- Erdogan
- 07.12.10
- 13:40
Apologize. POint.
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Israel and Turkey are close to agreeing on a document that will let them put an end to the crisis in their relations. The results of two rounds of talks between the two sides in Geneva have been "very positive" and discussions will continue, Turkish diplomatic sources say.
Israel's representative on the UN panel investigating the Gaza-bound flotilla incident, Yosef Ciechanover, met for the second time on Monday with senior Turkish diplomat Feridun Sinirlioglu. The discussions centered around a formula that would have Israel apologize for the incident and arrange for compensation for the dead and injured Turkish citizens.
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Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan attends a rally in the village of al-Kouachra, Nov, 27, 2010. |
Photo by: Reuters |
Haaretz has learned that the two sides have agreed to present their ideas to prime ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Recep Tayyip Erdogan to receive further instructions. More discussions are due between legal experts on both sides.
Israel agreed in principle to apologize and pay compensation, and the Turks agreed that if these two aspects are adhered to they would "normalize" relations with Israel and return their ambassador to Tel Aviv.
Nonetheless, both the apology and compensation remain problematic from legal and political perspectives.
A European diplomat familiar with the discussions said the apology is the toughest of the two issues. The two sides are trying to find a formula that would let Erdogan claim that the statement was an apology, but for Netanyahu to argue that it was not - only an expression of appreciation for Turkey's assistance in putting out the fires in the Carmel region.
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All's well "the check's in the mail."
Bibi has no guts. Turkey is lost, they choose side, it is as helpful as a dead horse. Leave it to the preybirds. Israel will pay full price for kissing the ass of these hypocrytes bastards. Hey Avigdor, wake up and make things not happening.
Israel is a terrorist rogue state with no respect for international law and is racist to the core. Turkey should keep Israel at arms length until Israel becomes civilized.
with it's 99.7% Muslims??? A model for Multiculturalism I suspect.
for arrogant Israeli politicians refusing to take responsibility for their madness. Erdogan said, Israel would apologize and compensate sooner or later. And he has been prooved right.
The Wolrd would rather have 10 Bibi's in the Cabintet,-than one Lieberman as PM of Israel!
... should apologize first for her role in organizing the flotilla and provoking international crisis
if Israel apologizes, the megalomaniac minds' hands will be stronger in Turkey. And also Israel will lose her honor, and also the Jews and everybody around the world who honestly supported Israel during Flotilla crisis...
Today or tomarrow Israil has to apalogise for the being killed 9 Turkish citisens. Because Israil did a wrong action by killing those people. Whether you apoligise or not ; majority of the Turkish people will be still hating from Israil politics and politicians (not Jewish people)
And now Turkey is your friend? Hah hah. Where is your self-esteem?
it is bad for business
Israel is going to apologise, and give compensation to the families of the murdered? It is obvious Israel needs to be friends with Turkey more than Turkey needs to be friends with israel.
No stupid as Turkey needs to prove it can be a secular,reliable member of the EU but with an Islami st troublemaking govt. currently in power it has no chance in the forseeable future of getting into the EU so papering up it,s conflict with Israel ?looappearingapearing appearingappappear
I can't really see what one thing has to do with the other? And let me reassure you: Turkey doesn't need 'to prove' anything,- to anybody. After all we were trustworhty enough to be a Member of NATO for more than 58 Years, and a trustworthy Ally of the West! And just one additional Point: Statistics show that most of the turkish Public Opinion is fed-up with the EU, continuous new criteria additions, etc., for joining this 'apparently' so illustrious club! In short: Most turkish Citizens, today, including myself, wouldn't even want Turkey joining the EU,-anymore! So: That's that!
do not deny , you are alone in the region and Turkey is the single hand which you can shake. You cannot stand to loose this hand.Beside; you are guilty in this matter.All world seen it.
Both countrys need each other for the days to come...
He can bark with his mate Lieberman, but he's a small poodle. Even Yossi Sarid would not have brought down his pants this way.
Both countries need each other... but Israel needs Turkey more... it is common knowledge...
