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Tank Devils Profile

TANK DEVILS LTD an Independant Company specialising in fuel systems and tank repair, they despatch teams around the world to fix fuel leaks on a wide variety of aircraft types . In total, around 150 ‘tankies’ are on the Company’s books, ready to be called when required. We caught up with the management team at Tank Devils Bournemouth International Airport Head Office.

Leading the team is Managing Director Gary Cooper. Joining the RAF at 17, Gary spent his last five years in the RAF repairing Nimrod Fuel Tanks, before joining FRA Serco at Kinloss (Nimrod Major Servicing Unit) as a Tankie Fitter. Eventually, the idea for a niche service evolved – offering tank services to civil customers (FRA Bournemouth and Virgin Atlantic being the first). Gary moved to Bournemouth in 2000 as Fuel Project Manager help to start what is now known as Tank Devils. Following a Management buy out earlier this year Gary now aims to take what was a paper concept in 1999 to a world class provider of fuel services.

As Operations and Logistics Director Portia Betts ensures that AOG (Aircraft On Ground = emergency!) and planned tasks, and Confined Space Training are organised and documented appropriately. Portia deals with personnel (including a bank of 150 sub-contract staff) and customer issues; reacting to customer and company needs on a 24 hour basis.

Portia’s job requires flexibility, both during and outside of normal working hours, (she mans the 24 hr AOG Line), to ensure the smooth operation of all transportation, accommodation and audit trails. She also ensures that Tank Team personnel achieve and adhere to ISO 9001 requirements and assists with the marketing of Tank Devils.

All agree that there is no typical day in TANK DEVILS. They operate 24/7 365 days a year. Everyday brings new customers and new aircraft types, which provide new challenges. They agree that the only thing typical about their days is that whatever plans you have made always change at the last minute. And the only guarantee is that it will be a long shift - currently averaging 14 hrs.

The team enjoy their work, never knowing what’s around the corner, their drive to work or task may involve trepidation about what the day holds but it provides a buzz of excitement each and every day. Gary comments that “working with the team I have, my job is a pleasure and I look forward to the next challenge that awaits us around the corner”.

One Tank Supervisor added that “I get an immense amount of satisfaction from my job as more often than not the team achieves something that many customers have attempted to fix and failed previously. Many customers now regard us as the answer to their fuel problems and call us before attempting the fix themselves. That gives the department a massive feel good factor”.

The team’s shared aim is to make “TANK DEVILS” not just the European leader in fuel tank repairs and associated work but the best in the world.
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