If you Google “hiring statistics” you get a lot of hoopla aboutbad hire costs, hiring students from X university, and somefacts from 2001(seriously, try it). Since knowledge is power,we thought we would put together this guide of the mostimportant statistics out there for hiring managers everywhere.In this coffee table-worthy eBook, you will find statistics onhiring costs, percentages, and facts - all from the past yearbecause relevance is importance to us.If you like this guide, pay us a visit at www.Hireology.com;we’ll meet you there.- Team Hireology
82% do not use a personalitytests in the hiring or employeepromotion process
71%indicatethatpersonalitytests can predictjob-related behavior ororganizational fit
56% of organizations arecurrently using socialmedia as a tool to recruitpotential job candidates
Bad hires cost somecompanies as much as$50,000
69% of employers reportthat their companieshave been affected by abad hire this year
27.5% of hires are attributedto referrals. Referrals are the#1 source of external hires
43% made a bad hiringdecision because theyneeded to fill the jobquickly
31% of companieswill increase their HRtechnology spendingin 2013
powered by:http://apus-csb.com/2011/07/14/hiring-statistics-every-job-seeker-should-know/http://www.careerbuildercommunications.com/pdf/CareerBuilder-2013-Forecast.pdfhttp://www.shrm.org/RESEARCH/SURVEYFINDINGShttp://www.towerswatson.com/research/7805Hireology’s award-winning Selection Management System helpscompanies organize their hiring process and leverage data to makebetter hiring decisions. For more information, please visit www.Hireology.com.
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