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Take Out Light

Take Out Light
Take Out Light transforms a Chinese take out container into a one of a kind lamp.

The container is both the packaging and the lamp shade. Everything you need for your new lamp is included inside the container: cord & fluorescent light bulb.

Nothing to add and nothing to throw out.
Be Green and Stylish with your new Take Out Light.

**Comes with Black Cord and White Take Out Container**
Added on Aug 29, 2009
tags Tags

furniture, take out, take out box, take out container, lamp, light, chines, china, hand made, green, lite

materials Materials

paper box, cord, light bulb

Item ships from: United States
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United States $6.00 USD $4.00 USD
Everywhere Else $8.00 USD $6.00 USD
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PayPal Credit Cards
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Take Out Light
Take Out Light
Take Out Light
Take Out Light
Take Out Light
$39.98 USD
4 in stock
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joined: Nov 16, 2007
location: Providence, RI
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Listed on Aug 29, 2009
Listing # 18812122
144 hearts
$39.98 USD
4 in stock
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