Would you like to learn first hand from an author and coach who started with no technical background, no marketing background and no business background and created a 6-figure income in just 2 1/2 years online the REAL ecrets to Internet success
that most gurus WON'T tell you?

Finally A Proven Step-by-Step Easy-To-Implement eBook Marketing Coaching Program That Shows You How To Create Almost Instant Cash Flow And A 6-Figure Income On The Internet In 1 To 3 Years .....


Before I started working with Ellen, I had a website that didn't make money and no marketing plan.

After working with Ellen, I now have a subscriber list, a blog, an ezine, a top-notch sales letter, a 7-day ecourse, an affiliate program and ideas for tons of new information products.

I have step-by-step, proven strategies for growing my business through niche-specific research, killer copywriting, list building, email marketing, joint venturing, article writing, google adwords campaigns and teleseminars. 

I feel like I just got a degree in internet marketing! I've made a portion of my investment in Ellen's coaching back already, and I'm confident that I'm well on my way to building a profitable internet business. 

I'd recommend working with Ellen to anyone!


Carey Peters

  Even if you have no technical background, no marketing background and no business background!

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Stressed? Frustrated?

Have you spent thousands of dollars chasing money?

Are you feeling like what you’re getting isn’t what you signed up for in life?

Are you tired of pitches and coaching programs that sound great but just don’t deliver?

Are you a coach, independent professional, or author who wants to spend your time doing what you love, not getting stuck spending 90% of your time doing tech stuff?

Do you want a system that is easy to follow?

If you answered yes to any of these questions keep reading!

Ellen Violette

Hi Coaches, Independent Professionals, Authors, Speaker or Entrepreneur,

I'm Ellen Violette, a.k.a The eBook Coach and I want to tell you that if you answered yes to any of the questions above, you're not alone. In fact, when I first got onto the Internet, I bought into all the hype hook, line and sinker and jumped in-only to become overwhelmed and disillusioned pretty quickly and I'll tell you more about that in a minute.

But first, I want you to know that it IS possible to do very well online. I make more money than I've ever made at a job and more than most people. But it's NOT as simple as the guru's want you to believe it is!

And to make matters worse, they won't tell you the truth because they want you to keep spending money with them, month after month and year after year on things that don't work!
Or work a little but don't get you where you want to go.

And if you're wondering why they don't tell you, it's because they work on sheer volume. They don't really want to spend time with someone one-on-one looking at their particular business, ironing out the details and making sure it works. They'd rather dump a bunch of information in your lap, and tell you to go figure it out! (And if they are willing to work with you, you could spend $5,000 A DAY or more for the priviledge!)

But I can tell you from experience information dumping DOESN'T WORK! Every business is different and every business has constraints-no matter what level they are at. And when you're in the middle of it, you can't always see the forest through the trees-no matter how much information you have!

So you can spend YEARS trying to figure out how to make your business both highly profitable and fun or you could just tread water or worse.... you could go under!

I know because I almost did! More than once. And I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone! But the good thing is I learned A LOT and I know what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share EVERYTHING I've learned with a few very serious students-no holds barred.

Because the truth is; if you look at anyone who's REALLY successful they've got a coach!  They understand that  a great  a coach will save them time, money, and energy and help them make a lot more profit much faster than they could ever get there on their own. And they understand that time is money!

But coaching is time consuming and intense. And if you're going to give 110%, which I always do, you can't work with a lot of people at a time and it's going to cost some money, but it's the best investment you can make in your future! (Often times the first step is changing your mindset and then everything changes!)

So you have two choices: try to piece it together yourself and HOPE you survive and eventually thrive , or work with someone who really understands the process and can walk you through it, helping you avoid all the land mines along the way-so you can build a business you are passionate about, can't wait to get to each morning, and gives you the lifestyle you've always wanted! (No more traffic, no more  boss, no more office politics,  no more trading time for money, no more time clocks, no more low pay.....need I go on?)

The problem is people are ignorant, I know I was. I was looking for a coach when I first started and I found  plenty of them and studied with many. But not ONE of them taught me the most important things that I needed to learn to be really successful, happy, and fulfilled.  I learned those on my own the HARD way.

