
Deployment Guide for CloudPortal Services Manager CU 5

Article | Installation/Upgrade
| Created: 24 Sep 2014 | Modified: 30 Sep 2014
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This article describes how to deploy CloudPortal Services Manager Cumulative Update 5.


Complete the following steps for each component deployed in your environment:

  1. When the zip file is downloaded, right-click on the file and go to Properties.

    Ensure that the file is not listed as Blocked. If it is listed as Blocked, click Unblock before unzipping the file.

    File Properties

  2. Extract CloudPortal Services Manager Cumulative Update and copy the contents to C:CPSMCU5.

    CloudPortal Services Manager Cumulative Update

  3. Databases

    1. Back up the OLM, OLMReports & ExchangeLogs databases.

      Note: This step is key to being able to roll back from the update (if required) and must be performed.

    2. Open PowerShell and run: Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned Process.

    3. Use C:CPSMCU5deployscripts.ps1 as a user with permissions on the DB to run the SQL files.

    4. From a PowerShell command prompt, run “help .deployscripts –Full” for additional information on the script.

      Examples of upgrading database scripts:
      • .deployscripts.ps1 -Path .DatabaseScripts –TrustedConnection
      • .deployscripts.ps1 -Path .DatabaseScripts -User sa -Password secret
  4. Provisioning Rules

    1. Find or Create Customer

    2. Customer/User Hosted Exchange Provisioning/Deprovisioning

    3. Mail Archiving

    4. Resource Mailbox Create/Remove

      If any custom rules are created in the areas mentioned in the list which live outside the Before or After Provision/Deprovision containers, then complete the following steps:

      Custom Rules -Provision/Deprovision

    1. Evaluate the rules. If they can be moved to ‘Before’ or ‘After’ provision/deprovision containers, manually recreate them there (so they do not get removed by this update or any patches/upgrades).

    2. If the rules cannot be moved, make a note of them and exactly what they do, and manually recreate them where they were when you completed applying the update.

  1. Provisioning

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexProvisioning Engine.

    2. Stop the Provisioning Engine Service and close Provisioning Manager if it is open.

    3. Retain Provisioning EngineappSettings.config and Provisioning EngineCortexQueueMonitor.exe.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexProvisioning Engine and delete the other files.

    4. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesProvisioning Engine to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexProvisioning Engine.

  1. CortexWeb

    1. Ensure .NET 4.5 is installed.

    2. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexCortexWeb.

    3. Retain CortexWebCortexAPIWeb.config and CortexWebCortexDotNetWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexCortexWeb and delete the other files.

    4. Edit CortexWebCortexDotNetWeb.config, search for requestValidationMode and change the value to 4.5 as ‘requestValidationMode="4.5" ‘.

    5. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesCortexWeb to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexCortexWeb.

    6. Check the CortexWebCortexDotNetpics, CortexWebCortexDotNetStyleSheets and CortexWebCortexDotNetDownloads folders in the backup file and copy any custom pictures, style sheets, or downloads back into their respective folders.

  2.  DirectoryWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesDirectory.

    2. Retain DirectoryWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesDirectory and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesDirectory to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesDirectory.

    4. Check the DirectoryScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesDirectoryScriptsCustom.

  1. ExchangeWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesExchangeWS.

    2. Retain ExchangeWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesExchangeWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesExchangeWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesExchangeWS.

    4. Check the ExchangeWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesExchangeWSScriptsCustom.

  1. IISWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesIISWS.

    2. Retain IISWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesIISWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesIISWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesIISWS.

    4. Check the IISWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesIISWSScriptsCustom.

  1. VirtualMachineWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesVirtualMachineWS.

    2. Retain VirtualMachineWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesVirtualMachineWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesVirtualMachineWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesVirtualMachineWS.

    4. Check the VirtualMachineWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesVirtualMachineWSScriptsCustom.

  1. SharePointWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePointWS.

    2. Retain SharePointWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePointWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesSharePointWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePointWS.

  1. Sharepoint2010WS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePoint2010.

    2. Retain SharePoint2010Web.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePoint2010 and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesSharePoint2010 to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePoint2010.

    4. Check the SharePoint2010ScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesSharePoint2010ScriptsCustom.

  1. BlackBerryWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices BlackBerryWS.

    2. Retain BlackBerryWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices BlackBerryWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesBlackBerryWSWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices BlackBerryWS.

    4. Check the BlackBerryWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesBlackBerryWSScriptsCustom.

  1. MySQLWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesMySQLWS.

    2. Retain MySQLWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices MySQLWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5Binaries MySQLWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices MySQLWS.

    4. Check the MySQLWS ScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices MySQLWS ScriptsCustom.

  1. CitrixWS

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesCitrixWS.

    2. Retain CitrixWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesCitrixWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesCitrixWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesCitrixWS.

    4. Check the CitrixWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesCitrixWSScriptsCustom. 

  2. Lync 2010 Enterprise Service
    If the optional Lync 2010 Enterprise service is installed, complete the following steps to update the service binaries:

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncEnterprise.

    2. Retain LyncEnterpriseWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncEnterprise and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesLyncEnterprise to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncEnterprise.

