Abstract of the 1800 Hardy County, Virginia
Personal Property Tax List

This file is from the book Virginians in 1800: Counties of West Virginia by Steven A. Bridges and is copyrighted by the author. This file is provided solely for the non-commercial use of visitors to the Hardy County, WVGenWeb Project, and it cannot be copied, in part or in total, into or by any other medium, including all types of electronic mediums, without the express written consent of Steven A. Bridges - huskyfan@ix.netcom.com.

Due to difficulty with handwriting and the quality of the pages involved, the reader is cautioned to check any critial information against the original file in the State Archives of Virginia, or on a microfilm copy of the same. Every attempt to avoid errors has been made, but the author cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of this data.

NAME OF INDIVIDUAL              COUNTY         YEAR      TOWNSHIP           Page      White    Slaves    Slaves    Horses
                                                                                    Tithables  over 16   12 to 16     
Armsworthy, Abraham             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         1
Andrews, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         0
Armontrout, John                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         3
Albin, James                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         2
Alkier, Peter                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         6

Armontrout, Christopher         Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         4
Armontrout, Christor Junr       Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         2
Armontrout, Henry               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         8
Ault, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         4
Ault, Henry                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         2          0         0         3

Alkier, Michael Sen             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         5
Alkier, Michael Jun             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         2
Alkier, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         2

Barler, Abraham                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         1
Brumall, Jeremiah               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         1
Bluny, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         2
Brumall, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         1
Bullitt, William Jun            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          1         1          0         0         1

Benn, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         0
Bullitt, Authbert               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         1
Berkdoll, George                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         3
Boots, Garrit                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         2
Bolener, Aaron                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         2

Bolener, David                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         1
Bolener, Henry                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         1
Boughman, Andrew                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         4
Bixler, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         2          0         0         2
Bixler, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         0

Bogart, Exekiel                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         3          0         0        13
Brake, Isaac                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         2
Brill, Michael                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         4
Ball, Richard                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         8
Baker, Moses                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         4

Baker, Samuel  sen?             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         2         8
Baker, Jesse                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         5
Bearly, Nicholis                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         0         2
Branyou, Lionel                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          2         1          0         3        12
Barkizer, David                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         2

Blizard, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         2          0         0         5
Barb, Peter                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         3
Boots, Adam Jun                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         4
Boots, Adam Sen                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         2
Barkdoll, Jacob                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         3

Borah, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         5
Brake, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         2          0         0         4
Brurnall, Ignatious             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         3
Bean, Thomas                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         3
Bean, Bennet                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         2

Baker, William Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         1
Baker, James                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         4
Baker, Nathan                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         1
Baker, James son of James       Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         3
Baker, Samuel Jun               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         2

Baker, Joseph                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         0
Baker, William son of James     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         0         0
Boles, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         3          0         0         1
Baker, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          3         1          0         1         6
Baker, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         1         3

Burk, Gasper                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         1
Bishop, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         2
Bean, Tanner                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         1
Bean, William                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         0
Birch, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         2          0         0         3

Birch, Jesse                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         1
Bowman, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         2          0         0         1
Brink, Isaac                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          2         0         3
Bryant, Joseph                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         1
Bryant, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         0

Boots, Martin                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         2
Borah, Charles                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         6
Berkdoll, Nichodunus            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         5
Brown, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          1         2         2
Bullet, William Sen             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          1         5         5

Church, Robert                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         2
Cordell, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          4         1          0         0         1
Chrisman, Jacob                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         6
Clarebough, Henry               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         3
Custer, Joseph                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         2

Callender, Jacob                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         0
Chrisman, Isaac                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         2          0         2         8
Colf, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         1
Criter, Jacob Sen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         3          0         0         3
Criter, Jacob Jun               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         1

Criter, Philip                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         2
Coffman, Michael                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         2
Carson, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         2
Claypool, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         3          0         0         8
Chilcott, Elihis                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         4

