
The State of the Union, 2010

Columns, quick takes and the editorial on President Obama's national address.
Wed, Jan 27

The Second Year

President Obama used his first State of the Union address to show the country what he has learned and how he intends to govern in the next three years. It was good to see him get tougher and clearer about going forward.

United We Rant

Presidents usually say the state of the union is strong. But this year you would have to go with strongly angry.

For Wall Street, Tough Talk, but Weak Reforms

The president's latest proposal is off base on many levels.

A Jolt of Common Sense

A State of the Union address during which the fog of nonsense-politics lifted.

The State of Obama

Tonight's speech was that of a president who doesn’t know what narrative he’s selling.


This time, the president not only soared but got specific.

Justice Alito’s Reaction

Not every president gets to criticize the Supreme Court to the justices' faces.

The Thread: State of the Blogosphere

Reaction from around the blogosphere.

Home Fires: A Loss of Faith in Afghanistan

A war veteran writes that the president's call for better governance ignores our own culpability for the sorry state of affairs in Afghanistan.