Part of the Bay Area News Group

Jackson sending message to players

By Steve Corkran
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 at 2:51 pm in Oakland Raiders.

Raiders coach Hue Jackson wants his players to understand that they are here to win a Super Bowl title, period. And nothing is going to prevent Jackson from doing whatever it takes to make sure the team keeps moving toward that goal.
Trading for linebacker Aaron Curry and Carson Palmer, inserting Curry into the starting lineup and benching Quentin Groves and sacking Jerome Boyd should be taken as not-so-subtle reminders.
“What do you think?” Jackson said, when asked if he was sending a message. “No doubt. I told them, I am going to do everything I can -– the organization has backed me -– to give this team the best opportunity to win football games, and that’s all you can ask for.
“As a head coach, when you have ownership, Mark Davis, Amy Trask and the rest of this organization stand behind you and say, ‘Hey, look, whatever we think it takes to win, that’s what we’re going to do,’ and that’s what we’re doing. The players appreciate that because it gets no better than that. You come to work everyday knowing that you’re fighting for something. And we’re fighting for a championship.”
Players also are fighting for starting jobs, playing time and roster spots.
Campbell has been supplanted by Palmer, Groves now is a special-teams player and Boyd is looking for a new employer.
Veteran defensive tackle Richard Seymour said he and others understand how things work around here.
“This is a production business,” Seymour said. “Our job is to go out and produce and get better as a team, and we’re always evaluated year in and year out, from game to game. And the best players are going to play. And that’s what we’re always told, so I’m trying to do everything I can to make sure my job is safe.”
Making such bold moves has the players fired up, as well.
“It means we’re going for it, man,” strong safety Tyvon Branch said. “That shows the confidence they have in this team. When you get a team like this, you don’t want the opportunity to slip away.”

Palmer practiced with his new teammates for the first time Wednesday. He said it’s going to take some time to shake off the rust, but his teammates already like what they see.
“He looked great,” wide receiver Chaz Schilens said. “That’s all there is to it, man.”
Palmer said it was nice being in an NFL setting again after spending the past nine months or so finding creative ways to stay in shape.
“Definitely rusty,” Palmer said. “Good to be back in it but definitely have some rust to wear off. I haven’t thrown to NFL receivers in awhile. Whether it’s been high school kids or my brother, I have had one NFL guy to throw to in T.J. Houshmandzadeh but, other than that, I haven’t thrown to guys that can run like this and lots of guys that can run like this in seven-on-seven situations and team situations, things like that.”
Receiver Jacoby Ford said it would be difficult for Palmer to start this Sunday. Even so, it’s only a matter of time before Palmer and the receivers are in synch.
“He looked good,” Ford said. “It’s just a matter of the timing. He has to get that down and get used to the offense and new receivers. Whenever we can do that, we’ll be clicking on all cylinders.”
Jackson dismissed reports about Palmer starting against the Chiefs on Sunday.
“You hear it come from me?” Jackson said. “It didn’t come from anybody over here. I know I never said that.”
Jackson said he will wait until Friday night before he determines whether Palmer is far enough along to start. Palmer hasn’t played in a game of any kind since Jan. 2.
Receiver Derek Hagan, perhaps, is best qualified to pass judgment on the status of Palmer, given they spent some time together during the lockout.
“Carson looked great,” Hagan said. “Obviously, the same Carson I’ve been working with throughout the summer. We had a few throwing sessions out in L.A. He looks the same. He’s putting the ball right on the money. Obviously that’s something we’re looking forward to.”

Kyle Boller handled the trade for Palmer in a classy manner, as expected. He and Palmer are long-time friends who played against each other in college and entered the NFL the same season.
“That’s football,” Boller said. “Obviously, Carson’s a great player. He’s a guy that’s proven himself. All I can do is what I can control. And that’s come to work and be the best player that I can be. Like I said, I’m glad to have him. He’s a
great player, and you want to get as many great guys on the team as you can.”
Jackson said Boller took the news the way he expected.
“He’s awesome, he’s a pro,” Jackson said.
Not that Jackson cares.
“Honestly, I don’t worry about that, because my players exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing,” Jackson said. “I don’t mince for words, I don’t pull any punches. I’m not sliding a guy in when nobody knows. It is what it is. It’s about the team. It’s about the winning. It’s about being the best we can be and I don’t think anybody runs from it.”

The Raiders placed defensive end Matt Shaughnessy on the injured-reserve list Wednesday morning because Shaughnessy’s shoulder wasn’t healing as hoped.
The next step is surgery. Jackson said Shaughnessy will have shoulder surgery in the near future. Shaughnessy suffered the injury against the Jets on Sept. 25.
“We went as far as we could go until we had to make that decision,” Jackson said. “It just wasn’t getting any better. We lost a really good football player. We’ll continue and we’ll rally up. Next man up. The next man’s been up for a few weeks.”
That next man up is Desmond Bryant, who has started the past two games. Jarvis Moss and Trevor Scott also are getting added playing time in Shaughnessy’s absence.
Fellow end Trevor Scott missed the tail end of last season because of a torn knee ligament. He said it’s easy to sympathize with what Shaughnessy is going through these days.
“The biggest thing is to stay as positive as you can,” Scott said. “It’s a crappy situation, but it is part of the game, it does happen, and he’s just got to look forward to getting a great rehab and coming back strong.”

“I thought we were going to get (David) Garrard, but we got Palmer, so, hey, man, can’t do nothing but be happy.” — Raiders defensive tackle Tommy Kelly on what he thought of the Palmer trade

Here’s coach Jackson’s rundown of the injured players from practice today:
“Satele limited; Cartwright DNP; Reece DNP; Gordon limited; Myers full; Jason Campbell DNP; McClain DNP; Chekwa DNP; Huff limited; Johnson DNP; so, again we’ve got some medical things that we’ve got to continue to take care.”

