Copyright and time zones

A virtual end of time

The time is up for an online repository of the world's time zones

Media digitisation

Book transubstantiation

A Japanese service for transcribing print into bits sets up shop in America

The Nobel prize in economics

How to know what causes what

The innovations produced by Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims have become ubiquitous


Screen lesson

Six things a film actor should never do


Know when to fold 'em

How to tell whether poker is a game of skill or one of luck

Difference Engine

Programmed nonsense

Sloppily approved patents for software are hindering innovation


Beyond the PC

Smartphones and tablets overtake the computer, hoovering up mobile data by the exabyte

Editor's note

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Tatra tiger on the ropes
From Eastern approaches - October 11th, 23:18
Link exchange
From Free exchange - October 11th, 21:32
Don't ask, don't tell
From Baobab - October 11th, 18:10
Conservative "Jackass"
From Democracy in America - October 11th, 17:19
A very Ukrainian trial
From Eastern approaches - October 11th, 16:57
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