French IT Company Declares The Email Dead

|November 28, 2011|

The CEO of one of Europe's largest IT companies has told his staff they are to stop emailing each other stating that it is no longer an "appropriate" communication tool. 

The Telegraph reports that Thierry Breton, CEO of Atos, wants to abandon email all together within 18 months. Instead, he wants to promote instant messaging and the good old fashioned spoke word. 

The Wall Street Journal reports that Breton hasn't sent a work email for three years.

Now, France's former finance minister is hoping to pass his ethos on to his employees stating to the Telegraph:

"It is not normal that some of our fellow employees spend hours in the evening dealing with their emails."

"The email is no longer the appropriate (communication) tool."

The newspaper also reported that only 11 percent of French 11 to 19-year-olds utilize email as a communication method. 

The Water Cooler6 comments
kmuvx on Nov 28, 2:43 PM said:
lol c'est tout à français comme idée
mais_bien_sur on Nov 28, 5:52 PM said:
And they are right, as far as internal communication is concerned. Mom used to call us in for dinner, nowadays she can e-mail, text, put it on facebook, or some other just as "useful" way......
Koshy Samuel, MBA on Nov 28, 11:34 PM said:
The future World will not remain the same anymore.. It is changed and will change to survive For this lot of things will happen that is not straight for common minds.. All things GLOBAL... fakes will go away and it should die... no more corruptions.. no more poor people... no more lazy working all Global Efficiency have to come into play... How when how do contact me for more..
Paul on Nov 29, 1:22 AM said:
Email, texts, and chat are all very similar, you only know if it has been read if you get a reply, If you want instant communication, you must talk on the phone or in person.
Christian on Nov 29, 8:53 AM said:
Haha I call BS! His company employs 70,000 people. They must be able to communicate asynchronusly - especially with contacts outside the company. Email will be gradually redefined in the coming years and it will for business communication. I wrote about this here: Why the 'death of email' will immortalize email