
Revealed: Holder Says President Could Authorize Military Drone Strikes Inside U.S.

Eric Holder Letter to Rand Paul Leaves Open Possibility of Drone Strikes on U.S. Soil

Credit: AP

This morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told Glenn Beck’s radio team that he had some new information about the U.S. government’s drone program — information that some individuals might find troubling. Later in the day, TheBlaze obtained letters that were sent to the senator by Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama’s chief counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan.

It is select contents in Holder’s letter that citizens and political experts, alike, might find most problematic. After Paul sent an inquiry to learn more about the government’s drone program and to ask whether “the President has the power to authorize lethal force, such as a drone strike, against a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, and without trial,” he received a response that is sure to be scrutinized.

The senator’s inquiry was certainly specific, however the government’s response was not so concise — or at least not pointed enough to put critics like Paul at ease.

Eric Holder Letter to Rand Paul Leaves Open Possibility of Drone Strikes on U.S. Soil

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., testifies before a state legislative committee on the legalization of growing hemp at the Capitol Annex in Frankfort, Ky., Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. Credit: AP 

In a response dated March 4, 2013, Holder wrote that the U.S. government “has not carried out drone strikes in the United States and has no intention of doing so.” The attorney general went on to note that federal officials believe that in areas where there is “well-established law enforcement,” these officials serve as the preferred mode of handling terrorist threats; military options inside U.S. borders are, thus, “rejected.”

“We have a long history of using the criminal justice system to incapacitate individuals located in our country who pose a threat to the United States and its interests abroad,” the letter reads. “Hundreds of individuals have been arrested and convicted of terrorism-related offenses in our federal courts.”

While this would likely set at ease anyone worried about the potential use of drones on U.S. land, Holder doesn’t conclude there. It is the next section of the letter that is the most contentious, as it leaves the door open for potential action in the event of large-scale terror attacks or other monumental disturbances.

“The question you have posed is therefore entirely hypothetical, unlikely to occur, and one we hope no President will ever have to confront,” the letter continues. “It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States.”

Holder said that the president could be faced with such a situation (“to authorize the military to use such force”) if the need to protect the nation arose during an attack similar to Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

“Were such an emergency to arise, I would examine the particular facts and circumstances before advising the President on the scope of his authority,” he concludes.

View the document, below:

Eric Holder Letter to Rand Paul Leaves Open Possibility of Drone Strikes on U.S. Soil

Photo Credit: U.S. Government

In a separate letter dated March 5, 2013, Brennan responded to Paul’s request for the same information, taking a more conclusive stance — one that affirmed that the CIA would not have the power to conduct attacks on American soil.

In his note, Brennan wrote that the Justice Department would respond to legal questions surrounding the president’s authority, but he made it clear that the agency he has been nominated to lead does not have the authority to conduct these drone attacks (the Senate Intelligence Committee voted this afternoon to approve Brennan’s nomination).

“I can, however, state unequivocally that the agency I have been nominated to lead, the CIA, does not conduct lethal operations inside the United States — not does it have any authority to do so,” he wrote. “Thus, if I am fortunate enough to be confirmed as CIA Director, I would have no ‘power’ to authorize such operations.”

Read Brennan’s letter to Paul in its entirety, below:

Eric Holder Letter to Rand Paul Leaves Open Possibility of Drone Strikes on U.S. Soil

Photo Credit: U.S. Government

In the past, Brennan has been a staunch defender of drone strikes, as highlighted earlier today by TheBlaze. While he noted that they are used only as a “last resort,” he also said during his confirmation hearing that he had no qualms with the administration’s decision to use the tactic against U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. Both of these men, killed in Yemen in Sept. 2011, were U.S. citizens.

Paul appeared this afternoon on Sean Hannity’s radio show, where the congressman discussed the letters. The two spoke candidly about Holder’s and Brennan’s responses to his questions. He characterized the attorney general’s answer as a “maybe” when asked about whether drone strikes would be acceptable on U.S. land.

“In that letter, he refuses to rule out using drone stikes on Americans, on American soil,” Paul told Hannity. “The reason this is troubling is that we’re not talking about someone holding a weapon, we’re not taking about someone with a grenade launcher. Many of these drone strikes are against people who are walking and talking, sitting and eating or sleeping in their house.”

Rather than attacking citizens who are suspected of terrorism or terror ties, Paul said that Americans ”need to be charged with something and get our day in court.”

This is a breaking news story. Stay tuned for updates.

(H/T: Sean Hannity)

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Comments (433)

    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:23pm

    Not just drone strikes, but legal assassination for any reason they see fit, without trial or warrant.

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    • encinom
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:37pm

      And the paranpoid freaks of the blaze are running wild. Rand Paul is a joke, a mental lite weight, like his father, that demands on the brain washed sheep of Beck and Alex Jones to hold his office. Nothing more than a sad Senator, with a record of support for his corporate masters attempting to invent an issue.

    • Maji
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:40pm

      Did you ever doubt it??
      What do you think the hubub has all been about?
      What is the best way no to be surveilled…is to be able to shoot one down.
      Just one of the many reasons they want your guns.

      They want to control you!! Not an inantimate object!

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    • RJJinGadsden
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:40pm

      For some reason I think this might just tie in with Homeland Security ordering those 2700 MRAPs. CIVILWARCOMETH, if the hair on the back of your neck is standing up, it is for good reason sir.

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    • yiska8
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:41pm

      “It is possible…”
      My eyes zeroed in on these three words and rest is BS. They are putting it in writing now, so when they use the technology on American soil they can cover their *sses down the road.