I am beginning to feel hopeful that these Negotiations will bear Fruit and lead us out of this deadlocked situation. Apologizing for something doesn' mean being humiliated; there is a very 'CLEAR DIFFERENCE'! I also tend to agree with some of the Comments written here, that an Apology doesn't show weakness,-but to the contrary, shows 'Character Strength' as regarded under 'positive psychology'! Once this overcome we should leave it in the past, where it belongs, and move forward, in cooperation, to yield a better future for the 'People' in our Region. What's done is done,-and can not be undone. However we might all gain some wisdom from this deplorable incident, in order to communicate better with eachother,-as 'FRIENDS' should normally do! Shalom
..because Israel's relations are built on its own interests, and not on the basis of "friendship". Israel will use Turkey for as long as it needs to, and will then stab us in the back when needs dictate.
erdogan's thugs have been beating up student demonstrators. in particular, these thugs have been hitting women in the stomach and crutch. one ninteen-year old girl had a miscarriage. another student had an asthma attack from pepper spray. erdogan has no shame.
What your talking about is Police brutality anyone responsable will be punished, Erdogan is against stuff like this specially to the students, we will see what happends im greatly upset about the girl who had a miscarriage
Cipora, you are seriously confused.
erdogan is sending his thugs to beat up his own people while asking for apologies for the acts of turkish ihh terrorists.
Gone are the days when the IDF could scam the world into believing that all its victims are terrorists.
The die was cast by Israel when instead of immediately admitting its mishandling of the situation, it chose to cover up the IDF's deadly overreaction to the activist's resistance with a ludicrous assertion, and their depiction, as terrorists. It's going to be hard, if not impossible - after its massive hasbara blitz to that effect - for Israel to apologize/compensate without at least a partial retraction of its claims...which in turn would reveal the IDF's unnecessary use of deadly force. Face it - international outcry or not - there's no way in the world that Israel would have released anyone it 'truly' suspected of terrorist intent...and yet it released everyone. The activists made a terrible blunder when they resisted and were initially s-u-c-c-e-s-s-f-u-l...because the IDF was humiliated - with boarding attempts repelled, troops beaten, overpowered, and even captured - and the soldiers reaction was to immediately revert to its standard method...that which its known for using against the Palestinians. The IDF lost control. But the die is cast, and despite the transparency of its claims, Israel isn't likely to admit otherwise. And THAT is most unfortunate for Israel's credibility. Because screwing up - even big time - is human and is forgivable...but doing so and then denying it by accusing and maligning your victims is NOT!
This is a positive step. If both governments can find some ground to stand on together, then that is great.
Reminds me of an old story. Jews in a shtetle are building a public bath house. The question is to rasp the benches or not to rasp the benches. If you rasp the benches, they become slippery, you can fall on the floor and God forbid break your leg. But if you don't rasp the benches, you can God forbid get a splinter in your ass. So they go to the Rabbi: to rasp or not to rasp, that's the question. After a long deliberation the Rabbi comes to the conclusion: to rasp, but put rasped side down.
.... The concepts of correctness, fairness, truth, etc, have, since time immemorial, taken second place to the power of bigness ...particularly if that is important to others too ..... c'est la vie!
... but am completely delighted with the outcome... Turkey deserves apology and compensation for unnecessary fatalities...
...... I am very depressed by the possible outcome, if we apologize and pay money .... Turkey does in fact NOT deserve ANY apology, not to speak compensation, for the fatalities that became necessary due to its sending barbaric, bellicose goons to create enormous trouble (as there is not enough already) and succeeded in spades ....and we are forced by our relations with America and Europe to cave in to this callous government of Turkey!
there should be no apology and no money.
I can be witness to that nad so are my family members we are Turkish-Jews from Izmir, I like to point out that Gourin was educated in Istanbul and spoke Turkish, mr Jak Khami is Turkiush Jew who is the go between Turkey and Israel, ask him what he thinks of Turks, he loves them, he got medal of Honor from Turkish president,Turks and Jews will be allied forever
...to hear such heartwarming words. My Family, originally, also come from Izmir. Turks of jewish faith have always been a hardworking and intelligent addition to our Nation. Don't forget: They are Turks...even though of jewish Faith! Who should care about that in the 21st. Century! Best wishes to Izmir & your family members there. Shalom & Saygiyla selamlar!
Will an apology bring down this government?
He's too arrogant to recognize the need
Turkey is the friend that Israel really needs during the process through the peace. And Turkey needs and appreciates stability and peace in the region. We have a saying in Turkish: Old friends never become enemies.