Campbell still is recovering from surgery Monday to repair his broken right collarbone. He might not be around the facility right now but he isn’t forgotten by his teammates.
“Sheez, man, I feel so bad,” right offensive tackle Khalif Barnes said. “I feel terrible for that kid. He’s had some tough years in Washington, he finally came in here last year, him and Hue got to jell together, they had a great year last year, and he looked like he was going to have a pretty good season this year.
“He was throwing the ball excellent, having a Pro Bowl-caliber year. I can only think about one or two mistakes that the guy made in eight weeks. So, he was playing lights out ball. You hate to see anyone get hurt but especially a guy that’s a good guy. He just comes in and does his work. He’s been patiently waiting. I feel real bad for the kid, man.”
Seymour called Campbell’s injury against the Cleveland Browns on Sunday unfortunate.
“We all have a lot of respect for Jason, in terms of what he brought to the table and being a leader and getting guys together in the offseason and being on the same page and going out and playing well for us,” Seymour said. “But other guys have to, since he’s down now and not here, someone has to step up in his position and take on that responsibility.”

Follow me on Twitter: @corkonthenfl

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168 Responses to “Jackson sending message to players”

  1. Silverandblack666 Says:


  2. Seymour Bush Says:

    ohioraider Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    I want to see Palmer take on the fiery demeanor of Gannon. Calling out teammates for mistakes. Effning taking charge. I loved that.

    That’s not really Carson. He has more of that So Cal cool in him. Just make plays.

  3. MistaBrown Says:

    Palmer is going to piss allover the KC Chiefs.

    The end

  4. RaiderChaos Says:


  5. MistaBrown Says:

    Hue using this to get his players focused and hungry.

  6. HairyBush Says:


  7. Silverandblack666 Says:

    “Im just a fan HU knows better than i do, even if i disagree, or think we could have gone another way. i didnt always agree with davis either, but I love when my team wins.”

    Nice post Mystic1 I agree 100%

  8. Mistic1 Tha Supavillain Says:

    # Mistic1 Tha Supavillain Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    # Silverandblack666 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Mistic1 you are going to have to trust Hue on this he has known Palmer since High school he would not make this move unless he was sure it would help the team.

    I am on board. I do trust Hu jack.

    If Jc had stayed healthy he would still be here but he got hurt, it isnt the first time a guy lost his job to injury. There is no loyalty in sports, all athletes know this going in.

    Hu jack is a very good evaluator of talent, so not only did he fill our void, post injury but he has the guy he wants for his offense, there bye putting his stamp on the team.

    Im just a fan HU knows better than i do, even if i disagree, or think we could have gone another way. i didnt always agree with davis either, but I love when my team wins.

    I see carson as a guy that can be at least on par with Jc it isnt like we are taking a step back like last year with grads. He throws more picks, but he throws more tds too. He isnt mobile but when his jersey is clean he can be really good at times. What we lose is the leadership, and chemistry.

    I am willing to wait and see if palmer can grow into a leader, there is no doubt about his ability to throw the ball

  9. Method To My Madness Says:

    470.Twocents Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:58 pm
    Where is the Super Bowl this year? Anybody….


    Kell’s wife,Jackie, sports the Super Bowl cut…..the football game is in Indy

  10. Method To My Madness Says:

    Mistic1 Tha Supavillain Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:01 pm
    # Mistic1 Tha Supavillain Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    # Silverandblack666 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Mistic1 you are going to have to trust Hue on this he has known Palmer since High school he would not make this move unless he was sure it would help the team.

    I am on board. I do trust Hu jack.

    If Jc had stayed healthy he would still be here but he got hurt, it isnt the first time a guy lost his job to injury. There is no loyalty in sports, all athletes know this going in.

    Hu jack is a very good evaluator of talent, so not only did he fill our void, post injury but he has the guy he wants for his offense, there bye putting his stamp on the team.

    Im just a fan HU knows better than i do, even if i disagree, or think we could have gone another way. i didnt always agree with davis either, but I love when my team wins.

    I see carson as a guy that can be at least on par with Jc it isnt like we are taking a step back like last year with grads. He throws more picks, but he throws more tds too. He isnt mobile but when his jersey is clean he can be really good at times. What we lose is the leadership, and chemistry.

    I am willing to wait and see if palmer can grow into a leader, there is no

    In the corporate world there is never any loyalty

  11. Method To My Madness Says:

    So 666….a hermaphrodite at your job thought Kell was handsome?

  12. stablersbeard Says:

    If Palmer can put the ball downfield where that receiver has a shot at it and make throws to the sideline without forcing the receiver out of bounds to catch it, he’ll be a big improvement.
    Campbell isn’t good down the field and doesn’t have a sideline pass that’s catchable.

    Maybe the playbook can be opened up a little in the passing game. Campbell never seemed to look in more than one direction before going to his check-down.

    Not trying to beat on Campbell, just haven’t been very impressed.

  13. inonewordraider Says:

    In the corporate world there is never any loyalty

    True but you know Coach Davis is loyal and gotta give the team it’s best chance to win

  14. Chas Malloy Says:

    I want to see an end to a fifty yard reception that can only be made out of bounds. Carson’s accuracy will be a welcome addition in the Vertical game.
    The running game will benefit from Palmer’s presence in the pocket. The O line’s near flawless performance last week needs to be a consistent element game in and game out…zero penalties is great, now keep Palmer clean and let #3 re-establish his place as an elite NFL QB
    The possibility of a nice run of victories is in front of the Raiders perhaps 10-2 before the GB game!!!

  15. Method To My Madness Says:

    317.KoolKell Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 1:32 pm
    Fk B, he don’t own this blog. He may bully you little pootbutts, no me.


    I’ve been bullying you since 08 when you wouldnt show up in San Leandro…i’ve clowned and even out talked you on other topics becuz I’m naturally smarter than you

  16. RaiderLen Says:

    MistaBrown Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 2:54 pm
    Hue using this to get his players focused and hungry.