Crook, Epraim                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         2          0         0         1
Claypool, George                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          1         0         4
Cohenour, Arden                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         0          0         0         2
Clagett, Jonah                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         2         3
Coones, Ignatious Sen           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         1

Coomes, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          5         1          0         0         1
Coomes, Ignatious               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         2
Clifford, widow                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         1
Cane, Owen                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         1
Cane, Barney                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         0

Cane, Henry                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         0
Cathery, Philip                 Hardy          1800      East                6         1          1         1         1
Cordell, Martin                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         1
Cutton, Francis                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         2          0         0         1
Cunningham, William Jr          Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         0

Cahoon, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         2
Cunningham, Robert(crossed out) Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         2          1         5        27
Clarebough, Frederick           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         2
Chilcott, Eber                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         2
Coonrod, Jacob                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         1

Collins, David                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         3          0         0         4
Coffel, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         2
Coffel, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         0
Clutter, Gasper                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         1          0         0         1
Cunningham, James               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          6         3          0         3        13

Cunningham, William             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         4          5        18        58
Carr, Cunrod                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         1         5
Cooper, Vallentine              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         2          0         0         7
Carpenter, Jacob                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         1
Cammel, James                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         0

Craigen, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         3         1
Claypool, James                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          1         1         7
Claypool, Jacob                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         2
Campbell, William               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         2

Dukron, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         2          0         0         3
Diel, Richard                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         1
Dier, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         2
Dover, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         0
Dean, Benjamin                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         2          0         0         3

Dasher, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         3
Dasher, Christian               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         2          0         0         6
Drum, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         2
Dover, Cornilious               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         0
Devore, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         1          0         0         1

Davis, James            N River Hardy          1800      Not Stated          7         2          0         0         3
Davis, Widow                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         0          0         0         2
Davis, Enos                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          1         0         1
Dowd, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1
Dugan, Widow                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         2

Danavan, Daniel                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         0
Drau, Jacob                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         4
Dunnan, Peter                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          2         1         7
Davis, James             S Fork Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          1         0         7
Davis, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1

Dehart, Abraham                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         0
Davis, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1

Eyman, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         2          0         0         3
Eyman, Christian                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         0
Evans, Caleb            N River Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         3
Evans, Caleb J.        Pleasant Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1
Emmons, Elisha                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1

Emmory, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         2
Emmory, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          8         1          0         0         1
Edson, Joseph                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         1
Elswick, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         2          0         0         2
Emerling, Armrod                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         1

Fravell, Joseph                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         6
Finly, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         1
Foley, John Jun                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         1
Fowler, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         2
Fry, Thomas                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         5

Fry, Henry                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         3
Fisher, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0        21
Fisher, Adam                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         3          2         2        30
Fisher, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         3          1         1        28
Fravell, Henry                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         2          0         0         3

Gravistaff, George              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         2
Gordon, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          9         1          0         0         1
Goings, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         0
Gibony, Robert                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         1
Green, Jones                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        2          1         2         7
Gunn, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         0

Hughs, Levi                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         1
Hamilton, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        2          0         0         3
Hughs, James                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        2          0         0         4
Hughs, Aaron                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         3
House, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         2

Hays, Winstod                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         3
Hilton, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         2         9
Hire, Rudolph                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         2
Hirhman, Isaac                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         1
Hagler, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         5

Hayler, Leonard                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         5
Hydon, Isaac                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         2
Harness, Michael                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          10        1          0         0         2
Hirhman, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         4
Hill, David                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          1         0         2

Hill, ----- (son of David)      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11                       
Halterman, John                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2
Halterman, Christopher          Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2
Halterman, Christian            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          0         0         3
Halterman, Gabriel              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2

Halterman, Jacob Jun            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         1
Halterman, Jacob Sen            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        3          0         0         3
Harris, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         4
Harris, John         Lost River Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          0         0         5
Himes, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2

Harris, John         N River Se Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          0         0         3
Harris, John Jun                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         1
Hager, William Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         0
Haggins, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2
Harris, Joseph                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         1

