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Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 19 February 2011
for Muhammad Sugiharto, born 21 September 1971
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Retreat ***
Valid during many months: In this phase in your life you may sometimes get the feeling that you are losing your footing. You might discover that you have had some illusions on the way you have lived your life. This discovery can make you feel very sad and tired, and it may give rise to the wish to withdraw from reality for a while. Maybe you also feel misunderstood and neglected by your loved ones and people close to you. But your desire to withdraw hints at a deep need to deal with inner processes. If you can find a way to bring your feelings into awareness, you will be able to gain a lot from this experience.

An active retreat from oppressive life circumstances can help you to gather the necessary strength to accept feelings which you might find confusing right now. Try to create some space for yourself by taking a break to relax, spending time in a health spa, or learning some kind of meditation. Give yourself enough space so that you have the chance to listen to your inner voice and to learn to trust its message! It will bring you in touch with your own inner calling and help you to unmask old illusions and to deal with your feelings in an honest way. You will find it easier to heal and forgive if you can lovingly accept the fears and vulnerabilities which resulted from the pain and disappointment you suffered in childhood and adolescence. You will then be better able to deal with the feelings that are so depressing at the moment.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Chiron Square Neptune, , exact at 19:51 
activity period from middle of April 2010 until end of December 2011
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers 

Moon Conjunction Mercury, exact at 15:00 
Moon in the 5th House, from 19:03  
Moon Trine Ascendant, exact at 21:51 
Moon Square Saturn, exact at 02:58 
Important long-term influences, for subscribers 

"Sweeping changes" (Uranus Opposition Pluto)
"A crisis of faith" (Chiron Square Jupiter)
"Security vs. freedom" (Uranus Opposition Sun)
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Mundane Events

Sun enters Pisces, exact at 07:25 
Sunrise, at 06:05 
Sunset, at 18:20 
Clock times are given in the timezone which is valid in Metro, Indonesia. Timezone offset at noon today: 7h east, i.e. noon is 7h earlier than in Universal Time (UT). The beginning and the end of each day refer to the local timezone at this location. The current reference place setting is 'use birth place for each person'. Change reference place