    Trades, demotions, and cuts send a clear signal.

    Whatever needs to be done to win, will be done.

    This is as it should be.

  17. LA to TheBay Says:

    Plus, he was apparently vetted pretty well by a conditioning guy that consults for the Raiders.

    Last thing we need is a Javon Walker type scenario. And this would be worse considering its not just money but two #1s.

  18. Silverandblack666 Says:

    “So 666….a hermaphrodite at your job thought Kell was handsome?”

    Yeah here is her picture:

  19. inonewordraider Says:

    wk 7 kc at oak
    wk 8 bye
    wk 9 den at oak

    wk 7 sd at nyj
    wk 8 sd at kc
    wk 9 gb at sd

  20. Method To My Madness Says:

    315.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 1:31 pm
    Brien, get a life and get your own place, move in with roommates, into an apartment or house, not some patched up situation where you’re renting out a bedroom from a landlord who sleeps 20 feet away from you. Grow up, Brien. Anyone who lives in dorm like conditions over age 25 has issues.


    Roommates? For what? Always problems happen when living with others…maybe you dont know that becuz you stuck in mom’s basement eating TV dinners all day and all night long

    Dorm situation? That doesnt make sense becuz in dorms you aint suppose to be bringing folks after a certain time….and guess what Im your Obumma America right now many are living worse than a dorm situation…..shows how much you know

    Maybe you oshould lose your virginity first before you ever suggest to another man what to do. You damn near 40 and never been with a woman….thats pitiful and sad………..when you coming to a game?

  21. inonewordraider Says:

    sd can hear the footsteps….

  22. Plunder Says:

    Well… The AD scholarship program is over and done with.

    The Raiders are offically a meritocracy.

  23. Silverandblack666 Says:

    ” You damn near 40 and never been with a woman….thats pitiful and sad”

    don’t lie B@uce you know he had sex with his cousin!

  24. Sullivan44 Says:

    If Hue wanted Saunders to open his mouth he’d pull his zipper down.

  25. Method To My Madness Says:

    and LA to Bay…..Kell opened the flood gates on the wife thing….he said we were jealous becuz he has a white wife….no one ever said anything about it until he used it as ammo on us as if he is someone high and mighty.

    He talks down on people who arent from his tax bracket and yet claims he is so educated…which is a damn lie. Agreeing with him on not talking about family when the punk talks about other folks mother’s is crazy….funny he such a proud black power man and would speak evil on a black mother is absolutely absurd

  26. RaiderLen Says:

    Inonewordraider Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:10 pm
    sd can hear the footsteps….
    You know it got their attention.

    They got stomped at home last year, and now they have to deal with a better Raider squad.

  27. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, what kind of person who rents out a room to someone allows the renter to make as much noise as they want and allow as many guests as they want?

  28. crister Says:

    “I’m not sliding a guy in when nobody knows.”
    What Steve, maybe Jackson got wind of your Miller/Gallery “former Raiders upset with Hue” theme yesterday?

  29. Method To My Madness Says:

    23.Silverandblack666 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:12 pm
    ” You damn near 40 and never been with a woman….thats pitiful and sad”

    don’t lie B@uce you know he had sex with his cousin!


    Yeah right…..cousin boo’d him and went back to their uncle who touched em both…..where is Benson and Stabler and the whole SVU unit when ya need em?

  30. Method To My Madness Says:

    27.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:14 pm
    Brien, what kind of person who rents out a room to someone allows the renter to make as much noise as they want and allow as many guests as they want?


    Someone who has a place that is sectioned off from hearing it…lol….MR you dont get out and see much do ya?

  31. Method To My Madness Says:

    Len!…..been great comedy in here today…MR and Kell with the usual fail jobs

  32. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, how did you meet your landlord? Ad in the paper?

  33. raidertay Says:

    VittorioTafur Vittorio Tafur
    Hue was asked if Palmer trade takes this season’s goals up a notch: “What do you think?”

    Hue and Palmer are going to be under a lot of pressure to perform….I wouldnt want it any other way

  34. Silverandblack666 Says:

    “Yeah right…..cousin boo’d him and went back to their uncle who touched em both”

    Good point…his own cousin would not even touch him.

    I apologize for saying you lied!

    Did you like the pic in my last post?

  35. J Hill Says:

    He’s putting the ball right on the money. Obviously that’s something we’re looking forward to.”


    JFB will have a field day with this, lol.

  36. Method To My Madness Says:

    24.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:13 pm
    If Hue wanted Saunders to open his mouth he’d pull his zipper down.


    Wow basically stoled that one from Martin Lawrence I see…..

  37. Silverandblack666 Says:

    “Brien, how did you meet your landlord? Ad in the paper?”

    What are you a damn reporter writing a book on landlord tenant relations?

  38. Sullivan44 Says:

    Well, I’m comfortable knowing Hue’s fate is in Mark Davis’s hands.

  39. Method To My Madness Says:

    32.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:15 pm
    Brien, how did you meet your landlord? Ad in the paper?


    Nope….why dont you come by and ask…I’m sure u will get your answer

  40. LA to TheBay Says:


    Agreeing with him on not talking about family when the punk talks about other folks mother’s is crazy….funny he such a proud black power man and would speak evil on a black mother is absolutely absurd

    Don’t know the history behind it, just didn’t get people talking about other people’s fam.

    I know Kell talks that yo mama sh;t but seemed like it was in retaliation.

    I just know you won’t catch me doin that is all.

  41. Method To My Madness Says:

    37.Silverandblack666 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:17 pm
    “Brien, how did you meet your landlord? Ad in the paper?”

    What are you a damn reporter writing a book on landlord tenant relations?


    need some highlight to his day

  42. BadMoodGuy Says:

    MR still trolling in here? Jeeze son, you are letting your lack of sex effect your mood.

