New Microchip Knows Your Location To Within Centimeters

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Forget a chip in your forehead – the ‘mark of the beast’ is the cell phone

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The development of a new microchip for cell phones that knows the user’s location to within a few centimeters confirms the fact that contrary to biblical fears about mandatory implantable microchips, people have willingly exchanged their privacy for convenience and that the cell phone itself is the de facto “mark of the beast”.

Broadcom has just rolled out a chip for smart phones that promises to indicate location ultra-precisely, possibly within a few centimeters, vertically and horizontally, indoors and out,” reports MIT Technology Review.

“In theory, the new chip can even determine what floor of a building you’re on, thanks to its ability to integrate information from the atmospheric pressure sensor on many models of Android phones. The company calls abilities like this “ubiquitous navigation,” and the idea is that it will enable a new kind of e-commerce predicated on the fact that shopkeepers will know the moment you walk by their front door, or when you are looking at a particular product, and can offer you coupons at that instant.

Over 82% of Americans own cell phones, with around half of these being smart phones. In the near future, the majority of Americans will own smart phones that will have the ability to track their location down to a few centimeters.

With the effort to legally establish surveillance drones as a legitimate tool in domestic law enforcement, authorities could save a lot of time and money by simply requesting cell phone companies provide real-time tracking of suspects via their smart phones.

Indeed, Apple, Google and Microsoft have all been caught secretly tracking the physical locations of their users and saving that information to a file. How long is it before such data is instantly available to law enforcement bodies on demand, just as governments are legislating that ISPs and cell phone companies divulge our web browsing histories, email, texts and call information?

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Biblical fears about the ‘mark of the beast’ being an implantable microchip forcibly injected into our foreheads have proven to be off base. Coercion was not necessary because people have been enticed into willingly giving up their privacy for convenience.

Indeed, paranoia about not being able to buy or sell without the ‘mark’ is now coming full circle with the increasing use of cell phones as payment gateways linked to credit cards.

Peer pressure and cultural brainwashing has also played a role – someone who doesn’t own a cell phone will find it almost impossible to operate in the modern world unless they live like a recluse or make a living by running a farm in the middle of nowhere.

The ‘Internet of things’ – where every appliance is connected to the world wide web – has been hailed by spooks as a green light for ubiquitous panopticon-style surveillance of the individual.

Broadcom’s new microchip will also make it easier for industry to accelerate plans to use Minority Report-style targeted advertising against consumers.

“The use case [for Bluetooth beacons] might be malls,” says Scott Pomerantz, vice president of the GPS division at Broadcom,. “It would be a good investment for a mall to put up a deployment—perhaps put them up every 100 yards, and then unlock the ability for people walking around mall to get very precise couponing information.”

The only way that technology can advance without destroying basic human rights in the process is if strong new legislation is passed increasing the penalties against both industry and government for using such technology to spy on users. However, the opposite is happening, with each new technological leap being dovetailed by aggressive efforts on behalf of the state to eviscerate what little privacy rights we have left.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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147 Responses to “New Microchip Knows Your Location To Within Centimeters”

  1. RANDY WILSON says:

    I humbly believe the mark of the beast is the alien implant ,or a form of it. They are starting to make a lot of bridges have a toll tax and cars will need to carry transponders to cross the bridge,another little sneaky way they will track us and rip off a few bucks at the same time,I hatem.

  2. waya4 says:

    tv, radio, cellphones, can all be run on safe uhf/vhf frequencies, the monopolists of the world knew this is the 50′s and cornered the market on charging people for free air waves; also computers can also be run off of uhf/vhf frequencies; the monopolists never wanted anyone to know how badly they are ripping peoples off!

  3. H20Diver says:

    If I were the devil a Warning to the Nation in 1965
    By Paul Harvey

    If I were the devil, I would not be happy until I seized the ripest apple on the tree. Thee.
    So I would set out and find out how it was necessary to take over the United States.
    I would subvert the churches first; I would begin a campaign of whispers, with the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve. Do as you please, to the young I would whisper the bible is a myth, and I would convince them that man created God, instead of the other way around. I would confide in what is bad is good, and what good is square. And the old I would teach to pray, “Our Father which art in Washington,

    Then I would get organized and teach authors on how to make lurid literature exciting, so anything else would appear dull or not interesting, I would threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa, I would petal narcotics to whomever I could, and sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction and I would tranquilize the rest with pills.

    If I were the devil I would soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, nation’s at war with themselves until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings, I would have memorizing media, fanning the flames.

    If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refined young intellects but neglect the discipline of emotions to run wild, until before you knew it you had to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every school house door.

    Within a decade I would have prisons overflowing and judges promoting pornography. So I could evict God from the court house, then from the school house, then from the houses of congress.

    In his own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify sciences and I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.

    If I were the devil, I would make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

    If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and give to those who want it, until I have killed the incentive of the ambitious.

    And I what would you bet, that I could not get whole states to promoted gambling as the way to get rich.

    I would caution against extremes and hard work and patriotism and in moral conduct.
    I would teach the young that marriage is old fashion and that swinging is more fun and that what you see on TV is the way to be. As I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is not cure. In other words if I were the devil, I would continue in doing what he is doing.

  4. Romney Masonic Weirdo From Kolob says:

    I don’t use cell phones. I don’t talk around people who carry them (about important things anyways) and I don’t even trust them with the battery out.

  5. a_patriot says:

    ““In theory, the new chip can even determine what floor of a building you’re on, thanks to its ability to integrate information from the atmospheric pressure sensor on many models of Android phones.”

    In FACT, not theory, it can not. Buildings are not at atmospheric pressure.

    Cell systems can ALREADY do that by triangulation and propagation maps. Ive seen such maps, where the cell system is loaded with (designed by) a map which shows signal strengths of the phone versus a physical map (street map in the case I saw).

    ““Broadcom has just rolled out a chip for smart phones that promises to indicate location ultra-precisely, possibly within a few centimeters, vertically and horizontally, indoors and out,” reports MIT Technology Review.”

    No, it wont, the RF spectrum is too dirty, too many reflections. No one cares where you are within a “few centimeters”

    These tech companies always load their ads with this forward looking bullshit in an attempt to draw attention to their latest product no one needs. Same with people pitching penny stocks..

    Sorry, too much electronic and RF engineering experience to fall for this hysteria.

    PS the forehead and hand is not up for speculation, its spelled out in the Old Testament, if youll just READ instead of wrap yourself up in hysteria.

    • a_patriot says:

      PS these bullshit advertising claims are made by a companies advertising and sales and PR departments, not their engineers.

      Its a common joke among engineers that “the company wont let us anywhere near the Public…”

      Yeah I can RIG a test that will show most any result they want for advertising, but thats what it usually is, RIGGED. Yeah it might get near that resolution under ideal conditions that dont really exist.

  6. Santa Cruz Kid says:

    If you don’t want to be tracked remove the battery.

    • a_patriot says:

      Thats right, turning it “Off” isnt enough, that just turns the user controls and screen off. Theres nothing keeping the radio circuits from working even if the controls appear to be ‘Off.

      if Turning it “Off” really did turn it off, then a button press couldnt turn it on.

      Buy a Trac Fone and put a phoney Zip Code in when activating it, and BTW, dont fall for their phoney registration screen, you do not have to give them personal data when activating a phone.