If the universe or God himself  had come to me and said "Ellen, I am going to give you a coach who is going to save you thousands of dollars, tons of aggravation, stress, and frustration and make your journey online smooth and exciting, all you  have to do is trust me and sign on the dotted line." I probably would have ignored them.

My mind would have said, "I can do it myself-I'm getting along studying with this expert and that expert" Or "No, your way is too expensive, I can't afford it" But knowing what I know now, I would JUMP at the chance because there's no way the average person can learn this on their own.

But I now know exactly what is involved in creating and running a successful business (and they are NOT the same thing.) And I also know that what I can teach you is SOLID GOLD!

It will not only give you short-term cash flow, and the blueprint for a 6-figure business and beyond but it will save you  thousands of dollars, thousands of hours, burn out and possibly your health AND your business! Honest!

So why did I put myself through all this?

Because I felt I had run out of options and I HAD to make  this work.

I'd been a Grammy-nominated songwriting, doing what I loved but making very little money, and a real-estate investor, buying, fixing and selling houses, and making really good money but with no passion for it. And I was scared! I didn't know what I was going to do! I'd never been able to hold down a J-O-B. And even if I could I'd never make the kind of money that I'd made in Real Estate. But I was burned out and the market had gotten too hot and there was nothing to buy.

I always knew that I wanted to write books but the process had always seemed overwhelming. I was an accomplished copywriter and I was STILL intimidated! I didn't know where to start either. And to make matters worse, the more I read the more confused I got. I was intrigued at the idea that I could write an ebook quickly and sell it online. Unfortunately, no one delivered. I was angry because the experts made it sound so simple and frustrated because none of the experts I trusted were personally available to me at a price I could afford - if at all.

And to make matters worse, I was on my own for the first time in my life with little margin for error. My parents had subsidized my music career for years and they had both passed on within eleven months of each other. I had NO safety net.

Then I discovered ebooks online and got really excited! It made sense to me to be able to sell what I wrote directly to the public without having to go through "gate keepers" and deal with nay sayers. So  I started writing my first ebook. I thought it was the answer to my prayers and within a month I would be making plenty of money and all my worries would be over.  But writing that ebook took a lot longer then I thought it would.

And then the real kicker....I got it done and realized that I was given almost no information on how to actually make money with it! And I didn't have a clue how to market it on my own. So I started sifting through all the free information I could find. But it wasn't enough so I started buying more products, courses and coaching program and discovered there's a lot more to it than just writing ebooks!

So I decided I needed a coach. I don't even remember how much I spent on the first one, but I spent $3,200 for my first }coaching program" and I never finished it. It wasn't teaching me what I wanted or needed to learn to be successful.

And looking back, even though I didn't know what I didn't know I KNEW that if I got bogged down doing technical and administrative activities all day long I wouldn't make it.! And that's key....I help people figure out what they are good at,  what business model will best support what they are good at and WANT to do,  and teach them how to let OTHER people do the rest of it so it's always fun, productive and profitable!!

I Spent Over $60,000 Learning
This But You Don't Have To!

 I ended up spending over $60,000 over the first couple of years and I got quite an education (in more ways than I intended)! I got my business off the ground and made 40 times what most people make their first year. Since then I've made $10,000 in fifteen minutes, I've written an ebook with a top Internet guru, and I've quadrupled my list. I've made $25,000 in 6 weeks and I  created a 6-figure income for myself in just 2 1/2 years (and now I have students doing it even faster and making even more!! 

But guess what? It took TWO YEARS before I sold a single copy of that first ebook. I made so many mistakes. And many of them could have been avoided if I had had an ebook coach. But there weren't any! So I decided to become one because I knew I could help people do it better and faster with way less stress than what I had gone through!   And the good news is that now you can get all my insider secrets spoon-fed to you so you don't have to go through what I went through! You can just sail through! You still have to do the work, but it's a whole new ball game!

Jason Oman"Look at every multi-million dollar Info Marketer out there and you'll find they all launched their empires and fortunes by starting with a book that was designed the right way from the get go!

THAT is the key most new (and even so-called "experienced") authors completely miss! It's not enough to just throw words down on paper (or onto your computer).

