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As someone who claims to have returned, I sure do a fair bit of hiding.

Sometimes after I write a large post like that last one, my brain needs some re-cooperation time. Heavy subjects can be very draining at times. That post took a bit out of me. Then when you combine it with lots of other brain draining activities that I love to submerse myself in and well... there you have it.

So here I am again, in the midst of the holiday season. Not to talk about the snow on my lawn, or the shopping which I have only just begun. I am here to talk about my tea addiction.

At any given time, my cupboard must be full of tea. It is a requirement. I love having a cup of tea in front of me, Black, Green, White, Oolong, Herbal Infusions... all of them a playful dance, teasing the pallet with its meanderings.

Most flavors I tend to enjoy, quality varies from cup to cup. Sometimes if it is bagged tea, I swear you can taste the bleach that they used to whiten the bag. Yet, it doesn't seem to deter me in a pinch. I do try to accumulate as much loose tea as I can.

I have within this last week stumbled upon a tea that I did not enjoy. Now don't get me wrong. The quality was excellent and the tea was unique. Some might even find it delicious.

It is made by Distinctly Tea and the variety is Lapsang Souchong. It is a Chinese black tea smoked over Chinese pine wood. It sounds interesting... perhaps if I hadn't been brought up on smoked fish I would like it more. I can't help but associate the smell with kippers. My dad had a smokehouse growing up, while I love the smell... it didn't feel like a tea to me. The smoked flavor is very dominant and difficult to transcend. However I must say, the company does have many flavors that I adore. One that I am particularly fond of is an Herbal Tea called Herbs of Woman. It is made with Cinnamon, Apple Bits, Ginger, Juniper Berry and lots of other good things that help keep a female body balanced. I would love to try their Herbs of the Healer and their Herbs for the Healer, also the Herbal Winter Herbs. They have so many teas that sound interesting. No more Lapsang Souchong for me.
I am not an extremist, nor do I consider myself to be a feminist. I firmly believe in equal opportunity and I believe that based on the mental imitation toolbox we compiled during our lifetime, different people are geared to do different things. Gender, race, etc... are absolutely irrelevant to a persons capabilities. I believe that there are ideal archetypes and everything falls between those specific polarities. Regardless of your gender you are a mix of masculine and feminine things. With this in mind, we can all equally play the role of knight and the role of the distressed damsel.  In each of our lives we are given equal opportunities in each moment for us to play both of those roles and have them breathe life and become a story.

Chivalry... I can't even count how many times growing up I heard "Chivalry is dead" especially with the rise of the feminist movement. My problem with that statement is that it is still primarily based on gender roles. Back in the medieval period men would assume the role of knight. Chivalry's definition was relative to virtue, honor and love. These days we see the knight and the damsel as a reflection of romantically "how the man should treat the woman". We wonder why our heart falters when our knight doesn't rescue us as we wait patiently.

The damsel places expectations on this "knightly man". When he fails to meet up to our expectations... and he will... at some point, we express our disappointment and our hurt. We need to feel loved and honored by them. When we express our disappointment, the knight feels disrespected and dishonored, not to mention judged.. oh and fearful because that they don't live up to our now idealistic knightly expectations.

At this point, how can we expect the knight to shine with courageous honor when we have depleted the good feelings from the good knight?

We fail to see the title of knight as a gender-free model of virtue. Instead we see a world of  "male" strength/control/fear and "female" weakness/emotional/love and have placed demands and expectations of each other. All of us are capable of strength and weakness. We are what we choose to be...

"Well the woman can be a knight if she wants to..." we mutter compliantly.

But often we do not alter the rest of the paradigm to reflect that equality, that ONENESS. For those of us that do attempt to alter the rest of the paradigm... we still face opposition for many imposed limitations from society, family and man-made belief systems.

So what happens when we perceive it as a gender-free model of virtue? Acceptance of any surface truth without modifying your inner paradigm is equivalent to tossing a stone into a pond and turning your back on it.  It is natural for us to assume that it has rippled but we can argue on both a philosophical and quantum level that because you did not observe it, it did not happen. We assume that it did, but because it wasn't something we perceived, it wasn't recorded. Thus it does not exist in our personal reality even though it exists in the absolute one. So, we acknowledge the truth in the idea but we do not seek the change even though it is in plain sight. Many instead will focus on the chaos of the chaos and impulsiveness of their own actions without realizing that these thoughts and actions form the very world they live in. We may even find temporary joy contained within these actions. It is important to maintain an awareness of the cause and effect relationship between our thoughts and actions. Many people remain frozen in the fear of change... many still are comfortable and fear the temporary discomfort on the path to change. So many of our choices are based on us fearing what might happen instead of loving what will happen. Imagine if we greeted everything with courage and selfless love... like a knight.

Ask yourself, why would you throw a rock and not observe the ripple? So many of our choices reflect just that. Having changed our personal reality with an aimless afternoon of rock throwing/back turning choices, and we have no perceptual awareness of that change, our role in that change or even understand why our arm is sore. You see, when we throw that rock and turn our back on it, we are asking for change... asking for something that we want. When we turn our back on it we resist it... the change has happened but we do not recognize it. Many of our aches and pains and daily stresses occur in such a way. Unless we observe the change, the spiral continues and we seemingly stand still and allow ourselves to become increasingly distressed.

