Business DayPersonal Tech

June 15, 2010, 5:25 pm

A Charger You Can’t Lose


The other day I opened up a storage box I had placed on a basement shelf about six months ago. It was full of AC adapters. About 20 of them. I could identify four.

The bane of the gadgeteer and gizmologist is the AC adapter. And among the more prolific types these days, for use with mobile devices, including all manner of iThings, are those that charge with a USB connector. With two children and five portable music devices in my house, I have lots of those, too.

On the go, these devices are required equipment, but at home, they are easily misplaced. A new U-Socket, from FastMac, may help.

U-Socket, first shown this year at Macworld, looks like most AC duplex receptacles except for the USB ports next to both sockets.

It replaces any normal receptacle; although it is just a matter of wiring in the new device, do-it-yourselfers need to make sure they shut off all electric power to the outlet. Or call an electrician. FastMac says it plans to put up a how-to video.

The USB ports accept almost all devices up to and including those that run on the new 3.0 standard; the ports put out enough power to fully charge even an iPad.

U-Socket will not drain electricity unless something is plugged into the port, FastMac says. It is priced for preorder at $20 and will be available though FastMac’s online store later this year.


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