Oddly Enough

Should we go back for those, Sarge? 12:16pm EST

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Boxes of hand grenades tumbled out of a Serb Army truck Thursday when the driver pulled up to pay his highway toll, officials in southern Serbia said.  Full Article

Passport office in need of spellcheck 12:18pm EST 

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's national passport office could have done with a good spellchecker.  Full Article 

Funeral director charged with ashes fraud 12:19pm EST 

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - A former funeral home owner has been charged with fraud for allegedly giving families cremated ashes that were not the remains of their loved ones, Canadian police said on Wednesday.  Full Article 

Caviar at snail's pace

Dec. 20 - A new delicacy is gaining a slow-moving following in France.  Play Video

Strange and unusual

Our photographers sometimes catch moments that are strange and offbeat.  Slideshow 

Patrick Dempsey named "Star Of '07" by People mag 5:08pm EST 

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Handsome leading man Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. "Dr. McDreamy" in television drama "Grey's Anatomy," was named as People magazine's "Star Of The Year" on Thursday after a stellar year, off and on screen.  Full Article