METIS HISTORY Return to METIS 1750-1799 index
The Metis, at this time, are building the foundations of future cities such as Detroit, Michilimackinac, Chicago, Peoris (Illinois), Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Prairie du Chein (Wisconsin) all part of New France. They are striking out to the north, west and south, building more cities and towns as they go about their mercantile activities.
(III)-Louis Baby Voyager, married, Louise Decouagne (1736-1802), Montreal, Quebec. (Date(s) of field trips are not known)
Laurent Cadotte, b-1758 Canada, married Susan Indian b-1760, likely North West Territories.
Toussaint Charbonneau Metis b-1758 claims his father was Charbonneau a French Candian and Sioux woman. He married Shoshone Sacajawea.
(I)-Jean Doucet, engage to Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
John Forbes followed the old Indian Highland Trail to travel from Philadelphia by way of Carlisle, establishing Forts Bedford and Fort Ligonier along the way as supply bases, along a new route to Fort Duquesne.
Amable Hubert, was hiring men for Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), from 1758 to 1763.
(I)-James Isham, d-1761, of York Factory, (Manitoba) wrote to Ferdinand Jacobs at Fort Churchill Hudson Bay, that five canoes of Blood Indians (Mithcoo Ethenue) came to trade; the first of these people since 1733.
Daniel Marie Joncaire de Chabert en Clausonne (1744-1771) moved his family to Buffalo, New York, establishing a trading post at the mouth of the Buffalo River. He died 1771 British Fort Detroit, (Michigan).
(II)-Louis Luc de LaCorne (Born 1711) of Saint-Luc, for 8,000 franc, obtained the Fort La Pointe, Ojibwa Country (Wisconsin) concession until 1762. He married the 2nd time September 3, 1757, to (II)-Marie Joseph Gaultier (Guillimin) (born 1714), widow of (V)-Jacques LeGardier (born 1701), Monsieur de St. Pierre.
Francois Marie Picote, sieur de Belestre (1719-1793) from 1758 to 1760 is commander at Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
Christian Frederick Post, an Englishman, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, married a Cherokee.
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Pierre Reaume son (IV)-Pierre Reaume dit Thamur (Themus) and Marie Josephe Pilot; married 1780 Marie Jeanne Campeau.
Carol Lee Sanchez, a Metis was a true mixed blood and counted Laguna & Chippewa Indian and Scottish & Lebanese in her ancestry.
(I)-William Sutherland, b-1758 Scotland, married, Susette Trochie b-1783, most likely North West Territories.
Jacques Giasson and Ignace Hubert are contacted by Rigaud to gather the furs for Green Bay, New France (Wisconsin), for a one third interest.
Mail at this time to Red River des Metis was addressed via St. Paul to Pembina. The terms Red River Settlement or Hudson Bay Territory was not used at this time in the postal system. Most mail addressed to Pembina was forwarded to Fort Garry. Letters mailed to just Red River however would find their way to Fort Garry.
January 9: Detroit, marriage (III)-Cajetan Seguin dit Laderoute born January 23, 1726 Detroit, son (II)-Joseph Seguin (1694-1753) and (II)-Francoise Sauvage b-1700; married (IV)-Marie Genevieve Tremblay b-1740 daughter (III)-Pierre Tremblay.
January 23: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Jacques Godfroy, born January 6, 1722, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), died June 29, 1795 British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), son (II)-Jacques Godfroy (1684-1730) and (II)-Marie Anne Chesne b-1690; married 1st Francoise Leveille, married 2nd January 23, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), but living la cote nord (II)-Louise Clotilde Champoton b-1741 daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Chapoton..
Inhabitants of Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), include: Le Sourd Campeau, Sauragechez Girnois, Michel Campeau Sr, Michel Campeau Jr, Joseph Campeau, Rivard Chez Garnaise and Campeau.
The British finally recapture Fort Duquesne, located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers at the site of present day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after a humiliating defeat in 1755. The French, however, destroyed the Fort before withdrawing. The Fort was originally begun by the British in 1753. In April 1754, it was captured by the French, Sieur de Contrecoeur and completed. This Fort was rebuilt after 1761 and called Fort Pitt.
Fort Amhurst is built on the site of Port La Joie, established 1720, on the west shore of Charlottetown Harbor, P.E.I.,. The Fort was abandoned 1768.
January 16: Montreal, marriage (III)-Eustache Morier, b-1736, to (III)-Marie Amable Lefebvre, Metis, b-1733, Montreal, son (II)-Charles Lefebvre, Metis, b-1692 and (III)-Francoise Gaudry, b-1697.
January 30: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Alexis Seguin, born March 22, 1733 Detroit son (II)-Joseph Seguin (1694-1753) and (II)-Francoise Sauvage b-1700; married to (IV)-Marie Agathe Campeau born January 28, 1739, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) daughter (III)-Nicolas Campeau (1710-1756) and (II)-Agathe Casse (1716-1808).
February 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Alexander Fauvel son (III)-Joseph Amable Fauvel dit Bigras and (II)-Marie Charlotte Dufour born 1739
February 16: Makinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Jean Baptiste Rochereau, born February 2, 1756, is baptized July 16, 1758, and Marie Joseph Rochereau, born June 1758, both children of Michel Rochereau and Marie Tiennotte are baptized at Makinac, New France (Michigan). Pierre Leduc, alias Souligny, voyager, (II)-Jacques Philippe Farly, b-1710, voyager and interpreter are listed at Mackinac, New France (Michigan), according to marriage, birth and death records.
