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change date / time Linux

yang pasti install  dulu ntp nya….

bisa pake

yum install ntpd

apt-get install ntp

semua tergantung kebutuhan nya…


#mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime-old

#cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Makassar /etc/localtime

#nano /etc/ntp.conf

ganti ini

#service ntpd start

trus jalankan…

klo mau yang manual..

ganti tgl
date -s “09 July 2009 22:45:44?

postgresql-8.3 error

hm… that you have get this error? hehe like me…

(just for catatan jika nanti lupa maupun di butuhkan – keep share)

FATAL: could not load server certificate file “server.crt”: No such file or directory failed! invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql-8.3, action “start” failed. dpkg: error processing postgresql-8.3 (–configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postgresql: postgresql depends on postgresql-8.3; however: Package postgresql-8.3 is not configured yet. dpkg: error processing postgresql (–configure):

dependency problems – leaving unconfigured No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.

Errors were encountered while processing: postgresql-8.3 postgresql E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) certificate SSL that name server.crt that used with postgreSQL 8.3 for inisiasi SSL service can’t find, so they can’t run that service.

EJust below Error on down side just domino effect from this error crt. So if it’s supposed to fix a problem in his crt, the problem was under would be fine. So what you must to do is

#cd /etc/ssl/certs then

#make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil –force-overwrite then you must to restart your postgresql

#/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart it’s solved bro Thanks to bro trondolo

Accessing Files Using sftp

Secure File Transfer Protocol (sftp) is a file transfer program which runs over an ssh tunnel and uses many features of ssh, including compression and encryption. Essentially, sftp is a drop-in replacement for the standard command-line ftp client, but with ssh authentication.

Starting sftp

The command for starting sftp is as follows:

ComputerName:~# sftp This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Where user is your CAE username

The first time you connect to, sftp will report that “The authenticity of the host ’’ can’t be established.” This means that sftp doesn’t have in its database of known hosts. Answer yes at the prompt to connect to the server.

Next, sftp will add to its list of known hosts, and ask for your CAE account password. Enter your password, and sftp will log in and present you with the sftp prompt, which should look like this:


By default sftp will change the working directory to your CAE Unix home directory

Using sftp

Many commands sftp uses are similar to the Unix shell commands for navigating files and directories, with a few small changes. The most notable difference is that you are working with two computers so there is usually a “local” and “remote” version of each command (prefixed by an “l” to designate a local command). The following commands work just like their Unix counterparts:

cd – change directory on the ftp server to

lcd – change directory on your machine to

ls – list files in the current directory on the ftp server

lls – list files in the current directory on your machine

pwd – print the current directory on the ftp server

lpwd – print the current directory on your machine.

exit – exit from the sftp program.

Getting Files

The get command in sftp allows you to download files from the sftp server.

Usage: get

Where ; is the file on the server you want to download, and is the path you want to put the file on your machine. If you omit the argument, the file is put in the current directory on your machine (see the pwd command).

For example, to download a file named “”, the following command would be used:


To download this file and save it as “readme.txt”, the following command would be used:

sftp>get readme.txt

Getting Multiple Files

To download more than one file from the sftp server use the mget command.

Usage: mget

mget works by expanding each filename listed and running a get command on each file. The files are copied into the local working directory, which can be changed with the lcd command.

For example, to download all the files in the remote working directory, the following command would be used:

sftp> mget ./*

To download all of the files ending with .txt the following command would be used:

sftp> mget ./*.txt

Accessing Windows Files

When you first connect with sftp, the remote working directory will automatically be set to your Unix home directory on the CAE network. If you want to access your windows files, you will need to change to a different directory. This can be accomplished with a simple cd command. To find where your windows files are located, go to The listing under SFTP client is the directory where you can access your windows files from within sftp.

Recursive Copy

If you try to copy a folder using the get or mget commands, sftp will complain that it “Cannot download non-regular file: filename”. This is because the basic sftp client doesn’t allow for a recursive copy. However, the program scp will allow you to do this. The scp command will not allow you to see what’s on the sftp server, so the files need to be located using the sftp client.

Note: the scp command is a Unix command, and needs to be run from the Unix prompt. NOT within the SFTP client.

Usage: scp user@host:remote-path local-path

scp is like the Unix command cp and should work similarly. To copy a file from your Unix home directory and put it in the working directory, use the following command:

scp ./

Where is your CAE username, and is the file you wish to copy. Enter your password when scp asks for it. scp works just like a get command in sftp.

To recursively copy files or directories from your CAE account, use the -r switch.

For example, to copy the entire directory “tutorial” from my CAE Unix home directory to the home directory on your machine, the following command would be used:

ComputerName:~ # scp -r This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it :~/tutorial ~/

Where username is your CAE username.

Copying directories from your Windows account is done similarly, but the path name will change from ~/ (your Unix home directory) to the directory listed at

Debian Octopussy installation

use wget:


Install it :

dpkg -i octopussy_0.9.6.2_all.deb

You will see some error about package not found, enter following to fix it

apt-get -f install
dpkg -i octopussy_0.9.6.2_all.deb

Selamat mencoba…

merubah password mysql

maksud hati nulis ini supaya jika suatu saat lupa tinggal copy paste dan sapa tau juga berguna unt orang lain amin….