If you want to make big money...and I mean BIG money! Then you need to learn how to DESIGN your book the right way so it can turn into your very own million-dollar empire!

That's why I recommend and endorse Ellen's (ebook) program so highly! She doesn't just teach and show you how to get your ebook done. But she shows you how to create an ebook you can use to build your own million-dollar empire just like all the gurus have done!"

Jason Oman

#1 International Best-Selling Author of
'Conversations with Millionaires'
and 'Money On Demand'

Why Do It The Hard Way
When You Don't Have To?

You wouldn't try to build a house without a blueprint, so why try to create an ebook without a solid cost-effective plan that will help you get started today authoring and marketing your very own ebook with less stress, in less time, than you ever thought possible! With my one-on-one 10-week eBook Profit Coaching System, you'll get the individualized attention that you need to learn how to market your ebook effectively and start making money now!

By having access to me personally, you'll get a tailor-made program based on a system that works. And you can reach me through email at any time so that you can get what you need quickly to get back on track, get going, and get it done now so that the cash begins to flow.

By investing in this program you can save yourself a lot of time and gain the confidence you need to get your ebook into the marketplace and making money for you while building your 6-figure income!  Without it, it's easy to get bogged down and give up.

What Are You Waiting For?

I can help you conquer any problems you are having marketing your ebooks, products and services as long as you have the desire to do it. It takes heart to be a champion and succeed -that's the most important ingredient. Everything else is a matter of having the information and taking action.

And, I know that you're a person of action  because you've come to this page and
you're still reading!  So why wouldn't you do yourself a favor and get the help your need right now to get moving on your 6-figure income?

Coaching is the fastest, most effective way to learn.  Even the Guru's have coaches! I won't name names here but I know it for a fact. I've heard them name names. And I've seen them give testimonials to the coaches that they and I have both worked with. So trust me when I say you will learn faster and better with a coach than on your own.

And, the truth no matter how great your ebook, product or service is, if you don't learn how to market properly you won't succeed.

Now, let me tell you a little secret. It's not hard to make money on line when you know how. But when you don't it can be a money pit! I know, I've heard horror stories believe me!

What Are The Major Advantages
To Making Money Marketing eBooks
And Information Products?

1.     You Can Make More Money Than You Can At A Job! The most money I've ever made in my life was in real estate and on the Internet and neither one of those were “jobs”. The problem with real estate is that the market is cyclical but on the Internet people always need information products!  In fact, in this down economy, education is one of the few growth areas out there! So there's never been a better time to start an eBook/Internet business!

2. You Can Work From Home. You can even do it in your pajamas if you want to! I don't know about you but I live in Los Angeles, and the traffic can be horrific! But I don't have to worry about it most of the time because I work in my loft overlooking the Pacific Ocean! Half the time I forget I'm even in Los Angeles! .

    And, not only that but I set my own hours. I never go to my computer before 10 a.m. Pacific (unless I can't sleep) And, if I want to take a two hour break and go for a walk or take a nap, I can!

3.   You'll Be Your Own Boss. I'm one of those people who used to think there was something wrong with me because I couldn't hold down a “job”. Now I love what I do and to me it isn't really work! Plus, I hate taking orders from other people. I value my freedom above all else and being in this business I am my own boss and you can be too!

Why Wouldn’t You Want To
Market eBooks The Fastest, Easiest
Way Possible?

In this 12-week one-on-one coaching program you learn:

How to figure out your unique selling position so you can stomp your competition!
The best business model for YOU that will be in alignment with how you want to live your life, not a cookie-cutter business based on someone else's passions and skills! (Without this critical step-even if you are successful, you'll ultimately burn out)
How to manage your time so that you don’t live in “overwhelm” and you can start making money as quickly as possible!
How to create your “million-dollar story” that makes you the number-one choice in your niche for any buyer!
How to write killer headlines and sales letters that sizzle!
The 3 fastest ways to make money with your ebooks and how to do it so you can't fail!
The secrets to writing emails that make your sales for you!
The one thing you need to know that will “sell” your products and services even if you hate to sell, don’t know how to sell, or don’t want to sell!
How to find outrageously profitable joint ventures even if you don’t know anyone in your niche!
How to get other people to sell your products and services for you to EXPLODE your business with very little effort!
How to integrate social media into your marketing for grow your list and EXPLODE your sales!
How to write video scripts and make videos FAST that sell without selling!
How to insure that you make money every single month from your Internet Business right from the start!