February 23: Michilimackinac, baptism, or birth? (III)-Louis Joseph Farley, Metis? son (II)-Jacques Farly, b-1710, voyageur and Josette du Mouchel.dit Dumouchel, b-1714; Louis is likely the adopted panis or son of Farley by another woman. See May 30, 1759
March 3: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, Francois Barrois, married (III)-Catherine Cesire, born March 3, 1735, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (II)-Jean Cesire (1698-1767) and (II)-Marguerite Charlotte Girard (born 1703).
March 5: Fort Detroit, birth Marie Catherine Macous (Fafard)., Metis, daughter Joseph Macous (Fafard), died October 10, 1768 Fort Detroit and Marie Jeanne Angouirot, a Huronne.
March 6: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Louis Campeau son (III)-Jean Baptiste Campeau (1711-1783) and (III)-Catherine Perthus (1718-1763).
March 12: Fort Detroit, birth Marie Catherine Macous, Metis, daughter Joseph Macous dit Fafard died October 10, 1768 Fort Detroit, and Marie Jeanne Angouirot, Huronne, sauvagesse.
March 16: Indians attacked and destroyed the San Saba Mission, Texas. Diego Ortiz Parrilla led a punitive military expedition (Red River Campaign) to avenge San Saba's loss.
March 24: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Marie Anne Gendron, died May 9, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (I)-Simon Gendron dit Potevin, a merchant, and (II)-Suzanne Bienvenu (1722-1764).
March 25: Michilimackinac, baptism, Thomas born 1745 son Hyppolite Kinonchamee dit Choumenen.
April 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Joseph Laforest, died October 2, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (IV)-Guillaume Laforest b-1725 and (IV)-Marie Marguerite Tremblay (1725-1768).
April 7: Fort Detroit, birth, (V)-Charles Petit son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Petit dit Milhomme b-1731and (III)-Marie Joseph Poupart b-1734.
April 9: Fort Detroit, birth, (V)-Jean Louis Lienard died September 9, 1758 Fort Detroit, son (IV)-Jean Baptiste Lienard dit Durbois and (II)-Marie Anne Deshetres b-1734; married March 1, 1787 Cahokia, Catherine Lefebvre.
April 12: Michilimackinac, baptism, Joseph Laurent du Charme son Laurent du Charme and Marguerite Metivier.
April 17: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage (I)-Gabriel Christophe Legrand de Sintre to (II)-Marie Madeleine Chapoton b-1739 Fort Detroit, died Januaty 7, 1763 Fort Detroit daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Chapoton, 2nd marriage July 26, 1764 Fort Detroit (V)-Veronique Reaume b-1745 daughter (IV)-Pierre Reaume.
April 23: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Francois Xavier Godfroy son (I)-Francois Godfroy (1717-1764) and (III)-Suzanne Pepin b-1719.
April 28: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Dominique Cosme et St. Cosme, Metis, son (II)-Pierre Laurent Cosme et St. Cosme born 1721 and (III)-Catherine Barrois, Metis, (1727-1790).
May 3: Fort Detroit, birth (IV)-Francois Meloche, death May 5, 1758 Fort Detroit son (III)-Francois Meloche b-1733 and (IV)-Marie Francoise Lauzon b-1739.
May 4: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marguerite Bouron alias Huron, died May 19, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (II)-Joseph Bouron, born 1722, and (IV)-Marguerite Reaume born 1725, see marriage January 7, 1756 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 6: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (II)-Louis Antoine Edeline, born September 22, 1690, Boucherville, Quebec, died May 6, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), son (II)-Charles Edeline (1641-1711) and Jeanne Braconnier (1653-1711) veuve de Crespin Thuillier; married (II)-Marie Thomas daughter (I)-Andre Thomas.
May 7: Kamouraska, birth, (II)-Louis Gagnon, Metis, son (I)-Pierre Gagnon, savage (Metis) (1709-1773) and Marie Anne Sauvagesse.
May 8: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Jean Baptiste Billiau married (III)-Marie Francoise Mesnil (Mesny) daughter (II)-Antonie Mesnil (Mesny) (1712-1794) and (III)-Jeanne Seguin Laderoute b-1724.
May 15: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), death, (II)-Pierre Amand Dufour, born 1746, son (I)-Pierre Dufour dit Bonvivant born 1714 and (III)-Marie Charlotte Gloria (1721-1766).
May 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), death, (II)-Jacques Pierre Daneau, born October 7, 1695, son (I)-Nicolas Daneau born 1651 and 2nd marriage (III)-Margarite Boucher (1663-1698); Jacques married Louise Genevieve Ruet Dauteuil born 1696.
May 21: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, Jacques Gaillard married Mackinac Marianne Gibeau.
May 21: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, Michael Rocheran to Marie Tiennote.
May 21: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, Pierre Leduc (le Duc) dit Souligny, voyager, married Agathe Villeneuve.
May 21: Fort Detroit, birth (III)-Marie Catherine Metay daughter (II)-Joseph Metay (1735-1791) and (II)-Catherine Duflour b-1740.
May 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Charles Jean Baptiste Chapoton son (II)-Jean Baptiste Chapotob born 1721 and (III)-Felicite Cesire, born 1737; married February 1, 1780, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Therese Pelletier.
June 12: Micilimackinac, baptism, (III)-Marie Angelique Couvret born March 1758 daughter (II)-Joseph Couvret and Charlotte (Demoulin) Sauteuse. see July 12
June 12: James Kenny noted that Jammy Willson (Indian or Metis) had obtained a White Woman and Boy towards Ohio . The Woman was taken as his wife and he loved her. She however wanted to return to her people so he divided his substance equally with her and gave half of the remainder to the boy. He gave the woman his horse to ride and set her and the boy free. Christian men seldom show such self denial.