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    • Salamander
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:46pm

      Like putting people in an elderly care facility where they are denied emergency medical care from staff while awaiting the ’1st Responders’?

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    • RJJinGadsden
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:00pm

      ENCINOM, Sorry there bud, but it is you who has played the part of Chicken Little here all too often.
      Oh yeah, Chavez dead!

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    • civilwarcometh
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:05pm

      The U.S. government has declared war on it’s citizens. So what are we going to do about it???

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    • Baddoggy
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:08pm

      One drone strike on American soil and we are in Ciovil War. WE THE PEOPLE will take down the corrupt government that would do that in less than 3 days…But it will NEVER happen.

      BTW why isn’t Obama in prison for murdering American Citizens anyway? The 4th Ammendment allows all Americans due process. No matter how STUPID they are.

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    • yiska8
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:35pm

      Go ahead and board the pretty air conditioned or heated government busses when they come for you Encinom. They mean you no harm. It will give the rest of us time to dig in.

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    • desertspeaks
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:41pm

      Their saying “we have no intention” is not the same as NO WE CAN’T! In essence they are saying we can, but we choose not to! YET!

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    • Allseasonangler
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:43pm

      Encinom is either a victim of normalcy bias, or he trusts government and specifically Eric Holder on his word. It’s not like like Eric Fast and Furious Holder never has given the American people a reason to not trust the Department of Justice.

      The one senator who is fighting to protect the U.S. Constitution and the American people from becoming targets of the American government, is obviously a man worth of Encinoms scorn.

      I guess we should trust Obama to another 4 years while were at it since we are so trusting of our government, right Encinom?

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    • cloudsofwar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:45pm

      some people would rather stick their head in the sand and deny what is happening right in front of them. DHS has 1.6 billion rounds and over 2700 armored vehicles that can withstand running over a mine and btw they also have drones. what are the getting ready for? and they just might be obama’s civilian force he was talking about. just as well armed and funded as the military. remember that campiagn pledge? call your senators and congressmen and asked them. why does DHS have these things when we already have a standing army to defend the country against invasion. because that must be what they are getting ready for. right?

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    • RedHarley
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:46pm

      Yeah…….next thing you know, the paranoid chickens running loose here will be claiming that Liberal/Progressive Democrat Presidents are the only ones who have imprisoned US citizens without due process. That could have NEVER happened. What is wrong with you people ?
      DHS buying 1.6 billions rounds of hollow point ammo to be used in “training” and 2700 MRAP’s…………..Nothing to see here. Move along.

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    • cloudsofwar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:48pm

      and obama just keeps getting his people in place. but hey it’s all good. right?

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    • Allseasonangler
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:50pm

      According to Encinom the government has the right to do what they want and people who speak out, are the problem not government.

      Encinom supports turning in your guns, waiving your right to due process, and freedom of assembly to defend the second amendment at state capitols.

      Because to do so would make you a conspiracy theorist that the government somehow would attempt to usurp its authority on our civil liberties.

      Yes I know it sounds out of the realm of possibility, but its not like the crown or governments around the world have ever turned against its people.

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    • bdsconserv
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:55pm

      i heard today that a drone was spotted over new york city by a pilot. true?

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:07pm

      LYING, SCHEMING SACKS of S. I’m just going to call them SOS from now on…you’ll know what I mean. I have never been so angry, so ready to stomp them….so ready to rise up and make sure these Bturds don’t keep riding rough shod over America.

      I saw a photo of a precious young family today on FB, the mother had just had a baby and they were threatened with a brain tumor…here is this precious family Mother, Father, Baby, and several siblings…as decent as the white snow they live in …as fresh as the wild flowers of spring…the AMERICAN dream and this SOS dares to try to play Dictator…this SOS is the most INDECENT SOS that has ever been in our WH…and he sent out another SOS to give a BILLION (in the end) dollars to EGYPT who will use it to FIGHT US?! IS RAND PAUL the ONLY PATRIOT in this COUNTRY?
      GET BEHIND HIM….Let’s not wait until 2014. Let’s go state by state and pick out the PATRIOTS up for ELECTION and damnit, each one of us needs to donate at least a $ 1.00 to that campaign.. It may take us a total of 135 but with Glenn’s audience, we can flood these PATRIOTS with $$ and I agree with GLENN : FREEDOM WORKS is about the only place I want to see money go to…. NEVER the bloody GOP, gutless wonders….never to Gingrich, never to any moderate….moderate this you creeps.
      We have a SOS in the WH who’s AG is saying it’s “within the law for that SOS to call for a drone strike on an AMERICAN in AMERICA without a WARRANT. ? SOS.

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    • pissantno.10
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:13pm

      encino how do you get that all out while licking obamas boots . or what ever else you love to suckel hummmmmmmmer

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    • S-O-B-E-R
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:25pm

      Answer to BDSCONSERV : FAA is “investigating.”

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    • 180pilot
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:36pm

      Drones zooming around the Deserts of the Middle East is one thing, hundreds of them in the congested airspace of the US is another. Just wait for the cover up when one hits an airliner or private aircraft!

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    • 180pilot
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:45pm

      Yeah, let’s put more of these pilotless vehicles in the air….that radar does not see……and that have already been captured by 3rd world countries when they go off course….

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    • Mil-Dot
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:54pm

      Yep, make no mistake, they are setting the stage to use these flying creatures against us. We need to locate the manufacturing facility. They are made in San Diego, CA. They have a 120 acre site near Sorrento and another near Poway. Both in the San Diego area. Patriots, surveil these areas and pre- acquire. Also make note of the executives and their locations. The best way to stop them is when they are on the ground and target those that fly and maintain them.

