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      Are YOU Super Moshi Material?

      Did you notice something UNUSUAL in your monster's room today? Be on the lookout for a GIFT from the Super Moshis! Once you've opened your gift, the Super Moshi Elder will tell you to head over to the Volcano. Be sure to SCROLL over to the right to talk to the Gatekeeper.

      Next, you'll have to use your super sleuth skillz to unlock the key to the volcano. The key is over on Sludge Street. I've always wondered what was inside of that abandoned building! Oh yeah, and here's a super handy secret code translator.

      The next step is kinda tricky because you have to have a Moshi Membership Passport to get inside the Volcano. Makes sense right? An all-access pass to Monstro City is an ESSENTIAL part of a Super Moshi's gear. That way you can battle Dr. Strangeglove's evil deeds wherever he goes! If you're not already a Moshi Member and you'd like to become one, just click the Super Moshi badge below.

      I won't give away the whole first mission, but I will tell you that it involves a missing Moshling Egg! If you can rescue the egg from Dr. Strangeglove, then Buster Bumblechops' just might let you keep a BRAND NEW Moshling that you're sure to go GAGA for.

      Whaddya say? Will you help save Monstro City from the gloved grip of Dr. Strangeglove? We need your help! Comment on THIS blog and tell me what you think of the first Moshi Mission and what other kinds of missions you'd like to see. A few of you will win Random Rox prizes!

      Friday's Random Rox winners are
      awsomeness1490, waydowntown, and schocolate. Saturday's Random Rox winners are mooney4476, elise25, and waterlily9193. Sunday's Random Rox winners are mystical_love03, ema5545, and fireball6644.

      Keep your eyes at hand...

      Roary Scrawl

      1. I finished the first mission and I have Lady GooGoo! Its so fun, I love it! I think I would like to help one of the shopkeepers, like Dewy. He is always misplacing things! I think that he should by accident lose his special shop items, and we have to help him! ;D
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      1. I am a super moshi and I would LOVE to see missions that get oyu secret 3 and 4 and to go to the haunted house near main Street!!!!

        P.S Yay first comment!
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      1. Im already a super moshi and it awesome!
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      1. awsome doing it now
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      1. get the secret code right
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      1. YEP YAY I AM
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      1. the moshling u get it s a lady googoo
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      1. super moshis are cool
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      1. awsome
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      1. i need help its hard
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      1. oh my this is so exciting and i really wanna become a member i might not though i wanna see a mission to defeat dr strange glove i saw him down an ally once i was planning a plot my luck the super moshis are on there way.
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      1. I just completed the first mission! Maybe the next mission can be underwater?
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      1. woooohoooo i did it and i have a lady googoo moshling to look after.

        i loved the mission it was fun. i would like a mission thats saving moshlings and moshi monsters.
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      1. I did it and got lady googoo and i am really pleased!
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      1. The first mission is so cool! Next id like to help the dodejy dealer finding all his things and then us getting one of his things for a week or so!
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      1. Cool!
        I wonder what's in the egg!
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      1. I Have Done The Mission It Is So Cool I Earned One Of The Secrets. Lady Goo-Goo. She Is So Sweet. I Would Love To Help Save More Monsters From The Evil Monster. Dr. Strange-Glove. I Think The Next Mission Should Involve Some Of The Moshlings Like Cutie Pie.Also I Love The Mission I Hope they Keep Coming !
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      1. i finished the mission! it was so awsome,elating,cool!!!!!!!! if i had the chance to do it all over a gain i would!
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      1. I GOT LADY GOOGOO!!!!! :)
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      1. I have finished the misson i have lady Ga goo she cool she came out the egg.I loved it. I want to help people!
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      1. Hi i love being a super moshi becuase i got a new moshling!!!!!!!!! i think there should be this one when you have to help a bakery shop becuase someone has stolon there money or something like tht!!!! thanks moshi tream :)
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      1. I think I would make a good super moshi is because I solved nearly 30 detective games on my DS and after being riddle queen I am sure to make a good super moshi.It is true I am good at codes because I play missions with codes
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      1. I finished the first mission, but sadly im a non-member so I cant go inside the volcano.
        Oh well, some things you just can't have! :-)
        I hope I win a Random Rox Prize because I never have! Please let me have a Random Rox Prize!
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      1. Cool! For members though? Oh well...
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      1. I think this is Unfair! There should be something for Non-Members like a Super Moshi! We need to be included too! You never think of us Non members as much as you do to Members! x
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      1. First comment!Its sounds cool exept you have to be a member!
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      1. I absolutely loved the new Super Moshi mission! It is just the kind of thing I like! I think it was definitely a good idea to add the Super M
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      1. 1st?
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      1. I Think The Mission Is Awesome!
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      1. cool i'm a super moshi yeah
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      1. does it count if its your old passport cos i got the message???
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      1. Wow That Is Well Cool!!
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      1. i think the new super moshi mission is awesome and i got lady googoo ( also i think this is the first comment?)
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      1. yay first commet!i did it and it was cool.
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      1. help save the moshling
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      1. i got the gift but im gonna be a member
        on satureday so ive gotta wait till then
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      1. Wow what a super mission. Thank you super moshis. this was really exciting. I love my new moshling Lady googoo. Eve xxx
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      1. Well when you said GAGA it gave a clue, Roary. Because nobody hears you say that and it isn't really your kind of thing. So think the Moshling Egg of Lady GooGoo.
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      1. I would like to have a mission where you have to stop dr strangeglove from destroying the googenheim
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      1. OMG! i just got lady goo goo for doing a quest! and i had a gr8 day at school! so thank you moshi monsters you have just made this day way, way better! Xx. love zoe6390! Xx.
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      1. well i got the gift and i did the misson it was so so so FUN in the end i got lady GooGoo and she sang a cool song. and my sister hollypops5 is not a member sadly but she could not do the misson she was very sad
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      1. I Have Finished The First Mission & I Love It!
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      1. Being a Super Moshi is awesome!!
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      1. I have helped buster and i got "the moshling" id like tosee a mission where you have to find out who stole capn bucks treasure
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      1. I did the mission and got Lady GooGoo! :D
        SuperMoshi is really cool!
        Please make some more missions!
        Can you make one with the guy in Dodgy Deals in it? He looks pretty shifty to me!
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      1. i got lady gogo i wud like do save a popstar like dustbin beaver from the eveil guy and he coloud like give us a golden mic
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      1. OMG i got lady goo goo and im so pleased!
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