  7. Maryfricknsunshine says:

    My theory is a little different than yours. My theory is the forehead may be representing the mind… many people have a mindset of what is good and what is bad. As we see there are many people that use the tools of evil to manipulate and force their will on others. If one believes in God, he gave us all freewill to decide our fate, to make errors, etc.
    So my theory is In the mind, and our own conscious is witness we are marked. The idea of accepting “the mark” or forced to accept “the mark” I think may be an ideology, like communism, etc. (You are either with us, or your the enemy). All those who do not accept this new system may receive God’s mark , again figuratively…. because it takes faith to choose death than the system we know as evil (death being the only other option). As far as the “mark” on the hand, I also see that as figuratively (even though I do believe a chip is being into people’s arms already illegally). The hand represents our actions in my theory. The deeds you do, in your life, your job, etc. Your conscious is witness. Of course, its just a theory of mine. I can’t help but lean towards the individual salvation or damnation theory since it coincides with the way we were created and the way our relationship is on a individual basis as well as He judges the motives and no one can judge other’s motives but God (even though some project theirs onto others, lol).

    • ironoutrigger says:

      That’s a damn good theory Mary. TYVM for posting that.

    • Maryfricknsunshine says:

      I remember some years ago, I wanted to be able to heal like I hear others do. I was so set on the idea, I couldn’t eat, I prayed about it day and night. A few weeks went by and I was in a dream, again my mind was so on the idea I heard my question in the dream…..then I woke up. The moment I woke up I had the answer in my head, and it was simply, “keep your hands clean”. *smiles

    • blacksheep says:

      Spot on! Exactly how I see this reality.

  8. sumsrent says:

    Wow Infowars!

    Are y’all becoming psychotic? Demented? Are y’all losing your minds? Are y’all so entwined with your research that you’re forgetting the basic principles of what’s up?

    Paul… you tell people to forget the microchip in the forehead… cute… but then imply that the cell phone is the mark. All based on being tracked down to a few centimeters and because people are able to buy things through it. C’mon… your computer at home could do the same thing even when you aren’t sitting at it.

    Understand this… being tracked has nothing to do with buying or selling and people are not forced to make purchases with cell phones.

    Q: If I loan my phone out to an employee or friend, will the tracking think it me or will it know its someone else?

    See… you’re looking at one type of instrument and not considering the system itself. You should’ve given more thought to what you wrote here.

  9. TriggerFish says:

    Remember the episode (Season 3 Episode 4) in ‘Weeds’ where Andy’s battlebuddy is holding the target cell phone? and a recon drone fires a missle and Private Rodriguez explodes?

    GPS-guided weapon drop demo


  10. boletusp20 says:

    As for people who abuse the name of Jesus, false Christs need not come from any exclusively-Christian denomination. Hindus, Bhuddhists, eastern mystics, etc, all use His name in vain, like a common expression of speech. To say that there was some Jesus figure, even to say that He was perfect, is no offense to them.

    They are only offended by the exclusivity claims — that only one has the right to call himself Christ, that there is only one way to the Father, that is through the Son. To say that all the efforts of all the religious systems in the world are venal is offensive. They don’t mind in the least, if you say that there is one possible god among so very many.

    Were it not for the Antichrist of Biblical prophecy saying that he was above all that which is called holy, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, to know that fake Christian churches would still someday carry on, openly, under this world system. But, I believe the different gods will be seen as obsolete, when men are told that they can promote themselves, according to Luciferian tenets.

  11. Tellitlikeitiscan says:

    There is alot of opinion as to what the “mark” is. Regardless of your belief..if you think the mark is an actual physical implant/tatoo or bowing of your heart to a combination of “systems”! These all require you to renounce our God/Christ and sell out to the NWO. When the day comes when whatever IT is becomes required of ALL men ALL over the world, YOU WILL KNOW IT! ALL WILL KNOW IT!

    Keep the faith!!

  12. oneirotrader says:

    “Coercion was not necessary because people have been enticed into willingly giving up their privacy for convenience.”

    With all due respect, mankind lost it’s privacy, freedom and dignity in 1800 with the advent of the industrial age.

    Prior to that age, individuals did not need to engage into the market for their survival, they could be literally be self-employed in the sense that they could produce by themselves for themselves.

    They were mostly and agrarian society where they cultivated on their own land what they needed for their own survival. There was not a need to trade or buy, it was supplemental not mandatory.

    Now, everybody needs to work for somebody else in order to survive. You need to be an employee and you need employment to survive. Those cell phone technologies are just minor details.

    Mankind lost it’s soul, freedom and dignity the day it traded it for the convenience, abundance and comfort of employment.

    Now, as Benjamin Franklin warned us, we lost both. We are unemployed and no longer free. We are broke and ruled upon.

    You are not free if you have to sell yourself in order to survive. The cell phone stuff is just some added detail.

    • zixxer02 says:

      Talking about markets, isn’t it a sin, considering all the Ron Paul articles against regulation and pro-free-market ideas, to be advocating for regulation? I thought free-markets were supposed to regulate themselves with consumers being the ultimate deciders. Is there a more unregulated mainstream market than computer technology? Maybe, someone could enlighten me on this topic? Am I missing something or do the Infowarriors actually call for some regulation, which is different from what Paul believes, which is that a totally free-market will regulate itself?

      Also, what is fundamentally different about this chip, warranting a rehash of the “mark of the beast” theme, and chips that are already in your cellphone? I think cell-gps is something like accurate to one meter and consumer grade gps transceivers are accurate to like one foot to two inches. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies, aka legalized thugs, have the capability to track your cellphone like they always have had. This is just an evolution of one of the enabling technologies. Even if cellphones didn’t have gps transceivers, you could still be tracked using cell towers to triangulate your signal, which is a function that cellphones employ to further make accurate current gps phones. We lost the privacy battle a long time ago.

      The only way to get it back is through regulating corporations and enacting legislation to interpret constitutional privacy matters in the interests of individual liberty and not the governmental organizations. Both of which require democracy and the use of our government. Once again, all problems boil down to the loss of democracy. Only by getting “good” guys, poor and middle-class, elected and getting money completely out of the election equation will we ever have a chance to get our democracy back. I really like the ideas of publicly funded elections, spending limits on election campaigns, and strict laws against corporations “donating” even a single dollar.

  13. patrick gragg says:

    Good bye cell phone!
    IlluminatiNephilimTrash , this is not church, they will not get “saved” by your many words, you waste your time talking to this forum about the truth, these are the ones that voted for republicans over and over!

  14. LAPullingGuard says:

    This reminds me of a “story/reason” for going digital versus analog on the cell phones, several years ago. As usual there were legitimate/reasonable reasons..but nice little goodies/benefits were not ever spoken of. 1 “goodie”..nice lil benee was that ‘they’ could only guarantee the location of the cell phone signal to about 30meters(100ft.) w/analog..down to about 1meter with the digital signal..guaranteed. {aquiring users location for?}

  15. boletusp20 says:

    Cain’s mark was different, because it was protective.

    Transliterated as ‘owth, it is sometimes translated with the connotation of an omen or remembrance.

    Ancients, who probably came after the protoevangelion and before the Gospel, were found using tattoos of the sign of the cross, as protection. Were they copying Cain.

    • fishersofmen says:

      Hey wise guy, you’re missing the point. Is the sabbath a literal mark? Absolutely not, but according to you it is. However, it’s certainly a “distinguishing mark” that identifies the remnant people. Tattoo that on your forehead.

      Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a SIGN (owth/A distinguishing mark) between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Exo. 31:13

      Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have SEALED (Mark with a seal) the servants of our God in their foreheads. Rev. 7:3

      • boletusp20 says:

        According to SDA’s, the Sabbath is the Mark.

        You have sided with the “historical SDA’s,” on at least one issue.

        I have roundly insulted SDA evangelists.

        I differentiate between Cain’s protection mark (‘owth) as a memorial or omen, and the Beast’s damnation mark (charax / charagma), with it’s symbolism of serpents, punctures, pits, and palisades.

        I believe that an implantable chip is the strongest contender to fulfill this prophecy, but, again, do not believe this must be the case, especially as I have mentioned so many possible examples of an civilization having gone ‘over the hill’ in End Times prophesies.

