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Welcome Friends to Karens Kozy Kitchen, The Proverbs 31Project, women mentoring women, at http//KarensKozyKitchen.com

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 Karens Kozy Kitchen

The Proverbs 31 Project – Women Mentoring Women

Karens Kozy Kitchen Members

  Do you remember the days of old when women visited each other regularly to share tips, ideas, and concerns?  Today’s lifestyle is much different.  Many women work outside of the home.  Yet, for many women who do work at home, they find their days filled with the incredible business of homeschooling, a daunting task for the women with several children.

I am Karen Stoneking but, around this blog, just call me Ask Mrs. Kitchen.  We launched the new http://KarensKozyKitchen.com blogazine (hubby’s term) today and I am so excited about it.  It is not finished.  Hubby Rick is still working on getting the theme finished and plugins installed so much work is left.  The site is live though so the email works and you can bookmark the site.  Please do so now.  Please also mention us on your social networks and for sure please add a link to us if you have a website, blog, or newsletter you send out.

During the process of putting together our business plan, Rick suggested we should invite guest writers and experts in the field to answer questions.  The idea of including others is exciting.  This helps bring valuable information to our “table” along with the opportunity to enlarge our circle of women mentoring women friends.  Our appreciation of you and your experience is the reason we want you to join us.  Please see “Call For Writers” below if interested in writing for this blogazine.
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