And a lot  more!

What's Different About My Coaching?

First of all, I've leveraged my own ebook into a successful business and, I've even written an ebook on ebook-marketing tactics with Internet Expert, Jim Edwards (ranked #20 in the world- as I write this-among Internet Gurus according to www.gurudaq.com) .

Not only that but I've spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours studying not only internet marketing and writing strategies but also wealth building and business strategy with the best including Alex Mandossian, Stompernet, Perry Marshall, Rich Schefren, Russell Brunson, Mike Filsame, Jim Edwards, Paul Colligan, Joe Vitale, Jay Abraham, Marc Goldman, Loral Langmeier, Craig Perrine, and more!

And I understand success. I have a track record of following through and getting results. As I mentioned I've made $10,000 for fifteen minutes of work, I've  made over $25,000 in a couple of months. And I've created a 6-figure income online for myself in just 2 1/2 years!  And, not only that but I got a Grammy-nomination for songwriting, and I made over $633,500 in real estate on the side, and I've completed three ebooks so far and I've got several more in the works.

I've also helped others gain incredible success. I have students who are now recognized guru's in their niches making a 6-figure income And I have students making as much as $1700 a month from tiny tiny lists! And that's from just getting started!

I've also struggled through the ebook/Internet-marketing process so I know what you're going through!

I know the problems you're facing and I know how to solve them. I've been where you are right now. And I can answer your questions, evaluate your ideas and give you practical advice that suits your particular needs and can help you get all the pieces in place so you are ready to start making money right away.  And, I'll show you how to diversify into multiple streams of income that can double or triple your bottom-line!

And, unlike other programs, you'll get ongoing support after the coaching program is over in my monthly mastermind group at no charge for  3 more months!

If You're Ready To Move Forward  Marketing Your Own eBook/Internet Business, Here Is Your Chance To Get Going, Take Action, Move Forward And STOP Worrying About How You Are Going To Pay The Bills Each Month!

Just think of how good it will feel to finally start making REAL SERIOUS money with your ebooks and information products and services instead of wasting money on programs that don't work worrying how you are oging to pay the rent!

Now you can learn everything you need to know in one program and start spending less time working and more time enjoying the things that really matter to you - like pursuing a dream, spending time with your family, or getting more sleep.

Or you can do what you've always done and buy more ebooks and ecourses that you don't have time to read and stay in overwhelm, waste more time, and continue to spin your wheels. Eventually you'll figure it out on your own and then you'll wonder why you just didn't take me up on this great offer in the first place.

If you don't believe me, just sit down and figure out what your time is worth.  Can you really afford to spend all those hours looking for answers that are available to you here in just 10 sessions of laser-focused coaching on exactly what you need to succeed on the Internet?

This Program Is Not For Everyone

It’s a very intensive 12-week rapid advancement program for people who are really serious. If you sign up, I will personally coach you and hold you accountable on a weekly basis to make sure you get it done.

I will expect  emails on your progress. And in return I promise to hold your hand and walk you step-by-step through the ebook program, keep you focused, review your materials, and make sure everything you need to do gets covered so you never feel alone-especially through the rough patches. And, I'll  help you avoid the costly mistakes that I made.

Look At These Rave Review!

"After just a few weeks of working with Ellen, I've got a productive website, a blog, social media pages, a growing list of subscribers to my e-newsletter---and most importantly---consistent ebook sales!

I can honestly tell you there's NO WAY I could have gotten this far, this fast, without Ellen's program. 

If you want to get onto the fast track to a productive internet business I cannot recommend Ellen's coaching program highly enough. Ellen's support ……AFTER THE INITIAL COACHING PERIOD has been incredibly valuable."