June 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Louis Jadot to (IV)-Marguerite Desbuttes, b-1731, died September 26, 1764, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan).
June 21: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Charles Chesne son (III)-Charles Chesne, born 1732 and (II)-Marie Joseph Descomps dit Labadie, born 1737.
June 23: John Langdale set off from the Ohio to Philadelphia. Clapman with 8-9 men came from Detroit having been released there after being held prisoner by the Indians. Frederick Post is on his way to Beaver Creek to trade.
June 24: Lachine, birth (V)-Margarete Sarazin, daughter (IV)- Pierre Sarazin Depeltaux, b-1718 and (III)-Marie Anne Cesire b-1730.
June 27: Fort Detroit, birth, (II)-Catherine Rambaut daughter (I)-Charles Nicolas Raimbaut and (III)-Julie Cecire pour Judith Amable b-1728 daughter (II)-Jeane Cecire.
June 25: Lac des deux Montagnes, birth, (III)-Marie Angelique Hery, Metis, daughter (II)-Louis Hery (Duplanty-Kil8abe), born July 16, 1711, son (I)-Jacques Hery (1664-1746) and (II)-Jeanne Vanier b-1685; married Marie Anastasie Missalim8k8e of the Sauteux Nation.
June 26: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, Louis Jadot to (IV)-Amable Baudry dit Desbuttes, died September 26, 1764, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Desbuttes, Baudry Desbuttes dit St. Martin (1684-1755) of La Cote south West of Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and (III)-Marie Louise Doyan (1703-1778);
June 29: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Marie Jeanne Monburn, slave of M. Monbrun who got her from savage woman
June 29: Michilimackinac, baptism Pierre Kiniouichatoun born 1717
July: (II)-Isaac Batt Metis d-1791 journeyed inland with George Potts, returning to York Factory, Manitoba) June 1759.
July: Marquis de Montcalm smashed a superior New England and British attacking force at Fort Ticonderoga a.k.a. Fort Carillon at the George River and Lake Champlain. The French abandoned the Fort in 1759.
July 2: Michilimackinac, baptism, (V)-Charles LeTellier, Metis, born November 20, 1757, Fond Du Lac, son (IV)- Antoine LeTellier et Tellier dit La Fortune, Metis b-1733 and Charlotte Mi-Gauanon-Jean Auetaukis (Migsanonjean) (8et8kis) sauvagesse.
July 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Angelique Cabassier died July 7, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (III)-Joseph Cabassier (1722-1773) and (II)-Angelique Bienvenu dit Delisle born 1721
July 10: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Jean Baptiste Dubreuil son (II)-Joseph Dubreuil (1699-1754) and Marie Renee Dutaut, epouse January 17, 1757, Jean Autier St. Antoine de Chambly; married (III)-Catherine Drouillard daughter (II)-Jean Baptiste Drouillard and Marie Charlotte Fauvel dit Bigras, daughter (II)-Jacques Fauvel dit Bigras (1696-1751) and (II)-Angelique Clement born 1705.
July 12: Mackinac, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Marie Angelique Couvret Metis daughter (II)-Joseph Couvret born 1695 and Marie Charlotte Sauteuse. see June 12
July 13: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Marie Anne Langlade, born March 10, 1758, daughter of female slave of M. Langlade.
July 16, (some say May 21): Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, Michel Rochereau (Rocheran) of St. Mary's Falls (Sault Ste Marie, Michigan/Ontario) married country style 1755 Marie Tiennote (Tiennotte) born 1728 a catechumen of the Saulteux Nation.
July 16: Michilimackinac, baptism, Jean Baptiste Rocheveau, Metis born February 8, 1756 son Michel Rocheveau and Marie Tiennotte of the Saulteux Nation
July 16: Michilimackinac, baptism, Marie Joseph Rocheveau, Metis born May, 1756 daughter Michel Rocheveau and Marie Tiennotte of the Saulteux Nation
July 17: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Jean Antoine Donys, sieur de St. Vincent to (III)-Marie Louise Morel de La Durantaye daughter (III)-Michel Morel de La Durantaye.
July 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Francois Marie Comparet daughter (II)-Francois Comparet and (IV)-Marie Judith Tremblay (1738-1768).
July 24: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, Jean Baptiste Marcot (Marcotte) married Marie Neskech.
August 1: Detroit, death (V)-Marie Louise Lebreau daughter (IV)-Francois Lebeau (1741-1765) and (III)-Marie Joseph Fauvel die Bigras (1736-1766).
August 5: Fort Detroit, birth/death, (II)-Catherine Legrand died September 13, 1758 Fort Detroit daughter (II)-Gabriel Christophe Legrand de Sintre and (II)-Marie Madeleine Chapton b-1739.
August 6: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), marriage, (III)-Jean Baptiste Cottenoire (Cotenoir) born June 11, 1728 St Frs Du Lac, son Louis Copttenoire (1693-1755) and (III)-Angelique Deserosiers dit Dutremble; married Marie Joseph Matchiaugkauat 8akak8at (Ouagakout), Sauvagesse.
August 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Joseph Douaire de Bondy, captain son (III)- Joseph Douaire de Bondy ( 1700-1760) and (III)-Marie Anne Campeau born 1707; married (IV)-Marie Joseph Gamelin, born July 23, 1741, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (III)-Laurent Eust Gamelin, died 1774 and (III)-Marie Joseph Dudevoir ey Bonvouloir dit Lachwne.
