Time for a better mask to protect children

by info on March 17, 2008

“Totobobo is far superior to any other mask on the market. Period!””

7 years old Kayla wearing Totobobo mask, fighting Leukemia with the support from her mother, Debbie

7 years old Kayla wearing Totobobo mask

“After the Chemo Kayla is still immune compromised. This mask is our safety net that has proven its workability.
When Kayla did not have the mask and went to school she ended up in the hospital for two weeks, every month, for three months, totaling 45 days. With the mask -no sickness, no hospitalizations, no colds, nothing.
Your mask is far superior to any other mask on the market. Period! ”

- Debbie Witte, Kayla’s mum @ www.freehelpforcancer.com

Debbie known that her daughter Kayla needed proper respiratory protection if she wanted to play with other children. Kayla tried all sorts of masks: surgical masks, N95 masks but none of these work. Due to her compromised immune system after the Chemo-therapy, Keyla fall sick easily time after she play with other kids. Undefeated, Debbie continued to search. One day, a Google search led her to the Totobobo mask. After studied the website, she decided to give it a go. Much to her delight, the Totobobo masks works!

Filter + Face seal = good protection
The principle of how Totobobo mask work is simple: Isolation (good seal) and filtering.

principle of respiratory mask protection

Good protection = good seal + good filter

“Good protection is built on two factors: a good filter and a good seal“.

Surgical mask is not good enough

You may have seen news on TV that many school kids in Asia wearing surgical masks during the SARS. But the fact is surgical mask was not designed to prevent air-borne contamination. There are gaps from both sides that virus can bypass the mask easily.

sugical mask showing gaps from both sides

Surgical mask is designed to protect nurses or surgeons from contaminated blood splash during an operation. In Japan it is commonly used to reduce the risk of spreading the flu virus from the wearers when they are sick. The protection value of surgical mask from air borne virus is a big question mark.

N95 mask effectiveness: fit-testing is a problem

Adult N95 mask big gaps on child's face

Respirator (e.g. N95 mask), on the other hand, is designed to protect the wearer from air borne virus. This is only possible if the respirator is making a good seal on your face such that air have to go through the filter before entering the breathing zone. However a proper fit-test can only be conducted by a trained specialist with special equipment, which is simply too complicated for the public.

Manufacturer come up with “user seal check” which typically involve blocking the filter and blow into the mask while wearing it. To feel that if there is any air leak from gaps around the mask. But such practice is questioned by a study from the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong. The study suggested there is 25% of failure rate when trained users apply the standard “User seal check”. The standard user seal check recommended by most manufacturers is just too ambiguous and unreliable. “It’s usefulness as a pre-use test must be questioned”, the report concluded.

Another study “Respiratory Donning in Post-Hurricane New Orleans” (US CDC, May 2007) found 76% participants were not able to demonstrate proper donning for a good seal and their protection has been compromised.

TOTOBOBO mask improve user seal check by 25%

Main features of TOTOBOBO mask

Main features of TOTOBOBO mask

When looking for a respirator to protect his kids, Francis Chu, the inventor of TOTOBOBO mask, encountered the same frustration as Debbie. He became aware of the many difficulties faced by parents and determined to come up with a better solution. He applied his expertise in product design and experimented with hundreds of prototypes. Finally he came up with an ergonomic design that fits most people and can be customized to fit children.
He understand that beyond a good seal and good filter, other issues like comfort, cleaning, reuse, portability are all important factors need to be addressed before the mask can be considered as “Child Friendly”.

Following is a summary of the issues and respective solutions embedded in Totobobo:


Children’s face size varies …….…….. Trim it to fit small faces

Hard to determine a good seal …… VSC Visual Seal Check makes it easy

Difficult to disinfect (for reuse) …… Anti-virus mask easy to clean and safer to reuse

Children’s skin is delicate………… FDA approved, non allergic soft material
Not easy to carry………………..…………. light weight, folded flat

Parents and school teachers from different parts of the world have discovered the new solution for their children. If you are looking for an effective mask to protect your child, TOTOBOBO is exactly what your are looking for!

“It is the only mask out there that fits my boy and give him adequate protection.”
- Bob Williams, Knoxville , USA



Totobobo mask Family pack = $120

4 x original Totobobo mask with 50 pairs of 94% filters. Limited time offer. Save $35!

This package contains 4 Totobobo masks + 50 filter pairs (96%), great for respiratory protection for the whole family.

Each mask can be customized to fit individual family member, from children as young as 5 years old to adult. The 96% filters provide extra protection. They are individually sealed in plastic and can be shared amongst all family members.

Read more about TOTOBOBO mask for children :

The best fitting mask for children

Say no to pollution in school buses

Time for a better mask for children

Protect children from incense smoke

Transparent mask make easy seal check

How to’s

How to customize TOTOBOBO mask for your children?

How to wash TOTOBOBO mask for reuse?

How to check the mask-to-face-seal without fit-test equipment?

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Cathy Schwab May 3, 2009 at 1:22 pm

Hi, I was interesed in this Mask for Children, do you know where I can find one for my 4 year old daughter? Thank you very much.

2 info May 3, 2009 at 1:52 pm

please visit this link for purchase of Totobobo mask.
So far our experience shown that Totobobo mask can fit all 5-years old kids, below 5 it depends on individual face size. The image on our home page is a 3 years old girl.

3 monica tocora May 28, 2009 at 9:19 pm

This company is the only one that carries n95 masks for infants, toddlers and children. 9omr in different sizes and are economical. Masks are NIOSH approved

4 Caryl January 4, 2010 at 11:19 pm

They are just “labeled ” a little differently..but it might solve your problem..It is called TOTOBOBOMASK

5 Caryl January 4, 2010 at 11:20 pm

Try this site TOTOBOBOMask

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