This month has been dominated by news and excitement surrounding Google Wave new real-time communication platform that launched to the public on September 30th. In fact, there’s been so much buzz that you might just not have enough time to read the...

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Every day, one or two things happen to you that have no large place in the cosmic sphere," muttering, sipping from a cup of black coffee. "That's what Twitter is for. If you're waiting for someone to help you, you can tweet about it." Even if you think...

Twitter has made some revisions to its terms of service, to address issues like advertising, tweet ownership, APIs, and spam. There's not as much news in this as one might expect, but there are some things worth noting, namely, Twitter's stance on who...

The social media movement has expanded the number of people we can reach and connect with on a personal level. The new relationships and connections we create with people all over the world can have a profound effect on our personal and business growth....

Half of all 14-year-olds are the victims of bullying, and cyberbullying is now one of the most common forms of abuse, a major survey of victimisation in schools shows. The study of 15,000 children by the National Centre for Social Research found that...

In a thoughtful post, Ev explains the thoughts behind twitter implemented Retweets. There are a lot of good reasons for adapting this user generated convention into mainstream use. MG Siegler, Sean Bonner and others provide some insight into how this...

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