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N Order w9.009.106/X: Extended Daily Horoscope
Date: 10-Jan-2009 from  

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Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 4 December 2009
for Michelle Durante, born 13 April 1979
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Enjoy doing nothing
Valid during many months: Your actions could now be rather confused, and others may find it difficult to understand what you're up to. Do you have some kind of secret? Or do you simply not know how to go on? You don't have to do anything hasty because you probably haven't got any concrete aims in mind and you would only waste your energy. Try to be patient and to take things as they come. You certainly won't be able to force anything. You don't need to chase after anything or anyone. Make a virtue out of necessity: enjoy doing nothing and being by yourself. Listen to beautiful music, watch films and take an active interest in your dreams. Go on long walks alone, regardless of the weather, the wetter and windier it is the better!

Try to come to terms with yourself and the outside world. Enjoy your own company, you don't need anyone else. Try instead to be introspective. Your soul needs time to recuperate. After a while you'll start to make new plans and will also look forward again to meeting people and even to the little conflicts that are part of everyday life. But for the moment: take time out!

Transit selected for today (by user):
Mars in the 12th House, Mars 12,
activity period from end of October 2009 until beginning of June 2010
Transit selected for today (by the computer):

Venus in the 4th House,  (L)
Other transits occurring today

Moon Square Pluto, exact at 15:56 
Moon Trine Venus, exact at 17:38 
Moon Trine Uranus, exact at 19:47 
Moon Trine Moon, exact at 00:04 
Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 00:38 
Important long-term influences

"Selflessness" (Neptune Sextile Sun)
"Full steam ahead" (Mars Sextile Pluto)(L)
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Mundane Events

Sunrise, at 07:06 
Sunset, at 16:36 
Clock times are given in the timezone which is valid in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Timezone offset at noon today: 5h west, i.e. noon is 5h later than in Universal Time (UT). The beginning and the end of each day refer to the local timezone at this location. The current reference place setting is 'use birth place for each person'. Change reference place