Jeff Sekeras


...I took Ellen's 10-week coaching course and it was phenomenal. Ellen taught me how to write an ebook, how to use google adwords, how to market my products, create groups & teleseminars on Facebook and other social media sites.

She would always say, "don't worry about editing the book just write it you can always go back and do that later."

I would highly recommend her 10-week coaching sessions or the 3-day workshop she packs a lot of powerful information in there for you. If you're ready to get that book out of you and share it with the world then take Ellen's ebook-coaching course. 

You'll be glad you did!!!

Tina Stith-Twine



"After trying for what seemed like eons to put all the pieces together, Ellen was able to help me make sense of it all.

Ellen is now tops in my book for product and service creation, writing strategies, and internet marketing. She doesn’t simply preach the strategies.

Ellen teaches them, explains them, shows you how to implement them, answers questions along the way, and offers practical advice – all in the context of what’s pertinent and timely for your own business. I absolutely love your straightforward approach. As part of my ongoing mission to serve my clients, you are, without a doubt, at the top of my list of resources I will rely upon for years to come. I will enthusiastically recommend you to my colleagues."

David B. Bohl




Hi Ellen,

Wow, awesome. After following your program I thought, "Ellen is a Goddess with this," and I had to tell you how impressed I am with your knowledge and how you break down a technical subject into an easy to understand, user friendly way.

I greatly appreciate your coaching and help and think that you're saving me hundreds of hours and many thousands of dollars in time and expense. Thank you.

Dr. Alan Rosenthal

Agoura Hills, CA



I've built my list .....(and) I turned a profit in less than one year. And the best part is – if I hadn’t found you, none of this would have ever happened.  I would have given up on this months ago.......

 You’re the greatest, Ellen.  Thanks for holding my hand or giving me a swift kick, as the situation required.  You gave me an edge I didn’t have before, an edge that I   desperately needed!

Working with (you) has been ABSOLUTELY the best financial investment I've made to date. I got far more than my money's worth, and would HIGHLY recommend her services to anybody considering going into business online."

Patricia Rezsetylo
Author of Horse Cents

Here’s Why Experts Are
Giving Two Thumbs Up!

"Ellen (Violette) has developed a powerful service to those individuals who are sincerely seeking true personal coaching"

Steven E.
Creator of #1 Book Series, Wake Up...Live The Life You Love Entrepreneur and Inspirational speaker



And Here’s What More Of My Clients
Have To Say About My Coaching



"I'm so glad that I met you and decided to hire you ...You are one of those rare persons that is excellent at what you do, excellent at teaching it to others, and caring enough to truly want the people you work with to succeed….

Your services have already been worth much more than their cost!

Dave Hilgendorf

Co-author of "Walk with
The Wise Real Estate Investor"
and the free mini-course
"The ABC's of Wholesaling"
at www.QUITin1YEAR.com



"As an account executive who wanted to create passive income in the mortgage business with a specific kind of mortgage -product training that I had developed. I decided to write an ebook. When it was finished, I realized I had no clue how to get started marketing it on the Internet. After some research, I came across Ellen Violette The eBook Coach.  I signed up for her individual-coaching program and WOW, what an experience!

Ellen has taken the process for ebook writing to a whole new level.  She has incorporated the research, the marketing, and the sales process to make one easy-to-follow system that anyone can use.  Her system is so refined that it makes writing, marketing and selling your ebook on the Internet a fun time.  And when you make the first sale, WOW!  What a feeling.

The individual coaching I received from Ellen was well worth it.  The monthly mastermind calls with her other students are a blast as well.  To have people from different business disciplines interact and exchange ideas is a great way to keep your creative juices flowing.   Also, knowing that Ellen is there with us on the call is an added bonus because of all the advanced knowledge of not just writing an eBook, but the whole process of where to get added information from her is priceless.

I highly recommend Ellen’s individual coaching to anyone that is serious about writing or marketing their eBooks.

Andrew Poletto



Here Are The 12 Strategy/Lessons
That You'll Benefit From:

Lesson 1. How to find the core idea of your ebook and create your marketing plan for a 6-figure business-giving you the lifestyle you desire. You'll not only have all of this amazing information that tookme over 7 months just to compile, but I will strategize with you PERSONALLY to find what makes you unique and how to use it to make your Internet business soar.

