You diligently planned and saved your hard-earned money for many years so you could be comfortable living out your retirement dream. Now the time has come to decide which destination will be the perfect place for you. More and more, soon-to-be retirees are thinking of heading overseas.
Each year, International Living publishes a shortlist of the best countries in which to retire. Called the Annual Global Retirement Index, it takes into consideration factors such as health care, cost of living and climate and then calculates a final score for each country. The top three countries on this year's list differ in their final score by just 0.1 points. And if you're worried about adjusting to a new culture, the magazine also lists the top 5 places where American retirees will feel most comfortable.
Read on to see what the magazine ranks as this year's top 10 places in the world to retire.
— By's Natalia Wojcik
Posted 15 March 2017