        Find my username with a control ‘F,’ if this helps.

  16. blacksheep says:

    I think the mark of the beast is ignorance, craving, and aversion (^_^)

  17. They have an electronic “tattoo” which is a chip that sticks on the surface of your skin. It can serve as an Id, geo location, and credit card. Probably will be available very soon.

    They already use them in hospitals as a medical id tags.

    Images for Incurable Kinds of Thoughts.
    Click hotlink.

  18. blacksheep says:

    I grew up with a bunch of perverts and deviant child molesters. The freaks are everywhere like a virus out of control. They also had an overwhelming need to control and spy on people. . . Shivers with foreboding . . .

  19. boletusp20 says:

    The worst part about the Mark wouldn’t be the privacy issues, so much as renouncing God.

    We weren’t worried about having no more privacy, because we *should expect to be watched by a Higher Power, anyway, and live better lives as a result.

    We’re not worried about disappointing the municipalities, so much as disappointing the Most High.

    Maintaining free passage through the realm of the living is a side issue, not the central issue, which should be eternity.

    People who take this Mark, which you make fun of, or who worship the Image of the Beast, would be irrevocably and hopelessly punished to an eternity of Hell, which is how mainline denominations read the Word.

    You guys who want to play word games are outing yourselves as damnable heretics. I won’t sugarcoat it.

    • oneirotrader says:

      The most high is not your friend, he is concerned at keeping and maintaining his ownership and power over life at all costs, even if it means being cruel and brutal to all his creation.

      The most high owns everything and everybody and we own nothing. There were wars started in human history for much less than that.

      He gives us life so he can better destroy and dispose of it. He is the enemy number one.

      • boletusp20 says:

        But, I’ve already studied this mindset in much depth.

        To begin with, Obama’s mentor, Saul Alinsky, dedicated “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer, the first rebel.

        The gnostics and theosophists say that Lucifer is the Light Bearer, who illumined man in the Garden, and they equate the God of the Hebrews to Satan’s darker side.

        I am of the opinion that Satan can appear as the Angel of Light.

        God is jealous, but he does have the right to be, as the Author of Creation.

        • boletusp20 says:

          In spite of the facetious language, used by the author of this article, and in spite of mankind’s rejection of the Message, I believe that anti-Christians will recognize these events come to pass as prophesied. They will know who caused the hardship of the Tribulation. Anti-Christians will come to acknowledge the same truth as Christians, and I don’t believe all will cower. I believe that some willingly accept Hell because of spite, not because of an ignorance of the truth.

        • blacksheep says:

          Many ethnic religions have spoken of the dark times. Especially Tibetan Buddhism and The Hopi Indian religion. I think sun activity is directly link to dark and light emotionl cycles. The native folk were very aware of universal forces that our earth is spiraling through as it follows the sun. After all this body suit is electrical and is influenced by magnetic flux.

          I have been taught if there are no negative roots or seeds within he mind store house and body these influences will not have any negative effects.

          Pure heart/mind is the best protection. The pure heart can easily tell the difference between Gods voice and ones own voice.

          May we all find real peace and real happiness!

        • boletusp20 says:

          I believe that the Biblical version of the truth was the original, that it has been the same from the very beginning, and that different cultures have strayed from it, to varying degrees.

          For instance, one culture renders Noah’s and his ark as Nu’u and his canoe, etc.

          I believe that people who have never seen a white person have been led to a knowledge of Christ in dreams, also that “the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…” (from Romans 1)

        • boletusp20 says:

          “Pure heart/mind is the best protection.”

          Firstly, there is no fixed standard of purity without absolute truth.

          “…when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and [their] thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another…”

          But, the law only convicts men of wrongdoing; it does not pay the penalty.

          “…by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ”
          – from Ephesians 2

  20. Spirit-is-Truth says:

    I, being one of the obvious 1 percent of Americans who do know, often wonder why others dont. I try spreading the information and others hardly even talk about it once they find out. LOOK THIS UP. The Mark of the Beast is on the way and so far the date seems to be March 23, 2012. Sound familiar? No… All one has to do is look up Obamacare’s RFID Chip implant that becomes mandatory on March 23, 2012. Let the rapture happen.

  21. Benrod says:

    if you turn that ‘Broadcom’ logo upside-down,
    the red stripes kind of look like a goat’s head.

    I know, I know, it’s just a graph-spike…

    Nobody WANTS to be “tracked”!
    But it sure comes in handy when ya’ gotta’ find that new Italian place downtown ya’ keep hearin’ ’bout, huh?

    Imagine this :
    You walk into the upscale hotel. The pretty, young lady at the desk asks you to download the ‘app’ from the website. Within seconds, your phone and the hotel computer are linked. Your reservation and information appears on the lady’s screen. She says,
    “Good afternoon Mr. Jones! We have everything ready for you today.
    ‘Mary’ will direct you to your room through your cellphone, sir.
    You may put your luggage there, and the cart will follow you to your room.
    Thank you for choosing us! And enjoy your stay, sir.”
    You place your luggage on the motorized cart that had silently moved into position behind you. At this point, ‘Mary’ speaks from your cellphone.
    “Please proceed to the elevator at the end of the hall to your left.”
    The elevator doors open automatically, 40 feet away.
    You and the luggage cart proceed down the hall and into the elevator.
    The elevator quickly whooshes up and stops. The doors open and ‘Mary’ says,
    “Fifth floor.”
    As you step out, with cart dutifully following, she says,
    “Please proceed down the hall to your room. Fourth door on the right.”
    As you approach Room 508, the door clicks unlocked and swings slightly open.
    “Room five-oh-eight.”
    The lights turn on.
    “If you would like to order anything now, the next service and refreshment cart will be available in… four minutes. Touch MENUS on your screen to see what you may need.”
    You walk inside the room. Rolling past the door, the cart beeps two happy chirps, and you chuckle as you take your bags. The cart then quietly zips back out the door which closes behind it. “Mary’ then says, in her pleasant voice,
    “I can help you at anytime, please just ask.
    Enjoy your stay with us , Alex.”

  22. hollywood says:

    do what i do, carry the most basic cell phone possible and leave it off unless you can’t find a phone wherever you happen to be,,,pretty easy. Don’t be a slave to technology!

  23. fill the banana says:

    defend this man!!!!!!! defend this man now!

  24. N13K says:

    Paul Watson

    “Biblical fears about the ‘mark of the beast’ being an implantable microchip forcibly injected into our foreheads have proven to be off base.”

    Your article is off base. At this moment in time hardly anyone can say for definite what the mark of the beast is and I highly doubt it’s a mobile phone, why?? Because grannies cant use them properly, Lol. Try again.


    • R-U1 says:

      They know we wont go for implanted chips in our bodies so they go for the next best thing cell phones because almost everybody has one and are oblivious to whats in them or dont understand the purpose for gps in a phone other then to track the user , and it doesnt have to be as the bible says it can be in other forms (think outside the box)

      • N13K says:

        On a serious note I don’t think it will be mobile phones because the bible says:

        Revelation 8:7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

        I’m guessing that nuclear power stations won’t be operational for a while. No electricity = Useless mobile phone.

      • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


        People will take the mark if it offers them “godhood” and “eternal life.” Look at where this whole transhumanist movement is going. Don’t doubt for a second this implantable mark will look like a SWEET DEAL, offering an end to humanity’s suffering. It’s coming!

    • blacksheep says:

      I am a Grandma, ive rebuilt computers since i was in my 30s my Mom and Grandma are also gadget geeks. My daughters and granddaughters are gadget wizards. My Son is a mechanical genius, Alternative energy generators are his favorite (^_^)

      • blacksheep says:

        I would not have a problem dropping all of this to get the government out of my life. Been contemplating going totally off the digital grid.

