chapter 12: inheritance patterns and human genetics

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spibri13 on February 9, 2010




from sections:

#1 chromosomes and inheritance

#2 human genetics

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chapter 12: inheritance patterns and human genetics

sex chromosome
one of the pair of chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual
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sex chromosome one of the pair of chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual
autosome any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
sex-linked trait a trait that is determined by a gene found on one of the sex chromosomes, such as the X chromosome or the Y chromosome in humans
linked gene one of a pair of genes that tend to be inherited together
chromosome map a diagram of gene positions on a chromosome
map unit in chromosome mapping, an increment of 1% in the frequency of crossing-over
germ-cell mutation mutation that occurs in an organism's gametes
somatic-cell mutation a mutation that occurs in a body cell
lethal mutation a gene or chromosomal mutation that influences the development of an organism in such a way that the organism cannot survive
deletion the loss of a part of DNA from a chromosome
inversion a reversal in the order of the genes, or of a chromosome segment, within a chromosome
translocation the movement of a segment of DNA from one chromosome to another, which results in a change in the postion of the segment; also the movement of soluble nutrients from one part of a plant to another
nondisjunction the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I or the failure to of sister chromatids to separate during mitosis or meiosis II
point mutation ths substitution, addition, or removal of a single nucleotide
substitution a mutation in which a nucleotide or a codon in DNA is replaced with a different nucleotide
frameshift mutation a mutation, such as the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in a coding sequence, that results in the misreading of the code during translation because of a change in the reading frame
insertion mutation a mutation in which one or more nucleotides are added to a gene
pedigree a diagram that shows the occurrence of a genetic trait in several generations of a family
carrier in genetics, an individual who has one copy of a recessive autosomal allele that causes disease in the homozyous condition
genetic disorder an inherited disease or disorder that is caused by a mutation in a gene or by a chromosomal defect
polygenic describes a characteristic that is influenced by many genes
complex character a character such as skin color that is influenced strongly by both genes and the environment
multiple allele more than two alleles (versions of the gene) for a genetic trait
codominance a condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed
incomplete dominance a condition in which a trait in an individual is intermediate between the phenotype of the individual's two parents because the dominant allele is unable to express itself fully
sex-influenced trait an autosomal trait that is influenced by the presence of male or female sex hormones
Huntington's disease a rare hereditary disease of the brain characterized by involuntary movements of the limbs or face, decreasing mental abilites, and eventual death
amniocentesis a procedure used in fetal diagnosis in which amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus of the pregnant woman
chorionic villi sampling a procedure in which the chorionic villi to are analyzed to diagnose fetal genotypes
genetic counseling the process of testing and informing potential parents about their genetic makeup and the likelihood that they will have offspring with genetic defects or hereditary diseases
gene therapy a technique that places a gene into a cell to correct a hereditary disease or to improve the genome

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