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Sample baby schedules for 1- and 2-month-olds

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Schedule 6: A formula-feeding mom of a 7-week-old

Editor's note: This schedule is a parent-led routine

6 a.m.: He has 6 ounces of formula and falls back to sleep.

8:30 a.m.: We hang out and cuddle, watch TV, and play. I talk and sing to him while we watch Regis and Kelly.

10 a.m.: He has 5 ounces of formula.

10:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.: We have playtime. He lies on the activity mat or tummy mat. He holds a toy now if I put one in his hand!

12:30 to 1:30 p.m.: Naptime.

2 p.m.: He has 5 ounces of formula.

After eating, he swings in his swing, watches his mobile or sometimes TV, and then falls asleep for a short nap.

4 p.m.: The fussiness begins. He's cranky for the next several hours.

6 p.m.: He has 5 ounces of formula and sits in his bouncy seat. The vibration helps him to digest, but crankiness continues until he falls asleep for short nap.

7:30 p.m.: Playtime with Daddy.

8:45 p.m.: Bath time and bedtime routine. I massage him with lavender lotion and put him in pj's. He gets really happy and giggly while I'm doing all of this, so I sing and talk to him. Then we have mommy and baby quiet time together. I dim the lights and speak very softly. I do all I can to make his surroundings soothing. We listen to lullabies. This time is really special to me.

9:30 p.m.: He has 6 ounces of formula and then goes to bed. I stand by the crib holding him until I get one more burp before putting him into his crib. I turn on his nightlight, give him a kiss, leave the room, and he's asleep in minutes and sleeps until 6 a.m

Schedule 7: A breastfeeding and pumping mom of a 2-month-old

Editor's note: This schedule is a combination (parent-led and baby-led) routine

Our little one wakes up around 6:30 a.m., but I give him his pacifier so he'll rest until 7. I really don't want his wake-up time to be before 7 a.m.

He nurses seven times during the day and night: At 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m., and whenever in the middle of the night — usually between 3 and 4 a.m. He'll usually spend ten minutes on each breast, or drink 3 to 4 ounces if I pump.

He always takes a good nap in the morning from about 8 until 11 a.m. I try to do the eat, then play, then sleep cycle. He usually gets really sleepy or fussy about an hour after he eats and falls back to sleep for half an hour to an hour until his next feeding.

Between eating and napping times, we do things together. He just started to grab the toys hanging above his bouncy seat. I hold him and sing to him. He loves to "talk," but he only speaks whale right now. He also loves to stand and he "walks" up my belly. He loves to go for rides in the car.

After his 7 p.m. feeding, I give him a bath and a massage with lotion. We read a story, then I put him to bed. This usually begins his fussy time. He will eventually fall asleep around 8 or 8:30. I wake him up at 10 p.m. to change him and feed him. He always goes right back to sleep without crying and is out for five or six hours until his 3 or 4 a.m. feeding. I love that I can count on that.

Member Comments

im a mom of a five week old baby,,, n me, n clock dont get a long, i feed my baby when i feel like he is crying to be feed... breastfeeding is the best time to bond with my baby n i enjoy it so much i love doing it as much as he wants to nurse.... one hundred percent remocmend breastfeeding by the way....not only for the bonding but is also best for the babys....i have done it with all of my five kids includes this one alexiss...
anitahdz29 - April 17, 2011
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ksminlger: That is really tough, what you are going through. My heart goes out to you - especially the comment about you are not showering and breastfeeding while peeing. Stay strong, ask for help, call in a friend. If you have any family nearby, ask one of them to help you when they can, this will ease the anxiety.

I've found that my daughter ( 2 months old ) responds very well to outings in her car seat. I think that she feels very cocooned in her car seat ( very cushy with head rest and JJ Cole sleep bag) and stays so quiet. It is a wonderful get away to go to the mall and just let them sleep. Something about the car ride and the roll of the stroller.

I understand what you are saying about hoping this time with your baby would be full of butterflies and bunnies. It really is NOT what is portrayed in the movies. There are days that I don't shower ( today ) and brush my teeth around 6pm, if that.

Have you tried putting him in a Baby Bjorn around the house? Freedom for u
acbandrjb - March 10, 2011
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Questions & Answers
A: I would ask a dr or nurse first. But it wouldn't hurt to try rice or oatmeal cereal in one of the bottles. I would try it durin... read more

A: If your baby is only a couple months old and sleeps 8+ hours a night without eating, that isnt right. Babies need to eat every... read more

A: My husband and I put our 5 month old son to bed at 9pm and do not get him up until 7am. Regardless of whether your child is ti... read more

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