Friday, May 9, 2008


USN Current Issue

Why Clinton Won't Quit

Posted May 9, 2008

This is a sad and dangerous time for Hillary Clinton. Her presidential campaign is in more trouble than ever following her big loss last week to Democratic rival Barack Obama in the North Carolina primary, 56 to 42 percent, and her unimpressive 51 to 49 percent win in Indiana, a state seemingly made to order for her. Clinton pledged to fight on—in the West Virginia primary this week and the handful of remaining contests for the Democratic nomination. But she is losing ground to Obama in the all-important delegate race, she is far behind in the number of contests won and in the popular vote, her campaign is in serious debt, and her cause seems increasingly hopeless.

After her narrow victory in Indiana and her dramatic loss in North Carolina, Hillary Clinton vowed to press on, saying her campaign was going "full speed to the White House." The day after the May 6 primaries, she was back on the campaign trail giving a speech in West Virginia at Shepherd University.
After her narrow victory in Indiana and her dramatic loss in North Carolina, Hillary Clinton vowed to press on, saying her campaign was going "full speed to the White House." The day after the May 6 primaries, she was back on the campaign trail giving a speech in West Virginia at Shepherd University.
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Yet she presses on, and many voters are asking why. The answer is perhaps most clearly found in her personal history. Ever since her student days four decades ago, she has seen herself as a national leader destined for greatness, and it's very difficult for her to accept failure today in the biggest quest of her adult life.

Her refusal to quit is easier to understand when one goes back and reads the commencement address she gave at Wellesley College on May 31, 1969—almost exactly 39 years ago—that got her considerable media attention as a rising leader and established her as a national spokeswoman for her peers. She spoke in an expansive, rambling style with no small degree of self-importance about "our generation" and its sense of mission to change the world. "We're not in the positions yet of leadership and power, but we do have that indispensable task of criticizing and constructive protest," Hillary Rodham said. She went on to reject America's "prevailing acquisitive and competitive corporate life" and declared, "We're searching for [a] more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode of living."

Today, it must be incredibly galling for Clinton to find her path to the White House blocked by an upstart like Obama who hasn't, in her mind, paid his dues or waited his turn. Just as important, her historic objective to be the first female president is being overwhelmed by Obama's equally historic objective to be the first African-American president. In effect, the principles and goals of change and diversity that Clinton has espoused for so long are now embodied in a more compelling way by someone else. It is Obama, not Clinton, who has captured the zeitgeist of change, and she has been unable to accept that. So Clinton fights on, hoping that some charge against Obama will stick, that he will make a fatal error, or that something in his background will destroy his candidacy.

In the process, she risks making her valiant campaign seem vainglorious and selfish—a turn of events that would greatly disappoint that 1969 commencement speaker at Wellesley.

Reader Comments

This is NO "sad and dangerous time for Hillary Clinton. " The Democratic nomination process has been interfered with and undermined by an out-of-control pro-Obama biased media.

Black racism cannot trump the Democratic nomination process. Obama's lead in delegates, superdelegates and votes is due to the black racism in voting against Sen. Clinton.

Obama does not have the requisite number of delegates for the nomination; he has no presumptive lock on the nomination. The Democratic nomination process is still in progress and concludes when all of the remaining states have voted and the superdelegates select the best qualified candidate using their independent judgment. Sen. Clinton is the best qualified presidential candidate and she must continue her fight for the future of America.

Qualifications must be the unyielding principle, similar to the rule of law, for the presidential nomination. There is no "backroom deal" in the unyielding principle of qualifications.

Swiping the nomination from Sen. Clinton with the premature end of the nomination process is a subversion of the Democratic nomination process and this will result in Obama’s crashing and burning in November and the Democratic Party a train wreck in November. I will vote McCain. McCain will be president and it will be four more years of Bush under McCain.

The Cilintonian Conceit

We can be thankful as a nation that someone like Obama came along and put a stop to the Clintons' arrogant demand that they are entitled (or "inevitable" to use their own term) to a return to the White House.

The Cilintonian Conceit

We can be thankful as a nation that someone like Obama came along and put a stop to the Clintons' arrogant demand that they are entitled (or "inevitable" to use their own term) to a return to the White House.

Hillary is the best candidate for President


Lack of proven record of accomplishments

Some of Obama’s supporters have defended Obama’s thin resume as being unimportant – it’s leadership qualities that count. I have certainly seen nothing in Obama’s past or in the way he has run his campaign to support that claim. He has not stepped up to denounce Wright until it was too late, he has not stepped up to denounce Clyburn for playing the race card (see below), he has encouraged his campaign to spread disinformation and to bash Clinton at every opportunity. On top of that, Obama has no significant record of accomplishment. I don’t think the American public is willing to let Obama experiment with their lives and livelihood.

Tarnished image, propped up by the press

Obama has run every bit as negative a campaign as Hillary yet he can play the victim card and the press is reluctant to call him on it. Every time a primary comes up with a significant black electorate, the black political leadership such as Clyburn makes a big play about the Clintons pushing the race card. Why has Obama not spoken out against that kind of tactic? It is akin to his sitting in Wright’s church for 20+ years, listening to the lies that were and are being perpetuated; yet he said nothing.

Unfair dealings practiced by the Obama camp

Obama stole the nomination from Hillary. Why doesn't he support a revote in Michigan and Florida? Despite the rules millions of voters voted thinking that their voices will be heard, now it appears the way they voted will not matter and the delegates will be divided up in a manner that will favor Obama. This is not democracy and the Democratic Party is doomed. More and more people are not aligning themselves with specific parties but will vote for the candidate who is best suited to the job.

Obama has stolen the nomination from Clinton by playing the victim card, by refusing to debate before important primaries, by trucking impressionable college kids to the voting booth, by hypocrisy, by spreading disinformation, by pushing the caucus states where voting is entirely undemocratic, by buying voters through massive ad campaigns. He is most certainly not another JFK nor a Bill Clinton. He is but a typical Chicago politician who has learned how to manipulate the system. Why hasn’t the press figured out what is going on with Rezko, Ayers and what Obama did to win his State Senate seat?

Race card pushed by the Obama camp

Because Hillary and her supporters are stating the voting demographics as they are, somehow she is branded as a racist. What about the fact that 93% of blacks in NC voted for Obama? What do we call that? In fact, not just Whites, but Hispanics and Asians have also supported Hillary in overwhelming numbers. To me, that seems most representative of the US voting public.

As an Asian, I find it disturbing that Obama never even mentions us as a group. His campaign organizers at one of Michelle Obama’s events reseated Asians to make room for Whites to be photographed behind Micelle O. That is pretty blatantly racist. Obama is certainly not post racial nor does he stand for unity. More than anyone in recent memory, Obama has peeled open racial scabs and polarized the nation. Obama should drop out if he wants what is best for the country and not what is best for him. The real winner in all this is Axelrod and his ilk, not the American public.

SOLUTION: HILLARY RUNS AS AN INDEPENDENT – save the US’s economy, stance in the world and move science/research forward.

1000 Words

The image you chose to accompany this piece speaks volumes: Hillary isolated on a lonely and somewhat decrepit stage.


Crat3 what are you smoking and why are you not sharing? That type of hatred and paranoia is usually reserved for the Republican Party. Hillary Clinton is the Tonya Harding of the election, she can't win, but she'll take out anyone who has a chance.

Deja Vu all over again

"vainglorious and selfish"

She hasn't changed a bit since 1969.

Clinton who is that ?

Hillary with the help of Bil have succeeded in ruining in ruining twenty five years of service to this country....... Bill will probably have to do speaking engagements for

50 bucks a night and all you can drink ,and she will only be able to make a living as a

stripper. So sad ...... and she started off so high...... They will be studying this in Political Science classes for a long time.

obama's running mate

if obama picks clinton, i'm staying home -- my absence will count, since i vote in nh

my guess is that many others feel as i do: i'd never vote for mccain but i won't vote for hillary as vp after that campaign of hers

Wake up

Crat3 - You're in as much denial as HRC is. She's tried and she's failed. I wish I could say she's fought the good fight. At this point it really is time to move on and focus on the fight that's bigger that both she and Obama, and that's saving this country from 4 more dreadful years of Republican control of the White House.