    4. Check the LyncEnterpriseScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncEnterpriseScriptsCustom.

    5. From the Services Manager menu bar, select Configuration > System Manager > Service Schema and click Import a service.

    6. Click Browse to navigate to and select LyncEnterprise.package.

    7. Click Open > Review > Import.
      An “Import Complete” message is displayed, followed by a list of the actions performed during the import. The connection to CloudPortal Services Manager might reset.

    8. On the CPSM web server, copy the following files from “%ProgramFiles(x86)%CitrixCortexCortexWebCortexDotNetbin” to “%ProgramFiles(x86)% CitrixCortexCortexWebCortexAPIbin” folder:

    • EMS.Cortex.Service.Lync.dll

    • EMS.Cortex.Service.Lync.xml

    • EMS.Cortex.Service.Lync.XmlSerializers.dll 

  3.  Lync 2010 for Hosting Service
    If the optional Lync 2010 Hosting service is installed, complete the following steps to restore the service binaries:

    1. Back up C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncWS.

    2. Retain LyncWSWeb.config from C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncWS and delete the other files.

    3. Copy C:CPSMCU5BinariesLyncWS to C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncWS.

    4. Check the LyncWSScriptsCustom folder in the backup file and copy any custom scripts back into C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServicesLyncWSScriptsCustom.

    5. Copy the following files back in from the Backup folder.


|   +---bin

|   |       EMS.Cortex.Service.LyncHosted.dll

|   |       EMS.Cortex.Service.LyncHosted.xml

|   |       EMS.Cortex.Service.LyncHosted.XmlSerializers.dll

|   |       EMS.Cortex.Web.LyncHosted.dll

|   |       EMS.Cortex.Web.LyncHosted.xml

|   |

|   ---Services

|       ---LyncHosted

|               uc_LyncHostedService.ascx

|               uc_LyncHostedUser.ascx

|               uc_LyncHostedUserPolicies.ascx



|   ---Bin

|           EMS.Cortex.Provisioning.Actions.LyncHosted.dll

|           EMS.Cortex.Service.LyncHosted.dll

|           EMS.Cortex.Service.LyncHosted.XmlSerializers.dll
  1. Hosted Apps and Desktops Service

    Copy the following files back in from the Backup folder:

    |   +---bin
    |   |       Citrix.Cam.Configuration.CSharpClient.dll
    |   |       EMS.Cortex.Service.HostedAppsAndDesktops.dll
    |   |       EMS.Cortex.Service.HostedAppsAndDesktops.xml
    |   |       EMS.Cortex.Web.HostedAppsAndDesktops.dll
    |   |       EMS.Cortex.Web.HostedAppsAndDesktops.xml
    |   |
    |   ---Services
    |       ---HostedAppsAndDesktops
    |               Advertisements.aspx
    |               ImageHandler.ashx
    |               uc_UserPlanAdvertisementsSelection.ascx
    |               uc_UserPlanListing.ascx
    |               UserPlanAdvertisementsSelectioniFrame.aspx
    |   ---Bin
    |           Citrix.Cam.Configuration.CSharpClient.dll
    |           EMS.Cortex.Provisioning.Actions.HostedAppsAndDesktops.dll
    |           EMS.Cortex.Service.HostedAppsAndDesktops.dll
  2. Custom Services

    If any custom services are developed or imported, complete the following steps to restore the service binaries:

    1. Compare the contents of CortexDotNet/bin, CortexDotNet/Services and ProvisioningEngine/Bin in your backup to the install folders.

    2. If you find any differences, check the names of the files and/or folders and if they appear to relate to the custom services, copy the files back into the install folders. 

  3. Other Information

    In addition, verify if the ASP.NET Stack Trace/Debug is disabled in CortexDotNet. Complete the following steps.

    1. Login to your web server.

    2. Browse to the CortexDotNet folder (typically C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexCortexWebCortexDotNet).

    3. Edit the web.config file and ensure the following node is set to false:

      <compilation debug="false" defaultLanguage="vb" targetFramework="4.0" strict="false" explicit="true">

    4. Verify the web.config files for all CPSM web services are updated. To update these files, perform the following steps.

      1. Login to the portal and browse to Configuration > System Manager > Server Connections.

      2. All the web service connections with a Test icon on the right will need updating.

      3. Click on each connection one by one to expand and complete the following steps.

        • Login to the server listed against the Server property.

        • Browse to the web service install folder (typically C:Program Files (x86)CitrixCortexServices{ServiceName}).

        • Edit the web.config file.

        • Find the system.webServer node and update it to contain the following nodes:

                     <remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
                     <add accessType="Allow" users="" roles="CortexWSUsers" />
  1. Restart the Provisioning Engine Service.

Rollback Steps

If you encounter any issues after completing the patch that leaves CPSM in a non-functioning state, you can roll back to the original state by performing the opposite of all the steps listed in this article.
For example:

  1. Stop the Provisioning Engine Service.

  2. Delete all the new files.

  3. Copy all the original files from the backup file.

  4. Restore the databases from the backup file.

  5. Perform an IIS reset on all servers.

  6. Start the Provisioning Engine Service another time.

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