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Friday, May 4, 2007 Last Update: 7:02 PM ET
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U.S. Officials Meet Briefly With Iranians

There was a rare direct conversation between representatives of the two antagonistic nations today at a regional conference in Egypt on the Iraq situation.

Clinton Proposes Vote to Reverse Authorizing War

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s proposal sharpens her own political positioning by confronting the White House.

’08 Republicans Differ on Defining Party’s Future

The candidates offered contrasts on an array of social issues in a debate that highlighted a party in flux.

For Most Bush Voters, No Regrets After 2 Years

Today's Web-only column looks at how the Iraq debate seems to defy the laws of politics.

Reuters Approached About a Takeover
Simon Newman/Reuters
Reuters Approached About a Takeover

The approach, said to be from the Thomson Corporation, came just days after the News Corporation bid $5 billion for Dow Jones. Above, the Reuters newsroom in London.

Murdoch on Owning The Wall Street Journal

Rupert Murdoch shared his opinions on The Wall Street Journal and on the family that owns the company.

  • Audio Excerpts From an Interview With Rupert Murdoch (mp3)
Jobs Report Is Weaker Than Expected

Businesses added the fewest positions in more than two years, and the jobless rate edged up to 4.5 percent.

The Republican Candidates’ First Debate

Did any of the Republican candidates surprise you?

Small Business

Small Business News and resources for people running or interested in starting a business.

Movies »

Superhero Sandbagged

Spider-ManIf ever a movie had the blues and the blahs, it’s “Spider-Man 3,” writes Manohla Dargis.

Time’s Wounds

Away From Her“Away From Her” is by turns sharp and somber, writes A. O. Scott.

Cinematic Soufflé

“Paris Je T’Aime” could be described as a cinematically literate travel brochure, writes Stephen Holden.

The Guy Who Picks the Best Places to Live

Bert Sperling feeds statistics in 10 categories into his computer, and voilà, rankings emerge for all kinds of tastes.

    Hope for a Zero- Pollution Car

    Engineers are seeking ways to reduce the cost and improve the practicality of hydrogen-powered vehicles.

    Submit photos and comment on other readers' cars. Also, keep track of events.

    Sharing Practical Truths, in Child-Size Measures

    We rarely tell our children that along the road they might have to compromise, or detour, or backtrack.

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