I wish people would stop being so hypocritical, these elections are about CHANGE plane and simple. Clinton went into this process thinking she was going to be ANNOINTED. The along comes Obama, who outworked her, out organized her, out campaigned her, out hustled her and out classed her with something more than politics IDEALS. People all over this country responded to this message and Clintons thinking that she could win some big states and the politics of old would help her was a gross miscalculation. Black people are not the reason Obama has gotten this far, when you look at the big picture, this candidate won states like North Dakota, Iowa, Maine, Illinois, Montana, South Carolina, Minnesota, Virginia etc all over this country with HARD WORKING BLUE COLLAR WHITES voting for him and he did this because he has a capability to be non divisive. Hillary is one of the most divisive political candidates this country has ever seen, there is no grey area with people when it comes to her, you either love her or you hate her guts. Bottom Line

This country wants new blood, new energy, new ideas at this stage, and they don't want the same politicians telling them they know whats better for them. If she became President you can see the stories and lawsuits start right away from something her and Bill had gotten into in their past and people have no desire to deal with any of that again. She and Bill have made millions of dollars, now she needs to finish her term as Senator, write a book, go make speeches and move on with her life and let a younger generation have an opportunity to bring about change just like Bill did when he first got into officee.

Go Obama

It seems Senator Clinton has lost touch with the best part of herself in her continued quest of the now-impossible goal to be the Democratic nominee. I wish she would pull herself together and get behind Senator Obama's nomination so the Democrats can be united now against the Republicans.

Out of Touch

It seems Senator Clinton has lost touch with the best part of herself in her continued quest of the now-impossible goal to be the Democratic nominee. I wish she would pull herself together and get behind Senator Obama's nomination so the Democrats can be united now against the Republicans.

It seems we have here yet another 'opinion' that thinks it can speak on behalf of another person.

Why does everything think they know what the Clintons think, feel and desire?

This news 'story' is nothing more than another arm chair psycho-analysis.

It's nice that we had two decent candidates for the Democratic nomination and sad that both can't win. That is all the 2008 Primary is all about - nothing more and it's been said before so no point in creating 'stories' just for publication sake.

I long for the days where news just reported the facts, rather than speculation and opinion. But sadly I don't think we'll ever see that again.

End of a shameful era

For almost a decade, the U.S. and her citizens have stood by and watched the Clintons and the Bushes swing their arms in a manifestation of self loathing power. Finally someone, a black man, comes along to try and even the score. The really rich will finally just be and the really poor will finally eat.

Bring on Obama and silence the ego of Hillary.

I'm a single, educated rich white man and I vote Obama because it's the greater good.

Turn out lights of wear the lanpshade?

Senator Clinton has not been able to gain the majority support of her own party and there is no reason to conclude that she would do better in the general election with people that do not identify with the Democratic Party. The senator is free to do what she likes, but grace under fire is demonstrated by the wisdom to duck and withdraw before one gets totally embarrassed and irreparably damaged.

It might be time to turn out the lights, the party’s over. Regardless, one is free to be a hanger-on and end up wearing the lampshade, however the hangover may be a doozy.

Sure, it's those "black racists" that are the problem

Hillary fought a good campaign and was beat handily in every metric by a more eloquent candidate who made a better case for himself. To say that his success is due to black racism? Or that the media is "pro-Obama?" (have you not been watching the "All-Wright, All-the-time" coverage for the past three weeks and counting?; are the whites who vote for him somehow disguised black racists?).

At this point, Hillary is doing nothing but harm the more she attacks Obama. She's doing McCain's work for him. If she isn't looking for a gracious way out, a way that would preserve her dignity and increase the likelihood of a democratic president in in 2009, then she is in fact "sad and dangerous." Sad that she hasn't woken up to the fact that most democrats prefer her opponent (again, by popular vote, by delgate, and today by superdelegate), and dangerous that she would take down the party to serve her own ambition.

You sound like you're voting for McCain as a's either Hillary or hell, right? Thanks for your help. Good luck with the GOP. We don't need you.


I tend to think my politician of choice should be someone who could pass the 4A,4B test, in other words, who would you want sitting next to you on a cross country flight ? A visionary or a chatterbox ... enough said.


How is it, when someone is born of a white parent and a black parent... that they are still only seen as black? Forgive me for being so bold... but why don't we call Obama white? He's just as much white as black?

Secondly... why is it politally incorrect to say black? Perhaps I we should label whites as to their ancestry as well... yes this is my German-American friend... my Sweedish/English-American friend.... God-forbid we just call everyone an American ... We all came from somewhere else... and skin color doesn't define anything about a person except the color of absorbed/reflected light.

And if a mixed man/woman married a white man/woman... would their children then be considered white... or would we still label them african-american? Where does the stupidity in labeling stop? 1/8th? Shoot.... I'm an eighth american indian... does that mean all american indians should vote for me?

Hillary isn't foolhardy - don't underestimate

Anyone saying Hillary Clinton (and I'm no fan - but I have high respect for her intelligence and capability) is on a fools-mission is just dead wrong. She's a brilliant strategist.

What Hillary wants is the White House. She knew a long time ago she lost the Democratic nomination. She cut a deal with McCain. She'll be his VP, she'll run domestic policy, she'll toe the line on his foreign policy, and he'll be a single-termer and cede to her a hand-off of the Presidency in 2012.

McCain is disliked by the far-right just like Hillary. Both are centrists, and both are calculating. McCain's benefit: Hillary will bring the Reagan Democrats and critical swing states like Ohio and Florida. And, to ensure the far-right even shows up at the polls (because they will be prone not to vote if Hillary crosses lines to join a candidate they already don't like), Hillary needs to ensure that they have a solid reason to vote for a McCain-Clinton ticket.

Hillary is going to make it a black-and-white issue. She's the foil to introduce the race card so that the Republicans don't have to. She's setting McCain - and herself - up for a winning bid.

Look at everything that's happened over the past three or so months, and see how their policies and statements map. Aggressive on Iran (the pro-Republican veteran-vote). Support for a national health-care policy (mandatory without removing private insurance). Repeal of summer gas taxes. Questioning Obama's qualifications as commander in chief. The list is exceptional long, and if you consider this, as events unfold, you won't find anything either of the two candidates confusing.

They have a deal. Hillary's not a fool - she's determined to win, and she knows exactly how she's going to do it (and it's not through the Democratic nomination).

Any evidence to refute this, I'd be interested. I haven't seen anything since February that doesn't corraborate this.

And to be clear, while I hold this as a theory, I in no way support this. Aside from any dislikes of Hillary, I think it is at best manipulative - and at worst, the most horrific thing to ever happen to American politics (the race card is absolutely on every moral and ethical ground a barrier that should ever be crossed, and for people in my generation who grew up without the baggage of bigotry, it's frankly disgusting).

Paul M.

Obama/Gore '08.


Scary shallow Obama

Why does the male dominated mainstream media hate women with such a passion. Because Obama is a prettier man than Hillary is a woman? Who the hell knows why Obama has captured their imagination.

He is a shallow, metrosexual loser with no accomplishments whatsoever under his belt. Who the hell is behind his rise like a Madonna on a cloud and what the hell is their agenda? Have the Republicans set him up as a spoiler of the Clinton sure fire Presidency.

What the hell is going on?

She paid for it, she owns it, right?

The Clintons didn't expect opposition. They got some. They lost.

Now they're trying to circumvent or undermine the will of the voters.

As one who two or three years ago found the idea of a campaign by Hillary Clinton intriguing, even exciting, I'm thorougly disappointed in her campaign and her candidacy.

Step aside, Hillary -- face facts...

Black racism ??

Do you actually believe what you just submitted. Blacks are only 12% of Americas populate. So, how can 12% of the population determine a nominee. I think a few whites vote for him as well. Your are just looking for a reason to hate. Shame. I hope that hate make you feel better. It seems to be all you have.