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    • cosette
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:55pm

      We have reached a turning point in our history. An American (?) president and his DOJ defend their “authority” to execute American citizens on American soil without due process of law, thereby setting ObaMao up as judge jury and executioner. The 6th amendment guarantees you the right to due process , but, in usual fashion, the constitution is nothing more than a minor inconvenience to ObaMao to the would be dictator.I wonder more and more with each passing day, when will the people rise up and revolt?

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    • 502_eagle
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:37pm

      Wonder how Dems would like this if Newt Gingrich was president, Liz Cheny was head of DHS and Ann Coulter was the AG.

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    • GhostOfJefferson
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:13pm

      Don’t mind ol’ ENCI here, he’s just verklempt that his socialist dream date just passed away. Give the guy a break, it’s such a great loss to him.

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    • Batchwiper
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:21pm

      This is worse than the Patriot Act, which was the worst Act since the Constitution was ratified!

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    • ForMyKidsVA
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:41pm


      You are certainly a prolific commenter and it got me thinking about how a person can have so much time on his hands that he could spend all day, save for a lunch and dinner break, on just this site making one comment after another.

      Which are you:
      1). Employed by an extreme far left wing group that pays you to write nonsense all day?
      2). Unemployed Obamatron who is trying to gain favor with the big man?
      3). Slacker government worker who spends his day on the Internet instead of doing something useful?
      4). or just a person of such low sef-esteem that the only joy in your life is bullying others?

      I’m sure I haven’t covered all the possibilities. Anyone else have any ideas on why this person has so much time on his hands?

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:41pm

      To all the NEW FOLKS visiting the Blaze.

      encinom is a far let loon. We affectionately call responders of this type “TROLLS”. So don’t be offended by what the troll post. A troll is a person whom is often paid by a far left organization to defend or counter statements posted at a particular web site.

      It is usually mindless, far left dribble. If you would like to see inside the mind of lefty simply double click on one of encinom’s post and read the latest post by encinom at the Blaze. It often goes on and on attempting to counter other wise rational though expressed by level headed people.

      (Disclaimer, NOT EVERYONE IS LEVEL HEADED….. Just saying…)

      Now I have done my good deed for the day.

      Enjoy the banter!

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    • JosephHarris
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:46pm

      AND his 16 year old American born son (Denver) that was killed two weeks later by a drone strike? That doesn’t seem to get reported but I think maybe the 16 year old wasn’t the next master mind. I believe it was on the Blaze a little while ago that a guy in his 50′s was linked by DNA to the rape and murder of a woman when he was 15…. and they are going to try him as a child because he was a minor when it happened? WTF Man…. Yeah terrorist suck but killing an American child because his American citizen father was accused of terrorism? Whats next? You are adamant about retaining your firearms and now you are a potential extremest? A threat the the federal government?

      Thanks for listening to me bitch!


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    • yiska8
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 9:01pm

      I know I’ve nailed a progressive when they bring up the words “paranoid” and “context” in the same post. I’m a grad of the Limbaugh Insitute for Advanced Conservative Studies since 1989, you TAKER!!
      When liberals are losing the argument or trying to deflect, they name call and bring up CONTEXT, because words mean more than actions to progresives. “DO AS I SAY,NOT AS I DO.”
      The King’s Court has spoken. “IT IS POSSIBLE…” The rest is BULL****.

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    • DeOppressoLiber
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 9:09pm

      Outstanding Mission Analysis.

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    • SendTheMeteors
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 9:09pm

      I just want to understand the argument. First of all the US government, and any cop for that matter, can act against an American citizen who is actively threatening other Americans. You guys, in fact, are all about Americans using deadly force and killing other Americans who are threatening you or others. Okay.

      Let’s look at the rational side of this first, then the paranoid side. Suppose there is a domestic terrorist such as Timonthy Mcviegh – or pick your own favorite American terrorist or group! – who is in the act of committing mass murder. You, with your AR-15, and shoot the guy, as can the police, as can the government. The government can use fully automatic weapons, RPGs, fighter aircraft, or whatever else to eliminate the threat. But not a drone? Where’s that distinction come from? Isn’t that like telling you can’t have an AR-15?

      Now the paranoid view. Okay, the government wants to enslave you and put you in a FEMA concentration camp and blah, blah. Fine, whatever. Okay, so Holder says, “okay, no drones will be used against an American, even if they are trying to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.” The US military can still use every other weapon in it’s arsenal, but not drones. As if the law would matter at that point.

      So Holder says that. Would that really make you feel better?

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    • subic
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 9:14pm

      obama, Holder, Brennan, Hillary, Biden, jarett: ” hey guys, if we can’t disarm these freedom & constitution loving americans we’re going to have to drone strike them”. ENCINOM, you down with that too?

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    • Fubared
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 9:44pm

      So you are for the suspension of posse comitatus? All about the dictator huh? Or give the kill switch to the fbi or dhs? Without due process?

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    • sillyfreshness
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 10:02pm

      They’re just getting ready for martial law.

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    • Obama_In_PeePee_By_Zee_ArTeest_Beck
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 10:46pm

      “Revealed: Holder Says President Could Authorize Military Drone Strikes Inside U.S.”

