Fraud suspects Identified


With the assistance of local media and the general public, Airdrie RCMP have charged 2 people with 10 counts of Fraud and 1 count of possession of stolen property.
The 2 accused are: Traci Anne EROR, 46 year old female from B.C., and Edward Douglas Lakes, 47 year old male from the Calgary area. Each have been charged with 10 counts of Fraud and 1 count of possession of stolen property. Attempts to locate the 2 accused have been unsuccessful and a warrant has been issued for each of them.
A local Airdrie resident recognized the 2 accused from a media release in the local paper and contacted the Airdrie RCMP. The citizen was able to provide detailed information on the identities of the accused and police were able to confirm their identities.
The identities have been shared with other police agencies, both RCMP and Calgary Police services, who are continuing with their own investigations as it appears the accused have committed frauds in other areas.
“The local media and citizens of the community were instrumental in locating these 2 suspects. Fraud files can be difficult to solve as they often happen by “out of towners” or people who aren’t known to local police. Without the accused’s pictures in the paper I don’t think this citizen would have even known we were looking for the them. The partnerships with the community really came through in this one”
-Fraud over 5,000$-
On July 22nd, 2010, 2 unknown suspects used a stolen credit card at the Airdrie Superstore. The estimated total charges exceeds 5,000$

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