Clinton Needs to Look at the Bright Side

Hillary should just drop out. All she is doing now is making herself look worse in the public's eye, which is the kiss of death in politics.

She should look at the positives - she can look forward to getting more sleep since she won't have to be awake at 3 a.m. in the White House nor will she have to duck sniper fire when she visits war-torn countries. Bottom line - she needs to take a long vacation, starting now!

Osama, oops, Obama

Watch as the American voter hurls the world headlong over the precipice into the unknown, yet again. Remember compassionate conservatism?

dukakis II how to lose with tunnel vision

The dems are grasping defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama, I liked him in the beginning, and still do. Yet, alone in the voting booth, when people realize 99% of blacks are voting for obama, there is a primitive racial competion inside everyone.

It seems ugly but it happened in la "the bradly effect" alone whites vote white, but in polls they lie to avoid racial charges.

Hillary would win Obama will lose. DNC people cant see the big picture. There gonna blow it. John Edwards-obama is my dream ticket to get elected.

Florida and Michigan: Florida November 2000 revisited.

What are the pro-Obama types afraid of.

Hillary's Forthcoming Loss

When will Hillary's followers realize her polarizing "presence" and her arrogance has caused her to lose the election.

One reason she is so polarizing.... Bill Safire was right ... "she is a congenital liar".

to Crat3 who said--

"Black racism cannot trump the Democratic nomination process. Obama's lead in delegates, superdelegates and votes is due to the black racism in voting against Sen. Clinton."

I guess you think it's racist of black people to vote? Maybe if we took away their right to vote, Clinton could win. And you wonder why hard working black people don't vote for Clinton.

Quote: Black racism cannot trump the Democratic nomination process.

Wow. Feel the hate from that poster.

Let me tell you what I think should not trump the democratic party's nominating process: the same process that Clinton and Obama agreed to before the contest began whe she thought she was the inevitable choice.

Votes in primaries for states that knowingly, and intentionally, defied party rules on timing should not result in any delegates being seated. That was the rule from the beginning. Voters in FL and MI who are angry about that should be focussed on ousting the idiots who scheduled the primaries knowing what the consequences would be.

Obama wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan because he was willing to play by the rules. Clinton went to Florida and Obama never did because he was honouring his word not to campaign there. Clinton conveniently was 'in' Florida but not 'campaigning' in florida, all evidence to the contrary aside.

Changing the rules mid-process to help the second-placed candidate is completely unethical. Intelligent voters in those states knew that their votes wouldn't count and either stayed home or voted their 'conscience' for candidates they knew to be non-viable nationally (like the admirable Kucinich chap).

Changing the definition of victory to whichever metric suits Clinton should not be used to overturn the result of the agreed-apon process. Now she has no metric left except for uneducated, 'blue-collar' white people. Call me an elite if you will, but I rather think intelligent, educated white people can spot a phony and figure out what kind of policies we need better than someone without the educational skills and professional background to analyze the situation rationally. Obama is not winning because of black rascism, IMO Clinton is only as close as she is because of uneducated white prejudice. And yes, I'm white myself.

If you respect the rule of law, then why not also respect the rules of the nomination process: the most delegates from party-sanctioned primaries and caucauses wins the nomination.

I have no problem with Hillary staying in the race to the end. More power to her. But she must recognize that she is now doomed to lose. The math is heavily against her. As long as she campaigns positively, on issues that matter to the economic and physical wellbeing of the people, then great. But if she intends to spend the time doing all she can to destroy Obama's reputation, on behalf of McBush, then she will be blatantly placing her own ambition above the policies and values she professes to hold dear, and above the interests of the american people who so deperately need a change in direction in the whitehouse. Any of her 'supporters,' like you, who continue with the failed 'kitchen sink' strategy are only going to assist McBush in November and reveal yourself to be not remotely interested in helping the american people to bring about change in the whitehouse. If Hillary and her supporters stay on the low-road of the last few weeks, then I would appaud the superdelegates stepping in to deliver the coup-de-grace.

Why Clinton Won't Quit

Hillary Clinton won't quit because she is not the "selfless" "servant leader" we all hope for. We all seem to long for the leader who will not shrink from personal sacrifice for the greater good. That's an American ideal that is rare these days.

Beyond being one of the many women who slept with Bill Clinton over the years, what has she accomplished for the American people? The idealism of the 1960s have long since ebbed from her ethos. The raw lust for power; the narcissistic feeling of entitlement have taken her over.

She won't quit. She must be beaten.

The jig is up...You don't have the experience to beat him.

I used to have a lot more respect than I do today. Hillary has shown herself to be power hungary and her ego is just a huge with the sense that she somehow deserves this. The fact is her basis of experience is FALSE. First Lady experience does not somehow qualify you to run the country. Can you imagine Laura Bush running for president next election? Hat parties and site tours to other countries is not equal to negotiating peace in the world or leading a powerful nation. While I don't doubt her intelligence, her so called experience just doesn't wash.

Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Seibus of Kansas would be better women with experience, better Presidents or Vice Presidents than Hillary every would be.

The end of Hillary

Amen to the comment that we can be thankful to Obama for dispatching Hillary. The "smartest woman in the world" ran a dismal campaign. Hillary was so confident she had the nomination, she didn't even have a plan for after the first Super Tuesday. Obama out organized her and made him look more "ready on day one" than she. She was beat badly by a political novice. I don't know what is worse for her, not getting the nomination or knowing the Democrat electorate doesn't want her or both. Whatever the case, I'm glad she and Bill are leaving the national stage - for now.

If you're a dem you're an idiot, if you're a Clintonian you're brain-dead.

Hillary is a felon, Obama is an infant. Neither have a chance in the General. Congratulations dems, you've managed--for, what, the 5th or 6th election in a row--to field abject losers for candidates. No wonder your party is failing so embarassingly.

Why Clinton Won't Quit

If Crat3 votes for McCain it shows that Not only is Hillary selfish but her followers are as well. The Republicans are one Justice short of destroying this country as we know it, and it will not change in my lifetime. It's your vote. But don't complain when We the People find ourself living in a corporate state. The only way Hillary can win is if she steals the nomination.

Hillary is toast (nasty burnt toast) crats3 of Nv - you can have her.

What qualifications?

If you want to vote on qualifications then -- crat3 -- your vote should be for Obama, not Hillary R. Clinton. Black racism? Is your comment a subtle satire?

Hillary has served a term and a fraction as a senator. Her first elected office. She has not run a large organization. She has not been an elected official for a significant period of time.

Obama served eight years in the Illinois legislature, before running for senate. He thus has more experience as an elected official, and has served in two different legislative bodies.

Remember, Hillary voted in favor of the Iraq war. She helped give the moron in the White House the authority he needed to lead us into the quagmire of Iraq. Is that the kind of qualification that should impress us?

Only someone who understands the fundamental foolishness of our Iraq campaign will have the fortitude to follow through and get us out of Iraq as soon as is it is reasonably possible. Hillary would be too tempted to stay, and stay, and stay, and make it a "win" for the U.S. when the best anyone can expect is a 'draw."

Obama has more than enough experience for my vote. crat3, I hope you'll rethink your promise to vote McCain when Obama gets the nomination.


i am a supporterof hillary clinton. I will not vote for obama as i do not feel he is as quallified as hilary is for president. I will vote for john mccain for president and understand that he will be our next president. i have many, many friends who believe as i do. they are also giving mccain there votes.

Goodbye dream ticket

These candidates could lock up the Presidency in November and "shock the world" (to quote Jesse Ventura - I am from Minnesota, after all) if they appeared on the same ticket. Instead it seems they are petty, selfish egomaniacs who are more afraid of sharing the limelight than losing the national election. Obamo might as well name Reverend Wright as a running mate; if Hillary pulls it off, perhaps she'll name Bill! The point is, each of these candidates has an "anti-vp" that reflects the darker side of their own character. The only way to take the White House is to cast off these demons (sorry Bill, that includes you) and unite the party. But it ain't gonna happen, and the Republicans couldn't be happier.