Thus our identity as the damsel in distress who needs her knight in shining armor continues. We find ourselves seeking a knight to rescue us from this cycle of fear that we have placed ourselves in with our choices.  In actuality, we can change this story just by focusing on the ripple of change. Eventually we pattern our thoughts and choices on that change. We can choose not to be the damsel, we don't have to be distressed. We can have faith in ourselves.It doesn't mean we won't have moments in life where we don't need to be rescued. But if we seek the knight inside of ourselves we will be more conditioned to deal with each of those moments as they occur. That is where you will find the real romance... we love ourselves. In turn selflessly loving others because we are all from same mix of nuts, each of us as an individual can, filled with a unique scoop of the mixture....

From my perspective... chivalry is not the opening a door for someone. That is simply a kindness. Kindness is a very loving characteristic...

I like to think of us all as knights, giving love unconditionally with noble intentions of the highest virtue. Of course there are monsters within any realm of thought and possibility... but any good knight is highly equipped to contend with these monsters, so long as they are courageous enough to rise above them... OH and if one of us does momentarily fall off the horses back... we are ready and eager to help in kindred service, help our damsel rise.

This morning, I had a very hard time waking from my slumber. I had been up for two hours and I still hadn't been able to shake away the yawns or sandbag eyelids. So I made the comment that I couldn't quite wake up. He looked at me with this matter-of-fact grin on his face, as he sat on the couch with his legs fully extended and lifted off the ground. All while holding a peppermint tea in his lap.

"Did you have an Earl Gray?"

It struck me funny... in fact, I giggled.
Now his mentioning this delectable tea had nothing to do with caffeine. You see, he thought that Earl was short for Early. *grins*

I had indeed been up far too early this morning... the youngest crawled into bed with me when Mathew got up. Gave me a hug and then proceeded to systematically talk my ear off. His method is as follows:

Step 1) Lay down and cuddle for 1.3 seconds
Step 2) Propels the body into an upright position.
Step 3) Begin each subject of discussion with the word "Mom.."
Step 4) Repeat Steps 1-3 until all subjects have been discussed.

He actually talked himself through all of his prepared subjects and for the first time he actually looped himself back to the first one. It was amusing, I have a little eight year old robot!

So today, the hubby is working. My kids are very extroverted and slightly mischievous.
Mommy is seconds away from dreams at all times. It sounds like the beginning of an interesting tale.
This time of year tends to be a little melancholy for me. Starting Monday, the hubby will be lobster fishing until the New Year. It is a pretty dangerous job and I really try not to focus on that when he is out on the boat. Although, when the wind starts to pick up, it is easy to window watch while waiting for him to return home.

Now he isn't going to be gone for the entire month. They don't usually go out in wind storms and he is home every day.

Both of us are fortunate enough to be centered out of the home, I really do notice his absence when he is not around. There is something to be said about the exchange of smiles on each of our faces when he walks in the door at the end of a long day.
For those of you who have been paying attention on Twitter and Facebook you may have caught wind that last week my hubby released some long awaited EP's.  It was his way of getting back into things after a long  and unfortunately important "responsibility" hibernation. One of those EP's was for his solo act which features primarily acoustic rock songs. The second song "In Review" was our debut duet together.  We have been in a relationship together for 8 1/2 years and being both singer/songwriters we have never taken advantage of that and recorded anything together until now. The final track, Songbirds tells the story of how we both met. He calls it the mushiest song he has ever written and I absolutely love it. Our children designed the cover art which I feel adds a beautiful appeal.

If you enjoy these songs you can purchase the entire EP for only $2! Feel free to like Mat Bridgeo on FB.

If for some reason the embed link isn't displaying properly (it seems to be finicky)
you can stream the songs direct from bandcamp.
It has been so long since I have written that I feel the need to practice. Although, I haven't really stopped writing at all. I filled a couple journals. I did halt my blog entries however.  There was no real reason other than I didn't have the time to devote to it. Different priorities synchronistically entered my life and I felt obligated to them.

It is amazing  how things evolve and grow.  When I first started this blog, it was with the intention of being a contesting blog. That ended for me when I determined that I this could actually be a writing outlet. In the end it has become a mixed bag because quiet frankly, my interests are diverse and rather than focus on one part of me, I enjoy expanding myself in several directions.

I think this is why I ran out of time to devote in the first place, plus it was summer time and I spent a great deal of the summer outdoors playing with the dirt in the garden and talking to my plants. Speaking of which, the crows eventually left my garden alone but the deer ate my squash.

I've been songwriting again, both with my own solo stuff and I have also started a new project with Jessi and Mat called The Astral District. Feel free to follow us on our new twitter account. I will be recording EP's for both acts in the coming month. I'm very excited about this. All the while I will still continue to blog about all the wonderful things that I like and eventually get back into doing the odd product review and giveaway in the future. Right now though, I want to focus on the writing and my creative ventures.

The hubby released a couple EP's just this past week. They sound fantastic and I must post them so you can listen!
Today the moon is full.
Let us meditate on what it is to be present in each moment.




Do not resist what you are feeling.
There is no right or wrong emotion.
There is no negative or positive in this moment.
There is just you and what you feel, right NOW.

ACCEPT each emotion
Then LET GO! 
That moment has passed.
into the next ONE.

Do not hang on to these feelings as they keep you bound.
Love yourself enough to let go.
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