Lesson 2. How to insure that your ebook is profitable BEFORE you write it! I'll walk you through how to research your topic and keywords to make sure that people will be knocking down your door to buy your ebooks!

Lesson 3. I'll hold your hand and show you how to write killer web copy that will compel customers to buy and get search engines to take notice. We'll talk about the different types of web sites and website vs. blogs and get your up and running on line!

Lesson 4. I'll help you create a funnel of products and services that create hungry buyers for you products and I'll show you how to upsell them to create a cash cow for your business.

Lesson 5. I'll spoon-feed you my email-writing and list- building secrets so you can grow your list quickly including how to use social media including Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Video. I'll show you how to drive tons of traffic to your site without spending loads of cash.

Lesson 6. How To Generate MASSIVE Traffic For MASSIVE Sales!

Lesson 7. How to create joint ventures that make outrageous profits-even if you don't know anyone in your niche.

Lesson 8. How to use blogs, articles and newsletters to increase your expert status, traffic, and profits with almost no work on your part!

Lesson 9. How To Use Social Media To Drive Traffic, Create Relationships, And Make More Sales!

Lesson 10. How to use teleseminars to create trust and increase sales of your e-books and other products and services and turn them into even more cash with no extra work!

Lesson 11. How to get hundreds of people to sell your ebook for you to exponentially grow your business with very little effort!

     Lesson 12.Lights, Camera, Action! You'll learn how to use video for greater visibility, expert status, passive income and ebook profits!

And, I'll show you how to bankroll the cost of this program and get you started making money right away!

But you MUST follow the program and do all of the homework. My clients who are thriving have taken the course and are now taking action based on what they've learned on a consistent basis! So if you think you can sit back and it's just going to happen on it's own forget it!

But if you're ready to learn everything you need to know to start cashing those checks and you're willing to put in the effort required, then think about this for a minute, what  would take for you to learn all of this information on your own? And are you willing to spend two or three years maybe more to get it or do you want it now?  And what would it cost you? Remember it cost me about $60,000 to learn and another $10,000 to get to where I am today.

And that assumes that you make all the right decisions and pick the right teachers right out of the gate. This won't even cost you one tenth of that! So you can see that this is a great investment in your future.  I don't know of anyone else who has the range of knowledge and experience who is offering personal coaching on the telephone with unlimited email access for this meager of an investment.


(Bonus #1) 6 Months Free Membership to eBook Empire Builders (Priceless!)

Benefits include:

  • Advanced trainings-Once a month on individual marketing topics where Ellen shares cutting-edge strategies every month to accelerate your learning curve and your bottom line, (Past topics include: ebook blog tours, how to name your products and services, mobile marketing, SEO secrets, procrastination and how to stomp it out, membership secrets for constant cash flow, ebook editing secrets, business model strategies and many many more)!

  • Access to the members forum where you can hob knob with other successful authors and entrepreneurs and discuss topics of interest as well as create powerful strategic alliances that will increase your profits exponentially@

  • Inside Scoop-This is a special EXTRA marketing section in my eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter just for eBook Empire Builder Members with insider secrets for members ONLY!

  • VIP Information Vault including past advanced trainings, classes from the University of Masters series, the monthly Q & A (past Q & A's are only available in the vault) preview calls from the Virtual eBook Expo, bonus calls and more!

  • First look! When I have offers that are limited, you’ll get the offer before anyone else!

  • Discounts on selected products and services.

  • Priority email-Ellen will answer your emails before anyone else's, free access to selected paying calls and more!

And much more!

(Bonus #2) Copywriting Magic (Value $1497)

Whether you write the copy yourself or use a copywriter, I know some tricks of the trade that I will share with you- I will personally go over your web copy and tighten it up so that you get the same high-quality copy that I do for myself!

(Bonus #3) Quick-Start Teleseminars (Value $1278)

This is 6-hour audio course that "coaches" you through step-by-step how to create teleseminars to create ebooks in just 3 hours and to sell them through the teleseminar process....... 