Rebuttal to Crat3

Let me start by saying I hate comment sections, since they tend to bring out the most hackneyed, illogical, and emotional in what would otherwise probably be rather reasonable people.

To accuse the black population, at large, of racism is not just insulting but begs the question: If you infer that black people who vote for Obama are racist, then why are the white people who vote for clinton racist? Unfortunately, you cannot make an unfounded inferrence of that sort without revealing your own preconceptions about people who all have their reasons for picking one individual over another. There is perhaps a bit of a tendency for people to want to put one of their kind in the white house. This is just as true for white, middle-aged woman, as it is for African-Americans.

Secondly, while, no, Obama does not have the required number of pledged delegates, it seems highly unlikely at this point that Hillary could obtain enough delegates to overcome Obama's lead. No one is swiping a nomination from anyone. And the democratic party's nomination process has been under attack more from hilary then from Obama (i.e. Michigan, Florida). Those two states, despite being fully aware of the consequences chose to forfeit their right to seat their delegates. The party leaders in that state should be ashamed, but the rules should not be changed once the game has been played.

Lastly, the media has interferred with the process? No, the media has acted in a predictable manner to maxamize their readership. There may be a prefference among the media for one candidate or another, but if the media had any real sway, George bush would not have been elected, or reelected.

In conclusion, I take the most offense to your outrageous assertion that racism is propelling obama to the nomination. It is a fairly insulting thing to millions of African-Americans in this country. You illustrated the author's point though. Hillary can only win now with insults, divisiveness and even by playing the race card to some extent, and that's a shame.

who wrote that first comment must be the clinton chairman

she is a sore loser and cant handle the fact that most people do not want to vote for her just so she can have redemption for being in a miserable marriage no actual "feminist" would stay in. how dare you say they are trying to steal it from obama. you are like every clinton spinmeister who has no intelligence in math.

Its sad to imagine just how just dumb people are.

Obama outclassed her. Just face it. From being the underdog in every way he has effected a campaign unseen before. He read the rules, played by the book (or if you must played the book), reached out for demographics that were either ignored or taken forgranted, and stayed true to his message.

Im not sure what people want from a leader, but someone who can stay the course, defeat a formidable adversary, run an imaginative and effective campaign, and convinse enough people (name your count... popular vote, states, delegates and soon super delegates) deserves to win.

Its that simple, a claim for anything less is grasping at straws and making excuses for failure. Give Obama his dues for making his canidacy on a democratic party ticket a reality. He has been the better politician, isnt this what it boils down to, electing a politician?




Are you on glue?

"Swiping the nomination from Sen. Clinton"

Don't you have a television?

Do you read?

Hillary is making a fool of herself and you are helping.

Obama and Asians

When was the last time you saw Asians being polite to black America? Now somehow the person who posted above is claiming black racism? Nonsense. Obama never claimed "See, I can get the black vote" as Clinton contantly speaks of racial issues in a very negative manner. The Asian above is claiming Obama never mentions Asians, but he never mentions black either. How are you so special when you have never been a particularly equal friend to diverse ethnic groups?

Furthermore, Obama's campaign rarely spent time in the black community. You don't see a stage full of blacks seated behind him during speeches. The black community didn't complain because we were wise enough to see that this is a campaign for America rather than for black America or for the Democratic Party for that matter. This is about America.

So to the Asian who thinks Obama won't win because of racism then I say your 2 cents won't matter because you have been totally valueless to the interests of this campaign for decades.

Clinton Criticism

When ever I see women critical of Hillary I'm always reminded that women are women's worse enemy. If women are ever to gain equal political standing with men they first must stop standing in their own way. It seems to me that many see a woman achieve and think to themselves "how dare her be more than I, I'll put her in her place". Blacks see Obama as an achievement for their race, women see Clinton as a threat to their own lives.

So long Hillary!

If Clinton is so great, why isn't she winning?? She threw every dirty punch she could come up with at Obama and he still won. And why is it that the majority of Americans don't trust her? Could it be that she would rather lie than tell the truth? Her own sense of self importance and entitlement is partially the reason she is where she is. Don't blame the media. They have been very soft on Clinton. Just accept the fact that she couldn't cut it. And to all of you that are voting for McCain, go ahead. He can't win either.

Misspeaking about Sniper fire

Can Hilary just "misspeak" about her trip to Bosnia - descripe something that never happened?

To speak and to be sorry because you "misspoke"... you lied... but you continue... no shame...

This is what you dream for America?

I prefer McCain.


Hillary has 100% of the votes in the stae of denial. Bill had better order the striaght jacket and padded bus. Her power hungry lunacy, wil cause her to have a catastrophic break down.

Princess Clinton

NOTHING will change with Hillary in office. She will toe the old boy party line as a bought and paid for politician whose sole purpose is to protect the coporate elite of America and control you with your own money.

Don't forget that she fought for universal health care for all and then rather abruptly stopped after being bought off and told to shut up by big pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies.

To think that she actual cares about the general population is ignorant and naive.

NOTHING will change with her.

Anyone notice that since the Dems took control of the house, they have done exactly NOTHING about the war in Iraq or bringing our boys home???? They are all in it together.

It's all a BS tactic to keep us distracted and arguing with each other while they sack the commons.

Lesser of the evils

I can not believe that this great of country of ours can not field better choices than the 3 candidates we got running:

1. McCain - In my mind he is a man of conviction, patriotism and unquestionable courage. He could have an easy life but he became a US Navy carrier pilot and then a POW... and did not take an easy way out. He will always look for our country's best interest in his judgement. What I do not agree is with his Iraq policy. We got rid of Saddam Husssein and we need to turn that place over to the UN, Nato, etc... we do not need to get into somebody's religious war. We will get access to the oil anyway, because, the Iraqis need to sell the oil anyway. Plus the production sharing contracts have been negotiated anyway. In any case, the US has the best production tech... even Iran, Libya want to do business with the US oil companies who are certainly more transparent and honest than the French or the Russians.

2. Hillary - She is capable and will tackle difficult issues like health care, entitlements, budget deficits, etc. More important, when the 3 am call comes, she will have Bill C somewhere around in the White House, even if not in the same bed. Equally, important, Bill C., in my opinion does have strategic view of the world, regardless of the pre-911 controversy. More likely, Bill C will push for an exit from Iraq. Neither of them have any principles or character. Why else is he married to him with all his affairs? And I just to do not mean an occasional weakness to temptation. Again. we are not electing somebody for Pope.

3. Obama - OK... where is the beef? Nothing that he says has any substance. No definition of the specific issues or solutions! However, I have a hard time believing that he did not know that Rev Wright was expressing racing and vulgar views in his church during 20 years. This preacher did his marriage, his kids baptisms, etc. Not to mention that his wife said she was not proud to be an American, until her husband was running for President. Excuse me... but here is a woman who go to go Princeton, and Harvard Law School with a scholarship. What other country gives these kinds of opportunities? Something not right here. I can not believe people are even voting for this guy. I guess, they are so fed up with Buba Bush, they will vote for Mickey Mouse.

I figure since it will be Obama versus McCain, I will have to vote for the McCain, the keep on putting my savings in something other than dollars. Or even better, oil companies. The Republicans are good for the oil companies.

Maybe Clinton doesnt like Obama not because hes the messiah or hasnt payed his dues, but because she knoews he just a politician and the iimage of him is pure BS portrayed by an increasingly biased media. Why have they been calling her to drop out? This is the closest race in history, and in races were the delegate chasm was far greater there were not the same viseral calls for immediate expulsion. Where is the objectivity on the issue? Where are the media that havent drunk the koolaid. All this remind me of Iraq and its weapons of mass destruction. Hillary is not a monster, (monsters dont exist) she is simply a politician just like Obama. And yes, he would stay in teh race too if he were only 150 behind. However, NO ONE would DARE tell HIM to drop out.

Honest, objective journalists where are you?

election is tampered by the media and the party

Obama’s win in NC proves beyond any doubt that he is a racially-based candidate. He can’t win the general election with just the blacks and the young. It would be another ‘Tsongas’ election! Clinton’s win in Indiana, by a slim margin, also raises the big question why Obama lost a state that he is supposed to win!

