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Delphine's scary banning spree~ (gamezeny)
Posted by: GM Delphine on September 21, 2007 - 10:47 AM

This only affects gamezeny and the poor guy who lost all his accounts and some odd dollars.

I was bored at work and someone sent in a ticket saying gamezeny's advertising again! gah! So... I figured it's about time I look for his accounts again and check who bought from him this time.

As a result, these accounts owned by gamzeny are banned along with all his advertising accounts:

755616 shuaimai
755779 naifa
755780 lianer
755781 anying
755782 lieyaner
755783 aoke
755784 nixiya
755786 wanquan
755787 tunshi
755788 baohu

I haven't checked him since July 15, and still only one person bought into temptation just recently! I'm so proud of you guys! <333

This person:

gave into temptation and bought 25,000,000z from gamezeny. I banned 10 of his 13 accounts. However, if I'm in a good mood next week I will consider letting him go at the cost of 3 accounts, a kaho, 25mil, and gears worth over 50mil.

... so that's what I did this morning... now I'm bored again.

Comments (42)

Phew! Alright, here we go!
Posted by: Black Talon on September 11, 2007 - 01:39 PM

Not sure how many of you know, but work has been tying me up a lot lately (just until last week basically). I've been working like 14 hours a day at times, barely eating/sleeping, just crunching out code.

After the grueling like month and a half of that, I've finished the core parts of the project I was working on. What does this mean to us? This means that I'm no longer as busy as I was then. So you're wondering what this means to us again. Well, let me explain how that affects us all.

Now that I actually have time to breathe and do things, I will be around A LOT more than I was for the last little while. This means that any support tickets/donation/forum PMs/Emails/etc. will get responded to much much faster. Not only that, I can finally get on to updating TalonRO as I've been itching to for a long time!

So I'm going to briefly going to skim the schedule that I have in my mind about the server's immediate (and long-term) future plans:


- I will be working on a brand new website for us. It's going to be the most kickass site you guys have ever seen, honest.
- Ad Sponsor System will be finished and running by the end of the month.

Coles Notes: New site, ad system done by end of September.


- Full server update to 10.4 standards. This means any missing NPCs/Items/Adjustments/etc. This update will fill in anything we've been officially missing. There aren't too many, but there are a few things that need to be filled in to make it "complete".
- Begin 11.1 update. Now I don't fully know when I can finish this by, but I'm hoping I can have open beta up by the end of October. If not, it will happen in November.

Coles Notes: In-game updates


- Open beta 11.1 (if not done by October).
- Full update to 11.1 on main server. This should make some of you wet yourselves.
- Depending on how soon I get 11.1 finished up, begin the 2nd wave of updates (will explain more in a bit, but not too much details heh heh)

Coles Notes: 11.1


- New Awesome Dawesome quests. I won't give any details yet, but it's going to be the most kickass quests ever. It has already begun development, so look forward to this the most.
- 2nd wave of server adjustments. We will be acquiring suggestions from all the players to see what we can adjust in terms of in-game/server/general atmosphere to improve your enjoyment playing here and being part of the community.

Coles Notes: New (awesome) quests, adjustments based on player opinions.

2008 and on

- I want our server to be unique and special compared to any other servers. My vision is to actually make our own updates/quests/episodes that is independent of what the standard episodes provides. This will make our server unique to any other server, giving/providing something different
*note: This isn't finalized, this is just my vision. You're welcome to provide input on this part as well
- any other suggestions you guys provide to make this place the most fun server to be on


Anywho, that's what I envision for the upcoming future. I can't fully guarantee this timeline, but I'm going to try my best to follow it for sure. If you have any questions or concerns, you're welcome to either discuss it in this thread or talk to one of the GMs or myself about anything.

I will also be around on the forums much more, so I'll be talking with you guys more often on other stuff as well.


Comments (128)

Temporary ban for everyone's favourite Sin X
Posted by: GM Faith on September 9, 2007 - 07:54 AM

Foxi is banned for 1 week for rather offensive harassment

This crap does not fly

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

Lol, irony

Just a small selection form a LOT of screenshots i recieved

Perhaps i ought to have a more "Professional" attitude toward this, but the fact remains that behaviour like this is not acceptable from anyone


Support and Donation backlog cleared, sorry for any delays

Comments (121)

A notice to all players (important)
Posted by: Black Talon on August 27, 2007 - 07:54 PM

There seems to be a random idiot that is trying to be smart. This may have not affected all of you, but I've been notified a few of you experiencing this.

There was someone by the name of gaia on the forum that PMed people asking for help. He states how he can't get into his account and provides a link.

DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. He is trying to read the cookie that is stored to get your passwords that are used on CP.

If you did click on it, don't fret too much. The passwords are encrypted using MD5, so this loser won't be able to access your account regardless. However, no encryption is perfect, so I STRONGLY recommend anyone who has CLICKED ON THE LINK to CHANGE THEIR PASSWORD as soon as possible.

If any similar PM arrives in your inbox at anytime, please notify one of the GMs IMMEDIATELY as this kinda stuff does not fly around here.

Comments (30)

Backlog 8/27/07
Posted by: GM Delphine on August 26, 2007 - 11:54 PM

There's a small donation reward/support ticket back log.

We've been a bit busy with both the in game tasks and IRL events these days but the back logs will be cleared by Tuesday, latest Wednesday.

Sorry about this and thank you for your patients.

P.S. We didn't forget you!

*Update* Backlog cleared =)

Comments (6)

Ragnarok Top 200
Posted by: GM Shia on August 8, 2007 - 01:01 PM

As some of you may know, the Ragnarok Top 200 site was not recording down our votes correctly, which caused us to not be listed. We tried to contact the top voting site, but we did not get a timely reply. The voting link is now working properly, yay!

Please support us by voting through this link or by the buttons on the menu (the link has been changed):

Every vote counts, especially now since we have to basically start from the bottom. Hopefully we can get the rank we should have gotten before. Being at a higher rank promotes our site and brings in new players. Thanks to everyone for helping out and sticking with us. =)

Comments (31)

Over Upgrading Rules
Posted by: GM Shia on August 8, 2007 - 10:31 AM

Recently there have been several cases where people have come to us after they have told us they have accidentally over upgraded their items and needed to get their items back. These items have ranged from Kahos, to MVP weapons, to other various carded armor pieces. Because of all this, we have decided to bring to everyone's attention an item recovery rule that may have been missed.

The item recovery rules are listed here:

The last rule is:
"When overupgrading, make sure that the item you're upgrading is the right one. The NPC even asks you to confirm if it is the item you intend to upgrade. Do not skip over it, pay attention to what you are upgrading at all times. Accidental upgrades will not be recovered."

In some rare cases we will decide to recover your broken item to you. However we will charge a item recovery fee of either 10 credits, or 25% of the items worth in credits depending on the situation. The 25% rule is something that is new and meant for items that players would be willing to spend 10 credits for an item recovery in order to help ensure success of a +8, +9 or even +10 item.

So please, be careful when over upgrading your items! GMs are not responsible for what you do to your items, nor are we a saftey net for when things go wrong. To be sure, take off all items that you do not want to upgrade when you talk to the upgrade NPC.

Comments (19)