Harris, Nehemiah                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          0         0         3
Harris, Daniel                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        3          0         0         5
Hopper, Alexander               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        2          0         0         1
Hitheringson, George            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          11        1          0         0         2
Harniss, Joseph                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         2         5

Hay, John                       Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         2
Huffman, Philip                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         4
Hanniss, Peter                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        2          0         0         6
Hetcheron, William              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         1
Harness, George  3d             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         1        19

Hutton, Isaac                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        2          0         2        11
Hogbin, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        2          0         1         2
Hire, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         4
Hire, Rudolph                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         2
Hire, Jacobs                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         2

Hamilton, Thomas                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         1
Howey, James                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         0
Hutton, Jonathan                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          1         1         6
Higgins, Peter                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         3         0
Harness, George Junr            Hardy          1800      East                12        2          2        10        30

Lance, -----                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        0          0         0         0
Houre, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          12        1          0         0         1

Johnson, George                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         2
Jeffries, James                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         2
Jewel, Richard                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         0
Jenkins, Joseph                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         1
Jarbo, Benidict                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         2

Jefferson, William              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         2
Ingkeep, Jeremiah               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        2          1         1         7
Jacobus, Jerre                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         0
Jamison, Robert                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         1

Judy, Henry                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        2          0         0        11

Judy, Nicholis                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0        11
Johnson, Robert                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         0

Ketner, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        3          0         0         7
Ketner, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         2
Ketterman, Jacob                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         5
Kelly, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         1
Keply, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          13        1          0         0         0

Ketner, Nichols  constable      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        0          0         0         4
Kerkindoll, Jacob               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         0

Lamb, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        2          0         0         2
Liller, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        3          1         1        11
Leek, William                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         1
Long, Harrison                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         1
London, Drue                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         3

Love, Widow                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        0          0         0         2
Linch, Patrick                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        3          0         3         5
Lorens, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         2
Londerman, Peter                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         2
Liver, Eve  widow               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        0          0         0         1

Landers, Jacob                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        2          0         0         1
Lairs, Catherine  widow         Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        0          0         0         3
Likens, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          14        1          0         0         6
Ligget, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        2          0         0         2
Lummos, Daniel                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         0

Leonard, Martin   Cons          Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        0          0         0         2
Mingo, Black                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         1
Marshel, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         3
Magell, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         2
Marshel, Benjamin               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         1
Morrow, James                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        2          0         0         3

McCord, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         2
Mathias, John Jun               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         4
Melone, Daniel                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         2
Mulford, James Sen              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         1
Mulford, James Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          0         0         1

Miller, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        1          1         2         7
Miller, Barbara  widow          Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        0          1         0         2
Miller, Anthony                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          15        2          0         1         7
Morris, Nathan                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         2
Mace, Nicholis                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        0          0         0         2

McNeel, Strother                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        2          0         2        13
McNeel, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        2          1         2         7
Machir, Henry                   Hardy          1800      East                16        1          0         0         1
Mathias, John Sen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        2          0         0         3
Morris, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         2

Murgrove, Elijah                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         1
Moore, Benjamin                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         2
McDonnald, Wm                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         1
Milbourn, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         0
Mangold, George                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         0

McNunar, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         0
Martin, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         2
Murfey, Gabriel                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         0
Machir, James                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        2          1         8        17
McNunar, Martin                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          16        1          0         0         1

Neff, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        2          0         1         7
Neff, Henry                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        2          0         0         5
Nabarger, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         1
Neff, George                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          1         0         8
Neff, Adam                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        3          0         2        10

Nevill, Joseph Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        3          1         4         5
Nevill, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         4
Norton, Moses                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         0
Newel, Hybert                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         2
Nevill, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         5

Nevill, Jethro                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         1
Neff, Jacob                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        2          0         0         9
Neff, Leonard                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         2
Nevill, Joseph Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          17        1          0         0         0