Clinton also started out about 23 points behind in North Carolina, and 8 or 10 points behind in Indiana. She narrowed the gap in NC, and won in Indiana. Can you imagine what would be the headlines if the situation was reversed? probably "Obama trounced Clinton with a huge 2% margin". And she did it with Obama continuing to outspend her by 3 or 4:1.

The media continues to be anti-Clinton. Her win should be presented in the proper context of the quality of each of these candidates’ electability!

The media has robbed the people of this country to see a strong campaign to continue in a fair and balanced manner. It is the worst kind of unprofessional and unethical journalism!

Race and Relating to a Candidate

I may be from a younger generation, but I honestly don't understand why people even highlight race.

People relate to people like themselves. First and foremost, it's about geography (I grew up on the same area). Then it's usually religion (I am Catholic too). Then it's usually economic (I was poor too). Then it's usually family (I had a big family too). When people talk about African-Americans relating to Obama is has in my mind absolutely nothing to do with race:

* People from the inner city are going to relate to him

* People going to a similar evangelical church are going to relate to him

* People with his economic background are going to relate to him

Hence his appeal to African-Americans. Do you think Hillary didn't try to play to similar types when she won Pennslyvania (I am from Scranton, my granddad taught me how to shoot a gun, etc.).

And remember: Obama's doesn't just appeal to African-Americans (or blacks - I thought we all frankly stop using that term long ago).

He appeals to college-educated professionals. Why? He went to Harvard and he's a lawyer and he has a high-income. Of course he has a certain appeal to more liberal-minded wealthy persons in professional fields that earned a respectable degree.

Why doesn't anyone make accusations of the Harvard-card?

And for the record, Republican and voting McCain regardless. Don't like either Hillary (though I respect her) or Obama (who I think is long on ideals but not grounded in practical experience).

My point is that I think skin color is easy to use as a means of identifying difference, when the real cultural differences are really a bit deeper, broader, and common to us all.

I missed the '60s and grew up in the '90s. I don't want to live out racial divisions that maybe Baby Boomers can't get away from. Enough from the politicians and everyone else of racial differences. Let's those of us that didn't grow up with it not be infected by it.

have never voted republican...but am not willing to vote for inexperience and someone who has questionable judgement for the highest office.......

The Will of the Voters

The only ones who are trying to "circumvent or undermine the will of the voters" are the Democratic Party leadership, which is disenfranchising 10% of its voters as "punishment" for the actions of two states' Republican -controlled legislatures, and those out there, including both the media and the Obama campaign, who have been calling on Hillary to drop out of the primary since before it was even half-way finished. As had been the case so many times (like his deriliction of duty in the Senate because he grew impatient and frustrated when he wasn't immediately hailed as the 'Messiah of Washington' and kow-towed to, his refusals to participate in debates, his resentful testiness whenever challenged by the media, etc.), Mr. Obama apparently feels he should not have to prove himself like everyone else; rather everyone else should just "step aside." What is Mr. Obama so afraid of? Could it be that he's got some more skeletons in his closet and wants the nomination wrapped up before they fall out? Even if that werre to happen, it would not help him; the Republicans won't be nearly as polite as Senator Clinton's campign has been and, once they really get going, they'll mash him into the pavement.

Furthermore, I find it mind-boggling that people actually buy into Senator Obama's "change" crap; it's nothing more than completely baseless, unsubstantiated rhetoric (as, at least according to his own campaign advisers and strategists, is every position he takes - that is, when he even deigns to take one). Just as every time the Democrats criticized the Bush administration they were acused of being "out of touch" (eventually leading one to wonder with WHAT?), every time someone criticizes Mr. Obama they're accused of engaging in "old school politics." Doesn't anyone ever wonder just what Mr. Obama's "old-school politics" is? Taking swipes and below the belt pot-shots at their opponents? Whining like a baby whenever their criticised? Saying one thing while your advisors are off privately confessing to other world leaders that your words are all "just campaign rhetoic" and that you will not in fact do what you say you will? On that basis, Senator Obama is about as "old school" as they come!

If Senator Obama's idea of "change" and "new school politics" is refusing to vote on issue after issue, failing to even attend Senate hearings half the time, accepting the chair of an important Senate subommittee and then failing to hold even one single hearing because you "were too busy running for President," writing your book and pursuing other personal ambitions, then I'll take back the old, former (pre-Bush) status quo any day, thank you. Mr. Obama is nothing more than a phony, arrogant, egomaniacal, underqualified, Jimmy Carter clone, only he doesn't even have Carter's experience or sincerity and is a giant hypocrite to boot!. He is selfish and, in the long run, his candidacy will set race relations in this country back for decades.

I, too, will either be casting a write-in ballot or voting for McCain - not because I care so much for Mr. McCain, but because I have no desire to see a return to the bumbling incompetency and disastrous foreign and economic policies of the Carter days, nor can I conscience voting for a spoiled, overgrown baby who's full of crap and cares only about himself.


KATHERINE of TX is awesome!! Who says there is no "I" in USA.

It's already in motion

I stopped mid-article when I read that it's each of their "objective" to become the first woman or African American president. It is the objective of each of them to be president. If one of them does, then we will happen to have on our hands an historic first. If someone who is supposed to be a journalist writes misleading garbage like this it's no wonder so many voters are misinformed and slinging around half-truths they "read somewhere." Oh and to the person who wrote the first (rambling) comment, please. Spoken like a true Clinton fanatic. Comparing presidential qualifications to the rule of law?? For one thing qualifications are entirely subjective. And secondly, I'd take Obama's qualifications over either Clinton's or McCain's any day of the week. She lost my support months ago and has now lost my respect too. Shame on her.

Harvard card??

Do you think 90%+ of Harvard grads are voting for Obama in the same way as he gets 90%+ from those of his race ? Don't be silly, of course he's getting votes on this basis alone.

Re: Michigan and Florida

It's time to clear up some misunderstandings regarding the Michigan/Florida primaries:

Obama wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan because he withdrew his name as instructed by the NDC, Hillary didn't and let's not forget there wasn't a revote in Michigan because Michigan Senator Carl Levin opposed it, not because of Obama.

In Florida Clinton sneakily campaigned after saying she wouldn't compete there, whereas Obama followed the guidelines of the NDC.

If anyone is in the wrong it is clearly HRC.




Big Deal

Hillary is a great American. She has a backbone of steel and a first-class brain. Obama is a great American. He has a backbone of steel and a first-class brain. So what? We'll know this country has really made progress when a black or female candidate gets elected who is as cretinously pious and stupid as George W. Bush.

Please, oh please vote for Hillary

I have a whole crate of Monica Kneepads ready to sell upon Hillary's nomination.

Hillary's negatives predicted this outcome

... wait! What percentage of Americans couldn't stand Hillary before she got started?

Without Bill's machine, Hillary would never have been NY senator or a candidate.

Even with Bill's machine, most Americans and most Democrats couldn't stand Hillary at the outset of her 08 campaign. And she's done nothing to improve that. Where we are now is the predictable result when someone with such negatives puts personal ambition over national interest.

Are Democrats Really That Stupid?

Obama absolutely cannot win the general election. The Wright controversy, his ties to Ayres, his own stupid comments about rural people, and his wife's comments about America will play a huge roll in the general election. These issues may not seem important in the democratic primaries where many voters are liberal, but once he becomes the nominee and the republicans start their assault, the middle-of-the-road people will see him just as they did Kerry - a big loser.

It's a shame that the dems are handing another election to the republicans in a year that is tailor made for democrats. Yes, the democrats are just plain stupid. There is no other explanation.

To P. Diddy -

I have no idea ... but frankly while I'd be shocked if it was 90%, I'd be equally shocked if it was any less than 50%. I didn't go to Harvard, but I went to another Ivy - I think out of everyone I know, I'm the only one *not* supporting Obama.

Now, that's just one isolated data point. But it explains my context. People I know relate to Obama and not Hillary (the general attitude - and not one I share: she's an Arkansas hick - yeah, she went to a private, well-regarded college - but she can't really be like us because we all want to live in NYC or SF or LA or Chicago - and not Arkansas!)

