Oddly Enough

Police hunt stolen rare shark 1:20pm EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - A rare shark was being hunted by police on Tuesday after it was stolen from an aquarium.  Full Article

Man wins appeal in bizarre gasoline suicide case 1:21pm EDT 

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean man won his appeal against a one-year jail term for assisting in a suicide by throwing a lighter to his gasoline-soaked rival in love.  Full Article 

Grass roots of motor sports

Jul 29 - The annual 12-hour lawnmower race in Pulborough, England saw little grass cut as the bladeless mowers raced through the night.  Play Video

Strange and unusual

Our photographers sometimes catch moments that are strange and offbeat. Here's a recent sampling.  Slideshow 

Ed McMahon sued over legal bills

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former television star Ed McMahon's financial and legal woes worsened on Wednesday -- as well as fighting to save his home from foreclosure, he is now being sued for not paying a lawyer hired for his daughter.  Full Article