Obannon, Joseph                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        2          1         5        10
Owen, Leyhunan                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         5
Ogdan, David                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         6
Onus, James                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         1
Oldaire, Isaac                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        3          0         0         4

Oldaire, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         1
Owen, Mary widow                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        0          0         0         3

Port, Vallentine                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        2          0         0         3
Powers, Martin                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        2          0         0        10
Pearson, Alexander              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         1
Pugh, Jacob                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         3
Pugh, Robert                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         2

Pugh, Evan                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         1
Petsenbarger, Jacob             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         2
Philips, Siles                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          18        1          0         0         1
Parrvils, Thomas                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         3         7
Porter, Robert                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         3

Pringler, Henry                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         4
Port, Abraham                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         4
Puk, George                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         2
Puk, Frederick                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         1
Parsons, Elizabeth widow        Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        0          1         1         5

Pearce, James                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         2
Puk, James                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         0
Peterson, Philip                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         7
Peterson, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         4
Peterson, Jacob                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         4

Peterson, Martin                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        2          0         0         5
Paneake, David                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         0
Pain, Evan                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          0         0         3
Parsons, James Sen              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          19        1          3         7         7

Rains, Robert                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         4
Robinson, Stephen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         3
Robinson, Blaire                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         5
Roberts, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         2
Roberts, David Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         3

Rennick, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          1         2        14
Rorobough, Frederick            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         1
Rorobough, Henry Jun            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         1
Rorobough, Henry Sen            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         4
Rennick, Felia                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          1         1        11

Rennick, Thomas & Co            Hardy          1800      East                20        2          0         0         3
Roberts, David Sen              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         3
Reed, Thomas                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        2          0         0         2
Ryley, Robert                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         0
Ray, John                       Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         0

Robinson, James                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        0          0         0         1
Runnels, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          20        1          0         0         3
Reyhinan, Henry                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         4
Ray, Thomas                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         0
Rogers, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         1

Richeson, William               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         0
Ralliff, William                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         3
Radebough, Adam                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         3
Riger, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        2          0         0         6
Rorobough, John                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        3          0         0        10

Randall, Jacob                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         1         6
Radebough, Adam Sen             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        2          0         0         8
Runnels, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        2          0         0         3
Rules, Henry                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        7          0         0         5
Reed, Charles                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         0

Rennick, William Jun            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        1          0         0         2
Rennick, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          21        2          0         3        12

Stump, Leonard Sen              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        2          2         1        13
Smith, William                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        2          0         0         3
Simmons, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        2          0         0         2
Salts, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        0          0         0         2
Salts, Edward                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         1

Shomaker, Elias                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         4
Stump, Leonard Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         1
See, Adam                       Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         9
Shobe, Rudolph  Biz             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        2          0         0        13
Shobe, Martin                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0        10

Stranderman, John A.            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         1
Sherry, Peter                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         5
Shaner, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         2
Shaner, Frederick               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         3
Sunfron, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        1          0         0         1

Sinnet, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          22        2          0         0         3
Snider, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         1
Scott, Joseph                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         0
See, George Jun                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         1         7
Slater, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         1

Simermon, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         5
Saggers, Cunrod                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         1
Sunous, Christian               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        3          0         0         5
See, Catherine  widow           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        0          0         0         2
Stone, James                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        2          0         0         2

Stone, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         2
Swisher, Peter                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         3
Simmons, Van                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          1         2         3
Stone, George                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         1
Smith, Thomas                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         2

Salters, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          0         0         2
Stitts, Edward                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        2          0         0         3
Schou, John L.                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          23        1          1         2         1
Swisher, Michael                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         2
Shomaker, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         2

Shook, Harmonuss Sen            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         3
Shobe, Rudolph Little           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        3          0         1        13
Shirk, Henry                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         2
Sander, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        2          0         0         0
Seller, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         1

Shore, Anthony                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         2
Stenbourghire, Charles          Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         3
Strader, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         0
Shook, Harmonuss Jun            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         1
See, George, Sen                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          1         6        15

