Many asked to me through comments to look for Dustbin Beaver Moshling code. From where comes that name? I am sure this is adopted from the teen artist on the rise right now is Justin Bieber with a distinctive haircut bangs.
You can compare these Dustbin Beaver Poster with the his original photo.
![How to Get Dustbin Beaver Moshi Monsters How to Get Dustbin Beaver Moshi Monsters](
![Justin Bieber Photo on Moshi Monsters Justin Bieber Photo on Moshi Monsters](
To collect these exclusive poster use the mopod code: GIFTISLAND23
Go to the sign in page. Typing in your login information and then type in the ‘Secret Code’ box.
![How to Get Dustbin Beaver Moshi Monsters How to Get Dustbin Beaver Moshi Monsters](
So, what about dustbin beaver moshling on moshi monsters?
Answer: I have asked all my friends and looking at official Moshi monsters blog and forum but I am sorry to say that despite the name in the zoo, it hasn’t come out yet. He is not yet available.
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Many asked to me through comments to look for Dustbin Beaver Moshling code. From where comes that name? I am sure this is adopted from the teen artist on the rise right now is Justin Bieber with a distinctive haircut bangs. You can compare these Dustbin Beaver Poster with the his original photo. To collect ...
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this actually works
@charlotte: of course this 100% works
what do mean this works this website does not tell u anything on how to get Dustbin beaver the moshling on moshi monsters he is already out in the moshling zoo in moshi monsters
it fantastic i got almost all of the pictures on moshi monsters can you do it agai NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@aid its GIFTISLAND23
I just got the DUSTBIN BEAVER poster (in your face Justin Bieber!) and it’s awesome!
Thanks sooooo much u helped loadss!!! How do u get lady goo goo?!
to Koolies.
u have 2 b a member 2 get lady goo goo. u complete the 1st super moshi mission and then get lady goo goo…i’m so glad i’m a member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
add me! i’m lilianwang
@lilianwang: My username is nenengjuwita
dustbin beaver doesn’t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it doesn’t work
justin beiber which is why that moshling is awsome}-)
works4me! thx. btw, i’m (surprise surprise) sappire2b on moshi. i hv the code for blingo: H6FJNA9D8Y9W. add me!
it is shoking they created him so they can tell us have anything to say to that hummm eeehhh no so seee.
dustbin beaver and justin beiber are both the same.:D
get it justin beiber is dustbin beaver:D;D:Dolololol
i love justin bebber so much aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
@savrocks2001 Willo, to get Blingo you have to buy the Moshi book “Buster’s Lost Moshlings”. It has a code at the back of it that can only be used once (which is why none of the codes you will be given by others will work as thry have already been used). You can get the book for £5.00 from Amazon (but make sure you buy a new one not a used one or the code might not work).
blingo: rwl5854306w0
yo just tell us the way to get dustbin beaver dont worry about blingo or lady goo goo
no one knows yet because he’s not out yet
someone said to me today how do u get thingy so and so and they also said that when is he out and i said
i don’t know
but i do know that
roary scrawl is disscussing when to let dustbin beaver out
how do you get dustbin beaver
how do u get himmmmmmmmmmmmm
i really want da moshling dustbin beaver vhjbun jk.trhnyi
I already have it so well lol i hate justin bieber and want millions more seeing as it is making fun of him he is an ugly brat and none of my friends like him and they ALL love jls . Me and my friend Lily liked jls first
Not the poster the moshling
JUST TELL US! And Abbie what is ur name on moshi monsters? PLZ… PLZ PLZ PLZ GIVE IT 2 US!!!!!!
wow… it does work!!!! but it’s a poster, i want to know how to get the real d.b.
I LOVE JB !!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything i say his name i scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thats y i say JB)?! me+him=LOVE!!! WE LOVE U JUSTING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (see)!
how do you get dustbin beaver
GIFTISLAND23 is not how to get dustbin beaver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GIFTISLAND23 is only how to get his POSTER, you bitch!
the blingo code doesnt work on a new book
talking about blingo the new code is well you will find it in a book but dont ask me what the book is called cos I onley have 2 and 1 of them is deffntley not that book. hmm but 1 code I no is fangtastic.
hi you will never find out the code many people have got me but thats only roary tyra simon weevil and lady goo goo
any way all of my fans add me on moshi monsters i am zackward on moshi monsters im cool but you will be able to get me very soon maybe 12th of july maybe hope so whant to be your moshling keep on searching for my code. you will find it any way see you soon!!!!!!!!!
signed dustbin beaver
p.s love you all.
hi me again any one got me yet
my best friend is blingo have you got him yet? i have
££££££££££££££££££££££ some times you have to pay money too see my concerts
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
i have already got the dustbin beaver poster and it is so right i hate justin bieber. i always call him dustbin beaver in school. how do u get blingo the moshling there is lots of different ways. the plant one didnt work for me and i cant find the book that has the code in it. where do u find the book. waterstones?
