Updated: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:52:30 GMT | By Cliff D'Arcy, writing for MSN Money
Our economy in pictures: 10 fascinating financial facts

10 slides that will explain the financial truth of Britain today

10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
  • 10 slides that explain the financial truth of Britain today (© Image © MSN)
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As newspapers and websites pour out pages of commentary on the rises, falls and reversals of various economic data, it's become increasingly difficult to get to grips with the reality of 'coalition Britain'.

To help you to see the bigger picture, we've put together 10 slides that reveal the fascinating - and sometimes frightening - trends that have emerged since the world economy went into a slump.

Therefore, if you want to be better informed about the true state of the UK today, then read on.


When will the morons that claim to run the economy realise that without manufacturing we will be a dead duck.


Property bubbles and financial services will never fill the gap caused by the Thatcher led crusade to eliminate manufacturing.


How many of our Politicians know anything about Science, Engineering or manufacturing?


The economies that do well and grow - India, China, Brazil all manufacture.


The economise that do badly have bankers and Property bubbles - how hard can it be to work that out!!!!


When Cameroon visits India on a Trdae Mission who does he take ..... Kelly Holmes - Do me a favour - nice girl but how can she possibly adequately represent British Engineering.


If I were a young Scientist or Engineer today i would be leaving and seeking my future elsewhere.

all the worst numbers have Gordon Brown as a common factor
rip van winky your so wrong,yes blairs regime(which i detested) was hardly communist,since when did being centre right become akin to communism?????The banks played a huge part in the collapse of the economy or did you forget that ? also Thatcher(spit) and her idiotic capitalist dreams for the country broke it in two,a problem which has never gone away,and successive governmnets have been to weak to combat it.,whilst you talk of labours champagne socialism,which was a kick in the teeth for true labour supporters,there isnt much difference with that of the tories champagne capitalism.

Some people don't mention that Unions are not entirely blame free in all of this. It goes back years/decades. Remember the 70's when Unions ran the country. I'd rather have the situation we have now (albeit not a good one) that back then with power cuts, strikes every week, 26% inflation, winter of discontent, fuel shortages, having to go to the IMF cap in hand. The list is almost limitless.


People blame Maggie Thatcher but something had to be done about Unions and socialism.


If not, we would more than likely be living in a State run society, a la France, where they pay massive taxes, even more that here, and thats saying something.


Beware socialism and Unions.

Last week I saw a long coal train bringing in imported coal to a foreign owned power station.

It stinks. We used to have a coal industry and a car insustry, now gone.

Harry, take your head out of your bum. spouting socialism but then denying it as it wasn't quite the right type of socialism for you, just doesn't wash. moan about boom and bust but offer only bust and bust as an alternative. Blair, Brown, Prescott, red milliband, pink milliband, balls, harperson, all commie party members before labour. get real.   
24 minutes ago
what makes things worse is that they go and create post's at £85000 per year(crime and police commissioners), post's that  will pull more money out of our(the people) pockets, and remember, there is one for every police force area, when will this mania for rewarding failure end, because here is proof that it is mostly a government thing e.g. the b.b.c. for another.
9 minutes ago
Does these figures actually reflect those who are truly in work. I would like to know how many have signed off as they can not be bothered being patronised for £64 per week assuming they have not found away of depriving you of this. I am not sure if 16 hours a week really counts as full time employment but it is enough to have you signed off by the bearcats, just more statistics and lies.
Wild Bill, how can it be anything to with Thatcher? we are just coming out a decade and a half of commie lunacy (with millionaire leaders that fools followed); put the blame where it belongs---Blair Brown and their commie values for us that they pontificated while swilling champagne. 
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