Sayger,John Jun                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         1
Sayger, John Sen                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        3          0         0         6
Stewart, James Sen              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         7
Stewart, Joseph                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        1          0         0         1
Shoemaker, John Sen             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          24        2          0         0         4

Swisher, Philip                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         1
Swisher, Nicholas               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        2          1         0         5
Shoemaker, George               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        2          0         0         4
Stewart, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         1
Stewart, James Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         1

Simon, George Jun               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         3
Simon, George Sen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        2          0         0         4
Shore, John     VV?             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        2          0         0         4
Shepley, Henry                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         1
Stump, Sarah  widow             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        0          0         0         4

Sign, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         2
Sousanran, George               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          0         0         0
Stump, George                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        1          1         1        14
See, Catherine        L. Branch Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        0          0         0         6
Sikes, Robert                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          25        2          0         1         1

Strambough, Peter               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         0
Shobe, Abraham                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          1         2        13
Shobe, Martin Sen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         1         7
Stuky, Abrahams Heirs           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        2          0         0         4
Strader, Christopher            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         6

Shobe, Jacob  lur?              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         3
Shobe, Leonard                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0        11
Sites, Daniel                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         2
Sites, Abraham                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         1
Smith, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         4

Sites, Jacob                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         3
Sites, Frederick                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         3
Sites, George                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         2
Swiny, Nathaniel                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         0
Seymour, Abel                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          1         6        24
Shobe, Jacob Se                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          26        1          0         0         4

Troutwine, Friderick            Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         1         1
Tevabough, Jacob                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         3
Taylor, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         2
Thorpe, Andrew                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        2          0         0         2
Terry, George                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         1

Tevault, George                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         1
Tevault, Henry                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         0
Taylor, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         2
Tevabough, Daniel Sen           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        2          0         0         6
Tevabough, Daniel Jun           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         4

Tevault, John                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        2          0         0         4
Tevault, Jacob                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        1          0         0         4

Vanmieter, Jacob                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          27        2          0         0        27

Williams, William               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         0
Weirser, Jacob Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wallan, William Jun             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wallan, William Sen             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         2
Woolf, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         2

Walden, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        4          0         2         6
Webb, William                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wure, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
White, Samuel                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         3
Wetzel, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         2

Wilkin, George                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        2          0         0         5
Wire, John    M Creek           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wire, Michael                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wire, Christopher               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wilkin, Godfrey                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         3

Wilkin, Jacob                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        1          0         0         1
Wilson, David                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          28        2          0         0         8
Wilson, John   Joiner           Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         3
Wilkin, George Jun              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         2
Widner, Jacob Sen               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        2          0         0         3

Williams, Edward                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         4        10
Wheeler, Thomas                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         3
Wheeler, Benjamin               Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         1
Waters, Edward                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         1
Wallace, Alexander              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         2         1

Ward, Daniel                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         3
Wire, Henry                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         3
Wilson, Charles                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         4
Wilton, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        2          0         0        11
Wilton, Michael                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         8

Wire, John  Sole of Christor    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         1
Wire, Christian                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         1
Wilson, Henry                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         0         2
Willet, John                    Hardy          1800      Not Stated          29        1          0         1         1
Wilson, William                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          1         1         2

Wilson, James                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         2
Wilson, Solomon                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         1         4
Wilson, Zakeriah                Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         0
Whitecotton, James              Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         0
Wilton, David                   Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        2          1         2        23

Watecook, John                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         1
Wure, Charles & Co.             Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        2          0         0         4
Wauler, Elijah                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         0
Wilson, Thomas                  Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         2

Yourne, Solomon                 Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        2          0         0         1
Young, John                     Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         1
Yoke, John                      Hardy          1800      Not Stated          30        1          0         0         3

Rennick, George                 Hardy          1800      East                32                       

@copyright 2002 by Steven A. Bridges - Snohomish, Washington

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