    BAN THE TROLLS! or at least give then a $20 and drop them off downtown.

  43. Method To My Madness Says:

    40.LA to TheBay Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Agreeing with him on not talking about family when the punk talks about other folks mother’s is crazy….funny he such a proud black power man and would speak evil on a black mother is absolutely absurd

    Don’t know the history behind it, just didn’t get people talking about other people’s fam.

    I know Kell talks that yo mama sh;t but seemed like it was in retaliation.

    I just know you won’t catch me doin that is all.


    LA, i never started this…Kell did it years ago saying he would slap me….which he didnt lol

  44. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien rents a room, as opposed to living in a house or apartment of his own, like a normal human being, so he can afford to go to Raider games. Nice life. You just lit the world on fire, didn’t you Brien?

  45. Method To My Madness Says:

    42.BadMoodGuy Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:19 pm
    MR still trolling in here? Jeeze son, you are letting your lack of sex effect your mood.

    BAN THE TROLLS! or at least give then a $20 and drop them off downtown.


    I’d put down half on him gettin a hooker so he can lose his v-card but he never accepts

  46. RaiderLen Says:

    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:15 pm
    Len!…..been great comedy in here today…MR and Kell with the usual fail jobs
    They’re always “on point” lol

  47. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, why don’t you:

    a) Cut out the Raider games for a while


    b) Look for more work.

    So you can get your own place, and finally become a respectable adult in society?

  48. Method To My Madness Says:

    44.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:19 pm
    Brien rents a room, as opposed to living in a house or apartment of his own, like a normal human being, so he can afford to go to Raider games. Nice life. You just lit the world on fire, didn’t you Brien?


    My life is filled with sex,raider games and partying…i enjoy it…how come u hate ur life?

  49. inonewordraider Says:

    NFLfootballinfo Michael Signora
    by CorkOnTheNFL
    Raiders won 8 consecutive division games, longest current streak. Dolphins 15 in row vs. AFC East (’72-’73) best since 1970

  50. RaiderLen Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:16 pm
    He’s putting the ball right on the money. Obviously that’s something we’re looking forward to.”


    JFB will have a field day with this, lol.
    No doubt.

    Yo JHill, How did the carnitas work out?

  51. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, where do you work, btw?

  52. Method To My Madness Says:

    Yeah MR let’s get an apartment and follw their rules…sure….not buying no house yet bruh…not the time

  53. LA to TheBay Says:

    MR, you think Mark Davis is anything other than along for the ride?

  54. J Hill Says:

    Carnitas was on point, Len.

    I ate way too much, as usual, lol.

  55. Sullivan44 Says:

    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    My life is filled with sex,raider games and partying


    I seriously doubt it with the sex.

    But with the Raider games and partying? Oh, do I ever believe you. And you can only afford to do it because you rent out a room, like you’re 22 years old or something. Pathetic. Grow up.

  56. Sullivan44 Says:

    LA to the Bay,

    Mark Davis is in charge of all Raiders operations.

  57. Method To My Madness Says:

    51.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
    Brien, where do you work, btw?


    By Financial District in SF

  58. J Hill Says:

    not buying no house yet bruh…not the time


    It most certainly is the time.

    And will be the time for a while, lol.

  59. RaiderLen Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:23 pm
    Carnitas was on point, Len.

    I ate way too much, as usual, lol.

    And I can relate. (I’m good, but damn, gotta have another taste…lol)

  60. LA to TheBay Says:

    But with the Raider games and partying? Oh, do I ever believe you. And you can only afford to do it because you rent out a room, like you’re 22 years old or something. Pathetic. Grow up.


    Don’t see a problem with being young and enjoying youth.

  61. Sullivan44 Says:

    Well, Brien, the only reason you have no rules where you rent now is because your landlord is your relative. Dude, get out and become a man.

  62. Sullivan44 Says:

    LA to the Bay,

    How old is Brien? Is he young?

  63. raiderkoolaid Says:

    I hope the money we don’t spend on signing draft picks next year can be spent on a couple of solid FA’s. We have youth at every position except DT. We have young talent everywhere else.

  64. Sullivan44 Says:

    By the financial district. Well, do you panhandle, Brien? That doesn’t exactly narrow it down. What do you do? What line of work are you in?

  65. LA to TheBay Says:

    Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:24 pm
    LA to the Bay,

    Mark Davis is in charge of all Raiders operations.


    (NY accent)

    Yeah…. Sure. Fugheddaboutit.

  66. RaiderLen Says:

    And will be the time for a while, lol.

    Looong road to recovery.

  67. Chas Malloy Says:

    I wanted to point out the only negative aspect of the press conf. last nite was Carson continually referred to the burden he felt coming into the situation in Oakland. I would have liked to have heard the word challenge instead.
    That said I am looking forward to the revival of the “Mad Bomber” wearing jersey 3 for the Silver & Black

  68. J Hill Says:

    By the financial district. Well, do you panhandle, Brien? That doesn’t exactly narrow it down.



  69. Sullivan44 Says:

    LA to the Bay,

    is Mark Davis not in charge of the Raiders? If not, who is?

  70. Method To My Madness Says:

    55.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:23 pm
    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    My life is filled with sex,raider games and partying


    I seriously doubt it with the sex.

    But with the Raider games and partying? Oh, do I ever believe you. And you can only afford to do it because you rent out a room, like you’re 22 years old or something. Pathetic. Grow up.


    dont be mad cuz u get zero women lol

  71. jameyt777 Says:

    It’s about time we had a coach with a spine….goddamned refreshing. Start Carson P. and we will beat KC by 2 or 3 scores!

    DMC, 150 yards 2 TD’s sounds about right….


