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Career Questions and Answers

Any advice on becoming successful?
Asked by MSMajor
I have so many goals for the new year, look fabulous, work out, get good grades in night study, get promoted, meet a fabulous guy. I try to be as disciplined as I can, but sometimes get bogged down by life. I've heard some self-hypnosis stuff can be really good, anyone use anything that boosted their confidence and all round success factor??

Best Answer:
Focus on getting experience, in the field you are interested in. with the experience money will follow. Cheers and good luck!

The best advice I've heard is to do something that you love and do it as well as you can.
Answered by Harbinger

Focus on one or two goals, not 27 different unrelated things. Have a timetable to reach your goals. Make them realistic to avoid becoming discouraged. Small steps turn into a great distance...
Answered by C>/

Don't forget to live! I forget this on occasion and came to the realization that a lot of people like "people-persons" to be in their workforce... Networking is extremely important and can be a valuable asset, as well as all the other skills and disiplines you master...
Answered by Little Man

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