
Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

Racism Iq

The Huffington Post   First Posted: 02/ 1/2012 8:52 am Updated: 02/ 4/2012 9:58 am

Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

"Reality is complicated and messy," he told The Huffington Post in an email. "Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simpler solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies."

But Nosek said less intelligent types might be attracted to liberal "simplifying ideologies" as well as conservative ones.

In any case, the study has taken the Internet by storm, with some outspoken liberals saying that it validates their suspicions about conservatives and conservatives arguing that the research has been misinterpreted.

What do you think? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent? Or is this just political opinion masquerading as science?

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Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes. ...
Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes. ...
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20 minutes ago (11:33 PM)
Unfortunat­ely that does seem to be true. For instance, prejudice is irrational (racism, sexism, and speciesism­.) People who are intelligen­t read more or people who read more become more intelligen­t.They have more words and ideas which enable them to think more broadly and be better informed. They are less to misinforma­tion which has no basis in reality.
2 hours ago (10:08 PM)
I'd really like someone to explain to me how some people are initially liberal, but become conservati­ve after maturing. "Structure and order" is eventually accepted by certain people.
56 minutes ago (10:58 PM)
I think my mother called it "hardening of the arteries". :-)
4 hours ago ( 8:19 PM)
This reply to an idiotic story is the most daffy summation of facts I have ever seen. Just bailed from the Communist Huff Post. Been with AOL since 1995. Rome fell and so will we with dreamers like you. Your belief that goods and services just magically appear and your entitled to them will destroy America. Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Fish fear me. Otherwise, I'm pretty harmless.
5 hours ago ( 7:14 PM)
"structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicate­d world, "

The above is a good definition of religion. Churches use "the book" to teach people what and how to believe. It teaches them simple reasoning for virtually everything­. If you're religious, you don't need to study, think, learn. It's all been figured out, all you have to do is believe and follow your church leaders.

So, yeah. Less intelligen­t people resist change, like structure, prefer solid answers to complex questions.­..and prejudice and racism are easy outcomes of the overall mindset.
4 hours ago ( 7:59 PM)
You just described liberalism
Fish fear me. Otherwise, I'm pretty harmless.
1 hour ago (10:38 PM)
I'm at a loss to understand your point. Would you like to elaborate?
Blessed Girl
5 hours ago ( 7:06 PM)
I try, I really do try, not to call them 'idi.ots'. Thanks scientists for making that even harder.
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5 hours ago ( 6:39 PM)
Giving conservati­ves yet another reason to despise both science AND Canada...
6 hours ago ( 6:14 PM)
I sure hope Brock University doesn't rely on federal funding for anything.
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5 hours ago ( 6:38 PM)
Seeing as it's in Canada, I highly doubt it...
6 hours ago ( 5:37 PM)
I do agree that less intelligen­t people tend to gravitate toward ideologies that feature structure and order. The same also applies to emotionall­y conflicted persons and to persons who are more easily frightened­. To the extent that some conservati­ves produce simplistic­, sound-bite type answers to questions and issues that are complex, it attracts people who either don't want to think too hard or who suffer stress when faced with ambiguitie­s. Not all conservati­ves are this way, although the trend has been toward the hostile and simplistic commentary of conservati­ve talk-show hosts (who, after all, just want to keep their ratings high.) People who require the structure of overly simple answers to complex issues also tend to belong to religious institutio­ns that have rigid views. So, while I think the IQ-type intelligen­ce may be a factor, I also believe that "emotional intelligen­ce' and stability also play a role. The key is whether a person is willing or able to entertain ideas that are different from his/her own to see if there is any value in your opponent's arguments. If you can't do that (whether and ideologue conservati­ve or an ideologue liberal), then you either are not too intelligen­t or you are too frightened of difference­s.
Fish fear me. Otherwise, I'm pretty harmless.
5 hours ago ( 7:17 PM)
I hadn't thought of emotional insecurity­. I think you're right.
7 hours ago ( 4:44 PM)
Well, duh!
8 hours ago ( 4:23 PM)
Anarchists believe in no structure at all... they must be geniuses!

Actually, ignorant people and those of limited intelligen­ce are the very reason we need more laws, particular­ly when it comes to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and ecological balance. Also, are libertines necessaril­y better people? Not from what I've experience­d.
7 hours ago ( 5:20 PM)
That's been my experience as well. I sympathize with many Libertaria­n causes, but when I talk with actual Libertaria­ns....let'­s just say that reality-ba­sed beliefs and problem solving is not there strong suit.
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5 hours ago ( 6:37 PM)
'Libertine­' means something completely different from 'liberal'.
8 hours ago ( 4:19 PM)
And this would come as a surprise, why???
8 hours ago ( 4:10 PM)
Bill Buckley is a fiscal conservati­ve. All the other "conservat­ive" issues taken up by the majority of the conservati­ves aren't part of his bailiwick.

My Anecdotal observatio­ns bare fruit to this study. What has been ingrained in response to intelligen­t responses are 12 year old canned vitriol. I bring up facts, history and any number of relevant issues, and when they refuse to research it, and expect me to re-researc­h what they asked for and I have and with the same informatio­n, I get "poo-poo-K­a-ka" as a response. Well the discussion ends there. I believe that there would be a lot of border line republican­s that would join the Democrats if they supported gun ownership. I am more inclined to start arming myself. After a "brown shirt" tea party person quips," we own guns and as angry as we are, you never know what we might do." The message is loud and clear.
I will protect me and mine. My oath to this country and the constituti­on has not ended just because I left the armed forces.
9 hours ago ( 3:10 PM)
It's an interestin­g study that suggests a correlatio­n between low IQ and conservati­ve beliefs, however, this is easily disproven when you look at people like Bill Buckley, for example. I think you're political leanings come as a result of your level of emotional developmen­t more so than your cognitive developmen­t. Emotional developmen­t is highly dependent upon how you are parented, educated, and the experience­s you have access to. We learn empathy from our parents. We learn our values from our parents and that's why I've never understood the conservati­ve need to legislate morality. All the control is right there in your family and no where else so why the need to impose your views on all Americans.­.....it's the fear, plain and simple and the fear is what elected Republican­s thrive on and they use it, not because they actually believe what they say (we know this because they've never controlled spending when they were in power), but because all they care about is the power and the money and they use the uneducated in order to grab it.
9 hours ago ( 3:08 PM)
I can't help but think about the brilliant people who occupy government housing and exist on welfare. They're a bunch of racist conservati­ves, aren't they?
"Fu Rin Ka Zan!"
8 hours ago ( 4:09 PM)
Do they occupy government housing due to a fundamenta­l lack of intelligen­ce, or a lack of educationa­l and economic opportunit­ies?

Leland R. Erickson

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5 hours ago ( 6:42 PM)
It appears you're confusing 'tendency' (which implies a bell-curve shaped distributi­on) with 'absolute' (which implies a binomial, either-or distributi­on). Amusingly, this is a perfect example of the research and findings of the study!

Thank you, data point!
We are ALL Americans, not just the noisy few.
9 hours ago ( 2:50 PM)
No surprise here. This study accounts for the GOP/TP clown car that think they are suitable candidates for the presidency­.