        • N13K says:

          Me too, it’s time to unplug from the matrix so to speak. Alternative energy generators is my thing too, I’ve got a few designs I need to construct whilst I still can.

          More power to you Grandma!! :)

        • blacksheep says:

          @N13K your kindness is a lovely light in this darkness. May it light the way for you and your loved ones during these dark times. My Son is also very kind. He is careful with his designs, he told me people have been murdered because of their designs would destroy artificial scarcity. His gather was a mechanical wizard and I have a powerful imagination. My Son inherited both sides of our families gifts.

  25. endisnigh says:

    well currently it doesn’t fit all the parameters, but it certainly isn’t good. definitely invasive and conditioning for the mark of the beast. everyone has cell phones, people are out of their freaking minds. just the EMF damage ALONE isn’t worth having one. and they’re going to triangulate your position, and track you, and listen to you. absolute insanity.

  26. Hans Gruber says:

    The former Broadcom CEO Henry Nicholas was charged with a sex crimes, drug charges and beat them all. California is the most corrupt state. I went to wikipedia when I saw Broadcom. This guy had a sex dungeon and concubine in Orange county. I really can’t believe he isn’t in prison.

  27. Wells says:

    Ask yourself, why is there even a need for this kind of chip that has been specifically designed to track you. Are you the hunted? I used to like Broadcom now they have been so trendy. Everyone wants to rule the world. Everyone wants to be your Big Brother. Quick everyone spy on everyone else. It would make a good dance trak. Spy, spy, spy, all you smatfon trendies can spy, cry and try to defy.

    The new fons will obviously be available in a wide array of colors. Red or blue? Take your choice.

    Radiation from cell phones, customer service say they never really heard about such a thing. Just put a couple of gig in your ear.

    • Hans Gruber says:

      If you saw the movie “The Hunger Games” it illustrates what their plan has always been. There are evil groups who want to create massive amounts of suffering. Groups are trying to figure out the best ways to control and completely own people.

  28. blacksheep says:

    If one didn’t have a cell phone, social web presence, email account, bank and credit accounts, refused to pay taxes, bought everything through trade, barter, or cash, would one cease to exist in the eyes of the corrupt, hubris filled, mass murdering, insane false USA government?

    • Old Chinese saying: “The nail that sticks out, gets hammered first.” It’s better to blend in with the crowd. Get a credit card, facebook account, cellphone account, but DON’T use them! Take the battery out of the cellphone.

      • blacksheep says:

        I have all that. I really enjoyed the social networking. I used to set up teaching events and groups. I found spending too much time on the net impaired my immune system and creative insights. So now I really limited my time in the digital world.

      • blacksheep says:

        @Bumbersticker, others have also said this to me including I look to aware. Thank you and good advice.

      • blacksheep says:

        @Bumbersticker, others have also said this to me including I look too aware. Thank you and good advice.

  29. fill the banana says:

    i say shoot um down—-

  30. eastcoast says:

    One day, the sun will explode and you won’t feel a thang.

    Unless the human occupants of this planet turn it into a wasted and dead planet first, like the surface of Mars.

    Meanwhile, I will try to remember to read my Bible everyday, take care of my family, try to help my fellow man as I can and am able, and show up for my Sunday school class on Sunday mornings.

    When you boil things down, life really is not really that complicated?

    What goes around comes around, and the universe will always be the most contentious at recycling.

    Peace ….

  31. brother doug says:

    I seldom carry a cell phone, and when I do travel I keep the battery out unless I need to make a call.

    But What is so intriguing is the very fact that the Christian leaders embraced satan and his minions in 1129 when the Templars, who were power hungry rabbinical converts, brought the jewish concept of “for profit banking” to Christianity which is in direct contradiction to the words of Jesus.

  32. DavidDiPesto says:

    I don’t think most of these people realize what the ultimate plans for this technology is. Eventually all of this will come in an injectable pill.

    The wicked shall mock and scoff, bu the wise will understand…

  33. ericnueman says:

    – “Someone who doesn’t own a cell phone will find it almost impossible to operate in the modern world unless they live like a recluse or make a living by running a farm in the middle of nowhere.”

    The idea in the Bible is to Perform as a guide line for everyone to be able to prepare for the Devil’s entry into this world which will start the worst times of trouble men have ever seen, since the beginning of the world till now, to test man whether he will receive Jesus & stand with God the creator or except the Antichrist and His economic ‘mark,’ some kind of chip for tracking location but also for their faithful kind to control the mind in some way like becoming an automaton!

    Are U ready?
    Click ericnueman to survive to help others escape such a fate!

    • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

      I haven’t had a cell phone in almost a year. I couldn’t be happier, really. Thing was so annoying.

      • Hans Gruber says:

        I am not ready to accept Jesus, god or his bible. I am looking forward to the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon your righteous god is planning for this world. When I leave this world, I am going the same way I came in. Alone

    • The Light says:

      “prepare for the Devil’s entry into this world”?

      OOOOOooooo!! Is he coming from the lake of fire?

    • oneirotrader says:

      I would be more than happy running a small farm in the middle of nowhere, living like a recluse, and keeping all the products of my farmwork for myself.

      I could eat potatoes, carrots, radish, beets, I could farm fruits, wheat to make my own bread, wood to cook my bread.

      Life would be wonderful.

  34. boletusp20 says:

    The author essentially gives a confirmation of prophetic warnings, but says you’re not disturbed by it. He says that people are ready to play the part, line-for-line, but not to worry; it’s not what it looks like.

  35. jimbobbeebob says:

    Not sure why info wars is trying to make a false analogy here between a cell phone that tracks you and the “mark of the beast”.

    Revelations states that the chip would be in the hand or forehead and that you cannot BUY or SELL without it. It says NOTHING about tracking you. To say that this cell phone chip would fulfill that prophecy sounds to me like infowars WANTS it to happen. How else do you think cults do what they do? They misrepresent the Bible to fit their OWN ideology. Sorry Alex, love ya but you are def wrong on this one.

    • fishersofmen says:

      I’m sorry, but I must have missed the word “chip” in the Bible. Could you provide a reference please? Thanks!

      • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

        Mark meaning an etching or engraving….. The literal interpretation of the Greek word…

        • boletusp20 says:

          Not another snarling early morning TV SDA, who says that Sunday worship is the Mark.

          Would you guys please just drop the authoritarian, churchy facade, and say what you really think, without leading people on?

          The chip is *not fundamental to mainline denominations, but it looks to be the most serious contender so far.

        • boletusp20 says:

          “Mark meaning an etching or engraving…..”

          The root word is used to describe the puncture of a fang or a row of bars, as in a palisade. It hints at the language of serpents and strongholds.

          This being said, I see the wooden weapons, horses’ bridles, cities being turned to wilderness, and grain rationing of the End Times as indicating peak technology. If the mark is part technological, it will be a remnant of the industrial era.

          “Anti means “instead of”. Lucifer is a wannabe Jesus Christ.”

          How many different cultists compare themselves to Christ, or shield outrightly heathen beliefs, behind Biblical language.

          It all comes down to whether they are saved by their own effort, or the work, which was already done on the cross.

        • fishersofmen says:

          Its not a chip. Its an old testament teaching that John used. I guess Cain had a “chip” too, right? I don’t think so. The hand is a symbol for actions and the frontal lobe of our brains is where our “seat” of authority is.

          Therefore shall ye lay up these MY WORDS in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a SIGN UPON YOUR HAND (Hand Reference), that they may be as FRONTLETS BETWEEN YOUR EYES (Forehead Reference). Deut 11:8

          The modern day translation of antichrist is all wrong too.