  72. Method To My Madness Says:

    wow i rent out a spot the size of an apartment….ooooh my life sucks soooooooooo bad lmao

  73. Method To My Madness Says:

    MR we cant all have large downstairs basements at mom’s house like you

  74. LA to TheBay Says:

    Chas Malloy Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:27 pm
    I wanted to point out the only negative aspect of the press conf. last nite was Carson continually referred to the burden he felt coming into the situation in Oakland. I would have liked to have heard the word challenge instead.
    That said I am looking forward to the revival of the “Mad Bomber” wearing jersey 3 for the Silver & Black


    Him saying “they” instead of “us” or “we” was more of a blunder to me, but the guy has been a Raider for like 20 minutes at that point, so he gets the pass.

    Also said he didn’t know the team history very well. That needs to be rectified. Al would have had him up to speed in one sit-down, LOL.

  75. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, I’m pretty damn sure you get just about zero women, yourself.

    Whatever it is you do for a living “in the financial district”, after Raider games, it leaves you just enough to rent out a freakin’ bedroom in your relative’s house. I’m sure women are just lined up around the corner.

  76. Method To My Madness Says:

    MR maybe u should post pics up of your basement and get Kell to sell it

  77. raidertay Says:

    Hue is like a breath of fresh air from Tom Cable.

  78. LA to TheBay Says:

    Fuuucc an apartment. Or at least an apartment complex.

    Stopped doing the apartment thing a while back.

    Rent a house, duplex, something.

  79. Thec07 Says:

    We had a few throwing sessions out in L.A. He looks the same. He’s putting the ball right on the money. Obviously that’s something we’re looking forward to.”


    This is interesting…Two guys that were not on the Raiders at the time were out of football and working out togather…

  80. RaiderLen Says:

    Let the next great era of Raider Football begin.

    The Palmer Years.


  81. JLofty Says:

    Chaos with the H00ters OC stylie! Elk you catch that? Warming to that notion….
    May have to leave the bro-in-law at the Happy Place and meander over to the REAL Happiest Place on Earth – H00ters!

  82. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, clean your bedroom, that is your entire living domain, and post pics of it. I live in an apartment, Brien. It’s in a decent, middle class area. I pay my own rent, no help from anyone. I think that beats living in a bedroom, degenerate.

  83. J Hill Says:

    Also said he didn’t know the team history very well.


    It was kinda refreshing to hear a player we signed not go with the usual “i’ve been a Raider fan every since I was 5″ line that Davis made them spit out.

    They would always get tripped up by the follow up question of who was your favorire player?

    New player “uhhhhhh …”

  84. Method To My Madness Says:

    75.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:29 pm
    Brien, I’m pretty damn sure you get just about zero women, yourself.

    Whatever it is you do for a living “in the financial district”, after Raider games, it leaves you just enough to rent out a freakin’ bedroom in your relative’s house. I’m sure women are just lined up around the corner.


    MR u must not know about women at all dude lol….if u lay it down right u can live in a cardboard box they dont care lol

  85. Method To My Madness Says:

    82.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:31 pm
    Brien, clean your bedroom, that is your entire living domain, and post pics of it. I live in an apartment, Brien. It’s in a decent, middle class area. I pay my own rent, no help from anyone. I think that beats living in a bedroom, degenerate.


    HAHAHAHAHA right MR….sure…explain why u have ur v card still

  86. JLofty Says:

    Freak show today….

  87. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, see the Chappelle episode where Oscar the grouch talks about women. He lives in a trash can. Renting out a bedroom is just a notch better.

  88. Thec07 Says:

    MR u must not know about women at all dude lol….if u lay it down right u can live in a cardboard box they dont care lol



  89. Method To My Madness Says:

    78.LA to TheBay Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:31 pm
    Fuuucc an apartment. Or at least an apartment complex.

    Stopped doing the apartment thing a while back.

    Rent a house, duplex, something.


    no live with roommates as MR said lmao

  90. JohnnyRaider Says:

    Just love Hue’s message to the players. Hue has true vision on which players are not contributing to the Raider success. I have complained about Giordano, Porter and Boyd. Porter is gone and just read Boyd is looking for a new employer, I just love this vision.

  91. Method To My Madness Says:

    87.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:34 pm
    Brien, see the Chappelle episode where Oscar the grouch talks about women. He lives in a trash can. Renting out a bedroom is just a notch better.


    Its a bigger than a bedroom…got my own entrance and never see my landlord

  92. Sullivan44 Says:

    oh…Brien’s bedroom that he lives in has its “own entrance”! lmfao.

    And of course you don’t see your landlord. Whatever grandparent or great aunt/uncle it is you’ve probably threatened them.

  93. Method To My Madness Says:

    88.Thec07 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:34 pm
    MR u must not know about women at all dude lol….if u lay it down right u can live in a cardboard box they dont care lol




    the exact opposite of what MR posts about football

  94. LA to TheBay Says:


    Carson was 14 when the Raiders left and he wasn’t a Raider fan up til that point?

    He was honest though, said he was just outside too much to have a favorite team. I can respect that.

    Too bad Al couldn’t have been at the presser.

    After Seymour was traded for, a reported asked him “what attracted you to the Raiders” (dumb question by the way, considering it was a trade).

    Al interrupts… “the ownah!”


    Miss you, Al.

  95. Sullivan44 Says:

    A trash can has its own entrance too, Brien. Like I said, your living condition is one notch above it.

  96. Method To My Madness Says:

    92.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:37 pm
    oh…Brien’s bedroom that he lives in has its “own entrance”! lmfao.

    And of course you don’t see your landlord. Whatever grandparent or great aunt/uncle it is you’ve probably threatened them.


    Naw not at all…..its a promise for you tho…if u aint scared to show up

  97. Thec07 Says:

    the exact opposite of what MR posts about football


    never talks football… circle talk with lies mis qutes, and argument starter.