But don't count on Israel Turkey buddy buddy soon. Two such unstable lovers! Beware the crimes of passion!
why the apolige just because the turks pissed on a couple of trees ... are we nuts they send terrorist to our shores and we apoligze .. something really wrong about that !!
When I read these comments I see that Israelis have totally lost their cool and European values and are exactly acting like how we Turks used to act like: Middle Eastern. Guys, look, your troops killed 9 civilians. Even if those civilians are the worst people on earth they were unarmed in every sense. These are the first Turkish citizens killed by foreign troops since the Turkish War of Independence. What do you expect Turkey to do? Should we not ask for an apology? I mean do you think you can kill Turks like Palestinians and get away with that? That is just not realistic. Stop this vaseline non sense. Be civil and apologize and let's move on.
How did the soldiers recieve knife wounds, bullet wounds, They were attacked with axes metal rods. Outnumbered 40 to 1 . Did you see the footage. It looked like something out of the night of the living dead. The people that died had expressed a wish to become shahids. Why should Israel apologize for granting them their wish. I suggest you take a look at the BBC documentary on this issue it clearly shows what really went on.
Turk, you should be honest... tell us about Greeks and Armenians murdered by your Grandfathers... Where is Turkish apology?
i fail to understand how these events of the World war 1 period has to do with the murdering of 9 civlilians ? the first was a chaotic wide-spread war in which turks were compelled to defend themselves against those who attempted to stab them in the back. Now, what is the, link resemblance, connection etc. between these events ? what were yourgrandfather doing at that time ? collecting berries ? please read some history.
Will they be staring to them while our grandmothers and other being killed by Armenian and Greek gangs. Look my man there was a war and at that time it was normal to have some unwanted events or fatalities.
You summarized the whole event in a good and understandable way. Congratulations...
Miron, How you dare to compare so called steel bars with lethal weapons ! Do you think of they are same ? If this is the way of your thinking then lets forget the rest. I mean there is no meaning for you the life of civilians as human beings...
Additionally, the flotilla incident is not handled calmly by Israeli Government. That is the main problem. The passengers were not the most good intentioned people towards Israel but there had been killings. This fact weakened the hand of Israel Government. While she can get the same result, attack made the radicals look weak, poor and helpless. As a Turk, I hate these islamist radicals but the deaths made it work for the provocateur side, flotilla passengers. I wish the incident was handled without blood... On the other hand, Israel's (not only the government's) image is getting worse and worse, because of the "too tight" administration in the Palestanian region. Look at the reactions of European countries after the incident. I hope this changes for the good of Israel. We are still friends guys...
As a Turkish citizen I feel deeply sorry for what had happened between 1914-1918 in Ottoman Empire. On the other hand I just can't get why should we apologize or pay any compensation for what fathers of our grandfathers did? Just because we live in Anatolia now which happens to be Ottoman soil once?
Additionally, the flotilla incident is not handled calmly by Israeli Government. That is the main problem. The passengers were not the most good intentioned people towards Israel but there had been killings. This fact weakened the hand of Israel Government. While she can get the same result, attack made the radicals look weak, poor and helpless. As a Turk, I hate these islamist radicals but the deaths made it work for the provocateur side, flotilla passengers. I wish the incident was handled without blood... On the other hand, Israel's (not only the government's) image is getting worse and worse, because of the "too tight" administration in the Palestanian region. Look at the reactions of European countries after the incident. I hope this changes for the good of Israel. We are still friends guys...
The IDF murdered a teenage US citizen when it illegally stormed the Gaza-bound flotilla. Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology, and besides, the AIPAC-owned US Congress doesn't have the guts to ask for one.
Well said P. It's unimaginable for gutless Congress to demand compensation for a US citizen from Israel
The event doesn't warrant an apology, but Israel has made it's point, and now that the ice has been broken with the Turkish gesture, it is wise for Israel to offer the apology and compensation and return relations to some kind of normalcy.
If the "Middle-East" was a theatre screenplay... everyone would suggest to fire the author!
The resignation of Erdogan!