PLUS You'll also get all of the teleseminar bonuses from the original workshop including Teleseminar Web-Page Templates, The 3-hour ebook audio, eBooks By the Numbers, the nuts and bolts of creating teleseminar products and ebooks, how to write a teleseminar script that gets results audio, teleseminar resource guide, and Teleseminar Trade Secrets by Tracy Repchuk

(Bonus #4) eBook Profit Marketing Secrets Home-study Course (Value: $1197)

You'll get at least 2 newly revised module and the rest as they become available; This information series will give you all the information so we can work on strategy in your individual coaching to skyrocket your business.

It includes finding your unique selling position, creating profitable websites, writing killer headlines writing sales pages that sell like crazy, joint-venturing secrets, how to get other people to sell for you, the nuts and bolts of creating winning teleseminars, how to use social media to enhance your marketing and grow your list and profits, and how to use video to create passive income as well as to sell your other products and services for you, how to work less and make more money, how to automate your business so you make money 24 hours a day,7 days a week.

The manual alone is 675 pages! Plus, you'll get all the handouts, study guides, and action plans you need in a step-by-step easy-to follow-system. You'll cut the learning curve by at least 50% and you can start growing your list and making money before you even finish the coaching program!

(Bonus #5) How To Run Your Business Without It Running You (And Make Money Doing It) Download (Value $97)

In this 2-hour teleseminar I discuss how to run your office, how to delegate, how to deal with nasty email, how to give great customer serve and enjoy doing it and more!

(Bonus #6) How to Use Newsletters to Sell eBooks Like Crazy, interview with Alexandria Brown. (Value $97)

Alexandria will explain how you can publish your own simple ezine (email newsletter) as little as once a MONTH for more business, more credibility, a bigger list, and TONS more $sales$

(Bonus #7) How To Turn Your e-Book Into a 7-Figure Business Interview with Adam Urbanski (Value $97).

Expert Marketing Strategist, Adam will show you how to use your ebooks to create a 7-figure income even whether you are an author, coach, entrepreneur, consultant or other service professional.

(Bonus #8) The Secret to Adding an Extra $150,000 in Net Profit by 
Using JV's to Launch Your eBook! (Value $97)

Gina Gaudio-Graves, “The JV Queen”, Gina-Gaudio Graves, has worked with many of industry heavy-weights and believes that anyone can use them to launch ebooks for big profits and she'll show you how!

(Bonus #9) Stopping eBook Theft Audio Download with Ellen Violette and Teri Romine (Value $67)

Don't let your ebook profits end up in somebody else's pocket! Learn what you need to do to protect yourself from ebook theft in this illuminating hour that you won't hear anywhere else!

(Bonus #10) eBooks By The Numbers-The Exact Steps To Creating Successful Teleseminars Without Losing Your Mind In The Process Download! (Value $67)

This one hour and twenty-five minute teleseminar download will walk you through the nuts and bolts of putting on a teleseminar from start to finish!

(Bonus #11) Using Bonuses and Testimonials to build your list, increase credibility and visibility, and increase your ebook sales! (Value $47)

In this one hour and 15-minute audio you will learn all the insider secrets to giving and getting bonuses and testimonials including: how to get the best bonuses to add value and increase ebook sales, where to find bonuses for your ebook offers, how to get testimonials that compel your prospects to buy and how to give testimonials for maximum exposure. 

(Bonus #12) "Special Proof" (Value $47)

Excerpted from Soft-Topic Copy Secrets From Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski that will PROVE what a great copywriter you already are and how you can use it to improve your sales if you're not in a "hard-sell" Internet business.

(Bonus #13) Answers To The 7 Most Burning Questions about Affiliate Marketing (Value $27)

Too many people leave a lot of money on the table because they don't understand affiliate marketing. In this 1-hour audio I show you what it is and how to use it in your business to 
exponentially grow your business!

What If I'm Just Not Sure
If This Program Is For Me?

The truth is that I have found from working with students that I can't guarantee your success because it's up to you to do the assignments and take action. And, I have no control over that. And, this isn't one of those programs where you can sign up not do the work, and think it's going to work. It's won't!