  98. Method To My Madness Says:

    95.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:38 pm
    A trash can has its own entrance too, Brien. Like I said, your living condition is one notch above it.


    does it have its own running water or bathroom? lol….electicity? TV and Cable? lol

  99. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, I’ll meet you at a game, if you just move out and get a place of your own. Get a job, start living like a respectable adult. Then, I’ll actually buy you a game ticket, because of course once you get a real place you won’t be able to afford Raider tickets. Deal? Get out and grow up, Brien. And I’ll meet up with you.

  100. Method To My Madness Says:

    MR no wonder u love Grads…you arent a winner either lol

  101. Method To My Madness Says:

    99.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
    Brien, I’ll meet you at a game, if you just move out and get a place of your own. Get a job, start living like a respectable adult. Then, I’ll actually buy you a game ticket, because of course once you get a real place you won’t be able to afford Raider tickets. Deal? Get out and grow up, Brien. And I’ll meet up with you.


    See the fear yall?

  102. Method To My Madness Says:

    97.Thec07 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:38 pm
    the exact opposite of what MR posts about football


    never talks football… circle talk with lies mis qutes, and argument starter.


    like elway refused to come to raiders in 83 lol

  103. Sullivan44 Says:

    Like I said, Brien. As soon as you move out from your “wing” of your great Aunt’s house, and step into the real world of adulthood like the rest of us, I’ll meet you at a game.

  104. LA to TheBay Says:

    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
    95.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:38 pm
    A trash can has its own entrance too, Brien. Like I said, your living condition is one notch above it.


    does it have its own running water or bathroom? lol….electicity? TV and Cable? lol


    Couldn’t be worse than the “trash can” I lived in for about a year in Pacoima, LOL.

  105. Method To My Madness Says:

    MR….when will u finally get a woman? 40 years is a long time with no trim

  106. raiderinparadise Says:

    Giordano makes impact plays tho. I admit he struggles at times but he also makes big plays that keep him safe as well. We dominated Denver and still only won by 3 points. You can thank Giordano for that W.

  107. Albert Bigelow Paine Says:

    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:24 pm
    51.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
    Brien, where do you work, btw?


    By Financial District in SF
    LOL, he works at a McDonalds.

  108. Method To My Madness Says:

    104.LA to TheBay Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:42 pm
    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
    95.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:38 pm
    A trash can has its own entrance too, Brien. Like I said, your living condition is one notch above it.


    does it have its own running water or bathroom? lol….electicity? TV and Cable? lol


    Couldn’t be worse than the “trash can” I lived in for about a year in Pacoima, LOL.


    man them mexicans over there were crazy

  109. Sullivan44 Says:

    Brien, I’m not going to meet up with a child, even an overgrown child who refuses to grow up. I just don’t engage people like that under any circumstances. But if you can become a man, move out from your “wing” of your grandma’s house or whatever, get an apartment or a house, start living like an actual adult, I’ll meet up with you, Brien. And then I’ll let you decide how you want to handle it. But first you need go grow up and become a man. Because I don’t deal with children.

  110. Sullivan44 Says:

    I’ll check in with you guys later. Brien, think about what I said. I mean it. Move out, become a man, then we’ll meet up and squash our differences, however you want to handle it.

  111. LA to TheBay Says:

    Couldn’t be worse than the “trash can” I lived in for about a year in Pacoima, LOL.


    man them mexicans over there were crazy


    yezzir. Pacoima projects off the chain. Think they were always out to prove they were harder than the eses in Reseda, South C, EastLos.

    Did a pretty decent job too.

  112. J Hill Says:

    Giordano has made plays in 2 games.

    If not for his 2 sacks in the last game, it very well could have been him cut instead of Boyd.

  113. Albert Bigelow Paine Says:

    Brien works at a McDonalds and picks up his ladies in the Tenderloin after work. I don’t blame you for renting a room in someone’s house. You got have to have your hookers and Raider games.

  114. Method To My Madness Says:

    107.Albert Bigelow Paine Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:42 pm
    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:24 pm
    51.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
    Brien, where do you work, btw?


    By Financial District in SF
    LOL, he works at a McDonalds.


    You tell em MR lol

  115. raiderinparadise Says:

    I think my favorite under the radar player is Taiwan Jones. He makes so many key blocks, tackles and fumble recoveries on special teams. Ford wouldn’t have scored that kickoff without Taiwan getting out ahead with his speed and de-railing the only guy in postion to make a tackle. Recovered the fumble from cromartie against Jets too.

    Then I would have to say Big John. I won’t even explain, just put in a tape of any game and watch that mammoth body move players/pocket.

  116. antispy3 Says:

    Oh; I didn’t know this was the Oakland Raiders knitting circle. . .I should have noticd the elevator music. sorry; I’ll come back later. . .

  117. Method To My Madness Says:

    109.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:43 pm
    Brien, I’m not going to meet up with a child, even an overgrown child who refuses to grow up. I just don’t engage people like that under any circumstances. But if you can become a man, move out from your “wing” of your grandma’s house or whatever, get an apartment or a house, start living like an actual adult, I’ll meet up with you, Brien. And then I’ll let you decide how you want to handle it. But first you need go grow up and become a man. Because I don’t deal with children.

    110.Sullivan44 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:45 pm
    I’ll check in with you guys later. Brien, think about what I said. I mean it. Move out, become a man, then we’ll meet up and squash our differences, however you want to handle it.


    Translation= I’ll never meet up cuz you will beat my lil short nerdy ass

  118. J Hill Says:

    Pacoima projects were lightweight.

    When I first got out to Northridge, we used to smash all the way to Pacoima to get these fat arsse nickles.

    Of course that was before I met the “valley dudes” and got put on with that fire chronic, lol.

  119. Orthodoxdj Says:

    I like Jason Campbell as a person. I feel bad for what has happened to him. We were going places with him as our starter. I’m hoping Carson can come in and make the throws Jason was missing, though. We actually have legit receivers now and we have excellent coaching. Superbowl bound? IDK, but I’ll take making the playoffs and winning games. 2003 to 2009 SUCKED!!!