It's Israel who's destroyed the relationship - NOT Erdogan!
a politically motivated apology and compensation will not make the slightest difference to Turkey's blood/religious/tribal allegiance. What it does is give Erdogan the political victory he so badly wants. it will lead to a temporary thawing of relations but I'm afraid that not even in the medium turn will it make a wit of difference. The next time Israel is attacked, whether by Hamaz, Heabollah, or any other Islamic/Arab source, Erdogan will align himself against Israel despite the fact that Israel will only be defending herself.
i wonder why most israels and their current government are not realistic as i read the their comments i find out that they don,t want to be seen weak what ever it takes no matter how ugly terrible and inhumane is their government action let me tel you this,that is a sign of weakness not strength the reall power is accepting the reality so if you would ever want to be seen strong then act and speak humanly.
All of Israel is more than thankful to turkey for the help they have provided. Israel would have done the same had it been the other way around just like it helped in numerous earthquakes back then. However, apologizing over the flotilla will disrespect first and foremost Israel itself and the soldiers critically injured in the incident.
Those soldier didn't like the fact that their boys were being shoved around by the activists and responded by using lethal force against unarmed people - much of which was done in cold blood according to the forensics. They deserve NO friggin' respect!
The noble aim of the Turkish boat mission was to resue helpless Gaza which is blockaded and aggressed daily since elected Hamas too k charges from corupt PA. Now, Israel may be willing to pay lip execuse in diplomatic fashion and pay few $$ to the victims. But Turkey is not like Arab dictator regimes. Turkish sovereignity was violated in international water. Clear piracy was committed, but Israel can get away with any atrocitiy imaginable due to the uS and western support. Turkey is urged not to forget the initial mission: bring life and dignity to Gaza neglected people. The wolrd including Arabs and Muslims has failed squarely and miserably.
The only thing the "helpless people" of gaza needs. Is to have hamas thrown out. Then you could start building your free country! Also if you stop with your rocket attacks etc on Israel you might also find peace!
Once upon a time President Kennedy sent his "regrets" to the Soviet Union over some incident. Criticised for "apologising to Russia", he pointed out that sending regrets was normal dipolmatic procedure, and had been done under the previous republican administration of Eisenhower.
This is not the end but the beginning.
Sounds like Bibi will need it. And a soft cushion for a while, too.
Is Israel supposed to be giving this so called negotiated apology on its knees or do the Turks want us also to bend over and remove our knickers? Shame on Israel if they do apologise and pay compensation.
The shame is on Israel for having killed 9 unarmed activists
no shame on earth can surpass the act of killing
"The two sides are trying to find a formula that would let Erdogan claim that the statement was an apology, but for Netanyahu to argue that it was not" Hey, whatever it takes. Peace is mysterious. Go!
If anyone owes an apology, it is Turkey that owes Israel an apology. Turkey was the one to send a terrorists ship on terrorist mission towards Israel. Turkey should be the one to apologize and pay compensation. Erdogan's action of sending a little water plane to help with puting out some flames is just hs way of distracting us from the recent wikileaks that revealed his hatred toward Israel that rests upon his Islamofacist & the Turky's hand in the attacks on American troops in Iraq.
Turkey didn't sent them. They are just from Turkey.
Did Israel agree to withdraw from all occupied terretories.? then there is no deal.
Turkey needs to apologise to Israel, not Israel to Turkey.
If the Israeli government compromise with those Turkish people it is NOT my representative govenment anymore! I am Israel, I am a warrior in Golani, why do you ask for fogivness from your ennemies, BiBi we will take you down!
LOL @ Israel's Bar Association if it has these members. In America, we would never license you if you hold these views based on the facts.
Bibi is your elected PM. The one who you have been fully supporting while he was dodging any peace process and favoring illegal settlements. He's still your PM. The one you supporeted.
who's responsible for the massacre
Those weasel-words are "Israel agreed in principle". After all, Netanyahu "agreed in principle" to accept the US aid package in exchange for a construction freeze. And....... Israel still hasn't actually, you know, "agreed". Erdagon may as well accept that an "agreement in principle" is all that he is ever going to get; he certainly isn't going to get the "actual" apology, nor will he get any "actual" compensation.
Just another attempt by Turkey to get EU acceptance ,but it won,t help the Islamist troublemaking Erdogan as mainly Christian Europe has long since seen the light of Muslim intransigence,violence and the 6th century peasantry it comes with,no thanks?
