Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Not Worry

Matthew 6: 25-34

Story & Lessons

Anxiety may make a child of God weak and prayerless.

We may not heap up riches for ourselves, but we can still be over-anxious about providing for our basic needs.

What is the answer to such worry?

Jesus says, "Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things" (32).

Life is more than food, drink and clothes.

Will not God who has given us a body, provide for its needs?

God knows exactly what we need and He is not indifferent to our problems.

The unbeliever often shrugs his shoulder when perplexed and carelessly utters, "God knows!"

But the Christian can rejoice that his heavenly Father really does know and that He loves him and cares for him.


God did not spare His beloved Son but gave Him up to die a terrible death to meet our greatest need which is forgiveness of sin and peace with God.

Do we really think that He will let us down?

Worrying will not improve our circumstances but will so distract us that we may turn our eyes away from our heavenly Father.

Are you beset by fears and care?

Turn your care into prayer.

Trust your Father in heaven.

He will never fail you!

The Lord Jesus warns us not to be preoccupied with our bodily needs.

Such behavior is typical of those who do not have God as their heavenly Father.

We must be first and foremost concerned for our souls and the interests of God’s kingdom.

The tragedy is that so many of us are so materialistic and worldly that our souls are unhealthy through spiritual impoverishment while our bodies are unhealthy through over-indulgence.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (33)

Have you got your priorities right?


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