From time to time, I will re-post articles from the archives that I feel will help travelers, because I am 99.9% confident that very few peruse my archives for stories. This is one of those posts, about buying discount tickets through airline consolidators.
In my research on the internet, I have found a great resource that pertains to international travel booking. This guide book is packed with relevant information and valuable tips for saving on international airfares by using airline consolidators. What exactly are consolidators?
True consolidators are those agents who purchase a block of discount tickets for future sale before the airlines close off the fare sale window. They then can sell tickets at a discount when you cannot get that rate by going direct to the airlines. For instance, Aeromexico recently announced a fare sale to many cities in Mexico at very good prices. But you had to buy within 7 days. What if you are not sure exactly when you wanted to go to Cabo however and couldn't risk making a reservation and finding you needed to change it, thus incurring a change fee?
This is where consolidators can help. Since they bought a block of these type tickets before the fare sale window closed, they can sell you a last minute ticket at a substantial discount to the airfare shown by Aeromexico on their site!. Sometimes, the later you book, the more discount the consolidator gives, since any unused tickets are simply swallowed by the consolidator at a total loss.
Check out this TravelSecretsGuide and see if you think it would make for a sensible purchase. I have personally read it and vouch for it - the information is extensive and extremely money saving and the research that went into the book is top notch. Like my books, there is a complete money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose if you don't find it as helpful as I have found it to be.