But if you're serious about making a 6-figure income online, and if you are REALLY MOTIVATED I'm here to do everything I can to help make that happen for you.

 And if you decide the program isn't right for you, you can stop at any time and you only pay for what you've used. There are so many people who need help and I can only work with a limited number of people at any one time so hurry. Otherwise you may have to wait to get into the program.

But I don't want you to sign up unless you are ready to make the commitment to the program and to yourself to GET SERIOUS and do what it takes!

So You’re Probably Wondering What Your 
Investment Will Be, Right?

If you were to fly me to where you are and work with you one-on-one learning this information it would cost you $15,000 plus the mastermind and the other bonuses worth $4,615 the entire package is worth $19,615.

And the truth is that you could spend a lot more than that jumping from program to program trying to get all the pieces you need to make this actually work for you if you can even get them.

And remember you're going to get INDIVIDUALIZED and PERSONAL Coaching-not email coaching, not underlings, but from me personally.

The truth is you can spend $4,997 now, (or make 6 payments of just $997 each) or you can spend thousands more later and waste months or years trying to get it right. (I find a lot of programs leave out some of what you really need to know to get you to spend even more later!). And a lot of them don't even understand how to incorporate the ebook into the process yet that been one of THE determining factors for many of the top earners on line!

I spent over $60,000 the first couple of years-$70,000 all together, and I know people who have spent even more and still had nothing to show for it! The problem is there are a lot of Guru's out there who are an expert in one area and will try to convince you that their program is for everyone.

(Usually it isn't and people who are just starting out or who don't have a lot of technical, business or marketing background often end up frustrated and feeling like they've wasted their money.) And to make matters worse, I've had students in tears because they think it's their fault! If that sounds familiar, it's NOT your fault!

But you don't have to spend $60,000 or $70,000 or $100,000 to learn how to make a 6-figure income online! But you do have to learn a system with PROVEN results that takes into account that you are NOT an Internet "techie" or business whiz and this is it!

So even if I charged $15,000 it would be a fair price for what you are going to get. But it’s not going to cost you that, its not even going to cost half of that! It's just $4,997.

You Have 2 Payment Options

You can choose the Full-Payment Option and you're investment will be $4,997 in a single payment and receive a lesson a week.

Or, you can take the 6-payment plan at just $997 a month and receive 2 lesson a month. 
And, I ask that you make a 3-month or 6 call minimum commitment because that is how long it takes to build your foundation properly to start making serious money online whether you just getting your business established or your reorganizing it.

If you decide to withdraw from the program after that time, any time that has been used MUST be paid for at a rate of $500 a session.

Also, all coaching calls must be used within 9 months of purchasing the program. This is to keep you moving forward and accountable.

You will also receive a trial membership in eBook Empire Builders for 6 months. If you do not wish to continue after that time, (which I don’t think will happen, because you will get incredible value from it), please remember to cancel 72 hours before the time you want to withdraw so you don't get charged for it. You can cancel at any time but there are NO REFUNDS! So, mark your calendar.

This program has worked for coaches, independent professionals, M.D's and alternative healers, authors, entrepreneurs and speakers and it will work for you too-if you work it!

Where else can you start a whole business for just $4,997? I don't know of one and certainly not where it's very doable to make a 6-figure income and be your own boss working at home and doing what you love to do!

But now it's up to you to take the next step...

I’m Going To Share Every Strategy, 
Tip, Technique, And Secret That I Know

That's right. To make sure that you are successful and making money pursuing your personal dreams, doing fulfilling work, and enjoying life more, I'm going to share all my insider secrets (And I have a lot of them-learned the hard way so you don't have to!)

So if you're serious about creating an online publishing business that works for you 24 hours a day seven days a week, and if you'd like to learn the secrets of how to do it easily and effortlessly without the stress, guesswork and headaches, then Click Here To Register

To Your eBook Success,

Ellen Violette
The eBook Coach

P.S. Let's face it, if doing it on your own really worked for you, you would have already completed your ebook and making a 6-figure income online living the life you've always dreamed of!. So why not take advantage of these unbelievable bonuses while they are available? It's simple to get started just click here below to register.


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 please go to  www.support@theebookcoach.com