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IPv6 Addressing, Subnets, Private Addresses

Understanding the Basic Addressing of IPv6 in your Windows IPv6 Architecture

"; var adDivString = "
" + adString + "
"; } placementDiff = applyInsert($(this), adDivString); if (debug) { console.log("Just placed an ad and the placementDiff is: " + placementDiff); } placementTarget = cumulativeHeight + placementDiff + interModuleHeight + adHeightBuffer; } else { var moduleDivString = ""; var elementId = "drr-mod-"+moduleCounter; moduleDivString = "
"; modules.push(elementId); placementDiff = applyInsert($(this), moduleDivString); if (debug) { console.log("Just placed a module and the placementDiff is: " + placementDiff); } placementTarget = cumulativeHeight + placementDiff + interModuleHeight + moduleHeightBuffer; moduleCounter++; } loopCounter++; } // Avoid placing elements too soon due to non-large figures inflating the cumulative height if ($(this).is("figure") && !$(this).is("figure.large")) { cumulativeHeight += grafHeight; } else { cumulativeHeight += $(this).height() + grafHeight; } } }); // clone Related Stories module to come in after eighth para in article body for mobile breakpoint display var $relatedStories = $('.related-promo-wrapper'); if ($relatedStories.length) { var $relatedStoriesClone = $relatedStories.clone(); $relatedStoriesClone.insertAfter( "#drr-container > p:eq(7)"); } // For mobile only, place ad after second paragraph. if (firstMobileAdHtml) { $(firstMobileAdHtml).insertAfter("#drr-container > p:eq(1)"); } var $insiderPromo = $('.insider-promo-wrapper'); if ($insiderPromo.length) { var $insiderPromoClone = $insiderPromo.clone(); $insiderPromoClone.insertAfter( "#drr-container > p:eq(1)"); } //place left side element cumulativeHeight = 0; var leftPlacementTarget = tagHeight < 100 ? 100 : tagHeight; var leftPlacementLookaheadStart = null; var leftIntervalHeight = 650; var leftPlacementIndex = null; var $leftPlacementElement; // Only place left module if not a sponsored article and not on greenbot if (!false && true) { $("#drr-container").children().each(function(index,value) { if (debug) { console.log("leftRailProcessor iterate. index "+ index); console.log($(this)); } //ignore any hidden elements in the body, like the mobile-only "read this next" module if($(this).is(':visible')) { if (cumulativeHeight >= leftPlacementTarget) { if (debug) { console.log("congratulations... we've passed the initial start point"); } if (leftPlacementIndex == null) { //it's not good enough to not be a left avoid - it also shouldn't be a

with an immediately preceding small or medium image left avoid. if (!isLeftAvoid($(this)) && noPrevFigures($(this)) ) { leftPlacementIndex = $(this).index(); $leftPlacementElement = $(this); leftPlacementLookaheadStart = cumulativeHeight; if (debug) { console.log("is not a left avoid and no prev figures. ########## set placementIndex ("+leftPlacementIndex+") and lookaheadStart ("+leftPlacementLookaheadStart+") ##########"); } } else { if (debug) { console.log("is a left avoid or has previous figures. continue"); } } } else { if (debug) { console.log("#### leftPlacementIndex already set to "+leftPlacementIndex+". looking ahead..."); } //not null; has been set if ((cumulativeHeight - leftPlacementLookaheadStart) > leftIntervalHeight) { if (debug) { console.log("###### THRESHOLD REACHED. LOOKAHEAD COMPLETE. END ###### (cumulativeHeight - leftPlacementLookaheadStart) ("+(cumulativeHeight-leftPlacementLookaheadStart)+") > leftIntervalHeight ("+leftIntervalHeight+")."); } return false; } else { if (debug) { console.log("threshold not reached: (cumulativeHeight - leftPlacementLookaheadStart) ("+(cumulativeHeight-leftPlacementLookaheadStart)+") < leftIntervalHeight ("+leftIntervalHeight+")"); } if (isLeftAvoid($(this))) { if (debug) { console.log("This element is left avoid. #RESET, CONTINUE#"); } leftPlacementIndex = null; leftPlacementLookaheadStart = null; } } } } //we shouldn't be counting small or medium figures towards height since their heights are reflected in the following

tags if (!(isLeftAvoid($(this)) && ($(this).hasClass('small') || $(this).hasClass('inline-small') || $(this).hasClass('medium') || $(this).hasClass('inline-medium') || $(this).hasClass('apart') ))) { cumulativeHeight += $(this).height() + grafHeight; } if (debug) { console.log("-------------------- set cumulativeHeight("+cumulativeHeight+") ---------------"); console.log(""); } } }); } if (leftPlacementIndex != null && elementNotNearEnd($leftPlacementElement, leftPixelWindow)) { if (debug) { console.log(" insert into index "+leftPlacementIndex); } $("#drr-container").children().eq(leftPlacementIndex).before("