This makes Israel seem weak Only a matter of time until the Arabs think of some other provocation that makes Israel decide to cut their throats or cut their wrists
And killing unarmed people and then trying to claim they were terrorists is a BIG mistake!
far more important then an apology and compensation. Could have a major bearing on the future stability of the ME. Let events unfold as they may but regardless I seriously doubt Turkey will be changing its new direction anytime soon.
who can bring Israel to its knees. Despite the wrangling over the wording of the apology; Erdogan still comes out the winner by a league.
you will lose your honor and have no peace.
you will loose your peace and have no honor. i know no honorable man who is in constant trouble.
Does Israel realize that Turkey will allign herself with Persia (Iran) and Russia in order to attack Israel? Does Israel even read and/or believe the Word of God?
And now(lol) Israel should apologize for the sharks the governor of Southern Sinai claims the Mossad threw into the waters of Sharm Al Sheikh.
Yes, even with those we don't need.
Israel needs its neighbors to coexist with them to live happily ever after. It is Israel’s century of power right now and it is spoiled by its talented Jewish people who are given a choice to come back to live in their birth-land after many centuries of fleeing away against their will and facing a holocaust that no race of a single faith ever faced. The Muslim must rejoice to coexist with the Israel state of the Jews because Israel was there before the time of Christianity and Islam. The catch is whether Israel could live with itself and could survive another century by occupying its neighbor’s lands instead reaching for eternal peace that God is quizzing.
Dear David, Israel is seeking peace. I fully agree with you. But don't you agree that recently they are doing it with a more hate-full way? Don't you think that Turkey's friendship and influence can also help Israel to find the peace that it seeks?
ironically, there has been no peace in the region since 1947.
Well, it seems that once Israel lost Turkey as an ally it is trying incessantly to create a special relationship with Greece. Israel is stuck in the unenviable position of having to choose between bending over for Turkey or doing it for Greece. Tough choice!
"Our guy is gritting his teeth at the idea of shaking hands. Reports by well placed individuals indicate their guy becomes nauseous at the thought of shaking hands. Still it seems that eventually they will recover from their snit if proper pressure is applied by foreign nations. Perhaps if the USA were to show on Facebook that it had Un-friended both nations both leaders would feel the situation is worthy of discussion.
We lik jews.. It is a good politic...
If it’s truth, then Bibi must go. This silikon man has not any principle. He must go!
There is no one electable to the right of Bibi.
Israelis voter for rights, (look at Knesset members), hence, no doubt, the next prime minister will be from right. Left camp has only Livni, but you should be belonging to the Harts Editorial believing she can be elected.
You should be belonging to the Loons editorial believing she cannot be elected (I voted for Bibi, by the way).
Let me remind that Livni even von the election. So what? She could not form the government. Why? She cannot be the prime minister due to shift to the right of the Israel voters.
the Brits claiming compo for their suicide bombers who martyred themselves.
Pirates do NOT hand over goods( which were rubbish that Hamas refused to accept,showing aid was not the IHH jihadists motive) Governments can not pirates by law. But keep talking anyway.
If you are an Islamist government, your credentials and password are to hate and bash Israel. If you haven't done that persuasively enough, so you encourage a jihadist group like IHH, and encourage it to sail to Gaza. Whatever happens, you bash israel, and your stature as an Islamist superpower grows. That was Turkey's design in the first place, and continues to be now with Turkey trying to turn Israel into a puddle, humiliating her for a planned provocation by Erdogan's government. Israel would remain exactly as isolated by turkey with or without the fad of the insistent apology for the 9 thugs who made out of the Israeli commandos minced meat before they resorted to ammunition to save their lives. Everybody saw on camera their "Allahu Wakbar" and their anti-Semitic chants on youtube, and once the Israeli commandos were on boards, they beat them with iron clubs. axes, and knives. And they have the nerve to ask for an apology which was the way to keep them as "firsts against Israel" in the Arab and Muslim street. There won't be a mending of ties as long as Turkey gallops speedily to Byzantium in 1453, to recreate its history from back then onwards.
