Dr. Phil lands interview with Casey Anthony parents

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The parents of Casey Anthony, who was acquitted in July of charges that she killed her young daughter, will sit with Dr. Phil for their first interview since the trial, the program announced on Tuesday.

Anthony's trial in the death of her two-year-old daughter Caylee became a media sensation when it aired on television, and since it ended, the 25-year-old mother and her parents George and Cindy have stayed away from the public spotlight.

"I looked them straight in the eye and asked them some very tough questions," Dr. Phil McGraw said in a statement. The interview will air on September 12.

"Despite living under a 'media microscope' for years, their story has never really been told and there's so much more to it than we've heard in the media," McGraw said, adding that "nothing is off limits during this interview."

The case of Casey and Caylee Anthony took many twists and turns after the two-year-old's skeletal remains were found in a plastic bag near the Anthony's Florida home in December, 2008.

Casey Anthony never reported her daughter missing and, in fact, it was Cindy Anthony who first told police. Casey Anthony initially gave false statements about her and her daughter's whereabouts, and she eventually was charged for the murder.

The trial began in May 2011, and included the prosecution's contention that Casey Anthony wanted only to party and avoid parenting, so she researched the use of chloroform and used the chemical to put her daughter to sleep then suffocate her.

The defense claimed that Caylee had drowned in the family's pool and was found by George Anthony, who then covered up the death. The defense also claimed that George Anthony had sexually abused Casey since the time she was a young girl.

On the witness stand, George Anthony denied he had ever abused Casey, and Cindy Anthony claimed it was she, not Casey, who researched the use of chloroform.

Eventually, a jury found Casey not guilty of murder, but agreed with prosecutors that she had lied to police. Anthony is currently out of jail and in seclusion at an unknown location.

"We appreciate the way in which Dr. Phil has helped others, and we trust him enough to completely open our hearts in telling our story," George Anthony said in a statement.

The "Dr. Phil" episode with the Anthony interview will air on September 12, when the program returns for a 10th season.

(Editing by Jill Serjeant)


  • Darby
    Darby 3 hours ago
    Since when can murder of a small child be explained in good taste? I refuse to watch any show where Dr. Phil or the Anthony family profits monetarily from the murder of a child.
  • AkJonny
    AkJonny 2 hours ago
    Thank you Dr. Phil, you just confirmed my belief that you're all about ratings and money.
  • Louise Harris
    Louise Harris 4 hours ago
    The so-called Drs. always want to dig into people lives and speculate what is on a killer's mind. I think he is a creep for this interview and I think the parents are crazy as well.
  • sarah s
    sarah s 4 hours ago
    Wonder how much he is paying them...
  • Mitchell
    Mitchell 3 hours ago
    "Dr." Phil is nothiong but a huckster who lost the right to call himself "Dr." when Texas revoked his license for fraud.
  • GogMagog
    GogMagog 4 hours ago
    They raised a piece of crap... high school dropout, knocked up... not admitting who the father is, not working, stealing money and gas... what a monster you made. Killing your granddaughter was the crowning achievement of her twisted life. A waste of skin!!!!
  • Logical mind in illogical times
    Logical mind in illogical ... 3 hours ago
    Dr.Phil just joined a loooooong list of sell-outs.
  • tired
    tired 4 hours ago
    Can't wait to miss it.
  • negraindia5
    negraindia5 4 hours ago
    pay attention to the sponsers of his show on that day, and boycott all of them, don 't feed the bottom dwellers
  • larry
    larry 4 hours ago
    Trash likes trash.Not watching it here.Dr Phil,what a joke!
  • Jess
    Jess 4 hours ago
    BOYCOTT They are exploiting the murder of a two year old for blood money! Repulsive degenerates!
  • Debbie
    Debbie 4 hours ago
    will not watch
  • Wannabee
    Wannabee 3 hours ago
    Thanks Oprah for giving this douche a spotlight!
  • Dave
    Dave 4 hours ago
    No one, not one single person should watch anything that has any affiliation with Casey Anthony. She killed her child and will get rich because of it if people watch stuff like this. don't watch the TV shows and don't buy the books that will inevitably come out.
  • Thela Hun Ginjeet
    Thela Hun Ginjeet 4 hours ago
    Haven't we heard enough lies from these low-life people?
  • Jack S
    Jack S 3 hours ago
    Boycott Dr. Phil and write the advertisers that you will boycott their products we need to end this crap sensationalism now.
  • Linda
    Linda 4 hours ago
    I hope NOBODY watched this!!!
    She deserves NO publicity!!!
  • marc p
    marc p 4 hours ago
    How much did he pay for the interview? What a waste of money.
  • pumpkin
    pumpkin 4 hours ago
    Deep down inside me, I wonder why it's always Dr. Phil who leaps to "the rescue"....
    Something tells me that he's more in it for himself ( the glory ) than it is to really help a situation.
  • wezzer
    wezzer 3 hours ago