          …and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRISTS (1st Century)… THEY WENT OUT FROM US (Early Christian Church), but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they MIGHT BE MADE MANIFEST (Papal Rome) that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:18-19

          Know ye not that ye are the TEMPLE OF GOD, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the TEMPLE OF GOD, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, WHICH TEMPLE YE ARE. 1 Cor. 3:16-17

          …so that he as God sitteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thess. 2:4

          Paul uses the very same Greek word “naos” for the word “temple” in these verses. He also uses the term “son of perdition” that is used only one other time to describe Judas.The Biblical antichrist system comes from within Christianity itself. Theres no doubt about it.

          Let no man deceive you by any means: for THAT DAY SHALL NOT COME (Second Coming), except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST (Apostasy), and THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED (To Believers Only), THE SON OF PERDITION (Like Judas); Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God SITTETH (Holds Office) in the TEMPLE OF GOD (Christian Church), shewing himself that he is God… And now ye know what WITHHOLDETH (Pagan Rome) that he might be REVEALED IN HIS TIME (After Pagan Rome Is Divided). 2 Thess. 2:3-6

        • drew says:

          Anti means “instead of”. Lucifer is a wannabe Jesus Christ..

        • blacksheep says:

          @boletusp, Many religions act just like corporations and programs they claim infringes on their liberty. Christianity and other religions like it that quote, “You’re going tell hell if you don’t join us,” are not very kind or good neighbors.

        • fishersofmen says:


          Thats right. The pope is certainly not God.

          The Waldenses, Albigenses, Hugenots, Protestant Reformers, Millerites, and Historic SDA’s are among those who CORRECTLY identified Pagan Rome as the little horn/antichrist power. Its only through Jesuit preterism or futurism that the identity remains unknown. The above mentioned all used the historicist method for interpreting Bible prophecy. The man of sin has definately sought to change times and laws, hasn’t he? Of course he has; S-U-N-day worship, Easter/Isthar holy-day, Christ-mass/-S-U-N-gods b-day, second and fouth commmandment, etc, etc.

          Hide your eyes from these Biblical and historical facts all you want. Its expected from most. Especially among the professed believers. Just continue to ignore the thoughts/actions definition the Bible gives for it. The ONLY commandment that starts with the word “remember” is the one everyone wants to forget. It couldn’t be THAT simple could it? Hmmm…

          Now the serpent was more SUBTIL than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. Gen. 3:1

          Strong’s H6175 – `aruwm – subtil
          1) subtle, shrewd, crafty, sly, sensible
          a) crafty
          b) shrewd, sensible, prudent

        • fishersofmen says:

          *Papal Rome as the little horn/antichrist…

        • N13K says:

          I was just waiting for fishersofmen to start quoting the bible to support his view that the mark of the beast is not literal.

          That’s like Jesus saying some seeds fell on rocky ground but not meaning it literally.
          Come on fishersofmen think about what you’re saying, really, think about it.

        • sumsrent says:

          The Pope is NOT the antichrist!

          An old dried up theory that has no credibility anymore.

        • boletusp20 says:

          I can imagine these SDA’s on TV and see their ridiculous, scoffing facial expressions as they try to get me to read the free book.

          In the Q&A portion of the show, they ask whether people have read the free book.

          You get several hours of airtime on the different channels, but still we must order the free book to hear all about it.

          BTW, I’m not affiliated with the papacy.

          When you talk to me in person, I don’t put on a front like that. You’re not the only schismatics using these tactics, but are easily among the worst.

        • fishersofmen says:


          The parable of the sewer was just that, a parable. Christ used a familiar ANALOGY to symbolically explain how the Gospel affects the HEARTS of the people, not the ground itself. Do you even hear what you just said? Wow. Thats just as silly as saying fallen angels raped women to create the nephilim. Not very rationale. Not at all…

        • fishersofmen says:


          I’m not affiliated with the general conference of SDA’s so you can stop it with the jokes. You don’t even know the half of it my friend. Heres a little experiment for you, go find a picture of the SDA church logo and see if you can find the inverted cross of baal and other pagan symbols hidden in it. Thats just the TIP of the iceberg…

        • boletusp20 says:

          From the sounds of it, you’re affiliating yourself with “historic SDA’s,” or one of their lookalikes.

        • N13K says:


          I’m tired of trying to give words to your stony heart. In hearing you do not hear. So when persecution comes and the sun waxes hot I hope you do not whither at the mark of the beast, which is as literal as Gods word though you do not see its manifestation on earth.

        • fishersofmen says:

          Thanks N13K!

          You weren’t meaning that my heart is literally made of STONE, were you?

          How about this then; Lets just hope that both of us SYMBOLICALLY end up as wheat in the barn. Good enough?


          I’m a SDA in spirit only. I’m also an Israelite, Protestant, Elect, Chosen, etc, etc…

        • boletusp20 says:

          The advent was a false prophecy, which never literally happened. You should repent, be grateful that you were born in an age of grace, and renounce your moral authority to predict the future.

        • fishersofmen says:

          The “Great Disappointment” was a misinterpretation of what “sanctuary” would be cleansed. The Millerites shared the same interpretation of leading Christians that the sanctuary in Daniel 8 was the earth. Big mistake. Jesus actually entered into the most holy place of the HEAVENLY sanctuary on 10/22/44 to finish His ministration as our High Priest blotting out our sins. Doubt it all you want N13K.

          The nephilim preachers don’t talk much about that, do they? Nope. They cetainly preach alot about angels raping women and genetically splicing animals though. Time will certainly tell whos been given over to strong delusion.

        • boletusp20 says:

          I’ve never preached that interpretation of the flood, in recent memory. I have no immediate disagreement with it, besides that something serious has been made into a sci-fi gimmick, so that it would appeal to people.

          Enoch also refers to these subjects, on initial inspection.

      • ericnueman says:

        “Mark of the Beast in the right hand or forehead”… Some kind of embedded chip to secretly control sales or your ability to buy anything in order to control population’s loyalty to Satan down to the individual! Only Christ in U can save U!


        • drew says:

          I learned that the mark will be in your head.

          I’m going to listen to a tape titled ‘Mark of the Beast” by Pastor Arnold Murray from Gravette, Arkansas.

          It’s not necessarily a physical mark..

        • The Light says:

          Here’s a mark for you.
          Mark my words:
          ALL of you will come and go.

          And during that period that you are here, there will be no Apocalypse, no Armageddon, no resurrection, no second coming, no coming of the anti-christ, no mark of the beast. (And more. You just fill in your own fantasy here.)

          Just like all of your family and neighbors for generations before you, none of this ever happened.

          You all will disappear into the pages of time just like the guy in the photo, or maybe you saw him on your street corner downtown, with the sign that reads: “The End Is Near”

        • fishersofmen says:

          CLICK. (That was me turning off The Light again)

          Whoever keeps leaving it on better stop it! I mean it!!

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

          @The Darkness

          Uhhh, thanks for those words of wisdom! I’ll be sure to ignore them, buddy!

  36. British Subject says:

    I just wonder when they are going to make my pay-as-you-go phone obsolete? It is so basic I do not even have speaker on it, let alone a camera. Cheap, cheap, cheap. $8 a month. I load it up with $25 dollars every 3 months and I have about a hundred dollars on it currently, because if I contribute before the 3 month deadline, the remaining total rolls over with the $25. If you don’t use a phone very often, this is the way to go.

    • The technological horror that has bee put upon us is only one of the tools used to enslave our people. We have to protect ourselves from the corporate bankers and the government set up to protect us. Come see what we are doing to prepare for the coming paper firestorm.

    • ericnueman says:

      Don’t U know? The Antichrist mark will be obligatory? All those who don’t know Jesus will be under Satan’s influence on earth whether they like it or not!

      Click my name if U want to live to help others avoid the Devil’s plan!

