Horizon Primary Trucking Software

Every trucking company, regardless of fleet size, and type of operation, has similar needs, all critical to their success. The Horizon trucking software with accounting functions is unique in that it adapts itself to meet your needs, allowing our trucking software to work with you, instead of the other way around. 

truck dispatch screen

Dispatch Screen

  • Every process from order entry and dispatch to management, maintenance and settlements is designed to meet the changing needs of each company.  
  • A common Windows interface coupled with the flexibility of customizable screens and business rules  
  • ExecView and custom reporting to make information accessible to everyone who needs it. 
  • Integration with popular accounting, mileage and optimization systems. 

Horizon Dispatch
Horizon Billing
Horizon Trip Settlements

The accounting functions of our trucking software will help you run your trucking business more successfully by showing you where each dollar goes. Proper accounting for trucking companies/operations is a critical part of running your business, and our trucking software will help make the process easy and hassle-free.

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The Horizon Trucking Software Suite by MTI features several products for the transportation and logistics industry, including Dispatch Software, Billing Software, and Settlements. Horizon focuses on being the best Windows-based software for trucking operations.