Obama is getting his votes because he's from a poor background, he's African-American, he's from Chicago, he's from Harvard, he's a lawyer, he's a faithful married man who's close to his kids - you name it.

And remember: I don't like Obama at all. He'd be a disaster. But I do think that while some minority of African-Americans may be selecting him just because of that one issue (there's always a fringe - think a standard Bell curve), I do believe that African-Americans - like all other types of Americans - on balances consider a lot of different aspects of a candidate. And if anyone believes that that is not the case, well, two wrongs don't make a right and don't make your decision based on a similar reason.

I wouldn't vote Obama for $1M because he's frankly just completely unqualified. That's it on my end.

Hold The BS Please.

Hillary supporters are constantly saying that the media is biased against Hillary and is Pro-Obama, usually is because they're rampant misogyny or something like that (they say) but I don't know if any of you recall THE 24 HOUR ROUND THE CLOCK COVERAGE OF THE COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS REV. WRIGHT STORY? Because really, that pops a big hole in your already ridiculous argument. Give it up. She lost. Don't be absurd and support McCain, because that's what that would be: absurd.

@crat3 of NV:

"Swiping the nomination from Sen. Clinton with the premature end of the nomination process is a subversion of the Democratic nomination process "

Swiping? Are you joking?

Obama has raised more money, none from lobbyists, won more votes, won more delegates, and has now garnered more superdelegates.

You have to have a special gift for ignoring reality to see his victory as illegitimate. You're also forgetting that when the race began, she was the media darling, and thought she was going to be anointed the candidate.

Obama did a better job, and is clearly the better candidate.

I'm sick of the Clinton's, and I'm sick of their supporters who can't let go of the past.

Racist Clinton Supporters


"Furthermore, I find it mind-boggling that people actually buy into Senator Obama's "change" crap"

Yeah, totally. They should be throwing their lot in with a blatant racist instead.

not a sad time for Hillary

This is a sad and dangerous time for the american media. bored, they want to get on with it. and not everyone (democrat) has voted yet. the media have no spine. Hillary Clinton does. I'm not even going to vote for her but I do not want her to quit. I'll vote for McCain. I don't want her to quit because everyone in the media wants her to quit including this writing who hides behind "many voters are asking why." Americans don't quit. The handwriting is not on the wall. What kind of fair elelction process are the Democrats running anyway. FLORIDA and MICHIGAN don't count? And the media gives them a free ride on this.

GO HILLARY GO. DON'T QUIT. I'm happy with 2 of the 3 candidates that are left and I don't want the media telling me whats good and bad for me or America.

Dear "Kathleen" in TX, I'm not sure why you have such vehement feelings toward Obama when you admittedly don't know anything about him. I'm guessing you're either a seething racist or just jealous and ignorant. His public record is sparkling with achievements since 1996. He's widely respected on both sides of the political aisle. He's intelligent, well-spoken, has tremendous vision, thinks things through more clearly and deeply than any candidate I've ever known, and seems like a nice guy. What's the problem? So you don't know what he's done? Find out! You have an Internet connection, it's not that hard to do for anyone who cares...or do you just want to rant? I did my homework, and that's precisely why I am voting for him. It's clear you haven't done yours because you resort to name calling. Are you 6 six years old? If you're not going to become an informed voter please at least stop getting in the way of those of us who are trying to.

Oil Companies in U.S.?

AJ of La -- There are no U.S. Oil companies. What are you talking about?

Does Obama Think He Can Beat McCain?

Obama is a fringe candidate who has been able to narrowly hold a lead in the Democrat nominating process, but not secure the delegates he needs to win the nomination. He does well in states with high concentrations of African Americans, but barely convinces 25% of white, asian and latino voters. Lets have an honest conversation about race..... Is a black person who votes for Obama because he is black any better than a white person who votes for McCain or Clinton because they are white? Obama cannot win in November - Be careful in how you attempt to rebut my argument as you do not know my race when reading this!

Hillary's Childish Behavior

Whatever admiration or respect I might have had for Hillary Clinton has totally evaporated with her continuous childish and irrational behavior.

Children lie ..... like the gas tax holiday (which her husband RAISED)

Children mis-represent ..... the ludicrious twisting of facts about her more honorable opponent

Children engage in toddler logic .... if there is wind and the leaves in the tree are moving, the leaves must be causing the wind ..... I can win because ...reason #47 ...

Children lie ..... and say (only when caught) they just mis-spoke....... dodging snipers. They won't fess up. They have to be outed by Sinbad.

Children cheat .... until they are caught. And of course, they still deny it. I wouldn't let Hillary be the banker in Monopoly much less be the commander in chief.

Children steal .... until they are caught. And of course, they still deny it. Her objective is to STEAL this nomination from Senator Obama.

Children engage in "magical thinking" ..... she is stuck in magical thinking.

Children lie .... the $ numbers they claim to have raised, they don't clearly point out which is general and which is primary. The money she raised in March and April were substantially for the GENERAL which was fairly low risk for the donors, as they knew they'd get it back.

Children are blissful in their ignorance ..... ignorance matured is arrogance. (Arrogance is ignorance matured). The similarities between George W. Bush and Hillary are spooky .... they are both ignorantly arrogant.


If Hillary were a class act, she would graciously concede.

However, we all know that she will be dragged out by her staff or the adults in the Democratic Party.

Hillary is such a LOSER that she can't grasp that she has lost!!

Oh, yeah, as a Florida resident, I can tell you there was NO primary held here, it was a beauty contest. Lots of people didn't bother to vote. There was, however, a stealth campaign by Clinton, as evidenced by her flying to Miami for her "victory" party.

Hillary Clinton Is Getting What She Deserves..

Hillary Clinton was a flawed, morally compromised candidate from the start. There is a reason, actually many reasons, why she is perceived as a divisive figure in American politics. Americans have pulled off the mask to reveal a woman blinded by her own ambition and perceived sense of entitlement who is oblivious to the fact that character matters. Sure the character of the policy and what you intend to do with power matters. But many Americans rightfully perceive that Clinton does not care what they think and that she will merely tell them what they need to hear to get their vote. The Clinton Brand was long ago compromised. The Clinton Legacy is hardly historic in its accomplishments. If anything, it is a story of how a powerful couple reached the highest echelons of power and did nothing meaningful while they were there because they fundamentally lack any guiding principles or sense of morality. With the Clintons its all about WINNING and BEING THERE.....Americans on the right side of the bell curve figured it out. Only the intellectually undernourished, the uninformed, the illiterate and disadvantagedlower classes are bamboozled by the Clinton Fraud.

Thank god for obama

Thank god for the intelligent Obama. He showed brilliantly that Hillary is simply a phony moron.

I just pray he does not put her on the ticket. That would be depressing.

"I wouldn't vote Obama for $1M because he's frankly just completely unqualified. That's it on my end."

Obama has 11 years in an elected position.

Clinton has 8.

She wants to be bought off

Lots of people wonder why Clinton doesn't recognize she's lost and just quit. The answer may be as simple as yesterday's headline: "Hillary has loaned her own campaign $11.5 million." Another headline reads: "Clinton campaign in debt over $11 million." Very simple: Hillary wants to be paid back. She will be out her millions if she folds her campaign while it is in debt - to her. She is continuing to try to raise money to pay herself back. She can't raise money if she quits. She also gets increasingly nasty, playing the race card, in order to have the Obama camp buy her off by paying off her "debt." If the Obama camp buys her off or offers her the VP spot, he will be playing the "old style" politics. Certainly, she is showing how much our politics is about money.

Blame Clinton?

is it true that the super delegates can switch who they vote for? if so, why dont people harass them to switch their vote? personally, if a potential candidate succumbs to pressure, but tries again in four years to run, they will never get my vote, for they are a quitter. if we want a candidate why not pressure the "super" delegates? and why are they so super anyway?