Dear (miss?) Fortuna Benmayor. Using ur logics in my arithmetics to calculate how far back Turkey should travel back & "start all over" ,using ur formula on urself suddenly reorients U 2 some very odd figure.. in "time-line" this is with the Christian TL. when we talk law, int.law, then also Piracy is Piracy allaround the planet If U was paddling in international waters all allone in ur canoo, then U are the Capten of that boat, and u have the right allso to be armed(against Piracy) then NO 1 has the right to climb / be elevated to Ur canoo, if aomething like that happends U have the Lawful right to defend urself. EVERY SPOT in International waters. ..- so im not sure that Ur Teaset is complete.. If U c what its about.
Bravo! This is a clear 3-0 victory for Erdogan. He managed to break the Gaza blockade, now he has managed to let the Israeli government to make a deep bow and lastly: Israel has to pay a substantial compensation to the victims of the IDF piracy act.
All naval deliveries to Gaza still go through Israel, and so no weapons can be delivered. Gaza naval blockade is still in place.
Good to hear some sanity from god. Usually on this site god only speaks in angry tones and reinforces myths.
As a US citizen the estate should demand compensation in the US. Can get a few millions here.
Netanyahu needs to be impeached. He's a politician like Obama. Israel should not apologize for the terrorist attacks against its soldiers on the Flottila. I saw the videos, I saw the photos of the bloodied solddiers being dragged by the terrorists. Netanyahu is a coward with no backbone. He'll try to mend fences with Erdogan, a rabid Israel-hater, who was behind the Flottila terrorist boat excursion. Netanyahu, please resign, I beg of you, Mr. "Fire Hero", tend your resignation now, you serville, Obama-mold politician.
There was a raid against the flotilla. The Israeli commanders with the state of the art arm raided on a boat on the international water illegally and they started shooting people. What Israel did was illegal and I am happy they are apologizing for it. Israel needs to restore the relations with their best ally in the region. Good move by Bibi...
Which by the way WAS a legal act, as has been discussed extensively in international media. And paintball guns are not state of the art.
Wrong. They attacked the soldiers when they landed on the boat. Photos showed bloodied Israeli soldiers being dragged, by the IHH thugs. There was also gunfire from the IHH THUGS. Wrong, Erdogen is an enemy, full of hate.
Yes, just watch the video by Iara Lee. Clearly those on board were afraid and defended themselves. Besides, autopsies have showed that many were shot in the head or other parts of the body at very close range.
Frankly the kurds should apologize to turkey and that is coming soon trust me
Yea, Turkey should apologise for invervening to preclude greeks from massacring Turkish cypriots. Remember, Britain, Turkey and Greece are 3 Guarantor states in Cyprus, they have right to intervene whenever they see their citizens in danger. After all, If Turkey had not intervened, Greece would have still be ruled by military Junta! Turkish intervention overthrew Junta. Find a better way to express your gratitude.
That ship was a hot bed of terrorists. They beat the Israeli soldiers with metal rods and threw one off the deck cracking his skull open. Thank G-d one commando had the brains to pull his gun and start firing. Thus saving his life and that of his buddies.
There are way too many Rabbis with political views. I thought that they were men (and women) of "religion." As in America, the preachers and priests have too much sway. The Rabbis should be careful of becoming too "nationalistic." Is that what god wants?
when was the day that you lost your sanity? Is it part of your job to ignore what really happens and blindly follow what u deem to be true? I have hope that both Turkey & Israel get rid of the extrimist elements within their country. Your job is about faith, peace & loving Yahwey/God/Allah, not about taking a political stance.... u and all extrimist disgust me!
No witnesses,no media complaints. If the media get out of hand they get killed as well or thrown in jail without charge.