      You’re in worse trouble than you think! YOU ARE SLAVES IN PRISON and those drones for the PRISON GUARDS to stop your rioting when you find out that your ARE slaves:

      Mark Levin 03/04/13

      PART 1

      LEVIN: “Let us go to Ron, Pleasanton, California, the great KSFO, go!”
      CALLER: “Mark, thanks for taking my call. I want to thank you for all you do for us as the country. It’s really awesome, a privilege, to talk to you today.”
      LEVIN: “Thank you my fried. Appreciate that.”
      CALLER: “And, and listen, I’ve been forced, because as I listen to you each day, you’re great at bringing history into the present, you’ve forced me to go back in history and do allot of research. And I came across a quote from a guy named Edward Mandel House to Woodrow Wilson right just before his became President. I don’t have time to read the quote but talks about how there would be a system put into place that would case people to sign over their biological property as a bill of lading against a lien that would be created, uh excuse me, the would be caused, by borrowing of money and that the biological bills of lading would be used collateral. It’s in the quote and …”
      LEVIN: “But what debts, debts incurred by government?”

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    • Obama_In_PeePee_By_Zee_ArTeest_Beck
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 10:48pm

      PART 2

      CALLER: “The biological property is actually, my research is, the birth certificate. My two kids, I’ve got two young kids, 4 and 2, and it says right on their birth certificate ‘Midwest Bank Note Company’. So I wanted to know what that was. Why are my kids birth certificates on bank notes. What I’ve uncovered is that our kids birth certificates are the collateral that’s used when the Federal Reserve loans the United States Treasury notes, that our bodies are used as the collateral.”
      LEVIN: “Well, I’ve never heard this before. No offense. My, I have my birth certificate and it doesn’t come from a bank.”
      CALLER: “You know, my mother-in-law passed away year before last 1950 and I was going at the funeral home and her birth certificate fell out of the baby book and it said right on it and embossed, it was a rather simple form but it was embossed, and it said ‘State Of Nebraska Corporate Seal’. So what I discovered, I’m from California, and ‘The State Of California’ is different from ‘California State’. ‘The State Of California’ is a private company that functions within ‘California State’.”
      LEVIN: “Alright, my friend. Got it. Thank you very very much and I’m in a state of confusion really. I’m not doubting him, I’ve just never heard of this before. And I’ve done allot of reading about Woodrow Wilson. Let me tell you — one nasty S.O.B. A racist, a segregationist, a man who hated The Constitution …

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    • Tresse
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 11:18pm

      What is really sad is when shtf good patriots will spill their blood for idiots like Encinom and Meteors and they still won’t appreciate it.

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    • wojo14
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 12:16am

      Enicom, how very typical of you sir. Attack the person and ignore the facts, or in this case, actual copies of the letters being discussed.

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    • 1bambam
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 12:47am

      I’m watching Hannity right now …he’s outraged by the lack of response from the left

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    • Dot
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 1:14am

      @encinom Such “authoritative” pronouncements through this comment section. What legal inside information do you have that gives you that expertise? Any? Or do you just like listening to yourself? Also, name calling is so mature.

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    • subic
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 1:53am

      Oh yea 1BAMBAM, not a peep from the lefty loons. Well Al Sharptounge said a couple weeks back with his CBC friends or one his racist groups, “why do you all need an AR? We got drones” we?? hey al, you got a mouse in your pocket?

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    • katzkiner
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 3:36am

      Encin, If that was a Bush sitting in the Oval office you and Meteor would be filling you Depends. We need to be VERY careful when any POLITICIAN claims the right to unilaterally KILL an American. They have forgotten who owns this country.

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    • katzkiner
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 3:45am

      The most advanced drones have little autonomous “see and avoid” capability, they are extremely dangerous to fly in US airspace. Also, a Texas University engineering professor and his class demonstrated they could hijack DHS drones with off the shelf electronics. Janet your not in Afghanistan anymore.

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    • rcampb10
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 5:12am

      Its amazing how many Scyco no patriots comment like this. Get your head out of the EBT wallet. Look at what is happeneing to your own country!

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    • Obama Been Lauding
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 6:00am

      Remember the White House website that wanted people to turn in anyone that made statements against Obama and his minions?
      Are these people, that were turned in, considered terrorists, or enemies of the U.S.?
      Just what is the definition of someone who would be considered a viable candidate for a drone strike?

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    • redfish52
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 7:42am

      Lets see Encinom you wacky Progressive….Drones in the sky’s over America, gun control, a government generated terrorist watch list that has the “Tea Party” on it, government victimization of the victim in gun related crimes such as rape, the massive government backing for the LGBT Movement and now the Government is trying to open up the civil rights movement and set it back by pitting black and whites against each other as they did when they claimed without proof that black congressmen where spit on by Tea Party Members during the 2010 elections…no nothing going on here. Encinom…really I understand your conviction to the wrong cause…I was young and stupid myself..I spiked a stand of old growth Hemlock tree’s that were due to be cut down for condo’s…thanks god someone realized it and instead of guy’s coming in with chainsaws with the possibility that someone could have been seriously damaged if they hit one of my spikes they brought in bull dozers….either way the condo’s got built. So in closing Encinom…I know you think you are educating us but just like those condo’s….we are here and I hear talk of expansion. Go spread your high intellect at Huffpo where I’m positive you will be greatly appreciated and greeted with open arms.

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    • old white guy
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 7:52am

      why are the people of the u.s. not up in arms against the treasonous actions of the obama administration??????

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    • old white guy
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 7:53am

      why can we not report comments by encicom??????

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    • redfish52
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:01am

      I still can’t wait to shoot one…I think if you know where they are being stored and have to land that would be the place to build your blind…now to build a “drone call”.

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    • Rickfromillinois
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:08am

      How is this in any way “paranoid”? The letter clearly states that they believe that they have the authority to kill any U.S. Citizen in the Untied States with a missile strike. Only a mindless sheep follower would say that there is “nothing to worry about” when the Government says that it has the right to assassinate a U.S. Citizen without a trial and on their own authority.