August 18: Trois Pistoles, birth, Nicolas Gagnon, sauvage (Metis?), son Joseph Gagnon a sauvage and Angelique Quatrepatte sauvagesse.
August 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth/death, (IV)-Anonyme Boyer, born/died, August 22, 1758, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), child (III)-Ignace Boyer (1721-1784) Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and (IV)-Angelique Pepin dit Descardonnets.
September 4: Detroit, birth/death (IV)-Anonyme Seguin child (III)-Cajetan Seguin dit Laderoute b-1726 and (IV)-Marie Genevieve Tremblay b-1740.
September 10: Michilimackinac, baptism, Female Catechumen born 1741, living with Janise the trader.
September 16: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Marie Anne Cardinal daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Cardinal born 1728 and (IV)-Marie Anne Mallet.
September 25: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Jean Baptiste Ravelet dit LaRose married to (IV)-Rosalie Fauvel, b-1740, daughter (II)-Jacques Fauvel dit Bigras (1696-1751) and (II)-Angelique Clement born 1705.
September 28: Fort Detroit, birth (II)-Louis Ravelet son (I)-Jean Baptiste Ravelet dit LaRose and (III)-Rosalie Fauvel b-1740.
October 1: Mackinac, New France (Michigan), baptism Charlotte Souligni, born 1756 daughter Pierre Souligni, the younger.
October 4: Mackinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, of Marie Joseph born this day, of a slave residing with Souligni, who gave her to LeFebvre, formally a clerk at La Baie (Green Bay), New France (Wisconsin).
October 11: Detroit, marriage Francois Comparet to (IV)-Genevieve Judith Trembley born May 28, 1742 Baie St. Paul, died February 24, 1768 Detroit, daughter (III)-Augustin Tremblay, b-1710, died July 13, 1795, Detroit and (IV)-Judith La Forest, b-1723.
October 14: Fort Detroit, birth, (IV)-Alexis Stanislas Porlier, son (III)-Charles Porlier dit Vincennes b-1731 and (IV)-Francoise Genevieve Lambert b-1732.
October 25: Fort Detroit, marriage (III)-Michel Raymond b-1743 son (II)-Charles Francois Raymond b-1697, a voyager, died 1746 and (III)-Marguerite Dany b-1699; 1st marriage October 25, 1758 Fort Detroit Marguerite Aubin; 2nd marriage February 1, 1766 Montreal Marie Joseph Leduc.
October 26/27: Detroit, birth/death (IV)-Joseph Rochereau son (III)-Joseph Rochereau dit Lesperance b-1725 and (II)-Catherine Pilet (1736-1763).
October 28: (III)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte (1723-1803), married, (Churched) his Ojibwa woman (Anastasie Nipissing) and legitimized his two and one half month old daughter (IV)-Marie Renee Cadotte. (IV)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte Jr. (1761-1818) is born 1761 and (IV)-Michel Cadotte (1764-1837)is born 1764. Cadotte also used the alias Cadot, Cadau, Cadaut and Cadaux. (III)-Jean Baptiste Cadotte Sr. (1723-1803) is the son of (II)-Jean Cadot (1693-1743) and (II)-Marie Joseph Proteau (1701-1731).
November 10: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Jacques Gabriel Godfroy son (II)-Jacques Godfroy (1722-1795) and (II)-Louise Clotilde Chapoton, b-1741; married January 8, 1781, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), a Marie Catherine Couture.
November 19: Fort Detroit, birth, (IV)-Andre Poupart son (III)-Charles Poupart (1720-1777) and (IV)-Isabelle St. Aubin.
November 25: Fort Detroit, birth (II)-Simon Yax, son (I)-Michel Yax, a German, (1709-1793) and Catherine Herbins.
November 26: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Louis Seguin son (III)- Alexis Seguin, b-1733 and (IV)-Marie Agathe Campeau b-1739.
November 28: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage,
(III)-Isidore Chesne, born January 6,
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), died July 1, 1793, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), now living le Cote des Pontouotamis son (II)-Charles Chesne born 1694 and
(II)-Catherine Sauvage (1695-1778); married (III)-Therese Becquet daughter
(II)-Pierre Becquet.
December 14,
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth/death, (III)-Jean Desnoyers son (II)-Pierre
Desnoyer, born 1721, and (IV)-Marie Louise Leduc (1734-1766).
December 17: Makinae, New France (Michigan), baptism, (IV)-Louis Francois Xavior Bourassa Metis son (III)-Rene Bourassa dit La Ronde (1718-1792) and (III)-Anne Charlotte Veronica Chavalier [Mackinac Metis], born 1746, see marriage August 3, 1744.
December 30: Fort Detroit, birth (III)-Agnes Mesny, daughter (II)-Antoine Mesny (1712-1794) and (II)-Jeanne Seguin Laderoute b-1724; married January 20, 1777, Fort Detroit Amable Latour.
Fort Severn is re-established from York Fort, (Manitoba) having been abandoned since the turn of the century. The Ojibwa began trading Fort Severn.
The English rebuilt Henley House, but because of the atrocities committed against the Cree women in 1754, it was again attacked by 20 Cree, killing the English commander. The rest fled to Albany, James Bay.
(IV)-Pierre Amable also (Jean or Petit) Gareau (Garreau) (born 1739) of the Montreal Sioux Company married Mackinac, New France (Michigan), a (IV)-Elizabeth Leduc (born 1738) daughter (III)-Paul Leduc born 1706.