It is sad reading about the Hamas leadership claiming the fire was "Divine Punishment". This reminds of an Austrian Archbishop who claimed the Earthquake in Haiti was "Divine Punishment". There is a difference: The archbishop is "only" a religious fanatic but the Hamas leadership is a political party. This is particular sad when one reads at the same time that Abbas, who offered help during the fire, talks about leaving office: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/04/abbas-ill-ask-israel-to-t_n_792038.html No single country in the Middle East recognized the state of Israel in the year 1967 and that same year, no Palestinian nation existed as well. I hope that any crisis between Israel and Turkey will come to an end. Everybody in Europe is talking about Turkey's genocide to the Armenians for example but nobody knows about the genocide of the Armenians to the Azerbaijanians. http://www.khojaly.org.az/ Yes of course, and then there are the Kurds. Give me a break. How far does one like to take this trip? People are talking so much nonsense - it is ridiculous! One thing which really makes sense is a good relationship between Israel and Turkey. The Middle East was under Ottoman rule. Maybe Turkey and Israel will negotiate peace with some Palestinian representatives. This would be a great way to isolate Iran's nuclear efforts as well because Iran thought it can count on Turkey. Nobody needs this nuclear plant nor any bomb. We can dive to the highest depths in the ocean and fly into space .. it is time to give something back. It would be a shame that a fire was necessary for the end of this crisis. At least it showed the real face of the Palestinian leadership. Fatah offered help, Hamas was happy that the woods were burning. Horrible Please Turkey, help Israel in negotiating peace
Turkey makes Israel a normal, respectful and peaceful country finally!. Dont think of apology as an humiliating action, it is beneficial for you guys in long term, although it looks bad for now. Are you guys thinking that you will live always as a army country, spending all your sources to guns or selling them world to make it worse? Turkey may even help you to be recognized by other muslim countries, even by Iranians. Just be smart and help her to help you. Please realize that, power is shifting to east, ME and other muslim countries become more powerful day by day. Israel cant maintain its militaristic and even technologic superiority for long time with this small population. Turkey is the insurance of your existence in ME.
If Israel's existence in the ME depends on the goodwill of Turkey, the country is finished.
Well put Dave! if only the rst of the people here could only see the bigger, better picture for Israel & Turkey. The future can be so good if only we really started believe it can be. Well done again Dave!
Benefit from Turkey's influence in ME. Or just stay isolated for years! Hope you dont think of yourselves living in EU or US. You guys are in ME, and should understand and accept its dynamics.
Publicly disgracing yourself and letting deceitful Muslims embarrass you has no positive benefits. That's not how they how they operate. It's just an invitation to be walked all over in the future. Turkey who can not even acknowledge the genocide of Armenians or apologize to Kurds has no write to demand apologies from others. Perhaps when any Muslim on the planet apologizes for anything there can be a discussion. Are any Muslims willing to humble themselves to Jews in the manner Dave suggests Israel do? Of course not. Israel's biggest mistake with Turkey was not immediately blaming the whole flotilla on them and loudly demanding an apology.
to good will gestures. Erdogan done a good a very noble deed for Israel and Israel will do what it must to put passed mutual transgressions to rest.. I am happy that 2 countries talk to each other...
And yes, it will be a bend over
It's that simple.
somehow i doubt this.
and then resume mutually-beneficial relations--that would certainly resolve a lot of problems--other than the "problems" that the folks who look at "problems" the same way a dog looks at "raw red meat" have. (Of course, the "red meat" folks may very well have the political clout to kill any final deal--so I guess--early reports notwithstanding--it's one of those "stay tuned" things.)
that still doesn't get you off the hook. The two are separate issues. If we follow your logic Igor, Israel could hold out its apology to Turkey until Al-Qaeda apologizes to U.S for 9-11
Igor better start with the cavemen and it is a long history of violence of the mankind. People living in Turkey today have nothing to do with atrocities of 100 years ago.
As normal. I will only be moral when the totality of the rest of the world is. Until then. . .
...to all the Antisemitic incitement they caused for hundreds of years against Jewish Ottoman subjects. Pogroms and violence against those Jews, only to be saved and protected by the MOSLEM Ottoman authorities. Ask any Turkish Jew, and you will hear about the truth ! What about that apology ???
They're not separate when Muslims demand Jews apologize for every imagined slight, while never apologizing for anything themselves. A Muslim today will still tell you the Jews of Medina were traitors and deserved to be killed. And that dhimmi laws were good for Jews. Name one time a Muslim nation has apologized for anything? This is why they are obsessed with scapegoating Israel in the first place.
Turkey's help with the fire of course is appreciated and should be viewed as a return jesture for Israel's help to Turkey after earthquakes. With regard to flotilla incident, Israel has nothing to apologize for saving its soldiers and fighting back their attackers.
The only ones who attacked here were Israeli soldiers armed-to-the-teeth boarding an unarmed civilian vessel on International Waters. Apologies and compensation are more than due. Erdogan should not soften on this one. He is clearly on the right here.