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    • mikem1969
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:19am

      Encinimoron, you need to learn how to spell, and you also need to get a brain and step out of the fantasy world you seem to love to live in.

      This president and his entire yes man administration has already branded anyone who supports the constitution and anyone that does not support the lefts agenda terrorists and radicals. So it is not paranoia (see there it is spelled correctly), it is caution and a lesson taught from history. You would do well to actually learn some history. Read up on Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Mussolini.

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    • AxelPhantom
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:50am

      Send, once again you have it wrong. The burden of “proof” necessary for a drone strike is not that they are actually threatening anyone, just that they are perceived to be a threat in the future.

      That perception does not have to be concurred with by a judge, a jury or a group review, only one person, the President.

      THAT is the issue. There does not have to be a proven threat, only the belief by one person that in the future a person or group could pose one. Unlike our system of nuclear weapons or a declaration of war there is no system of checks and balances on this one.

      When the roles are reversed and the Republican President has his Director of Homeland Security put out a paper that says that all people who drive fuel efficient cars, hold liberal view points, believe in global warming and support aborting babies are possible terrorists and one person has the power to just eliminate the threat “perceived” by him via drone strikes, we will see who is “paranoid” then.

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    • MotoLeo2
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:50am

      Please go see Hugo

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    • Trigus
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 8:54am

      Poor Rand is trying to save face for being only 4 Republicans to confirm.

      All it takes to use a Drone Strike inside United States –

      Declare any United States Citizen, inside the Untied States, a Domestic Terrorist.

      Domestic Terrorist label = loss of all rights as an American Citizen.

      I m sure if you are smarter then a “Lima Bean” that you may have seen this label already used inside the United States.

      2013 American Patriot Spring, What will you do?

      The distinctions between Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents are no more. I Am Not A Republican, But An American!

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    • love the kids
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 9:28am

      Kinda makes you wish that they would bring water boarding back, doesn’t it???

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    • cosette
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:07am

      @ SENDTHEM……. I read the account of ObaMaos latest attempt to disregard the constitution and to violate his oath of office and am, as any American should be, appalled. I was scrolling through the comments and there was yours. Verbose, but devoid of facts as usual. I was about to post a reply in order to educate you, a never ending task it seems. Another post caught my eye. It was written by “AXELPHANTOM”. I’m assuming it was written in response to your comment, although he did not address it as such. It amazes me how you find the time to write such lengthy comments, but never find the time to inform yourself first. It would save you the embarrassment of being schooled on a daily basis.

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    • Deborah
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:07am

      This administration, whatever else may be their intentions, engages in bullying. Remember the aircraft flying low over NYC shortly after Obama was elected to his first term? Why else would they fly low over New York? Furthermore, the mindset of liberals is “if I can, I should.” No moral restraint needed. This is all one needs to know.

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    • Wolf
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:24am

      ‘…EQUALIZER Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:23pm
      Not just drone strikes, but legal assassination for any reason they see fit, without trial or warrant…’

      With drones, there’d have been no Ruby Ridge or Waco stand-offs. And those kind of situations are how I see the first use of drones coming about (irrespective of the ND farmer capture). Regardless the person is an honest Patriot, whose voice is loud in everyone’s ears, or a militia group meet-up, or a lawful assembly protesting current government actions, is what will ocurr. Soon as the POS PretendOTUS feels a threat to his ego, he’s going to order a strike.

      Hopefully, it’s on ENCINOM’s house.

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    • Wolf
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:33am

      SendMeteors shows his ignorance and stupidity… “…Let’s look at the rational side of this first, then the paranoid side. Suppose there is a domestic terrorist such as Timonthy Mcviegh – or pick your own favorite American terrorist or group! – who is in the act of committing mass murder. You, with your AR-15, and shoot the guy, as can the police, as can the government. The government can use fully automatic weapons, RPGs, fighter aircraft, or whatever else to eliminate the threat. But not a drone? Where’s that distinction come from? Isn’t that like telling you can’t have an AR-15?…”

      You call using a drone, as compared to a single bullet as being ‘rational’? You compare outright gov’t killing of someone upon the whim of a POS ‘president’ rational compared to a trial as McVeigh had? You consider using a bomb, killing indiscriminately all within its radius as ‘rational’ compared to a single bullet that possibly takes out a single individual?

      If you call that ‘rational’, you’ve got no business breathing.

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    • Soulfire1975
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 11:05am

      Now if that isn’t impeachable I don’t know what is! When bush had military men after Katrina arresting and disarming people he should have been impeached. Now this?

      I am telling people let people know we need to desolve this government! It is our constitutional right.
      That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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    • SendTheMeteors
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 2:48pm

      AxelPhantom says, “Send, once again you have it wrong. The burden of “proof” necessary for a drone strike is not that they are actually threatening anyone, just that they are perceived to be a threat in the future.”

      Hey Axel. You’ve made a legal statement about the burden of proof necessary before a drone strike. Can you link me to where you get your information? You’ve made a statement you claim is a fact. Where did you get that “fact?”

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    • patents
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 5:33pm

      If there is actual congizable proof that the “target” has taken part in the planning or execution of attacks on American citizens or property, wherever located, I believe that “target” has forfeited his citizenship and the rights assocated therewtih. However, since the letter to Sen. Paul refers to “incapacitation” does not necessarily include killing (and the examples given do not include killing) – the obvious result of a drone strike – I fail to see how this letter authorizes drone strikes in the USA.