"); } IDG.GPT.trackOmniture(); // Add Right rail module content for (var i=0; i" + adString + "
"; } function getEpoParams() { var parts = document.referrer.replace(/^https?:///, '').split('/'); var defaultCatId = 1111; var defaultTypeId = 2; var epoParams = "module.epo"; parts.shift(); // From HOMEPAGE; show default typeId articles if (parts.join('/') == "" && document.referrer.indexOf(document.domain)) { epoParams += "&typeId=" + defaultTypeId + "&referrer=home"; } // From ARTICLE: Show articles w referrer catId else if (document.referrer != undefined && document.referrer.indexOf('article') >= 0) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = document.referrer; var uriParts = a.pathname.split('/'); a = ''; if (typeof uriParts[3] == 'undefined') { epoParams += "&typeId=" + defaultTypeId + "&referrer=home"; // default is 'home' behavior } else { var refCatSlug = uriParts[3]; epoParams += "&catSlug=" + refCatSlug + "&referrer=article"; } } // From SEARCH: Show article with catId same as current article else if (document.referrer.indexOf("google") >= 0 || document.referrer.indexOf("yahoo") >= 0 || document.referrer.indexOf("bing") >= 0) { var categories = [3404, 3547]; if (categories instanceof Array && categories.length > 0) { var primaryCatId = categories[0]; epoParams += "&catId=" + primaryCatId + "&referrer=search"; } else { epoParams += "&typeId=" + defaultTypeId + "&referrer=home"; // default is 'home' behavior } } // Default is to show like coming from homepage else { epoParams += "&typeId=" + defaultTypeId + "&referrer=home"; // default is 'home' behavior } return epoParams; } /** * @param jqo Original jquery object target * @param divString The div to be inserted. * @return Difference in height between original placement target and final target. * Checks first 6 elements for an allowable placement (600 pixel window). * If none, check nearby for elements that are not right avoids. * If none, place element before current target. */ function applyInsert(jqo, divString) { if (debug) { console.log("applyInsert at top and jqo index is: " + jqo.index()); } for (var i=0; i<=6; i++) { $thisElement = jqo.nextAll().andSelf().slice(i, i+1); if (debug) { console.log("Checking first six and i is: " + i + " and this element index is " + $thisElement.index() ); } if ($thisElement.index() < 0) { break; } if (allowPlacement($thisElement)) { return addElement(jqo, $thisElement, divString); } } // If got here, no good place to put it.. just put it before one that is not right avoid! var $allowElement = null; if (($allowElement = findNearbyAllow(jqo)) != null) { return addElement(jqo, $allowElement, divString); } else { // nothing good so put in first spot that is not rightReject and not followed by reject. if (debug) { console.log("No nearby allows so just place in first spot that is not rightReject."); } var numElements = jqo.nextAll().length; var startIndex = jqo.index(); for (var i=startIndex; i<=numElements; i++) { var $element = $("#drr-container").children().eq(i); // This element is eligible when not null, not in placement index, and not a rightReject nor is next element if ($element != null && (placementIndex == null || placementIndex.indexOf(i) == -1)) { if (!isRightReject($element) && !isRightReject($ { return addElement(jqo, $element, divString); } } } if (debug) { console.log("Not going to place element: return 0."); } return 0; } } /** * @param jqo Original jquery object * @param allowElement Element that is good placement for module/ad * @param divString The div to be inserted before the good element * @return placementHeightDiff Diff in height between original placement target and current target. * * If element is not too close to the end the insert the div before allowable element. * Add element index to placementIndex to keep track of which elements already have placements */ function addElement(jqo, allowElement, divString) { var offset = allowElement.index() - jqo.index(); if (debug) { console.log("addElement: jqo index is " + jqo.index() + " allowElement index is " + allowElement.index()); } if (elementNotNearEnd(allowElement, rightPixelWindow)) { allowElement.before(divString); if (debug) { console.log("addElement: Adding " + allowElement.index() + " to placementIndex."); } placementIndex.push(allowElement.index()); if (offset == 0) { return 0; } else { return getHeightDifference(jqo,allowElement); } } else { if (debug) { console.log("addElement: Near the end so do NOT add."); } return 0; } } function getHeightDifference(jqo,allowElement) { var offset = allowElement.index() - jqo.index(); var height = 0; var children = null; if (offset > 0) { children = $("#drr-container").children().slice(jqo.index(), allowElement.index() ); } else { children = $("#drr-container").children().slice(allowElement.index(), jqo.index()); } if (children != null) { children.each(function(i) { if (debug) { console.log("About to add this element's height to heigh diff offset"); console.log($(this)); } height += $(this).height() + grafHeight; }); } if (offset < 0) { height *= -1; } if (debug) { console.log("getHeightDifference: offset was " + offset + " and height diff is : " + height); } return height; } /** * Return true if next 550 pixels do not include a right avoid; false otherwise. */ function allowPlacement(jqo) { $testElement = jqo; var height = 0; while (height < 550) { if ($testElement != null && !isRightAvoid($testElement)) { if (debug) { console.log("allowPlacement: this element height is " + $testElement.height() + " and index is: " + $testElement.index()); } height += $testElement.height() + grafHeight; } else { return false; } $testElement = $; } return true; } /** * Look ahead and back for element that is not rightAvoid * Return the index of the closest allowable element or null if none found. */ function findNearbyAllow(jqo) { if (debug) { console.log("In nearby allow so could not find 600 px window."); }