And pigs could fly
They are around Tel-Aviv & your head :)
The apology is pointless and dangerous
Erdogan took action against Israels Gaza blockade. The entire world opposed the Gaza blockade. Not even America and Israels other "yes men" supported the Gaza blockade. Erdogan was simply the only one with the courage to take action on what everybody believed to be the right thing.
Lots of countries list Hamas as terrorists for obvious reasons Erdogan is looking to be King of the M.E. he will use the Pal issue just like the rest of your brothers,to suit himself
If there was no blockade of Hamas in Gaza the fools there would arm to the teeth with Iran's help and blessing and the cowardly IRGC would then have yet another proxy border with Israel from which to unleash their WMDs on Israel, forcing it to retaliate with even more force on Hamas and resulting in yet more collateral damage, including more civilians caught in the crossfire. What do you have against the Palestinians that you hate them so in proposing their militant, dysfunctional government gain even more empowerment and bring about even more misery for their people? If Erdogan really showed "courage" in attempting to break Israel's blockade of Gaza why did he carefully choose to send the militant dregs of Turkish society to enforce his misguided foreign policy and not head the whole operation instead?
don't you just continue to provoke Turkey, your only "friend" in the ME. You have already made enemies of almost the whole globe, including (I would hope0, America. Hubris, then Nemesis.
Just what weapons were found on the Gaza Flotilla ships? Ping pong balls? What? Name them. You are beyond arrogant.
We have nothing against stopping weapons getting to Hamas in Gaza. What we object to is the treatment of the civilians there. Deprivation of food, clothes, medicines, medical facilities, etc. Please justify why Pasta and childrens school books, etc, should have been blockaded. Any one with a modicum of intelligence could see that the blockade was not only illegal but punitive. Open your eyes and be honest with yourself. This has to change. Israel does itself no favors with this behavior.
3) Egypt receives funding from the US, very likely to ensure Egypt maintains the Peace Agreement and crossings agreement
I too disagreed with some of the items on the list that Israel had previously barred but to not mention the thieving Hamas misfits that commandeer incoming goods and first stock up their warehouses with them and then charge exorbitant markups for the free donations is downright daylight robbery of the Palestinians in Gaza. When Hamas dug and reinforced their terror tunnels and then launched acts of war against Israel did you expect these brave men to hide there like cowards instead and leave their defenseless civilians above ground in more vulnerable positions to face the collateral wrath of the incoming IDF? Do you know how many Palestinians from Gaza are treated in proper Israeli hospitals and how many specialized surgeries are done freely for them? I've had enough of "a modicum of intelligence" to have actaully visited these areas and learned things firsthand, and you? Not having been there you have no clue how readily the Israelis would chip in and help build a beautiful PA State in this highly desirable section of the Mediterranean coastline if only Hamas would even consider true peace with the Jewish State instead of feeding daily on their hate-filled and misguided militant charter. Do you remember how the approved goods from the Turkish flotilla sat rotting and collecting dust at the border with Israel because Hamas' nose was out of joint and the World Cup happened to be on at the same time? Do you remember how the charlatan Arafat would accept incoming billions of sacrificial aid from the West and in return just put up a cheap wooden sign on some lots saying that this and that will be built there. Well no buildings came of it but the money was blown on instruments of death and destruction instead and also to stuff his Swiss accounts with. Please prove to us you really care about the Palestinians in Gaza and be honest in your appraisal of their derelict, dysfunctional leaders.
what fight has he ever been involved in? yelling at an octogenarian Peres in Switzerland?
Some folk seem to be gluttons for fallacies... http://wp.me/PDB7k-Y#look
First, israel releases kuntar, now they apologize to turkey - when it was turkey who intentionally sent in a fleet of ships to break israel's blockade preventing hamas from acquring missiles? What kind of lunacy is that? Do israelis have any self-respect?
Fresh news in case you didn't know. The blockade had nothing to do with "missiles", and certainly not the flotilla, which was only carrying food, concrete and toys. Hamas acquired as many rockets as it wanted through the tunnels. The whole point of the blockade is punishing Gazans and encourage them to overthrow Hamas. Even Israel acknowledged so much
is two different commodities.
Having read this latest.
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