There is this myth that Obama can't be the best choice because he hasn't proven he has the ability. Get real. The most difficult accomplishment for ANY American politician to achieve is to win the right to represent their party in the election for President of the United States of America. H.Clinton and B.Obama are two of the best politicians in a generation, maybe several, a so are a huge hurdle for each other. Whoever wins has a stupendous achievement under their belt. And, a greater victory, a greater accomplishment, than the other. Period.

Bills passed, votes taken, battles planned, budgets balanced, all pale in comparison to organizing, prosecuting, adapting, and surviving the unforgiving gristmill of a presidential primary. And this year's Democratic primary is the longest, hardest fought primary in a very long time.

The process works. If Clinton loses, it will be because her relative strengths (and they are many) did not outweigh her overall hubris, her early misjudgments in planning the race, and her relatively slow adjustment to the reality of a rapidly changing target., in the face of a formidable opponent. If Obama loses, it will primarily be because his own faults outweigh his strengths, in the face of a formidable opponent. Both had uphill cultural fights against history - in the greater sense they cancel out. Maybe the reticence of older whites to vote for Obama is greater than the reticence of men to vote for a woman, maybe not, but they both rather handily beat a WASP male (Edwards), so it's not really about their "special" handicaps. Prior evidence of the ability to be the most effective President is important. But, frankly, BushII was the executive officer of the great Republic of Texas, which (evidently) trumps being a longserving distinguished Senator from the northeast, and look what that got us all.

Clinton and Obama

The MSM gave us Bush and now are adoringly lionizing Obama. No one seems willing to admit that he is the divisive one. The Democratic Party and some Independents and Republicans were united behind Clinton before Obama thought it was his turn. No one is willing to face the reality of how badly divided the party will be if he gets the nomination. Obama's campaign has encouraged crossover voters in many states who will not necessarily stay with him in the Fall. Blacks will of course, but not others. The perception that he was not damaged by Rev Wright is wishful thinking. Sen. Clinton didn't exploit it like the Republicans who will offer the pastor more media opportunities. I wonder if the pastor isn't really trying to save his parishioner from a debacle that will surely occur and set back race relations for decades.

Obama's resume and Accomplishments

Some say that Obama's resume is thin, that his list of accomplishments pale in comparison to Clinton's. Certainly, Clinton, has served longer in the Senate, and has a longer record of public service. But I ask you this. Was George W Bush more accomplished or more qualified in 2000 with his 6 years ad Governor than Obama with his Six years as a Senator? Or was it his personality, his charisma and his campaign machinery that got him elected.

One thing for sure, Obama surprised us all on Super Tuesday, and continue to run a well organized campaign.

Obama's resume and Accomplishments

Some say that Obama's resume is thin, that his list of accomplishments pale in comparison to Clinton's. Certainly, Clinton, has served longer in the Senate, and has a longer record of public service. But I ask you this. Was George W Bush more accomplished or more qualified in 2000 with his 6 years ad Governor than Obama with his Six years as a Senator? Or was it his personality, his charisma and his campaign machinery that got him elected.

One thing for sure, Obama surprised us all on Super Tuesday, and continue to run a well organized campaign.

Platform's almost the same

Why do so many Hillary supporters have such a huge chip on their shoulder against Obama, when their policies are practically identical? It doesn't make sense, and I think those folks are not facing something in themselves. I don't buy the experience thing because he actually has more than she does (as someone detailed here earlier). Character is also a non-starter because she truly has been the one to take the low road on that. She has been much filthier even than McCain (who has actually been really good). Honestly, the uninformed arguments coming from folks are depressing. Is this what our great nation has become? Guilt by association and innuendo? We'd rather have a stubborn bumpkin like George W. Embarrassment for a president than an intelligent man with a good vocabulary? What is wrong with us? If you don't want to vote for Obama fine, but please come up with something more substantive and intelligent than the empty nonsense being flung around on boards like this.

excuse me

I just wrote that Obama had 11 years in an elected position and Clinton has 8.

Obama actually has 13 years in an elected position, and Clinton has 7.

The "experience" argument is completely, utterly, and totally, fallacious.

I told all of my friends that " if George Bush is elected, He will be going to make everything mess". The same thing in the name of popular slogan "CHANGE" Obama will make a one more mess. Finally, who has to suffer "American People" . Wait and see until my words prove "true"

1969? No, it's 1976

It's a shame to see Hillary go down because she is the best qualified (least distasteful?) of the three. She's staying in the race because she doesn't want to be called a quitter the next time around.

This election is shaping up to be a repeat of 1976. A nice-guy Democrat, nominated by the media, who can't get anything done running against a politically crippled Republican who is not well-liked even in his own party.

Personality Contest

It's just a personality contest. Obama has spent 99% of his campaign saying nothing, other than generalities about philosophy and 'change.' The idea that he's leading because he has made a real effort to lay out specifics is sadly not true at all. The only thing Obama has done to date is pretend to be against 'attack politics' as a way to shield himself from inquiry into who the heck he actually is

stay home

I'm disappointed but not surprised that the media decided Obama will be the Democratic nominee for pres. I'm disappointed that someone with the voting record that Obama has -in Illinois legislature--is going to represent the Democratic Party. I'm disappointed that so many people are being so easily led along the garden path strewing flowers and having a regular old love fest, with Obama as the recipient of all that love and good wishes. I'm disappointed that we will have ANOTHER grand old party president. If Obama is the democratic nominee, come November I will stay home. I will no longer support the Dem. party .

wow. i'm ridiculous.

"Obama actually has 13 years in an elected position, and Clinton has 7."

sorry. typed a 3 and meant a 2. he has 12 years in an elected position. she has 7. that is all.


Hear, hear. Well written.

Obama: Not 6-Years as Senator

To the comment on Obama's record:

From wikipedia:

"Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for U.S. Senate in January 2003. After winning a landslide primary victory in March 2004 to become the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote."

Obama has been a senator for 3 years, at least one of which he's really spent most of his time campaigning (is he really gaining experience as a senator during this time?).

So he's been a senator - actively - for TWO years. Now, the first year I'm sure he was learning the ropes. New jobs - even for superhumans - take time to get a handle on. So, once he gets settled, what happens in Year Two? A little bit of Senate work - and a lot of planning for a campaign.

Come one. If you think he didn't spend most of his time in the Senate avoiding controversial votes and planning his campaign - just look at the speech he gave the moment he WAS elected to the Senate 3 years ago - he was working on the Presidential campaign during his Senate campaign! (his two books were merely the first two salvos in his propoganda campaign. Remember what his mentor said - the person who know him best, Rev. Wright - he's a POLITICIAN.

Saying Obama walks on water and is in any way better than Hillary is crazy. I don't think Rev. Wright would even make such an absurd comment!

Indiana Democrat

Who in the hell do you think spent years, since Bush was elected, raising

millions and millions of dollars for the Democratic party and for individual

Demcrats? Bill and Hillary Clinton, that's who. And they did it with no strings

attached and they did it unfailingly. In addition, Hillary's record of relationships

with all members of the Senate, including Republicans, is excellent. Obama

has hardly been seen there since he was elected to the Senate. His

profession: politican running for office, period. His record is zip.

Barack Obama is nothing more than a jive-talking southside Chicago politician

whose resume is as thin as he is. The man is an empty suit. But, he's sure

good at one thing.....impressing the kids, and the limousine liberals who

support him. He cant win the election....and that's the whisper all over

Washington, D.C.

Qualifications? Swiping the nominataion?

Crat3: What exactly are these fantastic qualifications that you think Hillary has? Just because someone was married to a surgeon, would that qualify them to operate? There are a lot of people a whole lot more qualified than Hillary! A retired Navy Captain is surely more qualified to be the Commander-in-Chief than a megalomaniacal ex-first lady! Be careful about your "qualifications" argument because if you follow your unyielding principle you will find yourself voting for McCain. And how can you swipe the nomination from the loser?

Hey Crat3 and alee21...

First of all, alee21 put together one of the most cogent essays I've seen online in a long time. However right or wrong (or misguided), I'd like to point out a few IMPORTANT facts.