Buat setting password admin mysql –>

$ mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

Klo mau ngrubah (ato mo update) root password–>

$ mysqladmin -u root -p’oldpassword’ password newpass

Contoh, jika password lama abc, dan mo ngrubah menjadi 123456 –>

$ mysqladmin -u root -p’abc’ password ‘123456′
Merubah MySQL password user lain

$ mysqladmin -u vivek -p oldpassword password newpass
Merubah MySQL root user password menggunakan MySQL sql command

1) Masuk ke mysql server, ketik ini:

$ mysql -u root -p

2) Menggunakan mysql database (ketik command di mysql> prompt):

mysql> use mysql;

3) Merubah password user dono:

mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD(“NEWPASSWORD”) where User=’dono’;

4) Reload privileges:

mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit

Ok terimakasih…

Try to broadcast your own radio

Iseng-iseng ngganggo boso londo, nak salah yo nyuwun ngapuro…

Try to broadcast your own radio

First test install for local broadcast winamp 5.5x shoutcast-dnas-1-9-8-windo

ws.exe shoutcast-dsp-1-9-0-windows.exe edit password on sc_serv.ini (C:Program FilesSHOUTcastsc_serv.ini) open sc_serv.exe for broadcast open shoutcast winamp setting on tab econder to 48kbps than click tab input change input device to Soundcard Input change Input Setting to 44100Hz back to tab output change password with your change on sc_serv.ini make sure Address is localhost port 8000 try to playing mp3 from other player example: windows media player than connect it to tray it –> open firefox input addr to http://localhost:8000 open tab listen and download listen.pls try to hear it from other media player example realplayer it’s work dude…. :)

so you must try to broadcast it to internet

first you must have shoutcast winamp on cpanel than on it open shoutcast winamp on your own cpu click tab output change Address with your IP address, port, and password in cpanel (after on shoutcast in cpanel you get IP,port, and password for broadcast) example :
password : jkhskdhf

try to playing mp3 from other player example: windows media player or mixmeister than connect it with shoutcast winamp to tray it –> open with another cpu (not with your cpu shoutcast winamp) open firefox input addr to open tab listen and download listen.pls try to hear it from media player example winamp it’s work again dude…. :) sorry if my english not good just moving hehehe matursuwun…

Tutorial Setting Outlook Express 6

Untuk setting outlook monggo di coba… (ini untuk yang pakai domain sendiri, dan menggunakan server gmail)

Setting for
1. Buka Outlook atau Outlook Express.
2. Klik Tools menu, dan pilih Accounts…
3. Klik Add, dan kemudian Klik Mail…
4. Masukan nama di Display name, kemudian click Next.
5. masukan alamat email lengkap ( ) di kolom E-mail address, dan kemudian click Next.
6. Pada Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server: isi dengan .
7. Pada Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: isi dengan .
8. Klik Next.
9. Pada kolom Account name masukan alamat lengakap email address (, kemudian masukan password email anda pada kolom Password dan klik Next.
10. Klik Finish.
11. Masih di Account pilih yang tadi kita bikin, dan kemudian klik Properties.
12. Rubah nama Account untuk memudahkan (jika anda memiliki beberapa account contoh:
13. Klik pada tab Server.
14. Pada pilihan paling bawah Outgoing Mail Server isi kotak My server requires authentication.
15. Klik tab Advanced.
16. Ikuti petunjuk berikut :
” Pada Outgoing mail (SNMP) isi dengan 465, dan isi kotak (This server requires a secure connection (SSL))
” Pada Incoming mail (POP3) isi dengan 995, dan isi kotak (This server requires a secure connection (SSL))
17. Klik Apply dan kemudian OK

Cara update public key debian

Masalah ini kadang terjadi klo repository nya ga ada public key nya, sebenernya sih tinggal di update bisa aja tapi siapa tau anda kurang kerjaan… hehehe, monggo di coba… :D

Update public key Debian

# gpg –keyserver –recv-keys XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

# apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg

# apt-get update



agar tidak berubah apt-key list nya silahkan di coba:

gpg keyserver foo recv-keys

followed by:

gpg export armor A70DAF536070D3A1 | apt-key add -

Install Apache-PHP-MySQL di Linux Debian

Nah langkah-langkah install web Apache, PHP dan server database MySQL langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:

Instalasi web server Apache
# apt-get install apache2

Instalasi database server MySQL
# apt-get install mysql-server

Instalasi php untuk web server Apache
# apt-get install php5

Instalasi MySQL untuk Apache
# apt-get install libapache-mod-acct-mysql
# apt-get install php5-mysql

Udah deh beres.. Selamat mencoba ya teman-teman :D


WinMTR, adalah program tool jaringan under Windows. WinMTR dibuat oleh Matt dan didistribusikan dibawah General Public License. Program ini terbilang kecil dan ringan, WiMTR merupakan gabungan dari dua perintah di windows yaitu: ping dan tracert .

Fungsi :

Ping Digunakan untuk mengetahui koneksi suatu jaringan. Misal : C:Ping
Tracert digunakan untuk melihat jalur yang dilalui untuk mencapai suatu host, misal C:tracert

WinMTR ini bisa melakukan ping dan tracert secara bersamaan. Jadi, WinMTR adalah kombinasi antara ping dan tracert. Sambil mengecek koneksi jaringan, bisa mengetahui jalannya data melewati host apa saja dan loss nya brapa persen pun bisa kelihatan.

jika tertarik moggo bisa di ambil di sini:

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