Alexander Brebant, born 1759, likely Lake Superior, Ojibwa Country, married September 9, 1835, La Pointe, Ojibwa Country (Wisconsin), Angelique Bouvier born 1785 likely Lake Superior, Ojibwa Country.
Mary Carow b-1759, living 1870 census, Cheboygan, Michigan.
Mackinac marriage (II)-Jean Baptiste Cottenoire born June 11, 1728 Ste Frs du Luc son (II)-Louis Cottenior (1693-1755) and (III)-Angelique Desrosiers dit Dutremble; married to Marie Josephte 8aqk8at (Sauvangesse)
(II)-Louis Couc dit Montour, Metis, born 1759 son (I)-Pierre Couc; married Madeleine Sacokie.
Phillippe Dagneau Diuville, Sieur de la Saussaye (1700-1754) was the French military commander at Fort Rouille (Toronto) this year when he abandoned the Fort, he retired from service. He lost one of his sons killed on the Ohio in 1757.
Louis Cesaire Dagneau, sieur de Quindre (1704-1767) lead a militia from Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), that included his brother Major Guillaume Dagneau and Francois Marie Le Marchand dit Lignery in an attempt to relieve Fort Niagara which was under attack by the British. Both Dagneau's were captured by the British.
(IV)-Gregoire Loyer dit Desnoyers, b-1759, Grand Marais, Miichigan, died St.
Clair, Michigan, son (III)-Jean Baptiste Loyer dit Desnoyers and (III)-Marie Ann
Couvert b-1704 Metis?; married September
17, 1781, Detroit, Michigan, (IV)-Terese Tremblay, b-1766 Detroit, daughter
(III)-Angustus Trembley (1710-1795) and (IV) Marie Judith LaForest b-1723
(V)-Charles Loyer Metis joined NWC 1804, Fort Des
Prairies, NWC (1813-1814) Flathead Columbia, 1815 freeman at Fort William,
freeman (1824-1825) Columbia
(V)-Jean Baptiste Loyer dit Desnoyers Metis? (1788-1862)
joined NWC (1820-1821) location not stated; married 1816 Fort Detroit, Rosaline
Peltier b-1796
(V)-Louis Loyer Metis b-1800/03 joined NWC 1817-1821)
location not stated, HBC (1821-1826) Lesser Slave Lake; (1826-1828) listed a
colonist; (1828-1831) & (1832-1836) Saskatchewan District, Listed colonist
(1831-1832) 1st married Jenne Metis; 2nd married Isabelle Gray Metis, 3rd
married 1851 Lac Ste Anne Louis Genevieve b-1811
(?)-Jean Baptiste loyer Metis aka Moostgush, likely son
(III)-Jean Baptiste Loyer dit Desnoyers and (III)-Marie Ann Couvert b-1704 Metis?;
married 1790 native girl.
Thomas Guthrie, Indian b-1759, North West Territories married Isabella Indian b-1770 North West Territories.
Mary A. Karrow b-1759, living 1870 census, Cheboygan, Michigan.
Lesperance Smith b-1759 married Jane Indian b-1775, Metis Red River Settlement (Manitoba).
Madeline Island, Ojibwa Country (Wisconsin), birth, Pizhiki a.k.a. Buffalo, died September 7, 1885, having spent his years at Buffalo, New York and La Pointe, Ojibwa Country (Wisconsin).
Louis Primo (Primeau), a French Canadian, claims to have wintered since 1759 in the North West Prairies.
Fort Detroit, birth (IV)-Jeanne Seguin, died October 1, 1763, Detroit, daughter (III)-Joseph Seguin dit Laderoute (1717-1795) and (IV)-Marie Therese Tremblay;
(IV)-Tranquille Turcot b-1735 is recorded at Fort Detroit.
Rigaud hired Jean Baptiste Houle for Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan).
Daniel Keller et Caler, alias Claude Sonhasentas, Anglais de nation, died June 6, 1761 au Lac des Deux-Montagnes married Madeleine Ska8ennati .
Fort Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), contains 88 men including: Pierre Gayau, Jean Baptiste Gayau, Louis Grinau, L'Ange Garcien and Louis Suyar.
Pierre Julien Troiter Desrivieres (1719-1777) and brother Jean Noel Troiter Desrivieres (1721-1765) apparently retired from the fur trade about this time, however, brothers Eustache (Francois) Ignace alias Beaubien (1727-1799), Joseph Amable (1733-1771) and Jasques Hypolite (1731-1791) carried on the family business. McGill would marry Amable's widow.
Antoine Louis Descomp-Labadie had gained the trust and affection (respect) of the Ottawa Indians in their territory by his honesty in his dealings with them. His grandson, Captain Charles LaBadie, possessed a curious collection of records between his grandfather and various Ottawa chiefs- especially the famous chief Pondiack. One document reads: Pondiack, chief of the Ottawa Nation, with assent of all the nations, in the presence of George Croughan, superintendent of Indian affairs, in consideration of the finer feelings that I carry for Antoine Louis Labadie etc. The signature of Chief Pondiack consists of hieroglyphics containing signs resembling the figure 9. The majority of the titles are in French, and some are written on small sheets of paper using symbols of eight chiefs like: bear, stag, cow, renards, fish etc.
Fort St. Jean, Quebec is built this year.
The men of Moose Factory (Ontario) threatened desertion unless provided with advances on their wages to meet the needs of their growing Metis families.