    • oneirotrader says:

      I have a no-phone phone. It’s even cheaper than yours. There is no camera, no speaker, no microphone, no buttons, no batteries and no nothing. I just need to load it with 0$ every three months. I never use my no-phone phone.

  37. LibertyStreets007 says:

    The big difference between the mark of the beast and these tracking devices is that the mark of the beast is the mark of damnation. Whoever receives the mark of the beast is going to hell with no chance for redemption. It’s that serious.

  38. JonInJapan says:

    I hear there’s another new system. Landlines.

    We don’t need to carry smartphones…or any other type of phone.

    Amazing what not using technology does for you.

    I’m sure most of the info’warriors’ don’t use a mobile phone. Remember the NWO’s slow soft kill approach folks…brain tumors through your phone…

    So, is there a problem?….Nah!!!

  39. shullbitter says:

    i hear there is a system coming out that you can have your mobile at home set up to skype unit that transmits your call through another phone so that you can’t be tracked because your mobile is at home.

  40. IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

    There’s no MARK OF THE BEAST…..
    There’s no NEPHILIM…..
    blah, blah, blah…..

    Brought to you by the NEPHILIM and human servants of LUCIFER

    • N13K says:

      Yup. In that order.

      • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

        It’s hard to be dogmatic but that’s kind of how it looks like it’s going down…. All that’s left is to wait and see. I know this much:

        All of these people of “reason” and “science” are going to have to throw that RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW when there’s millions of PURE BLOODED NEPHILIM stalking the streets and they look up into the sky and see these huge craft hovering over their cities manned by DEMONS who call themselves “space aliens!” They’ll have two choices: Accept the explanation given to them by the world government (which they obviously distrust because they’re here) OR accept the explanation by the Christians from the Bible…..

        When it happens I believe God will make it so people will HAVE ONLY TWO CHOICES to pick that will determine their fate. It will be so OBVIOUS that the Christians have been right all along following the Bible that those who choose to believe that these are “space aliens” that “created them” will just be choosing to follow a blatantly OBVIOUS lie. They’d rather believe “space aliens” made them than an all powerful, loving God, DESPITE that everything in front of their eyes will point to the truth of God’s Word. This is how stubborn people are. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll be ready God willing if I’m on the earth when these demons appear to expose them for what they REALLY ARE, I’ll tell you that much!

        • N13K says:

          Man it’s as if we are two grapes from the same vine.

          :) I’ve explained this to others too and in some ways I’m glad that it’ll be either Jesus or Satan because then they’ll be no excuse to put Jesus aside with lame excuses like “Evolution”, “Atheism” or the favourite “I don’t care and I’m too busy and tired for Church and Bible reading”. It will be in everyones faces and they will have to make a choice and deal with the consequences.

          I’ll be there with you INT, proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ and exposing the lies of Satan!!!

        • fishersofmen says:

          Grape juice anyone? Just kidding…

        • N13K says:

          I’m all up for some wine :)

  41. fishersofmen says:

    The technology used to control the buying and selling is simply not the mark. Neither are cell phones or any other tracking device. The RFID technology, combined with the future digital currency named “bitcoin”, will only be the means in which Rome can enforce her mark of ecclesiastical authority.

    And I beheld another beast (Kingdom or Nation) coming up out of the earth (Sparesly Populated Area); and he had two horns (Civil Powers) like a lamb (Christian), and he spake (Legislate Laws) as a dragon (Satan). Rev. 13:11

    And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast (Church& State Combination), that the image of the beast should both speak (Legislate Religious Laws), and cause (Enforce Religious Laws) that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed (Persecuted). Rev. 13:15

    Revelation 13
    Beast From Sea: Papal Rome (Religio-Political Antichrist)
    Beast From Earth: USA (Christian Nation)
    Two Horns: Republicanism & Protestantism (Church & State)
    Image: Church & State Combination

    And the third angel followed them, SAYING WITH A LOUD VOICE (Pay Attention!!), If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark IN HIS FOREHEAD, or IN HIS HAND, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God… Rev. 14:9-10

    Therefore shall ye lay up these MY WORDS in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a SIGN UPON YOUR HAND (Hand Reference), that they may be as FRONTLETS BETWEEN YOUR EYES (Forehead Reference). Deut 11:8

    Whatsoever thy HAND FINDETH TO DO, do it with thy might. Ecc. 9:10 (Symbol of actions)

    For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I WILL PUT MY LAWS INTO THEIR MINDS, and write them in their hearts. Heb. 8:10 (Symbol of thoughts)

    “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS. Dan. 7:25

    “The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate (CHANGE) laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ.” “The Pope has the authority and often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ.” Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop. Cap. (The Pope can modify divine law.) Ferraris’ Ecclesiastical Dictionary

    “Sunday is our MARK of authority.…The church is above the Bible, and this transference of sabbath observance is proof of that fact.” The Catholic Record, September 1, 1923.

    “Christians will naturally strive to ensure that “CIVIL LEGISLATION” respects their duty to keep Sunday holy.” -Section 67, “Dies Domini”, July 7, 1998

    REMEMBER the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exo. 20:8 (Where do we remember?)

    Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have SEALED (Mark With A Seal) the servants of our God IN THEIR FOREHEADS (Minds). Rev. 7:3

    Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is A SIGN (A Distinguishing Mark) between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.Exo. 31:13

    • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

      This is where, just like the Word says, it tends to cause division sometimes amongst the brethren. The mark is interpreted to be literal, you cannot buy or sell without it…. Mark mean etching or engraving. You really think people will just exclude people from economic participation becase they disregard the Catholic system? How will they know? You don’t think for purposes of greed a demon possessed lost soul would “bend the rules” and buy or sell to somebody without the mark? The mark must be LITERAL, to enforce its seriousness. You fail to acknowledge where technology is heading, take a look around, brother. As far as the Sabbath day I’ve looked into both sides and there is Scripture and evidence pointing to the early church fathers condoning worship on Sunday (The Day of The Lord), John’s vision in Revelation came on the Day of the Lord (Sunday). Jesus said He was Lord of the Sabbath. In the gospel’s the Lord issues His followers to obey 9 of the 10 commandments, not mentioning the Sabbath because the sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. There are also many statements in Paul’s letters alluding to the fact that under the New Covenant the Sabbath was not limited to being on Saturday (actualy FRIDAY night 6PM to SATURDAY at 6AM). The False Prophet will be a pope, BUT the world religion of the Antichrist WILL NOT BE CATHOLICISM. It will be WITCHCRAFT. Daniel 8:25 says the Antichrist causes CRAFT to prosper in his hand. This is why you see society permeated with WITCHCRAFT. You also seem to deny the occurence of the whole transhumanism movement, which promises humans “eternal life and godhood” through TECHNOLOGY. The mark will be a LITERAL THING. It will be more than buying/selling it will promise humanity the “godhood” they desire. This is why when the angel flies through the sky issuing the warning not to take the mark, people mostly will IGNORE IT. The mark will offer them “eternal life” therefore people won’t care what God’s angel says because they no longerneed God in their minds. The Antichrist will make EVERY PROMISE to the damned that CHRIST MAKES TO THE REDEEMED – including ETERNAL LIFE. Remember the coming of the lawless one is according to the power of Satan, with all LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS. This will be MASSIVE DECEIT, the Catholic Church will play a part, yes, but this will be WORLDWIDE. All of these false religious leaders will only POINT HUMANITY TOWARDS THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS MARK, which is LITERAL. The Roman Catholic apostate church is only ONE of Satan’s devices towards the big picture, you give it far too much credit. REMEMBER – ALL lying sings and wonders. God bless.

      • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

        I meant The Jewish Sabbath being FRI 6PM to SAT 6PM (not AM). Also a few other errors in there with the grammar… It’s early, what can I say? Forgive me I’ll make it up some other time.

