Wordpress Theme Generator

This online generator creates your own custom unique WordPress Theme. Without any need for HTML, JS, PHP, or CSS knowledge.

Change the colors, settings, layout, preview live, click "save" and download your unique Wordpress theme zip-file. Extract, upload, set, and you are done! If you have any questions or need additions visit the forum.

Supports WordPress 2.1 to Wordpress 2.8 Themes. With Yahoo! UI (grids, tabs & fonts) to support all A-Grade browsers and valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Theme supports Widgets & Tags. Themes examples: read more...

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Site name

or logo image

Body Size
Sidebar Location
Third Column
Menu Layout
Scheme Overall


Background Item:


Background Menu:

tip #1: make item and menu transparant by entering a space (" ") in the color field.
tip #2: choose background image 'overlay' to make your colorscheme less hard, and more stylish.

Text Scheme

Text Paragraph:

Link Color:

Link Mouseover:

Title Post:

Menu Header:

Menu Text Color:

Menu Mouseover Background:

Menu Mouseover Text:

Menu Spacer:

Footer Color:

Tag Cloud (Only with WP 2.3)
Archives & Search
Distribution [?]
Wordpress Theme Generator v2.33 (preview layout) by Yvo Schaap supported by direct lyrics