whats the code for the dustbin beaver moshling ppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I have dustbin beaver. To get Dustbin beaver you: type in under the mopod codes thing: TRAOIU5DHG20V5. then you plant it with a purple snap apple and an orange daisy it works!
i hate Justin Beiber!!!!!!!!
i know the dustbin beaver code
dustbin beiver isnt out yet it is comeing out on 14th july
None of those codes work…ive tried them both…..
i know how to get dustbin beaver you need disco mystery
can you please tell me the real atuall code
i just got a dustbin beaver poster aswell
it is so cool in your face justin beiber
i like justin bieber he is so hot how do you get dustbin bieber and blingo
ive got dustbin beaver haha but im not gonna tell ya!
the codes don’t work the blingo one dosn’t work and the dusbin beaver dosn’t work did it work for u???? because i copyed and paste and it still didn’t work
how do you get dustbinbeaver and blingo cause iv’e tried all these codes and they havent worked it says invaild code or it is spelt wrong but i copied and pasted them. add me on moshimonsters i’m called evanben10 and i no how to get all the
moshlings apart from blingo and dustbinbeaver.
you get lady goo goo by going to the volcano and do the first or second mission thats also how you get cherry bomb holga and
plinky and wurley
pleassssssssssssssse tell me how to get dustbin beaver and blingo
how do you get the new moshling penny
on moshi monsters add me im princesspeachlady i know somebodys username and password user is cdiddy12 pass is cdiddy
this game moshi monsters is the best game i have ever played i could just marry it and have *** with it
you get penny on the new super moshi mission super moshiversity challenge ( members only)
yeh i no the code for blingo actually works add me bradley1703
@llvl: I will explain this!!! Dustbin Beaver is not out, the code for the poster is GIFTISLAND23 (not in caps lock). I have blingo but his code changes. By the way penny is in mission 7 or 6 I forgot witch it was. Add me I’m gormiti67829.
Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix & Kurt Cobain all died at 27. Justin Bieber turns 27 in 2021. Patience, my friends.
cant wait till he dies it will be awesome
justin bieber is gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I WONT DB KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come and visit my room snowi3000 its awsom
today im gonna say the code for dustbin beaver poster it is GIFTISLAND23 like me bye
everybody…… well nearly everybody knows the code for that im not trying to be rude!
hey i was wondering……….. WHERE IS THE STUPID MOSHLING CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your website says: how to get dustbin beaver. BUT YOU ONLY TELL HOW TO GET THE POSTER! ( sorry im yelling i didnt take my pills today.
man who likes justin bebier if u do well dustbin bever iz realatd to him!!! (i dont like justin bebier
) soz 4 da fans!!!!!
charlotte coope hehehehe
how da heck do i get a moshiling man i dont even hav 1 B+C=P
look by da other side 2 see
TT man em like crying arghhhh
neva mind
see ya
bye bye
how to get roxy:
how to get blingo:
Yes the poster does, but if you search chipstick1 she has the mpshling dustbin beaver already!!!! She is a moshi staff!
My auntie works for moshi monsters add meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
hottz, meghan2311
There alll meeeeeeee
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
whats the code how to get dustin biber
Hello All – I am a Moshi Monster Editor and I have been asked to advise all users that Dustbin Beaver will be coming out next week – The code will be available in the nest issue of Moshi Monster!! Stay tuned
I typed in the code and it worked but i didn’t get the seed!!
please wot is it i tried everything in the world 4 dustbin beaver they hsavnt worked WAT IS DA MOSHLING!!!!!!!!!
actually , dustbin beaver is out because i have seen him in several zoo’s ! I f you want to make sure i am not a lier , go on youtube and type in ashleyangel3429 , then you will see 3-4 videos and click on I have found dustbin beaver and then listen! i have not done any editing on that video! honest!
from jadetherose
Yes!! savy is right! i found chipstick about 7 months ago and also i have a friend on it who is 7 and she has dustbin beaver! no affence i should know how to get it cuz i am 9 but how did she get it? her mum or dad dont work there or anything so it is a mystery! she is going to tell you the code how to get him and if it works i will tell you all the code on how to get dustbin beaver!! She is a mysterious girl! i need to find out how she got him or i will scream! Sorry , the reason why i am a bit wild is because today i am going to go and see the smufs in 3D!!! my first 3D movie ever!! it is going to be so much fun! btw do not copy my speech because i am a super fast typer! so you would never catch up my speed!!!
from jadetherose
i hope it works and if it dosen’t you just wanna make us look like jerks!
could someone let me know how to get dustbin beaver?
To get dustbin beaver you need to subscribe to moshi magazine!
look i now know how to get some codes but not the dusbin beaber i know how to get a disco danceing floor tipe this in to get it puzzlepalace i also know how to get a swirly wallpaper tipe this in port there is also some others but i forgot what it dose theres moshifunpark but i forgot the others ill tell you nextine some more codes by the way if you want to be my freind on moshi monsters my user name is jennifer15r