Linksys WRT54G v2.2

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Inspired by Murrkf

[edit] Flashing

NOTE: During configuration or flashing a device, the only thing that should be hooked to the device is the computer and power.

  1. Read the peacock announcement found here:
  2. Do a HARD reset on the router according to note 1 of the peacock announcement (30/30/30)
  3. Set a static IP on your computer to Subnet mask should be
  4. Connect the lan cable from your computer to a LAN port of your router. Make sure your router is plugged in. Nothing should be connected to your computer or the router except the lan cable between them. Turn your firewall and any wireless computer connections OFF.
  5. Power cycle the router (uplug the power from the router for 30 seconds and then plug it back in)
  6. Open your browser to by putting that in the browser address window of your browser. You should open the linksys webgui and NOT a page that says Management Mode. If you see management mode, power cycle the router again.
  7. Leave the username blank and enter "admin" as the password
  8. Go to administration and firmware upgrade
  9. Navigate to the folder that you are using, and select dd-wrt.v24_mini_wrt54g.bin
  10. Hit upgrade
  11. When you get a success, wait FIVE FULL minutes.
  12. If you don't get success, repeat from steps 6 up to this one. If you still don't get success, clear your browser cache. Try using a different browser as well, to navigate to
  13. When you can access the dd-wrt webgui using a browser at, power cycle the router.
  14. When you can again access the dd-wrt webgui using a browser at, do another HARD reset on the router.
  15. At this point you can choose to put a different build on, depending on what you needs are.
  16. Reset your computer ethernet connection to auto IP and auto DNS

[edit] Reverting

  1. Read the peacock announcement found here:
  2. Do a HARD reset on the router according to note 1 of the peacock announcement (30/30/30)
  3. Set a static IP on your computer to Subnet mask should be
  4. Connect the lan cable from your computer to a LAN port of your router. Make sure your router is plugged in. Nothing should be connected to your computer or the router except the lan cable between them. Turn your firewall and any wireless computer connections OFF.
  5. Power cycle the router (uplug the power from the router for 30 seconds and then plug it back in)
  6. Open your browser to by putting that in the browser address window of your browser. You should open the linksys webgui and NOT a page that says Management Mode. If you see management mode, power cycle the router again.
  7. Enter your username and password
  8. Go to administration and firmware upgrade
  9. Navigate to the folder that you are using, and select WRT54G_v4.21.1_fw.bin once you've unzipped it.
  10. Hit upgrade
  11. When you get a success, wait FIVE FULL minutes.
  12. When you can again access the Linksys webgui using a browser at, do another HARD reset on the router.
  13. Reset your computer ethernet connection to auto IP and auto DNS

[edit] Other Notes

Comment dgrosenberger October 2010: I followed the directions above exactly, including using the file version linked above, to flash my WRT54G v2.2 (it still had the original linksys firmware), and everything went flawless. This page and the first couple parts of the peacock thread are all you should need to read if you have the same hardware.

I then used the directions at to setup the repeater bridge to my main router and they worked perfectly also. I had my Xbox and DVR hooked up to the new router and working within 20 minutes of finishing the flash.