Henley House is re-established this year but again abandoned this same year as they claimed the Indians and French Pedlars (Metis) murdered George Clark.
January 12: Cahokia, marriage, Toussaint Cellier to (III)-Marie Joseph Marcheteau died July 19, 1757 Cahokia daughter (II)-Joseph Marcheteau dit Desnoyers b-1699 and (III)-Elisabeth Leduc b-1711.
January 22: Fort Detroit, marriage, (III)-Joseph Gabriel Pouget born December 4, 1728 Montreal son (II)-Jean Baptiste Pouget (1699-1736) and (II)-Gabrielle Dugast (1695-1756); married (III)-Francoise Belleperche daughter (II)-Pierre Belleperche.
January 27: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Joseph Davignon son (II)-Joseph Davignon, et Javillon, dit Lafeuillade 1759 and Marie Anne Lemelin.
January 28: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Madeleine Casse daughter (II)-Charles Casse dit St. Aubin and (II)-Marie Joseph Mettay (1729-1759); married February 2, 1778, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Andre Scaynis.
January 28: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Hyacinthe Lacelle, died November 9, 1759, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (II)-Nicolas Lacelle et Laselle (1715-1779) and (II)-Marie Joseph Cardinal (1733-1763).
January 30: Mackinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Louise Domitille Langlade Metis daughter Charles de Langlade and (I)-Charlotte Bourassa Metis b-1746; who would marry Pierre Grignon.
January 30: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Joseph Douaire de Bondy son (IV)-Joseph Douaire de Bondy, and (IV)-Marie Joseph Gamelin, born 1741; married March 10, 1777, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Joseph Beaubien.
February 2: South West, birth (IV)-Marie Angelique Jourdain, Metis, baptised July 16, 1760, British Michillimackinac, (Michigan) daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Jourdain b-1718 and Marie Joseph Reaume; married Augustin Roch.
February 8: Detroit, birth (IV)-Etienne Tremblay son (III)-Ambroise Trembley and (IV)-Marguerite Simard b-1726, epouse November 23, 1767 Detroit Charles Moran.
February 11: Fort Detroit, birth (IV)-Jacques Meloche, son (III)-Francois Meloche b-1733 and (IV)-Marie Francoise Lauzon b-1739; marriage July 12, 1784 Fort Detroit Marie Joseph Bernard.
February 12: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (I)-Julien Freton dit Nantais born 1727; habitant la Grosse Pointe of Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), D'Une conduite tres reguliere, married (III)-Marie Joseph Gatignon born 1744 daughter (II)-Francois Gatignon alsoCatignon et Gastignon dit Duchesne born 1700 and (III)-Marie Joseph David ( 1698-1793); 2nd marriage Marie, January 4, 1768, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Alexander Heler.
February 12: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Angelique Godet daughter (IV)-Jacques Godet (1699-1760) and (IV)-Marie Louise St. Martin dit Baudry Desbuttes; married July 24, 1775, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Francois Gouin.
February 22: Detroit, New France, (Michigan), marriage, (IV)-Antoine Nicolas Lauzon, born June 10, 1727 Montreal, died May 16, 1770, British Detroit (Michigan) living de la Cote Nord-est, son (III)-Nicolas Lauzon b-1693 died December 20, 1779 Detroit and (II)-Marie Madeleine Moran b-1704 or to be verified?? {(II)-Seraphin Lauzon (1668-1737) and (II)-Jean Desroches (1668-1696)}; married February 22, 1759 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (III)-Angelique Chevalier born July 11, 1733 Mackinac (Michigan) epouse May 20, 1775 Detroit Louis Casse, daughter (II)-Jean Baptiste Chevalier (1677-1752) and (II)-Francoise Alavoine (1690-1756.
February 26: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, (II)-Antoine Louis DesComps dit Labadie-Bodichon (1767) son (I)-Pierre DesComps: married (IV)-Angelique Campeau born September 17, 1742, died December 11, 1767, daughter (III)-Nicolas Campeau (1710-1756) and (II)-Agathe Casse (1716-1808). 2nd marriage October 18, 1784 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (III)-Charlotte Barthe born 1768 veuve de Louis Reaume daughter (II)-Pierre Barthe.
February 26: Fort Detroit, death (II)-Jean Casse dit St. Aubin b-1659 husband to (II)-Marie Louise Gauthier b-1678, died April 26, 1768 daughter (I)-Mathurin Gauthier (1633-1711) and Marie Anne Trolleau dit Giraud b-1643.
March 16: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Antoine Boyer son (III)-Antoine Boyer and (II)-Marie Louise Brigide Dufour born 1742.
March 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Cecile Lacoste daughter (III)-Francois Lacoste dit Lang-Languedoc (1720-1762) and (II)-Madeline Bourbon b-1722
March 23: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Madeleine Gamelin, died June 5, 1759, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (III)-Laurent Eustache Gamelin, born 1695, negociant, died March 11, 1774, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), and (III)-Marie Joseph Dudevoir et Bonvouloir dit Lachene daughter (II)-Claude Dudevoir dit Bonvouloir and Barbara Elisabeth Cardinal.
April 9: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Jeanne Brillant dit Lapierre, Metis, daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Brillant dit Lapierre (dit Beaulieu) and Francoise Itagisse Chretienne Sauteuse (Ojibwa). She married June 28, 1775, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), (III)-Francois Gatignon (Gastinon). Source Tanguay.
April 14: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Louise Beaujeu, born 1748, slave of M. Beaujeu.