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  • SilentReader
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:22pm

    Criminals, like Fast and Furious Eric Holder, do not obey the law they are sworn to uphold! Clearly, he was gunrunning to the drug cartels and he got away with it! Is anyone surprised about this? They think they are above the law!

    Start the impeachment proceedings immediately! This treacherous government is way out of control!

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    • salvawhoray
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:39pm

      impeachment will do nothing.
      It didn’t hurt Good o’l Boy Bill C.

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    • RabbiDRJerkins
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:39pm

      Please do not forget that treason requires execution. Impeachment is just the beginning. The line between “needs to be removed from office” and “needs to be removed from planet” has long since been crossed by any measurement known.

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    • Exrepublisheep
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:46pm

      Bought to you by the patriot act.

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    • Anonymous T. Irrelevant
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:02pm

      All the more reason to get out and help conservatives win the Senate next year.

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      Anonymous T. Irrelevant  
    • cloudsofwar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:52pm

      nice thought silenttreader….. but i think things are much worse than we know and they will never impeach.

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    • cloudsofwar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:01pm

      waiting for a TEA party rally or a 2nd amendment rally to go up in smoke. where the problem you know. what that old ranger saying? death from above.

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    • way2sickofit
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:04pm

      Just heard on the local news that studies show an alarming increase in “anti-government” patriot groups. Hmmmm

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    • Mil-Dot
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:05pm

      And now, now that cretin Jeb Bush wants to come in and do more damage. What an arrogant POS he is. GWB is responsible for this NWO crap. I thought he was a good guy, but I guess I was wrong. Not the first time, not the last. I will NEVER vote for Jeb. NFW.

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    • neverending
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:03pm

      @SILENTREADER – impeachment will only be a dream with this chicgo commie. Never going to happen – hope I am very wrong but fear I am not.

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    • Cedar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:54pm

      salvawhoray, it would if someone would spill the beans about what really happened! Fast and Furious, Bengazi, calls made to Putin, after he got “more flexibility,” all the FEMA coffins, Homeland Security and other agency mass ammunition buys, 2700 tanks to be used in the US, the whole truth about Drones in the US and a Partridge in Pear Tree!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, like that will ever happen!

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 11:22pm

      All the more reason for Conservatives to win the senate……This is the last kick of a dying calf…..If people do not vote conservative then this tyrannical totalitarian will never stop…But he is weak and he knows what he has to do……..Eric Holder will be held on charges of Declaring War on the Citizens, and he should be punished according the Law, along with anyone else who believes this is a “Good Idea.”….

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    • CatB
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 9:36am

      @MIL-DOT … The NWO goes back farther than GWB it was his FATHER who first said NWO in a speech … look it up if you don’t believe me …. I remember it …. this has been going on since the FIRST Bush Presidency …. don ‘t be fooled Jeb is another NWO Bush … they all are … along with the Clintons and most people in power now.

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    • Sparky101
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 9:39am

      The difference between Holder and Janet Reno is that she actually murdered American men, women and totally defensless children without due process – and totally got away with it. That’s Holder’s model. It’s already been done once without repercussion, it can be done again. What can anyone do about it? Apparently nothing at all.

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    • Wolf
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:42am

      @ MILDOT… Herbert Walker was the first president to mention NWO to the world, GW just followed his father’s training. Still, you’re right: NEVER vote for a Bush, or any other mainstream candidate of any party.

      SILENT- this congress does not have the balls to impeach the POS in our White House, let alone accuse him of treason. If they did, they’d lose their Silver Cloud Lining and be put with the rest of us peons and available as target practice for DHS, et al.

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    • Deborah
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 10:54am

      I’m with RideModels. Conservatives need to take the Senate in 2014. I can’t be the only one, however, who sees this administration moving ‘forward’ very quickly. The Republicans are moving further to the Left, moving towards embracing same-sex marriage. They no longer represent us. Everything is falling off Obama like teflon–faster than with Clinton. And it’s because he knows he can keep pushing with no one effectively pushing back. I can’t help but wonder if secessions are going to occur. And it won’t be without bloodshed. We could be witnessing a ‘perfect storm.’

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    • Dougsopinion
      Posted on March 6, 2013 at 5:56pm

      @encinom. I’m not sure if you’re a guy or a girl, {maybe both?]. In any event, I think your getting dumber.

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  • team1blazer
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:21pm

    I’m going to LMAO when someone hacks one of these drones and redirects it on Holders head.

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    • Cavallo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:00pm

      It took MIT under an hour to hack one.

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    • cloudsofwar
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:56pm

      @ team……….. they should sell tickets for that one. must see ppv tv.

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    • TheIggies
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:56pm

      Yeah, I’m sure we all have to be scared of hillbillies who can barely use correct english on internet forums taking over sophisticated government software. Oh! The horror!

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    • S-O-B-E-R
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:28pm

      Anybody notice that the lib word for the day is “hillbilly”?

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    • pissantno.10
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:38pm

      eiggies hope youns keeps du thinking dat way. makes it dat much mo fun .

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    • HumbleMan
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:38pm

      HILLBILLY … haha …

      Hillary and Billy (Mountain-Butt and Slick Willy)

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    • GhostOfJefferson
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:11pm


      Hey, just for reference, when you wish to mock people for being illiterate, you may wish to actually capitalize the word “English”.

      Kind of sucks to fall flat on your face like that. And you tried so hard. Oh well.

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  • banjarmon
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:20pm

    Bring it ON BHO!!! Lets see you strike first…If you do Then ALL H3LL will break Loose!!!

