Department Directory

Disability Insurance

Telephone listing for general information on the State Disability Insurance program and information on filing a claim.

Employment Tax

Office locations, telephone listing, and fax numbers for employers and agents.

Labor Market Information

Labor Market Consultants help workforce partners (such as Workforce Investment Act boards and staff, One-Stop Career Center staff, educators, and those engaged in economic development) and employers find access and use labor market information and services. If you are looking for Unemployment Insurance claim information, contact the Unemployment Insurance program.

Telephone and e-mail listing for contacting local Labor Market Consultants located throughout California.

One-Stop Career Centers

Information and county-by-county listings of all California One-Stop Career Centers and access points including addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation.

Paid Family Leave Insurance

Telephone listing for general information on the Paid Family Leave Insurance program and information on filing a claim.

Unemployment Insurance

Telephone listing for general Unemployment Insurance benefit information, information on filing a claim, and benefit check information.

Workforce Services

Office locations, telephone listing, and fax numbers for job seekers and employers.

For Deaf or Hard of Hearing

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can receive interpretive, job placement, and follow-up services to help you find a job or receive EDD services. Contact EDD by using the TTY toll free numbers, which will put you in direct contact with a representative:

  • Disability Insurance: (TTY) 1-800-563-2441
  • Employment Tax: (TTY) 1-800-547-9565
  • Unemployment Insurance (TTY) 1-800-815-9387

Comments, Suggestions, or Complaints

If you have comments, suggestions, or complaints please forward them to:

  • Comments, or
  • Employment Development Department
    800 Capitol Mall, MIC 83
    Sacramento, CA 95814