April 14: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Catherine Langlade, born 1752, slave of M. Langlade.
April 16: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Louise Godet daughter (IV)-Francois Godet dit Marantay b-1720 and (III)-Jeanne Parant b-1739.
April 30: Mackinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, of Charlotte Villeneuve, Metis, born this day, a bastard child, of Constant Villeneuve and his panis (slave), Slave Savage says her master impregnated her.
May 11: The Mackinac, New France (Michigan), register says Pierre Francois Brisbe was born yesterday at La Pointe au Sable where he is baptized son Francois Brisbe dit LaGrandeur and Marianne Parent, godparents Marie Joseph du Mouchelle (Dumouchel) Farly, b-1714 and Pierre Parent.
May 14: Detroit, marriage Louis Edeline to (II)-Marie Thomas daughter (I)-Andre Thomas de Philadelphie and Letice Thomas.
May 15: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Julien Chesne son (III)-Pierre Chesne dit Labutte, born 1729 and (IV)-Marie Anne Cuillerier born 1730.
May 23: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Marie Catherine Coron daughter (II)-Francois Coron (1678-1733) and (II)-Marie Cyr; born December 31, 1704? St. Francois I.J.
May 30: Michilimackinac, baptism Augustin Kinonchamek born May 15, 1759 son Hyppolite Kinonchamek and Marianne
May 30 the panis (slave) of (II)-Jacques Philippe Farley, b-1710 a (III) Louis Joseph, Metis? age 15-16 years, is baptized.
June: The Pedlar, Jean Baptiste Larlee deserted the French and arrived York Factory, (Manitoba), in June. See 1765.
June 3: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Louis Joseph Farley, Metis, born 1743, daughter of female slave of M. Farley.
June 3: Michillimakinac, New France (Michigan), baptism, Marie Xaviere Janis, Metis, born 1739 daughter of a female slave of Janis.
June 3: Michilimackinac, baptism, Catherine Sans Peur born last winter daughter Joseph Sans Peur and Michelle.
June 3: Mackinac, arrival, (III)- Louis Pascal (Paschal) Dumouchel born March 31, 1725 Quebec, Quebec son (II)-Bernard Dumouchel (1687-1744) and (III)-Marie Anne Tessier dit Laviene b-1694: married 1769, Mackinac, Francoise Sauvagesse.
June 6: William Johnson began the siege of Fort Niagara.
June 13: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Pierre Janis, died May 7, 1761, son (II)-Nicolas Francois Janis b-1720 and (II)-Therese Meloche b-1732.
June 14: Michillimackinac, New France (Michigan), birth, (III)-Antoine Gabriel Landrouche son (II)-Andre Landrouche dit Skayanisse, a voyager, and Amme Parant (1723-1768).
June 14: Michilimackinac, baptism, Antoine Kinonchaton born 1753 son Pierre Kinoncheton and a pagan savage woman now deceased.
June 14: Michilimackinac, baptism, Pierre Kinonchaton born 1749 son Pierre Kinoncheton and a pagan savage woman now deceased.
July 18: Fort Detroit, birth/death, (II)-Charles Gabriel Legrand died July 20, 1759 Fort Detroit daughter (II)-Gabriel Christophe Legrand de Sintre and (II)-Marie Madeleine Chapton b-1739.
June 25: Commander Garneau of the Frigate Francaise, when at Louisbourg, handled prisoners. A traitor to his country, he served as pilot at L'Escadre Anglaise who arrived from I'Ile d'Orleans on June 25, 1759. For his reward he advanced one rank in the service of L'Angleterra.
June 25: Fort Niagara fell and William Johnson rushed to take Toronto but he only found smoldering embers as Alexander Dagneau Douville had burned the fort and fled with his 15 men to Montreal.
July: Fort Niagara on the east side of the Niagara River at Lake Ontario, (Youngstown, New York) was a French fortification from 1678 to 1759, and this year the French Castle- as it was called- surrendered to the British following a siege in the wilderness battle of La Belle Famille.
July 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Simon Gendron son (I)-Simon Gendron dit Potevin, a merchant, and (II)-Suzanne Bienvenu (1722-1764).
July 9: Fort Detroit, marriage Charles Barthelemy to (III)-Marie Suzanne Richard, Metis born August 15,1718 Montreal, daughter (II)-Jean Baptiste Richard, b-1682 an intrepeter, and Marie Anne Yon-Lade Couverte, b-1694 a sauvagesse of Miamis (actually is a Metis), epouse 1733 (III)-Gilbert Parant.
July 19: Detroit, death (V)-Francois Labeau son (IV)-Francois Lebeau (1741-1765) and (III)-Marie Joseph Fauvel die Bigras (1736-1766)
July 24: Father (I)-Claude Virot (1722-1759) is killed by the Iroquois near Fort Niagara.
July 24: Michilimackinac, birth (V)-Nicolas LeTellier, Metis, son (IV)- Antoine LeTellier et Tellier dit La Fortune, Metis b-1733 and Charlotte Mi-Gauanon-Jean Auetaukis (Migsanonjean) (8et8kis) sauvagesse.
July 25: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Suzanne Chauvin son (II)-Noel Chauvin born 1732 and (III)-Jeanne Meloche, born 1742.
July 30: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (V)-Alexis Laforest, died May 23, 1760,British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), son (IV)-Guillaume Laforest b-1725 and (IV)-Marie Marguerite Tremblay (1725-1768).