        • fishersofmen says:

          And he said unto them, The sabbath was made FOR MAN, and not man for the sabbath. Mark 2:27

          Strong’s G444 – anthrōpos – man
          1) a human being, whether male or female
          a) generically, to include all human individuals


          Its from sunset to sunset.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

          I know fishers I was going to correct that to sunset but I didn’t want to keep cycling through correcting the many errors. It is sunset sometimes it’s regarded at about 6PM but sunset has always been the definite standard.

        • fishersofmen says:

          Many will say to me IN THAT DAY, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY. Matt 7:22-23

          Strong’s G458 – anomia – iniquity
          1) the condition of without law
          a) because ignorant of it
          b) because of violating it
          2) contempt and violation of law, iniquity, wickedness

          The popes filled the place of the vacant emperors at Rome, inheriting their power, their prestige, and their titles from PAGANISM. Stanley’s History, page 40

          “…as a solar festival, Sunday was the sacred day of Mithra; and it is interesting to notice that since Mithra was addressed, as Dominus, ‘Lord,” Sunday must have been ‘the Lord’s Day’ long before Christian times.” -The Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, 1928, p136

          The Church did everything it could to stamp out such ‘pagan’ rites, but had to capitualet and allow the rites to continue with only the name of the local diety changed to some Christian saint’s name. -Religious Tradition and Myth. Dr. Edwin Goodenough, Professor of Religion, Harvard University. p. 56, 57

          The Bible says, Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. The Catholic church says, No! By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep the first day of the week. And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic church!” -Fr Enright, C.S.S.R. History of the Sabbath, p. 802


          For he spake in a certain place of the SEVENTH DAY on this wise, AND GOD DID REST THE SEVENTH DAY from all his works… For if Jesus had given them rest, THEN WOULD HE NOT AFTERWARD HAVE SPOKEN OF ANOTHER DAY. THERE REMAINETH THEREFORE A REST to the people of God. Heb. 4:4-9

          Strong’s G4520 – sabbatismos – rest
          1) a keeping sabbath
          2) the blessed rest from toils and troubles looked for in the age to come by the true worshippers of God and true Christians.

      • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

        “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS. Dan. 7:25

        He changes times and laws because he rules by the UN… Which is a treaty organization, the kindgom spoken of in Daniel that rules like NO OTHER KINGDOM. The UN is neither a nation or a kingdom in the sense, it is unique as it rules by TREATY, which has never been done. Times and laws being changed are on a WORLDWIDE level, not just in the Roman Catholic Church He changes times and laws through foolishness like GLOBAL WARMING and OVERPOPULATION, etc. Laws like this have NEVER been seen in history before. The early church fathers saw the pharissees and other religious sects change times and laws already. The reference to that is changing laws MASSIVELY to enforce his RULE GLOBALLY through the UNITED NATIONS, not changing a day of worship to Sunday. This is FAR BIGGER than that… Brother, you forget the line that the coming of the lawless one is according to the POWER OF SATAN WITH ALL LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS. What Antichrist does has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE and never again will. This is more than an already exposed APOSTATE CHURCH changing one of it’s rules, it is FAR BIGGER.

        • fishersofmen says:

          Let no man therefore judge you in MEAT, or in DRINK, or in respect of an HOLYDAY, or of the NEW MOON, or of the SABBATH DAYS (Plural); Which are a SHADOW of things to come; but the BODY is of Christ. Col.2:16,17

          What do every single one of these things have in common? The jewish feast days! Christ was the antitypical FULFILLMENT of all these types and symbols as they were a “shadow” that pointed directly to Christ Himself. They became of no concern after Calvary, hence the “let no man judge you” for not keeping them. It doesn’t say what you NEED it to say edwinrad.

          Blotting out the HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES that was AGAINST US, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, NAILING IT TO HIS CROSS. Col. 2:14

          Take this BOOK OF THE LAW, and put it in the SIDE OF THE ARK of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a WITNESS AGAINST THEE. Deut. 31:26

          Everyone knows that the handwritten ordinances pertaining to the sacrificial system that typified Christ were placed on the side of the ark. These handwritten ordinances were only temporary as they would be fulfilled in the life of Christ. The ten commandments you seek to “do away” were written in stone with the very finger of God, not by Moses. What does it mean when we say “its written in stone”? Exactly. They aren’t going anywhere.

          Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but TO FULFILL. Matt. 5:17 (Try replacing “ to fulfill” with “do away with” and see if it still makes since.)

          Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that KEEP the commandments of God, AND the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14:12

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

          I don’t seek to do away with any of the Commandments. I believe a sabbath is to be observed. However, the New Testament does NOT allude to that day having to be the Hebrew sabbath. The early church was observing the Lord’s Day on a different day. It’s not changed to Sunday or any day, it’s observed by you choosing a day to set aside for the Lord…. if you can’t set aside Saturday, and you set aside Wednesday…. the Word doesn’t say that you sin. You still OBSERVE THE SABBATH according to the Word. I’m not changing anything.

        • fishersofmen says:

          Oops. You’re not edwinrad. Sorry about that. Nevertheless, the only one who “thinks to change times and laws” is the little horn power.

          Thou shalt LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Thou shalt LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt. 22:37-40

          Loving God = First 4 Commandments
          Loving Neighbor = Last 6 Commandments
          Any Questions?

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          The little horn power is the Antichrist! The Antichrist changes times and laws!

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          The Antichrist will head the UN, thus having the ability to change times and laws….

        • fishersofmen says:

          The UN is the body for the global government that the pope is viewed as the spiritual leader of. The little horn definately comes up out of Pagan Rome’s division in 476AD.

          The fourth BEAST shall be the FOURTH KINGDOM upon earth… Dan. 7:23

          Daniel 2 & 7 Parallels

          1.Babylon = Head Of Gold/The Lion = 605BC-539BC
          2.Medo-Persia = Chest & Arms Of Silver/The Bear = 539BC-331BC
          3.Greece = Belly & Thighs Of Bronze/ The Leopard = 331BC-168BC
          4.Pagan Rome = Legs Of Iron/The Terrible Beast With Iron Teeth = 168BC-476AD

          I considered the horns (Ten Divisions), and, behold, there came up among them another LITTLE HORN, before whom there were THREE of the first horns PLUCKED UP by the roots. Dan. 7:8

          Papal Rome = Ten Toes/Ten Horns = 538AD-1798AD , 1929AD-The End

          Ten Divisions:The Saxons,The Franks,The Alamanni,The Visigoths,The Suevi,The Lombards,The Burgundians,The Heruli,The Vandals,The Ostrogoths.

          Three Uprooted:The Heruli in 493AD,The Vandals in 534AD,The Ostrogoths in 538AD.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

          The Revived Roman Empire re-emerged with the occult New Age beliefs that grew in popularity and continue to grow because of the Nazi occult beliefs of WWII. WE are NOW in the Revived Roman Empire, it has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will be ONE of many apostate end time decievers, and the eventual umbralla of the One World Relgion will be under Rome……

          You should check out Tim Wilhelmsen. He puts this into better perspective as to why the Revived Roman Empire actually began at Hitler and WWII…. Also he puts into perspective the prophecy in Daniel about the king who will come to an end and nobody will help him…. That prophecy is specific to WWII and Wilhelmsen gives PLENTY of Scripture to back it.

          WWII was the biggest war in history, more lives lost and more demonic gateways opened than any other times in history. To think it wouldn’t be mentioned in the Bible is wrong. Tim Wilhelmsen has very good teachings on this. You seem to be following a line of beliefs I’ve heard before, but have many Scriptural reasons to reject. You should look at the other side, there is FAR more evidence. God bless.