  120. Method To My Madness Says:

    116.antispy3 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:47 pm
    Oh; I didn’t know this was the Oakland Raiders knitting circle. . .I should have noticd the elevator music. sorry; I’ll come back later. . .


    Yeah cuz ur posts are always trash…how bout this? dont ever come back

  121. JLofty Says:

    Okay another favor to ask the Nation. Was too “happy” at the game Sunday to have caught ALL the action and was so excited to head for the East Bay I forgot to tivo the game.
    Anyone know of any replays on NFL Network coming up so I can do my video breakdown this week?

  122. Seymour Bush Says:

    LA to TheBay Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    Fuuucc an apartment. Or at least an apartment complex.

    Stopped doing the apartment thing a while back.

    Rent a house, duplex, something.

    Doesn’t Jamista Clown have a super deluxe bridge that he lives under?

  123. Method To My Madness Says:

    118.J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:47 pm
    Pacoima projects were lightweight.

    When I first got out to Northridge, we used to smash all the way to Pacoima to get these fat arsse nickles.

    Of course that was before I met the “valley dudes” and got put on with that fire chronic, lol.


    LOL….valley chronic report was not it

  124. elraidmanhattan Says:

    Hue just on sports center, raiders getting almost as much attention as tebow. Boy I hope Cameron wake destroys tebow on sunday

  125. Whats a Drexl? Says:

    Has MR said he will meet you yet Brien?

    MR living with mom’s banging cousins, vacationing with the sailors in san diego. What a life MR.

  126. alex7 Says:

    So, us “haters” got what we wanted. A new (better QB) for the near future, and coaches who are allowed to do what they do best, not what the owner wants done.

    And suddenly everyone’s on board and excited about it :)

  127. Method To My Madness Says:

    119.Orthodoxdj Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:48 pm
    I like Jason Campbell as a person. I feel bad for what has happened to him. We were going places with him as our starter. I’m hoping Carson can come in and make the throws Jason was missing, though. We actually have legit receivers now and we have excellent coaching. Superbowl bound? IDK, but I’ll take making the playoffs and winning games. 2003 to 2009 SUCKED!!!



  128. Seymour Bush Says:

    antispy3 Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    Oh; I didn’t know this was the Oakland Raiders knitting circle. . .I should have noticd the elevator music. sorry; I’ll come back later. . .

    Good point. Maybe we should be talking football not throwing knitting needles. This should be about Real Football. Raider Football.

  129. Method To My Madness Says:

    125.Whats a Drexl? Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:49 pm
    Has MR said he will meet you yet Brien?

    MR living with mom’s banging cousins, vacationing with the sailors in san diego. What a life MR.


    HAHAHAHA…he lives in cheap ass Sacto and lives with momma? sad

  130. Whats a Drexl? Says:

    LMFAO, hi Maddenraideralex7sullivan44ABPetcetcetc. All of Sybil’s friends are here to play.

  131. Method To My Madness Says:

    anyhow….i’ll be at ya cats later

  132. Seymour Bush Says:

    So can someone break down Kansas Shi**y and what they are doing? Or do you want me to?

  133. Whats a Drexl? Says:

    Method To My Madness Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    125.Whats a Drexl? Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:49 pm
    Has MR said he will meet you yet Brien?

    MR living with mom’s banging cousins, vacationing with the sailors in san diego. What a life MR.


    HAHAHAHA…he lives in cheap ass Sacto and lives with momma? sad

    Bangs his cousins azz, and vacations in san diego. He likes a good navy town.

  134. Macho Man Randy Savage Says:

    Wow. The scholarship guys must be shaking in their boots! well, all of them except Routt and Wimbley, they allready got paid.

  135. J Hill Says:

    Valley Green was WAY better than that Pacoima stress.

    We were rookie smokers fresh outta high school.

    We stayed on that Pacoima BS for a while though. It did the job as long as the cases of Ole E were around.

  136. The Big Banana Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:16 pm
    He’s putting the ball right on the money. Obviously that’s something we’re looking forward to.”


    JFB will have a field day with this, lol.


    This brings back some memories. Read between the lines! Lol

  137. raiderkoolaid Says:

    Palmer is the best qb we have had at least since Gannon, and maybe since Plunket. Funny all these “sorces” saying that Palmer is starting Sunday when the guy who will acually make that decision says that he won’t decide until Friday. My guess is that he will go with the guy who he figures will give us the best chance to win the game, and unless Palmer is not in good physical condition, that guy will be Palmer. He won’t be as good as he will be in three weeks, and he should be even better in about six weeks, but he will still be better than Boller. The hard part will be for him to have a good enough grasp of the offense to get out of a bad play and into a good one when he sees something he doesn’t like.

  138. J Hill Says:

    KC is sitting there waiting to get their domes smashed in.

    Cassell is terrible.

    And so is Haley.

    Raiders 27
    Chiefs 13

  139. 909RaiderLifer Says:

    VittorioTafur Hue on new backup safety Ndukwe: “His experience playing against some really good tight ends makes huge difference to me as we move forward”
    about 2 hours ago

  140. Whats a Drexl? Says:

    KK’s picture reminds me of the golden throat-ed homeless derelict someone found begging at a freeway on ramp, and made famous, until he smoked his new found fortune in crack, go figure. Same goofy face.

  141. LA to TheBay Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:47 pm
    Pacoima projects were lightweight.

    When I first got out to Northridge, we used to smash all the way to Pacoima to get these fat arsse nickles.

    Of course that was before I met the “valley dudes” and got put on with that fire chronic, lol.


    My boy got his a$$ handed to him in PP, f*ckin with like 5 eses, so I guess my experience is different.

    I never had any problems personally though, just had to get used to the sound of Mariachi music (sounds like one looong song that gets played over and over)

    Craziest hoods I’ve been through aren;t even in America.

