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100 Stories on Earthquakes
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Rescuers search for signs of life in southwestern Peru

Rescuers dug through rubble in the towns of southwestern Peru on Friday, searching for signs of life following Wednesday's 8.0-magnitude earthquake.

Time.com: The Night the Andes Shook

On Scene: A massive earthquake spares Peru's capital but devastates its countryside

Time.com: Peru Earthquake Deaths Rise to 510

The death toll rose to 510 on Thursday in the magnitude-8 earthquake that devastated cities of adobe and brick in Peru's southern desert.

Powerful quake strikes Indonesia

A powerful earthquake shook buildings and caused panic on the densely-populated Indonesian island of Java, but there have been no reports of injuries and no tsunami alert.

Time.com: Powerful Quake Shakes Indonesia

A powerful earthquake under the Java Sea shook Indonesia's capital early Thursday, violently shaking tall buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets

Russia: 2 dead in Far East quakes

A series of three earthquakes killed two people on Russia's Pacific island of Sakhalin on Thursday, the Russian emergencies ministry said.

Report: 1 dead from Far East quake

A strong quake hit near Sakhalin island in Russia's Far East on Thursday, reportedly killing one person and sending small tsunami waves to northern Japan.

Powerful earthquake hits Indonesia

A powerful earthquake rocked eastern Indonesia on Thursday, sending residents fleeing from swaying homes and hospitals, authorities and witnesses said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Mayor orders shutdown of nuclear plant struck by quake in Japan

The mayor ordered that a nuclear power plant hit by a strong earthquake be shut down Wednesday until its safety could be confirmed after a long list of problems -- including radiation leaks, burst pipes and fires -- came to light.

Strong earthquake jolts Japan

A magnitude-6.7 earthquake struck just off the northwestern Japanese coast Monday morning, knocking down several small buildings and resulting in at least 20 injuries, authorities reported.

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