August: Diego Ortiz Parrilla attacked a Tonkawa camp, killing 55 Indians and taking 140 prisoners, this was in retaliation of an attack last year on the San Saba Mission, Texas. He took his army on to attack in October a Taovaya village at the Red River. Diego Ortiz Parrilla a seasoned military man suffered a humiliating defeat by a Comanche-Wichita coalition.
August 7: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Jean Baptiste Metivier son (I)- Jean Baptiste Metivier, a merchant, d-1773 Michillimakinac and Marie Josette (Joseph) Parant (Chaboillez).
August 9: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marie Louise Gouyou daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Gouyou (1722-1764) and (II)-Louise Delieres (1724-1766)
August 17: Michilimackinac, baptism, Charles Louis Francois Cardin, born August 20, 1761? son Francois Louis Cardin of Michilimackinac and Coussante Chevalier. see see September 3, 1761.
August 23: Ste Anne, massacre, death of (I)-Rene Portneuf, Louis Pard b-1695, Jean Gagnon n-1690, Pierre Gignon b-1698, Charles Languedoc b-1711, Michel Magnon b-1729, Jean Fortin b-1734, Louis Aliare b-1739.
September 2/13: Fort Detroit, birth/death, (V)-Catherine Petit daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Petit dit Milhomme b-1731and (III)-Marie Joseph Poupart b-1734.
September 8: Fort Detroit, birth (III)-Agathe Parant daughter (II)-Laurent Parant b-1703 and (IV)-Jeanne Cardinal b-1717.
September 10: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Archange Boyer, married September 1, 1781, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Nicolas Gouin; Archange is daughter (III)-Ignace Boyer (1721-1784) Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and (IV)-Angelique Pepin dit Descardonnets.
September 11: Fort Detroit, birth, (II)-Marie Louise Vallee dit Versailles, daughter (I)-Jean Vallee dit Versailles, and (III)-Marie Elisabeth Drouillard b-1740, epouse 1767 Pierre Desnoyers, daughter (II)-Jean Drouillard; married May 10, 1775 Detroit, Isaac Gagne.
September 11: Detroit, birth (V)-Paul Francois Lebeau, died December 19, 1759 Detroit son (IV)-Rene Francois Lebeau b-1730 Montreal EJ Bau; and (IV)-Marguerite Mobel de Ladurantaye; elle epouse November 27, 1760 Detroit Jacques Quesnel.
September 18: Fort Detroit, birth, (V)-Suzanne Lienard died October 18, 1760 Fort Detroit daughter (IV)-Jean Baptiste Lienard dit Durbois and (II)-Marie Anne Deshetres b-1734; married March 1, 1787 Cahokia, Catherine Lefebvre.
September 30: Michilimackinac, baptism, Marie Marcot, born September 8, 1759 daughter Jean Baptiste Marcot and Marie Amighissen.
October 1: Sault Ste Marie, birth New France (Michigan), (IV)-Charlotte Cadot dit Cadotte (1759-1768) baptism May 22, 1760 Mackinac, daughter (III)-Jean Baptiste Cadot (1723-1803) and Marie Athanasie Nipissing (Equawaice) sauvagesse (d-1766).
October 13: Fort Detroit, birth, (II)-Etienne Rambaut son (I)-Charles Nicolas Raimbaut and (III)-Julie Cecire pour Judith Amable b-1728 daughter (II)-Jeane Cecire.
October 19: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Charles Dubreuil, died February 6, 1763, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), son (III)-Jean Baptiste Dubreuil and (III)-Catherine Drouillard.
October 22: Detroit, birth (IV)-Marie Therese Seguin daughter (III)-Cajetan Seguin dit Laderoute b-1726 and (IV)-Marie Genevieve Tremblay b-1740; married October 28, 1782 Detroit Joseph Serre.
November 1: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Ursule Fauvel daughter (III)-Joseph Amable Fauvel dit Bigras and (II)-Marie Charlotte Dufour born 1739; married August 7, 1775, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Francois Cadoret.
November 1: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), birth (IV)-Marie Cottenoire, Metis, baptised July 16, 1760 British Mackinac, (Michigan) daughter (III)- Jean Baptiste Cottenoire (Cotenoir) b-1728 and Marie Joseph Matchiaugkauat 8akak8at (Ouagakout), Sauvagesse.
November 2: Michilimackinac, New France (Michigan), birth (V)-Marie Catherine Boucher, daughter (IV)-Pierre Ls Boucher de Niverville, sieur de Montizambert, b-1722 and Elisabeth Caroline Hate.
November 6: Michilimackinac, baptism, Louis Jacques Guillard son Jacques Guillard and Marie Beaujeu.
November 20: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (II)-Francois Navarre son (I)-Robert Navarre (1709-1791) and (III)-Marie Barrois Lothman; married February 26, 1781 Fort Detroit Marie Louise Godet.
November 25: John Forbes (1707-1759) captured Fort DuQuesne, (Allegheny, Pennsylvania) marking the end of French rule in the Ohio Valley.
December 4: Michilimackinac, baptism, Francois Xavier LaFortune daughter Catherine a panis slave of LaFortune.
December 16: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Pierre Boyer, died June 2, 1760, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), son (III)-Pierre Boyer (1707-1765) and Marie Anne Louise Pepin.
December 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Nicolas Drouillard son (III)-Jean Baptiste Drouillard and (III)-Marie Charlotte Fauvel dit Bigras; married February 6, 1794, British Fort Detroit, (Michigan), Marie Louise Montminy.
December 30: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Therese Chesne daughter (III)-Isidore Chesne (1738-1793) and (II)-Catherine Sauvage (1695-1778).