Abusive and Excessive Drinking, an Enabling Spouse, and Encouragement for Positive Change and Successful Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation

It took more than a few years but Emily finally decided that she had enough with her husband’s careless drinking. She was exhausted from seeing Barry come home after 2:00 AM from drinking rather than spending time with her and the children. She was also sick of the second DWI Barry recently got. Moreover she was drained from creating justifications for her husband when he couldn’t make it to the office due to his problems with drinking. Not only this but she was apprehensive about the fact that their relationship was crumbling due to Barry’s hazardous and careless drinking. And finally she was sick and tired of the shaky financial jam into which he had placed his family due to his excessive and careless drinking behavior.

When Abusive and Careless Drinking Inspires a Person to do Something Constructive About a Person’s Drinking Problem

One Saturday afternoon when Emily was reflecting on what she could do about her husband’s careless and excessive drinking, she got to the point that she frankly had to do something helpful to cut into the harmful cycle of Barry’s hazardous and excessive drinking behavior.

So she looked in the yellow pages under “alcohol treatment” and discovered more than a few treatment clinics that were all located less than fifteen miles away from where she and Barry lived.

Since she didn’t know a lot about these rehabilitation clinics, she eventually made up her mind that she needed to call some of them and ask a few questions. When she called each rehabilitation clinic she identified who she was and said that Barry, her husband, was engaging in careless and hazardous drinking behavior. She also stated that her husband had an excellent health insurance program at his place of employment and that inpatient or outpatient alcohol dependency rehabilitation would be covered if a doctor in the company health program called for the rehab.

At one rehab center, Emily was pleasantly surprised that she was able to talk directly with a doctor who suggested that she come to the treatment center to talk about her husband’s harmful drinking behavior in more detail.

Emily Talks to a Doctor About Her Husband’s Abusive and Excessive Drinking

When Emily arrived at the rehab center, she filled out some required paperwork and then after just a few minutes got to see a healthcare professional.

After listening to Emily talk about her husband’s negative drinking, the counselor in a helpful but firm way explained to Emily how she may have played a major part in her spouse’s abusive and careless drinking through the months and the years by rationalizing his drinking instead of allowing him to experience the consequences of his excessive and unhealthy drinking behavior.

Emily Discovers She Has Been Enabling Her Husband’s Hazardous and Excessive Drinking

Stated differently, the doctor stated to Emily that she may have been inadvertently enabling Barry’s abusive and unhealthy drinking behavior. The physician also stressed the fact that although Emily could not control her spouse’s conduct, with the encouragement and guidance of the rehab team at the rehab center she would not only be able to learn how to stop contributing to Barry’s abusive and excessive drinking but she could also learn how to encourage him to make an appointment at the rehabilitation center so that he could discuss his unhealthy and excessive drinking behavior with a healthcare professional.

The good news was that after Emily discussed this with Barry, and he saw that she was not joking, Barry told her that he had been very concerned about his hazardous and careless drinking behavior and that he was quite comforted to discover that Emily wanted to do something helpful about his hazardous and careless drinking behavior. Consequently, he scheduled an appointment to see a doctor at the local alcohol rehab center.

Barry Agrees to See a Healthcare Practitioner About His Irresponsible and Excessive Drinking

While simply calling a treatment center does not mean that a person’s excessive and unhealthy drinking behavior will stop or that one’s warning signs of alcoholism or the alcohol abuse signs one manifests will simply vanish, making an appointment is certainly a requisite step in the rehabilitation process. And because Barry was serious about getting rehabilitation for his abusive and unhealthy drinking, the probability for a successful recovery was substantially augmented.

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