Our Place Drop-in Center

Minutes to Informal Non-Board Meeting

April 7, 2010

Attendees: Quentin Schroeter , Everett Heppler,  Frank Wyszynski,  Jeffrey Krott , Dale Jones , George Franks,  Elaine Bruce, Patrick Newby

Elaine reported that the CDGB grant apparently is going through. We will be able to buy the building if it does. Elaine also announced a national award for Quentin.

Everett discussed his bicycle and horse proposals. There was some discussion regarding the need to address liability issues. There was also some discussion regarding whether the horse program is treatment or not. Everett will work with Elaine to determine liability issues.

Frank discussed his pool tournament. Board members voted 4 to 0 to approve Frank’s plan. Patrick will contact the other board members and tally the votes.

Frank nominated Everett as a board member. Jeff seconded the motion.

Jeff discussed his interest in D.J.ing dances. He clarified that he and Justin would like to D.J. and would bring the equipment to do so but others would need to furnish snacks, coordinate security, etc. Patrick discussed the need for a work plan. The groups discussed the likelihood that several work plans would be needed. Quentin suggested starting with one dance to see how things worked.

We also discussed computer use. After a fairly lengthy discussion regarding potential changes in use policies, we agreed that no changes are needed at this time.

George brought up the topic of safety. Elaine talked to George about taking him to one of RMDC’s safety committee meetings.

We then discussed structured activities. Frank suggested monthly workshops. Quentin and Jeff concurred.

Jeff discussed the discomfort some clients at The Center are feeling in regards to the changes that are occurring there. Frank discussed how work ethic fits into the discomfort some clients at The Center are feeling.

Quentin and others discussed the need for Our Place autonomy.