  142. Seymour Bush Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    KC is sitting there waiting to get their domes smashed in.

    One of the best breakdowns I’ve heard in awhile.

  143. J Hill Says:

    My boy got his a$$ handed to him in PP, f*ckin with like 5 eses,


    1 on 5????

    His bad!

  144. LA to TheBay Says:


    over a b*tch.

    Logic goes right out the window. They got theirs, though…. so I’m told.

  145. Macho Man Randy Savage Says:

    Wow. Starting Palmer this sunday sounds like a very risky decision. Let Palmer speed up to the pro game, give him 3 weeks. No need to risk injury, we need him for the long haul.

    Boller looked good. Boller can beat the Queefs.

    Have Palmer as backup. Give Palmer a thin playbook of 3 step drop plays just in case.

  146. LA to TheBay Says:

    I’m smart enough and lucky enough to have not been caught up in too much throughout my travels in the southland. Always kept it business, always kept it 100.

  147. J Hill Says:

    139.909RaiderLifer Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    VittorioTafur Hue on new backup safety Ndukwe: “His experience playing against some really good tight ends makes huge difference to me as we move forward”
    about 2 hours ago


    Think about Boyd getting beat towards the end on the Houston game by that TE when Shuab lofted the ball up.

    Think about Boyd getting beat by the TE for that first TD Cleveland scored last week.

    And those 2 instances are just off the top of my head.

  148. Seymour Bush Says:

    909RaiderLifer Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Hue on new backup safety Ndukwe: “His experience playing against some really good tight ends makes huge difference to me as we move forward”

    Ndukwe is a big safety. Notre Damer. Was a leading tackler for the Bungholes until he injured a knee last year. Good player if he’s healthy.

  149. LA to TheBay Says:

    J, those are the two that did him in for sure. Huge mistakes.

  150. J Hill Says:

    over a b*tch.


    Nations have crumbled for the same reason.

    Amazes me.

    Like buses, ya know!

  151. LA to TheBay Says:

    Seymour is 100% correct. Ndukwe was off to a great start as a Bengal.

  152. 909RaiderLifer Says:


  153. LA to TheBay Says:

    Nations have crumbled for the same reason.



    My best friend in Wasco for one right now. Lucky I got myself a good one.

    J, stay with the minivan and the shorties. It has made a dramtic improvement in my life (well, minus the minivan, lol)

  154. RaiderDebo Says:

    49.inonewordraider Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
    NFLfootballinfo Michael Signora
    by CorkOnTheNFL
    Raiders won 8 consecutive division games, longest current streak. Dolphins 15 in row vs. AFC East (’72-’73) best since 1970


    Awesome stuff. JC gets credit for seven straight. The bar has been set for CP. We absolutely must go 5-0 against the division the rest of the year. By the way, guess which Raider QB started the division streak?

  155. LA to TheBay Says:

    Lil man five and my girl just talked me into putting a car seat in the Impala.

    Gotta lay down two blankets and a towel under to keep the seat looking right.

  156. J Hill Says:

    You can laugh all you want to doggy dogg.

    Ima get me a minivan.

    Incognegro at it’s fullest!

  157. J Hill Says:

    And ima put me a Just Say No To Drugs bumper sticker on it too!

  158. LA to TheBay Says:

    Awesome stuff. JC gets credit for seven straight. The bar has been set for CP. We absolutely must go 5-0 against the division the rest of the year. By the way, guess which Raider QB started the division streak?


    JaMarcus, 1-0 streak against the AFC West, 0-1,000,000 in life.

  159. Seymour Bush Says:

    The Cheats have played well lately, but they are infinitely beatable. Cassell is playing well. Looks like MC Cluster is their Wes Welker. Their running attack is actually very good. The surprises are jackie Battle and McCluster. Those are the guys you have to watch. Our run defense has played very well lately, so that should be a good matchup but McCluster will run wild on slow LB’s. We must have Tyvon, Huff and possibly Ndukwe up there to stuff his ass.

  160. JLofty Says:

    Just located the Anahiem H00ters. Str8 down the street from the second happiest place on earth. Don’t think the wife will think too highly of that on the first day of vaca. On the other hand….

  161. Seymour Bush Says:

    LA to TheBay Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    JaMarcus, 1-0 streak against the AFC West, 0-1,000,000 in life.


  162. LA to TheBay Says:

    J Hill Says:
    October 19th, 2011 at 4:04 pm
    You can laugh all you want to doggy dogg.

    Ima get me a minivan.

    Incognegro at it’s fullest!


    LOL, do it.

    No laughing out of me. Well, not much.

    Still got partners sittin on the same porch, doin the same thing since high school, and I love ‘em but I can’t do anything more to help ‘em, they gotta want it for themselves.

    Some just too far gone, stuck in neutral, you know? Can’t vote, can’t get a job, could be lwayers if they weren’t criminiminals.

  163. J Hill Says:


    I guess I just have no respect for KC right now.

    I think all you need to do is get a good shot on Cassell early, and he’s toast.

    McClain does a damn good job of playing the RBs outta the backfield.

    Our safeties are playing lights out.

    Not concerned about their offense at all.

    Only way they move the ball is if we get dumb penalties.

  164. LA to TheBay Says:

    Rattle Cassell and they’re done. No Charles to lean on.

  165. J Hill Says:


    Hit the ESPN Zone AT Disneyland.

    Hooter is overrated.

  166. LA to TheBay Says:

    J, who woulda thought Branch could play zone as well as he has been?

    And he’s still aggressive as hell, but not missing tackles.

  167. JLofty Says:

    R8rs destroy Queefs even with JLofty taking snaps. He’s old but can STILL make ALL the throws. Stay in just long enough to get us up far enough to let Lechler come in for mop up duty….

  168. JLofty Says:

    Yeah J, I’ll be @ the Zone. An old man can still dream tho can’t he?

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