        • fishersofmen says:

          I saw a WOMAN (A Church) sit upon a scarlet coloured BEAST (Vatican City), full of names of blasphemy, having SEVEN HEADS (Mountains or Hills) and TEN HORNS (Ten Divisions). Rev. 17:3

          I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate WOMAN. Jer. 6:2

          The seven heads are SEVEN MOUNTAINS, on which the woman sitteth. Rev. 17:9

          Strong’s G3735 – oros – mountains
          1) a mountain
          AV — mountain 41, mount 21, hill 3

          It is within the city of Rome, called The City on Seven Hills, that the entire area of Vatican State Proper is now confined” The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 529.

          “…group of hills on or about which the ancient city of Rome was built. The original city of Romulus was built upon Palatine Hill (#1) (Latin: Mons Palatinus). The other hills are the Capitoline,(#2) Quirinal, (#3) Viminal,(#4) Esquiline,(#5) Caelian,(#6) and Aventine (#7) (known respectively in Latin as the Mons Capitolinus, Mons Quirinalis, Mons Viminalis, Mons Esquilinus, Mons Caelius, and Mons Aventinus). http ://


          I’m well aware of the transhumanist movement, new-age movement, and nephilim movement among many others. The fact remains that you don’t meet the requirements of our Creators remnant people. You reject at least one of the ten commandments of God and you don’t have the Spirit of Prophecy.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          I never claimed to be a prophet, I do not have a spirit of prophecy. I do not reject any of God’s commandments. I never stated any of that. What I said was that there are Scriptural references for everything I am saying, and I pointed to where to find them. So, how does that mean I claim to have a spirit of prophecy?

          Also, YOU are wrong in your interpretation of the Scriptures. AMERICA is the Babylon, NOT ROME. There’s all kinds of Scriptural references to that, but I’m not going to bother telling you, as obviously I’m a commandment breaking false prophet in your eyes.

          I will leave out whether or not I meet the Creator’s requirement to be the remnant to GOD ALMIGHTY. Not somebody like you who panders to EVERY FALSE belief in prophecy that has been continuously refuted by Scripture (ie, Rome being the Babylon)

          I’m done with you. I believe the TRADITIONS OF MAN are making the Word of God of no effect to you. You should research the other side of the coin before you start making accusations that have NO BASIS. You are following beliefs that’ve been proven wrong over and over, and when somebody tries to point you the right way you call them “commandment breaking false prophets.” Best wishes to you. Take care.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:

          @The Darkness

          If you’re scroll finger hurts, start clicking and move along somewhere else! Hopefully, you’ll find it easier to scroll there!

        • fishersofmen says:

          I wasn’t insinuating that you were a prophet, but the gift of prophecy is definately an indicator of the remnant movement. I also wasn’t handling your case here and now as I’m not capable of judging character or motive. We’ll have a 1000 years in heaven to sort through all the books. God “winks” at times of ignorance and I have no way of knowing your heart. You’re free to believe what you want though. I think we have many things in common but prophecy is definately not one of them.

          Also, if you haven’t found the end-time prophet yet then do some research on the MANY “prophets” that arose during the 1800′s. Every single one of the movements they started permeate every facet of life today. The best way to hide a diamond is to hide it in a bunch of shattered glass. Someone was muddying the waters at the close of the longest time prophecy of the scriptures, the 2300 year time prophecy that ended in 1844. Christ never tell us to beware of ALL prophets. He instructed us to test them according to the scriptures. The antitypical fulfillment of this paticular gift has definately been made manifest already. Not only were prophetic things clarified, but the health message too. Important stuff.

          Also, if you don’t keep sabbath its an indicator that you haven’t been lead into all truth yet. The remnant people will certainly be keeping all ten commandments. Again, this is not me casting judgment on you. I would suggest you study the differences between the two distinct laws. The handwritten ordinances of Moses and the ten commandments. Only one of them was “fulfilled” in the life of Christ and “nailed to the cross” and it wasn’t the commandments He wrote with His own finger. Take care brother.

      • N13K says:

        IlluminatiNephilimTrash, it’s almost as if you’re in my head, Lol.

        All you have written is exactly my thoughts too.. Looks like the Holy Spirit reveals all to those who are willing to receive.

        One thing though, I used to think that the False Prophet would be the Pope too but upon further reasoning based on the Freemasons own writings in which they boast that after they have instigated WWIII, they will seek to destroy Christianity and Atheism at the same time (hence the UFO deception).. however, now I expect the False Prophet to be outside the Christian faith but still claiming to be of Jesus Christ or potentially Jesus Christ himself.

        It’s the kind of thing I’d expect from Satan, deceiving everyone into believing that he is in fact Jesus Christ to have everyone worship him. But I could be wrong, what do you think?

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          Very easy answer. The Catholic church is about as far as outside Christianity as one can get. It has never been Christian, only a complete apostate fake. It’s been calling itself “Christian” and lying the same way the government calls “global warming” science. Expect continuous widespread abominations and deceptions coming from Rome. Check out the CNP movement amongst the churches and members like Tim Haye and Chuck Missler CONTINUOUSLY trying to umbrella true Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church. Also, the Vatican is in HIGH GEAR towards making the UFO Deception public. You should look into those things. God bless.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          You also need to check into the “ascended masters” spoken of by Madam Blavatsky and other early New Age writers. This will be part of the deception, as well. The “ascended masters” will probably come back as the world’s “religious leaders” as part of the end times deceptions. They will say they’ve been working for the “space aliens” all along and that religion was all their doing. The head apostate religious leader will probably be the pope which is in line with the Freemasonic writings as Catholicism is far from Christianity. VERY good teachings on this on by Dr Scott Johnson. Check it out.

        • N13K says:


          I understand that the Vatican and its tentacles is the woman riding the dragon. And I also understand that they endorse all facetes of the NWO. But the reason I said what I did is because the Lords Judgement falls upon his own house first inorder to purge those masquerading as shepards and sheep but are not.

          I also realise that the NWO hate the Vatican even though she endorses their policies. The reason being that the Vatican still reminds them of who they hate most (Jesus Christ).. Plus just imagine if a real man of God was to take hold of the Papal office, it would be the most destructive thing to the NWO.. So I’m guessing that they will severe all ties with the Vatican to effect total control the world over and at the same time destroying all memory of the Vaticans past/birth which came from the good intentions of Jesus Christ.

        • IlluminatiNephilimTrash says:


          The whole act that the NWO hates Rome is just an act. Rome is a “controlled opposition.” The same pagan leaders that’ve held power throughout centuries are the same ones that established the Catholic Church. It never had good intentions. The whole purpose of Catholicism was to pervert Christinity and give it a bad name. The NWO is in cahoots with Rome, big time.

          The falling away will come before the lawless one is revealed. Most of the decieving and leading of the sheep astray will come from the UFO demonic deception and the “ascended masters” lie..

          Those not grounded in the Word will fall away at that point, then the lawless one will be revealed. Those on earth at that time will be the true remnant, who made it through the deception…. Those left who “love their God will do exploits” according to Daniel. Springing up new members of the church that are grounded in the wholesomeness of God’s Word NOT the traditions of men and foolishness that’ve crept into the “Christian” church, as those fakers will have fell away because their hearts were never right in the first place.

          True believers will KNOW the Antichrist is a fake. We will know by the lying signs and wonders, we will know by the Word, we will know by the Lord, as He says, “My sheep HEAR MY VOICE….” Antichrist will be wide out in the open to us. This is why we will be persectured. We will be condeming the world’s “savior” and exposing their “eutopia” as the lie from the pit of hell that it is. Imagine how mad the world will be when they finally believe their trouble is over and we’re out telling them it’s all a big lie?

          Thanks for your support and God bless. I am in agreeance with you as well.

        • The Light says:

          I thought you said comments were rationed illtrash?

          My scroll finger is cramping up…

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