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    • PoliticallyRightUs.Com
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:27pm

      Hmmm Disarm Americans… Drone strikes on US citizens without a trial.
      I want to hear anyone of you Liberal Trolls on this site have one thing to say… Go Ahead!

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    • Arminius23
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:08pm

      The only reason this powder keg has not gone off and probably won’t is: 1. Nobody wants to be a martyr, 2. If this kicks off who’s leading the Forlorn Hope?, 3. None of the media or politicians are on our side hence martyrdom will achieve nothing, 4. America died long ago and now cowardice and fear remain. I swear if the vigor of the patriots remained there would have been a second civil war in 1896 when the rich purchased our government with President McKinley. Our militias have been neutered in plain sight and that was met with our silent consent. If I’m going to die for a cause it better be conceivable to win. That moment passed in 1933. I’m going to breathe in and out and pray I die before I watch the inevitable happen. A civil war will be quick and decisive with us being the loser. The only hope we have now is God. That’s it. No strength of arms from within this country will stop the cascade on the horizon. Of course I am still prepping but that’s to give God a chance to work his miracles before “they” euthanize us.

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    • nonofmybiznez
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:17pm

      Which is why they will use means other than drones. They will take us out one by one and we will simply disappear without a trace. How often does that happen now? Its coming.

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  • thegreatcarnac
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:19pm

    The obama regime is now officially the enemy of the American people. They always have been but now they have openly broken with us, the people. We can be sure that holder’s memo is just a glimpse of what is soon to come. Very soon we will see or read of drones hitting the homes of “enemies” or “terrorists”. How long will it be before it is yours? What are they getting ready for. I feel they are not going to cede office in 3 years. They will try and hold onto power through some excuse and they know what will happen.

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    • MLeo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:18pm

      And one of the Butchers of Benghazi, Brennan the Jihadi, authorizes the kill lists. Probably has for awhile.

      Think about it.

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:51pm

      You’re right, they are a low humor bunch, aren’t they?

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  • ginger100
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:17pm

    The govt gets to use drone against American Citizens and we get to use what? Harsh language?

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    • dosdelgados
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:33pm

      No harsh language. Might hurt someone’s feelings.

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    • RabbiDRJerkins
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:35pm

      It has already been made perfectly clear. We can use ball point pens, whistles, even shotguns (so long as they are fired recklessly through a door). Surely this is enough to hold this government back (or remove it should anyone decide to uphold the constitution).

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    • Ohio Guy
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:42pm

      No harsh language but feel free to urinate or vomit on yourself.

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      Ohio Guy  
    • Salamander
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:50pm

      And this on the same day that a Colorado panel tells a rape victim that they don’t give a crap about her need to protect herself–they are trying to keep the teachers and the children from imagining that some law-abiding citizen might have a gun on them which would cause them untold mental stress! Hmmm, I wonder if anyone on that panel has been raped recently–just out of reach of the call box, and just after leaving the bathroom, so they couldn’t spray themselves to scare off their attacker?

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    • ginger100
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:54pm

      Who needs govt. drone strikes, you guys are killing me already

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:34pm

      I would be proud if they were so afraid of me,they had to send in a missile worth $70,000. It sure beats the wait in line, going into the showers.

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    • way2sickofit
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 7:09pm

      No harsh comments please…they’re listening. wouldn’t want to get hit with a drone.

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    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:17pm

    Reading between the lines here in both responses I found the same disturbing fact as is pointed out in the story from Holder and that is neither letter rules it out. In holders letter he admits it possible and as for the Brennan letter he say’s he is not authorized to take that action (which it would only take a Presidential order to authorize the CIA to take that action), he never says it would be unconstitutional to do so and therefor could never take that action. I’m sure you know where it’s going.

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    • RabbiDRJerkins
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:30pm

      There is no need to “read between the lines”. The question posed was a simple one, without premise, and required a simple “yes” or “no” answer.
      Anytime a yes/no question is answered with anything other than one of these two simple words, you have a problem.

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    • MLeo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:16pm

      There is no ‘no’ there.

      Who did ‘they’ think they ‘voted’ in?

      Why do we really think they want important to ban ARs?

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  • lessoneleg
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:16pm

    Holder, a guy who as a student protestor attacked a government office. And now, the same guy who doesn’t see anything wrong with blowing somebody up on US soil when police services are available to arrest an individual.

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  • faithkills
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:15pm

    This shouldn’t be about drones. Drones are just fluff. What Holder has done is admitted that the Federal government does not consider to be off the table lethal force against US citizens inside US borders without a trial.

    The Constitution is clear on this matter.

    So is Holder: The Constitution is more of a of thumb.

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    • HumbleMan
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:27pm

      Don’t worry. Holder wouldn’t let drones be used against his “people”

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  • Superdave21
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:15pm

    Another “life changing” story from the King of Hyperbole…

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    • Fubared
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:13pm

      Glad your constitution wasn’t affected. Did you know utopia has it’s origins in ancient Greek and is loosely defined as nowhere? Ah, you knew that shirley.

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  • Printmeister
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:13pm

    I don’t trust either one of these A Holes. Something is very fishy.

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  • dentantalo
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:13pm

    This is disturbing. Leaves the door wide open for domestic drone strikes. Holder’s letter leaves so much up in the air as to what “An Event” might be. Could it be a massive snow storm, an earthquake, massive power outage? Or perhaps common civilians standing up for the Constitution? Hmmm I wonder.

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    • Cavallo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:19pm

      Say, what kind of medal is given for assassinating American citizens with drones? There on the order of bronze stars right? Or are they upgrading them to silver?

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    • dentantalo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:27pm

      Probably a medal sponsored by Masingale!

