photo of it or scan it into your computer and send it to contests@moshimonsters.com. We'll showcase our favourite entries right here at The Daily Growl and might even give out an egg-straordinary amount of Rox.

      What's your favourite type of egg? Some like chocolate eggs, others like scrambled. Comment on THIS blog with YOUR favourite type of eggs and a few of you will get some Random Rox. Yesterday's Random Rox recipients are dazzleapple, cheesylady, and moomoo176543.

      Ready, set, GOOOO!

      P.S. Don't forget to keep buying up those Moshi Foundation Backpacks at Yukea. There are a few of you who have bought HUNDREDS of them. Stay posted right here to The Daily Growl to find out who bought the most!

      Keep your eyes at hand...

      Roary Scrawl

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