I've been a Hillary supporter since Bill was nominated for President. I argued to my friends in her favor after the health care reform debacle (at least she gave it a shot), and stand up for her due to her intelligence and political aplomb. I was ready to vote for her until Obama came along and here's why I've changed my mind:

1. Any free trade agreement we're in came about mostly with Bill's agreement. To say she's now against NAFTA, CAFTA, etc. is disingenuous.

2. Bill gave Most Favored Trade status to China. It's ruined our country.

3. Bill signed the Communications Act of 1998 into law. It's ruined our press and given the 4th estate to wealthy republicans.

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Hillary promised she would not campaign in Florida or Michigan, and gave a limp excuse for putting her name on the ballot in Florida. A RADIO STATION I LISTEN TO PLAYS THE TAPE OF HER SAYING SHE WON'T RUN IN THOSE STATES every morning. Now she wants those votes. This, to me, proves three things. A. She lied. B. She wants to change the rules she agreed to before she was behind in the race. C. She has no commitment to fair play.

To say Obama won't debate her is to fool yourself. Be real. She's debated him over 20 times and wants to go a few more rounds because this is her stong suit, not because she has critical issues to clarify. She hasn't said anything new in months. I looked forward to the last debate in N.C., and turned it off 15 minutes into it because they both were talking in prearranged, dog-eared sound bites.

This to me seems like Hillary will do anything to win, no matter what the cost - that personal ambition has her blind to what's good for the country.

Lastly, I look at the two candidates to see where their money is coming from. This tells you who will be pulling their strings if elected. Obama's money is coming from the little guy, like me. Hillary's money is coming from the corporate interests who have successfully ruined this country. She has not said one word about how she would correct the damage done to us by Ronald Reagan and his successors.

FINALLY, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you do anything except get off your butt and go pull the lever for the democratic candidate, you will add to the demise of this country in a big way. McCain said a few days ago he would put more Alitos and Roberts' on the bench if elected. A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE WOULD BE GONE, rights for the individual would be gone, civil rights would be gone, and this country would be set back 50 more years, in addition to the 50 we've been set back by Baby Bush.

If we don't play by YOUR rules, you're going to take your ball and bat and go home? How juvenile can you be?

Is that a common trait among Hillary supporters?

Bailing on Obama

To those that say they will vote for McCain if Obama is the Dem. nominee - you make no sense at all.

The policy differences between Barack and Hillary are marginal, at best. This is no's been a fact since the beginning of the campaign and is the reason why the media and debates have been fixated on preachers, snipers, lapel pins and husbands that can't keep their mouths shut instead of issues that actually matter.

So, to those of you of you who would bail on the Democrats because the candidate you wanted couldn't secure the nomination....what were you voting for in the first place? On policies??...or the person??

Grow up, get over it and lets take our country back, please.

Would you place a child on a wild horse?

It seems incomprehensible that in one of the most perilous times in our nation's history we would so willingly and confidently place the reins in the hands of an inexperienced, far-left candidate. How can you justify doing this? I wouldn't sleep at night knowing this young man with the sole capacity of spinning a "good,rounding speech" was in charge. If he is going to be ' held up' by the likes of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, then he would simply be a "puppet". Just as is taking place in Russia. Speaking for myself, I don't care for Kennedy nor Kerry and I don't think most Americans want a Triumvirate.

Hillary's support base

Hillary team keeps pointing to the fact that she has a lot of support from less-educated voters or conversely that Obama's support is from the educated community. She seems to embody the prevailing Democrat mantra that it's OK to be uneducated, -let those "suits" pay the bills for another generation or two. Seriously, which attitude do you think will pull the US out of our situation where the rest of the world embraces the opportunity for education and supports those who pursue it. Still, all in all, I'm for McCain. Hopefully, he'll get Bill Richardson for a VP to fill in some economic holes in his platform and we'll get the whole country voting (white, brown, black, female). I'll be glad to see the sun set on the Clinton legacy (a.k.a. "the Johnson years")

Hillary is saving Obama some embarrassment by staying in the race. If she quit and dropped out now it would be awkward for him when he loses West Virginia and probably a couple of other primaries to her(this happened to Bill Clinton - Paul Tsongas won some primaries after he conceded to Clinton and it was embarrassing - so I think there may be a conscious strategy here.).

Obama is not calling for her to quit and she is absolutely correct that she should continue until there is a clear winner. Why the media wants to ascribe all kinds of bizarre, psychological maladies to her for staying in the race shows their ongoing lack of objective, critical analysis and their bias against Clinton. She is doing Obama and the party a favor by staying in and they know it.

I think there is a high probability that she will be the vice president and I don't think there is nearly as much antagonism between Clinton and Obama as their supporters would like to think. She realized some time ago that the nomination was most likely out of reach for her but she has stayed in the race to demonstrate her considerable strengths (and Obama's weaknesses) to the Party and to garner the VP nom - and, in my opinion, this strategy, if it works, will be the best chance the Democrats have to win in November.

"Dear God in Heaven" All these comments above involve personal failures, character attributes, and racial inclinations. To be our next leader, why aren't we deciding those national issues that will best assure our prosperity into the future? Forget the speeches. What has each done to achieve what our founders and the constitution promised? What do you choose? Big government, little government. low taxes, high taxes, protectionism, free trade, judicial activism, vs adherence to the constitution.? on and on.

I thought this article had substance

But I was fooled by the title. The author is merely projecting and psychoanalyzing and, like many Obama-supporters, attributing base motives to Hillary Clinton.

Did anyone consider that she may be acting in coordination with the DNC and the Obama campaign? Did anyone consider how it might look for her to withdraw from the race and STILL beat the nominee in West Virginia next week and in Kentucky the week after?

Finally, all of Obama's supporters need to consider that 1/2 of the voters in the Democratic primaries prefer Hillary Clinton, Obama has a 2% lead and not a mandate, and if you want to unite the party you need to begin to treat the preferred candidate of half the party with more respect.

On the same page

Hey Al

Looks like the two of us are in agreement. I think you put it even more clearly. I do think this is what is happening and I appreciate your last paragraph very much.

To all the "It's either Clinton or McCain" people

To all the "It's either Clinton or McCain" people:

If it's about "Obama not having experience" have you considered the fact that Obama has 11 years of experience in public office, 7 years as a State Senator and 4 years as a U.S. Senator, while Clinton has only 8 years in public office?

Do you count her time as first lady as experience? If so let me ask you this, I have been a software engineer for 8 years, does that make my wife qualified to be a software engineer? If she tried to claim her 8 years married to a software engineer as "experience" on her resume, she would be laughed at.

If you'd vote for McCain just out of spite of Clinton losing, then congratulations on voting based on your emotions rather than what's in your and this country's best interest. You deserve to have McCain as your president, as you lose your employer sponsored healthcare and continue to pay for a needless, near trillion dollar war.

I decided before any of the primaries that Hillary Clinton was not in my nor this country's best interest , Barack Obama was. Would I have voted for her if she won the nomination? Yes, but only because, in addition to many more reasons, McCain's support of continuing the Iraq War is the worst thing for me and my country. We can not afford this war.

So the caucus states don't count huh?

"Finally, all of Obama's supporters need to consider that 1/2 of the voters in the Democratic primaries prefer Hillary Clinton"

So the caucus states don't count huh? You hear that Iowa, no one cares what you think! Stupid caucus states!(sarcasm)

To Al

I agree with your comment on treating the Clinton supporters with respect. I would ask that they, in turn, stop with the theats of supporting a Republican candidate that is at odds with everything Clinton stands for. I would ask the same of those who support the idea of Hillary running as an independent (though I could never see her doing that). It would absolutely rip the democratic party apart.

Uniting the party isn't a one-way street. Those who support Obama have similar complaints of Clinton's campaign tactics as her supporters have of his. Both sides need to take the necessary steps for the good of party.

It amazes me that after all this country has been through under the administration of the past 8 years, there is bickering about who deserves what and who did what to whom. It's petty and trivial in light of all the repairing there is to do in the US. Either Hillary or Barack can and would do the job, but the people have chosen and we all need to put our preferences aside and support that candidate.

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