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      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:28pm

      Would Attorney General Holder agree that the law could possibly permit the use of lethal force against a, “former” President?

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    • dosdelgados
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:36pm

      The new award for drones is disturbingly high on the ribbon hierarchy…

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  • civilwarcometh
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:12pm

    Next they want to do this..

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  • Shadow5618
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:12pm

    Holy Cow. Why am I NOT surprised?

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  • WarMunger_Al
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:10pm

    The best video of the day. True Americans successfully standing up for their 4th amendment rights against illegal DHS checkpoints.

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    • spirited
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:55pm


      Good to see American Citizens pushing the envelope; especiallt considering that illegal immigrants come and go, live and work…..and are continued to be allowed to break the law.

      Great question to ask the boarder patrol agents: “Am I being detained?”

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  • RoDogg
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:10pm

    Can you see my shocked face?

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  • tonypro
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:09pm

    …….and the surprise here again is what??????

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  • gyro
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:08pm

    So in a emergency the us goverment can kill on us soil as in assassination
    That is what I got from this
    Ok so who desides when to wack glenn beck ?

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    • Cavallo
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:12pm

      Glenn is going to march peacefully into the concentration camps, remember?

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    • caleejr
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:17pm

      just keep in mind – if it’s good for ONE – it’s good for ALL.

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    • Mudd
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:26pm

      Desides? Come on, left or right, please make a decision.

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  • termyt
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:08pm

    And folks wonder if the 2nd Amendment applies to military hardware. Antiaircraft gun, anyone?

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  • Sargeking
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:07pm

    Here it comes. Glenn told us about it. Our nation has never before faced greater danger and it emanates from Washington D.C. I recall the Executive Order regarding “The Governor’s Council”. I know that was very scary. This Drone issue is far worse. God save America from her enemies!

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  • Chromo200
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:06pm

    I guess we will walk under umbrellas when we go out, turn off our cell phones and take any black boxes out of our car..

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  • Tri-ox
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:06pm

    Every American who opposes obama is on the hit list. GET READY – obama is preparing to launch an all-out war against America.

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    • VRW Conspirator
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:51pm

      Well then.. HERE I AM BHO…come and get me…not like I am hiding…they have known about me for nearly 2 decades….I have the skills, the knowledge, and the ability to make nuclear weapons…I just need the materials…
      If there is a list…I am sure I am on it…but they will still wait until there is an “event” because the American people still do not see it as necessary to preserve their small corner of the country and keep themselves safe….
      If you start to march, riot, or brandish your guns at them, THEY WIN!! IN DEFENSE ONLY!! that is the TRUE meaning of Jesus/Gandhi/MLK….Peace and Love and peaceful Defiance…do not take the first action, throw the first stone, or spill the first blood….let the Progressives start the fight, and the American people will stand behind the Patriot’s Army as we rise and end the scourge to our nation that started with Teddy and Woodrow…

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      VRW Conspirator  
  • cdn1979
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:06pm

    so this is the news? this is the big story people have been waiting for all day? another BS read between the lines or its now what he said, but what he didnt say kind of things? what a complete joke? Must be a slow news day is this crap gets a headline.

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    • kaydeebeau
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:20pm

      have you been in a coma or a Tibetan monestary cut off from all news for the past 4 years?

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    • justangry
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:42pm

      Um, I can tell you that the Constitution doesn’t allow for it. So yeah, it’s kind of a big deal to me that the head mofo in charge of preserving our rights thinks we might need to blow you up at a funeral or a wedding (their MO) if they suspect you might be a terrorist. Here’s the head guy in the Justice department saying you’re not necessarily innocent until proven guilty.

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    • encinom
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:52pm

      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:42pm
      Um, I can tell you that the Constitution doesn’t allow for it. So yeah, it’s kind of a big deal to me that the head mofo in charge of preserving our rights thinks we might need to blow you up at a funeral or a wedding (their MO) if they suspect you might be a terrorist. Here’s the head guy in the Justice department saying you’re not necessarily innocent until proven guilty.
      As the Commader and Chief, the Constitution demands in the case of foriegn or domestic troubles for the President to use military assets. Read the letter, the Justice Department gave the correct answer. Senator Chicken Little is a paranoid fool, lacking the basic reading skills to understand the answer.

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    • justangry
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:08pm

      I don’t even read your pinko BS.

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    • Clownzilla
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 5:15pm


      Hmmmm….what would constitute a “trouble” then? The president is pretty much given a green light to use drones domestically to solve “troubles”. Where is the line drawn to where a person no longer get’s due process? Apparently, there is now a point to where they could assassinate a citizen but where is that line drawn? When can they fly a drone over a person’s house and blow them up?

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    • Fubared
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 8:06pm

      CDN, are you causing troubles? 0 reserves the right to take care of troubles. Good job on the whole election thingy lefty. Now, don’t be more trouble than you are worth, or well, you know.

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  • Cavallo
    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:05pm

    They would never do that, would they? They’re all honest forthright individuals who believe in the sanctity of the individual and of due process. They would never use military hardware to murder American citizens in cold blood. (This is why they want us disarmed. Soon they’ll be firing rockets with drones and utilizing those 2700 tanks the DHS just bought… but they can’t afford to give tours of the WH, right?)

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    Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:04pm

    Something is really wrong here, time to be prepared

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    • VRW Conspirator
      Posted on March 5, 2013 at 4:57pm

      wow…finally your site has stuff in stock…
      but all your AR’s are missing from the lineup… WTH??
      but at least you have a nice 308….

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      VRW Conspirator  

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