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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   Multifamily   >   HTO   >   HUD-Multifamily Housing - Inventory of Elderly/Handicapped Units
Multifamily Inventory of Units for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities?

This inventory is designed to assist prospective applicants with locating units in HUD insured and HUD subsidized multifamily properties that serve the elderly and/or persons with disabilities. If you are searching for all HUD subsidized properties, please go to HUD's Subsidized Apartment Search. The data displayed on this site is based on the information currently available as of 01/14/2010. Throughout the year, HUD is in the ongoing process of gathering current updated informatiion from the owners/agents of multifamily housing properties and its internal systems. As current data is received and compiled, this inventory will be periodically updated.

This site does not provide eligibility and waiting list information, unit availability, tenant selection preferences, or types of accessible features for these properties. Therefore, please contact the Property Manager/Management Agent for additional information.

Disclaimer: This information provides a general guide to locating multifamily units that serve the elderly and/or persons with disabilities. Users of this data are cautioned that many of these developments have lengthy waiting lists and that units may not be actually available at this time. In addition, individuals with disabilities who need accessible features must make individual inquiries of owners/property managers to determine if the features of the units referred to in the inventory as "accessible" will actually meet their individual needs.

This information was obtained by surveying owners/property managers as well as HUD field offices and may contain errors. Although the information obtained may not be completely accurate, HUD believes that the availability of this information will assist the elderly and persons with disabilities with locating multifamily housing units. Some property information will not be displayed until additional information has been obtained. Therefore, for specific eligibility information for those properties please contact the Property Manager/Management Agent. HUD is continuing to refine its information collection system and will be updating this inventory to improve the accuracy of the information provided.

Alabama Illinois Nebraska South Carolina
Alaska Indiana Nevada South Dakota
Arizona Iowa New Hampshire Tennessee
Arkansas Kansas New Jersey Texas
California Kentucky New Mexico Utah
Colorado Louisiana New York Vermont
Connecticut Maine North Carolina Virgin Islands
Delaware Maryland North Dakota Virginia
District of Columbia Massachusetts Ohio Washington
FS of Micronesia Michigan Oklahoma West Virginia


Oregon Wisconsin
Georgia Mississippi Pennsylvania Wyoming
Guam Missouri Puerto Rico
Hawaii Montana Republic of Palau
Idaho N Marianas Rhode Island